8.29 KB
package com.huaheng.api.general.controller;

import com.huaheng.api.general.domain.BigScreenTask;
import com.huaheng.api.general.service.BigScreenService;
import com.huaheng.framework.web.domain.AjaxResult;
import com.huaheng.pc.system.user.controller.IndexController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.CrossOrigin;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class BigScreenController {
    private IndexController indexController;
    ExcelReportMapper mapper;
    private BigScreenService bigScreenService;

    private JSON BigScreenData(){
        Map<String,Object> data = (Map<String,Object>)getCommonData().getData();

        String sql = "SELECT m.`name`,sum(i.qty) as total from inventory_detail i join material m on i.materialCode = m.`code` and i.warehouseCode = m.warehouseCode AND i.warehouseCode = '"+ShiroUtils.getWarehouseCodeCS0001()+"' \n" +
                "GROUP BY m.`name` ORDER BY total desc;";
        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> getInventoryProp = mapper.selectCommon(sql);

        String sql1 = "SELECT (SELECT count(1) FROM location WHERE\tIFNULL(containerCode,'') !='' and zoneCode='B' AND warehouseCode = '"+ShiroUtils.getWarehouseCodeCS0001()+"' ) as 'inStock', (SELECT count(1) FROM location WHERE\tIFNULL(containerCode,'') =''  and zoneCode='B'  AND warehouseCode = '"+ShiroUtils.getWarehouseCode()+"' ) as 'soldOut'  from DUAL";

        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> locationProp = mapper.selectCommon(sql1);

        String sql2 = "select a.click_date as date,ifnull(b.taskQty,0) as qty\n" +
                " FROM (\n" +
                " SELECT curdate() as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date ) a\n" +
                " LEFT JOIN (\n" +
                " SELECT DATE(h.completeTime) AS completeTime , SUM(d.qty) AS taskQty\n" +
                " FROM task_detail d join task_header h\n" +
                " ON d.taskId = and h.warehouseCode='CS0001'\n" +
                " WHERE h.completeTime >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND h.status=100 and h.zoneCode='B'" +
                " and h.taskType=100 or h.taskType=200 GROUP BY DATE(h.completeTime)) b\n" +
                " ON a.click_date = b.completeTime ORDER BY a.click_date;";
        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> receiptNum = mapper.selectCommon(sql2);

        String sql3 =  "select a.click_date as date,ifnull(b.taskQty,0) as qty\n" +
                " FROM (\n" +
                " SELECT curdate() as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date\n" +
                " UNION all\n" +
                " SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date ) a\n" +
                " LEFT JOIN (\n" +
                " SELECT DATE(h.completeTime) AS completeTime , SUM(d.qty) AS taskQty\n" +
                " FROM task_detail d join task_header h\n" +
                " ON d.taskId = and h.warehouseCode='CS0001'\n" +
                " WHERE h.completeTime >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND h.status=100 and h.zoneCode='B' and h.taskType=300 or h.taskType=400 GROUP BY DATE(h.completeTime)) b\n" +
                " ON a.click_date = b.completeTime ORDER BY a.click_date;";
        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> shipmentNum = mapper.selectCommon(sql3);

        List<BigScreenTask> itemReceipts= bigScreenService.selectReceiptTask();
        List<BigScreenTask> itemShipments= bigScreenService.selectShipmentTask();

        JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject();

        return jsonObject;

    public AjaxResult getCommonData(){
        String condition = " and warehouseCode = '" + ShiroUtils.getWarehouseCodeCS0001() +"'";
        String bllCount = "select ifnull(sum( d.qty ),0) 'total' FROM task_header h join task_detail d on =d.taskId WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), h.completeTime) = 0 and (h.taskType=100 or h.taskType=200 or h.taskType=300 or h.taskType=400) and h.zoneCode='B' and h.status=100" ;

        String receiptTotal= "select ifnull(sum( d.qty ),0) 'total' FROM task_header h join task_detail d on =d.taskId WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), h.completeTime) = 0 and (h.taskType=100 or h.taskType=200) and h.zoneCode='B' and  h.status=100" ;
        String shipmentTotal = "select ifnull(sum( d.qty ),0) 'total' FROM task_header h join task_detail d on =d.taskId WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), h.completeTime) = 0 and (h.taskType=300 or h.taskType=400) and h.zoneCode='B' and h.status=100";
        String inventoryTotal = "SELECT IFNULL(SUM(totalQty),0) 'total' from inventory_header  where 1=1  and zoneCode='B'" ;
        String materialCount = "SELECT ifnull(count(DISTINCT materialCode),0) 'total'  from inventory_detail  WHERE 1=1 and h.zoneCode='B'" ;
        String availableLocationCount="SELECT COUNT(*) 'total' from location where containerCode is null or trim(containerCode)='' and zoneCode='B' and status='empty'" ;
        String taskUncompletedTotal = "SELECT ifnull(COUNT(*),0) 'total' from task_header  WHERE zoneCode='B' and  status < 100" ;

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp1 = mapper.selectCommon(bllCount);

        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp2 = mapper.selectCommon(receiptTotal);

        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp3 = mapper.selectCommon(shipmentTotal);

        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp4 = mapper.selectCommon(inventoryTotal);

        //List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp5 = mapper.selectCommon(materialCount);

        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp5 = mapper.selectCommon(availableLocationCount);

        List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> temp6 = mapper.selectCommon(taskUncompletedTotal);

        return AjaxResult.success(map);