Commit e731b6387a78e37fc531c2e36369f8c04ec31bd7
8 changed files
899 additions
704 deletions
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... | ... | @@ -91,223 +73,36 @@ |
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104 | + </set> | |
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311 | 106 | <option name="ruleStates"> |
312 | 107 | <list> |
313 | 108 | <RuleState> |
... | ... | @@ -321,51 +116,74 @@ |
321 | 116 | </component> |
322 | 117 | <component name="RunManager"> |
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325 | 120 | <option name="SPRING_BOOT_MAIN_CLASS" value="com.huaheng.HuaHengApplication" /> |
326 | 121 | <option name="ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH" /> |
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139 | + <path> | |
140 | + <item name="services root" type="e789fda9:ObjectUtils$Sentinel" /> | |
141 | + <item name="$ServiceGroupNode@c44696ca" type="7427dc5b:ServiceModel$ServiceGroupNode" /> | |
142 | + <item name="$ServiceGroupNode@fcf19045" type="7427dc5b:ServiceModel$ServiceGroupNode" /> | |
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163 | + </task> | |
164 | + <task id="LOCAL-00001" summary="入库单添加时添加流程标记,审核入库单"> | |
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174 | + <option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00002" /> | |
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176 | + <updated>1566987011007</updated> | |
177 | + </task> | |
178 | + <task id="LOCAL-00003" summary="修复入库历史controller冲突"> | |
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186 | + <servers /> | |
369 | 187 | </component> |
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371 | 189 | <option name="version" value="1" /> |
... | ... | @@ -376,20 +194,7 @@ |
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377 | 195 | <value> |
378 | 196 | <State> |
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380 | - <collection /> | |
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382 | - <option name="RECENTLY_FILTERED_BRANCH_GROUPS"> | |
383 | - <collection /> | |
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197 | + <option name="COLUMN_ORDER" /> | |
393 | 198 | </State> |
394 | 199 | </value> |
395 | 200 | </entry> |
... | ... | @@ -411,305 +216,38 @@ |
411 | 216 | </option> |
412 | 217 | </component> |
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221 | + <MESSAGE value="入库单添加时添加流程标记,审核入库单" /> | |
222 | + <MESSAGE value="添加入库单历史" /> | |
223 | + <MESSAGE value="修复入库历史controller冲突" /> | |
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422 | 230 | <url>file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/cycleCountHeader/mapper/</url> |
423 | 231 | <line>5</line> |
424 | - <properties /> | |
425 | 232 | <option name="timeStamp" value="1" /> |
426 | 233 | </line-breakpoint> |
234 | + <line-breakpoint enabled="true" type="java-line"> | |
235 | + <url>file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/receipt/receiptDetail/service/</url> | |
236 | + <line>84</line> | |
237 | + <option name="timeStamp" value="3" /> | |
238 | + </line-breakpoint> | |
239 | + <line-breakpoint enabled="true" type="java-line"> | |
240 | + <url>file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/config/statusFlow/controller/</url> | |
241 | + <line>60</line> | |
242 | + <option name="timeStamp" value="4" /> | |
243 | + </line-breakpoint> | |
244 | + <line-breakpoint type="java-field"> | |
245 | + <url>file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/receipt/receiptDetail/service/</url> | |
246 | + <line>35</line> | |
247 | + <properties field="receiptHeaderService" class="com.huaheng.pc.receipt.receiptDetail.service.ReceiptDetailServiceImpl" /> | |
248 | + <option name="timeStamp" value="2" /> | |
249 | + </line-breakpoint> | |
427 | 250 | </breakpoints> |
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462 | - </provider> | |
463 | - </entry> | |
464 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/inventoryTransaction/mapper/"> | |
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468 | - </state> | |
469 | - </provider> | |
470 | - </entry> | |
471 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/inventoryTransaction/domain/"> | |
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476 | - </provider> | |
477 | - </entry> | |
478 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/inventoryHeader/mapper/"> | |
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484 | - </entry> | |
485 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/mybatis/inventory/InventoryHeaderMapper.xml"> | |
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491 | - </entry> | |
492 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/inventoryHeader/domain/"> | |
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497 | - </provider> | |
498 | - </entry> | |
499 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/inventoryDetail/mapper/"> | |
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503 | - </state> | |
504 | - </provider> | |
505 | - </entry> | |
506 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/mybatis/inventory/InventoryDetailMapper.xml"> | |
507 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
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511 | - </provider> | |
512 | - </entry> | |
513 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/cycleCountHeader/mapper/"> | |
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516 | - <caret line="5" selection-start-line="5" selection-end-line="5" /> | |
517 | - </state> | |
518 | - </provider> | |
519 | - </entry> | |
520 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/mybatis/inventory/CycleCountHeaderMapper.xml"> | |
521 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
522 | - <state relative-caret-position="40"> | |
523 | - <caret line="2" selection-start-line="2" selection-end-line="2" /> | |
524 | - </state> | |
525 | - </provider> | |
526 | - </entry> | |
527 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/cycleCountDetail/mapper/"> | |
528 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
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531 | - </state> | |
532 | - </provider> | |
533 | - </entry> | |
534 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/mybatis/inventory/CycleCountDetailMapper.xml"> | |
535 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
536 | - <state relative-caret-position="960"> | |
537 | - <caret line="48" column="60" selection-start-line="48" selection-start-column="60" selection-end-line="48" selection-end-column="60" /> | |
538 | - </state> | |
539 | - </provider> | |
540 | - </entry> | |
541 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/templates/inventory/cycleCountHeader/cycleCountHeader.html"> | |
542 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
543 | - <state relative-caret-position="564"> | |
544 | - <caret line="46" column="36" selection-start-line="46" selection-start-column="36" selection-end-line="53" selection-end-column="41" /> | |
545 | - </state> | |
546 | - </provider> | |
547 | - </entry> | |
548 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustDetail/service/"> | |
549 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
550 | - <state relative-caret-position="80"> | |
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552 | - </state> | |
553 | - </provider> | |
554 | - </entry> | |
555 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/templates/inventory/inventoryTransaction/inventoryTransaction.html"> | |
556 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
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559 | - </state> | |
560 | - </provider> | |
561 | - </entry> | |
562 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/"> | |
563 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
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565 | - <caret line="14" selection-start-line="14" selection-end-line="14" /> | |
566 | - </state> | |
567 | - </provider> | |
568 | - </entry> | |
569 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/mybatis/inventory/AdjustHeaderMapper.xml"> | |
570 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
571 | - <state relative-caret-position="360"> | |
572 | - <caret line="18" column="54" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="18" selection-start-column="54" selection-end-line="18" selection-end-column="54" /> | |
573 | - </state> | |
574 | - </provider> | |
575 | - </entry> | |
576 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustHeader/domain/"> | |
577 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
578 | - <state relative-caret-position="36"> | |
579 | - <caret line="89" selection-start-line="89" selection-end-line="89" /> | |
580 | - </state> | |
581 | - </provider> | |
582 | - </entry> | |
583 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustHeader/service/"> | |
584 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
585 | - <state relative-caret-position="140"> | |
586 | - <caret line="7" selection-start-line="7" selection-end-line="7" /> | |
587 | - <folding> | |
588 | - <element signature="imports" expanded="true" /> | |
589 | - </folding> | |
590 | - </state> | |
591 | - </provider> | |
592 | - </entry> | |
593 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustHeader/mapper/"> | |
594 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
595 | - <state relative-caret-position="100"> | |
596 | - <caret line="5" column="17" selection-start-line="5" selection-start-column="17" selection-end-line="5" selection-end-column="17" /> | |
597 | - <folding> | |
598 | - <element signature="imports" expanded="true" /> | |
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601 | - </provider> | |
602 | - </entry> | |
603 | - <entry file="jar://$MAVEN_REPOSITORY$/org/springframework/spring-core/5.1.5.RELEASE/spring-core-5.1.5.RELEASE.jar!/org/springframework/cglib/proxy/MethodProxy.class"> | |
604 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
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607 | - </state> | |
608 | - </provider> | |
609 | - </entry> | |
610 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustHeader/controller/"> | |
611 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
612 | - <state relative-caret-position="664"> | |
613 | - <caret line="72" selection-start-line="72" selection-end-line="72" /> | |
614 | - <folding> | |
615 | - <element signature="imports" expanded="true" /> | |
616 | - </folding> | |
617 | - </state> | |
618 | - </provider> | |
619 | - </entry> | |
620 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/cycleCountDetail/controller/"> | |
621 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
622 | - <state relative-caret-position="240"> | |
623 | - <caret line="68" column="16" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="68" selection-start-column="16" selection-end-line="68" selection-end-column="16" /> | |
624 | - </state> | |
625 | - </provider> | |
626 | - </entry> | |
627 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/cycleCountHeader/controller/"> | |
628 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
629 | - <state relative-caret-position="116"> | |
630 | - <caret line="68" column="45" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="68" selection-start-column="45" selection-end-line="68" selection-end-column="45" /> | |
631 | - </state> | |
632 | - </provider> | |
633 | - </entry> | |
634 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/mybatis/inventory/AdjustDetailMapper.xml"> | |
635 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
636 | - <state relative-caret-position="320"> | |
637 | - <caret line="16" column="4" selection-start-line="16" selection-start-column="4" selection-end-line="16" selection-end-column="4" /> | |
638 | - </state> | |
639 | - </provider> | |
640 | - </entry> | |
641 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustDetail/mapper/"> | |
642 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
643 | - <state relative-caret-position="80"> | |
644 | - <caret line="5" selection-start-line="5" selection-end-line="5" /> | |
645 | - </state> | |
646 | - </provider> | |
647 | - </entry> | |
648 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustDetail/domain/"> | |
649 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
650 | - <state relative-caret-position="1176"> | |
651 | - <caret line="245" column="8" selection-start-line="245" selection-start-column="8" selection-end-line="245" selection-end-column="8" /> | |
652 | - </state> | |
653 | - </provider> | |
654 | - </entry> | |
655 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/static/huaheng/js/huahengUI.js"> | |
656 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
657 | - <state relative-caret-position="260"> | |
658 | - <caret line="49" column="12" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="49" selection-start-column="12" selection-end-line="58" selection-end-column="14" /> | |
659 | - </state> | |
660 | - </provider> | |
661 | - </entry> | |
662 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/templates/inventory/cycleCountDetail/cycleCountDetail.html"> | |
663 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
664 | - <state relative-caret-position="292"> | |
665 | - <caret line="137" column="26" selection-start-line="137" selection-start-column="26" selection-end-line="137" selection-end-column="26" /> | |
666 | - <folding> | |
667 | - <element signature="e#12798#13206#0" /> | |
668 | - </folding> | |
669 | - </state> | |
670 | - </provider> | |
671 | - </entry> | |
672 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/templates/inventory/inventoryDetail/inventoryDetail.html"> | |
673 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
674 | - <state relative-caret-position="278"> | |
675 | - <caret line="114" column="26" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="114" selection-start-column="26" selection-end-line="114" selection-end-column="26" /> | |
676 | - <folding> | |
677 | - <element signature="e#11043#11630#0" /> | |
678 | - </folding> | |
679 | - </state> | |
680 | - </provider> | |
681 | - </entry> | |
682 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/templates/inventory/adjustDetail/adjustDetail.html"> | |
683 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
684 | - <state relative-caret-position="740"> | |
685 | - <caret line="37" column="33" selection-start-line="37" selection-start-column="33" selection-end-line="37" selection-end-column="33" /> | |
686 | - <folding> | |
687 | - <element signature="e#6574#12020#0" /> | |
688 | - <element signature="e#11542#11950#0" /> | |
689 | - <element signature="e#11954#12938#0" /> | |
690 | - </folding> | |
691 | - </state> | |
692 | - </provider> | |
693 | - </entry> | |
694 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/java/com/huaheng/pc/inventory/adjustDetail/controller/"> | |
695 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
696 | - <state relative-caret-position="265"> | |
697 | - <caret line="69" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="69" selection-end-line="69" /> | |
698 | - <folding> | |
699 | - <element signature="imports" expanded="true" /> | |
700 | - </folding> | |
701 | - </state> | |
702 | - </provider> | |
703 | - </entry> | |
704 | - <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/templates/inventory/adjustHeader/adjustHeader.html"> | |
705 | - <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor"> | |
706 | - <state relative-caret-position="192"> | |
707 | - <caret line="38" column="32" lean-forward="true" selection-start-line="38" selection-start-column="32" selection-end-line="38" selection-end-column="32" /> | |
708 | - <folding> | |
709 | - <element signature="n#style#0;n#a#0;n#!!top" expanded="true" /> | |
710 | - </folding> | |
711 | - </state> | |
712 | - </provider> | |
713 | - </entry> | |
714 | 252 | </component> |
715 | 253 | </project> |
716 | 254 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +package com.huaheng.pc.config.materialType.controller; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper; | |
4 | +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage; | |
5 | +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.Wrappers; | |
6 | +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page; | |
7 | +import; | |
8 | +import com.huaheng.common.utils.StringUtils; | |
9 | +import; | |
10 | +import com.huaheng.framework.aspectj.lang.annotation.Log; | |
11 | +import com.huaheng.framework.aspectj.lang.constant.BusinessType; | |
12 | +import com.huaheng.framework.web.controller.BaseController; | |
13 | +import com.huaheng.framework.web.domain.AjaxResult; | |
14 | +import; | |
15 | +import; | |
16 | +import; | |
17 | +import com.huaheng.pc.config.material.domain.Material; | |
18 | +import com.huaheng.pc.config.material.service.MaterialService; | |
19 | +import com.huaheng.pc.config.materialType.domain.MaterialType; | |
20 | +import com.huaheng.pc.config.materialType.service.MaterialTypeService; | |
21 | +import io.swagger.annotations.Api; | |
22 | +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; | |
23 | +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; | |
24 | +import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; | |
25 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; | |
26 | +import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; | |
27 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
28 | + | |
29 | +import javax.annotation.Resource; | |
30 | +import java.util.ArrayList; | |
31 | +import java.util.List; | |
32 | + | |
33 | +@Api(tags = "物料类别") | |
34 | +@Controller | |
35 | +@RequestMapping("/config/materialType") | |
36 | +public class MaterialTypeController extends BaseController { | |
37 | + | |
38 | + @Resource | |
39 | + private MaterialTypeService materialTypeService; | |
40 | + @Resource | |
41 | + private MaterialService materialService; | |
42 | + | |
43 | + private String prefix = "config/materialType"; | |
44 | + | |
45 | + @RequiresPermissions("config:materialType:view") | |
46 | + @GetMapping() | |
47 | + public String materialType() | |
48 | + { | |
49 | + return prefix + "/materialType"; | |
50 | + } | |
51 | + | |
52 | + /** | |
53 | + * 查询物料类别 | |
54 | + */ | |
55 | + @ApiOperation(value="查询物料类别列表", notes="根据编码、名字、创建时间查询物料类别列表", httpMethod = "POST") | |
56 | + @RequiresPermissions("config:materialType:list") | |
57 | + @Log(title = "配置-物料类别", operating = "查看物料类别列表", action = BusinessType.GRANT) | |
58 | + @PostMapping("/list") | |
59 | + @ResponseBody | |
60 | + public TableDataInfo list(@ApiParam(name="materialType",value="物料类别") MaterialType materialType, | |
61 | + @ApiParam(name = "createdBegin", value = "起止时间") String createdBegin, | |
62 | + @ApiParam(name = "createdEnd", value = "结束时间") String createdEnd) { | |
63 | + LambdaQueryWrapper<MaterialType> lambdaQueryWrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery(); | |
64 | + PageDomain pageDomain = TableSupport.buildPageRequest(); | |
65 | + Integer pageNum = pageDomain.getPageNum(); | |
66 | + Integer pageSize = pageDomain.getPageSize(); | |
67 | + | |
68 | +, MaterialType::getCreated, createdBegin) | |
69 | + .le(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(createdEnd), MaterialType::getCreated, createdEnd) | |
70 | + .in(MaterialType::getCompanyCode, ShiroUtils.getCompanyCodeList()) | |
71 | + .eq(MaterialType::getWarehouseCode, ShiroUtils.getWarehouseCode()) | |
72 | + .eq(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(materialType.getCode()), | |
73 | + MaterialType::getCode, materialType.getCode()) | |
74 | + .eq(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(materialType.getName()), MaterialType::getName, materialType.getName()); | |
75 | + | |
76 | + if (StringUtils.isNotNull(pageNum) && StringUtils.isNotNull(pageSize)){ | |
77 | + /** | |
78 | + * 使用分页查询 | |
79 | + */ | |
80 | + Page<MaterialType> page = new Page<>(pageNum, pageSize); | |
81 | + IPage<MaterialType> iPage =, lambdaQueryWrapper); | |
82 | + return getMpDataTable(iPage.getRecords(),iPage.getTotal()); | |
83 | + } else { | |
84 | + List<MaterialType> list = materialTypeService.list(lambdaQueryWrapper); | |
85 | + return getDataTable(list); | |
86 | + } | |
87 | + } | |
88 | + | |
89 | + /** | |
90 | + * 新增物料类别 | |
91 | + */ | |
92 | + @GetMapping("/add") | |
93 | + public String add() { | |
94 | + return prefix + "/add"; | |
95 | + } | |
96 | + | |
97 | + /** | |
98 | + * 新增保存物料类别 | |
99 | + */ | |
100 | + @ApiOperation(value="新增物料类别 ", notes="新增物料类别 ", httpMethod = "POST") | |
101 | + @RequiresPermissions("config:materialType:add") | |
102 | + @Log(title = "配置-物料类别 ",operating = "新增物料类别 ", action = BusinessType.INSERT) | |
103 | + @PostMapping("/add") | |
104 | + @ResponseBody | |
105 | + public AjaxResult addSave(MaterialType materialType) { | |
106 | + return toAjax(; | |
107 | + } | |
108 | + | |
109 | + /** | |
110 | + * 修改物料类别 | |
111 | + */ | |
112 | + @GetMapping("/edit/{id}") | |
113 | + public String edit(@PathVariable("id") Integer id, ModelMap mmap) { | |
114 | + MaterialType materialType = materialTypeService.getById(id); | |
115 | + mmap.put("materialType", materialType); | |
116 | + return prefix + "/edit"; | |
117 | + } | |
118 | + | |
119 | + /** | |
120 | + * 修改保存物料类别 | |
121 | + */ | |
122 | + @ApiOperation(value="修改物料类别", notes="修改物料类别", httpMethod = "POST") | |
123 | + @RequiresPermissions("config:materialType:edit") | |
124 | + @Log(title = "配置-物料类别 ",operating = "修改物料类别 ", action = BusinessType.UPDATE) | |
125 | + @PostMapping("/edit") | |
126 | + @ResponseBody | |
127 | + public AjaxResult editSave(MaterialType materialType) { | |
128 | + materialType.setLastUpdatedBy(ShiroUtils.getLoginName()); | |
129 | + return toAjax(materialTypeService.updateById(materialType)); | |
130 | + } | |
131 | + | |
132 | + /** | |
133 | + * 删除物料类别 | |
134 | + */ | |
135 | + @RequiresPermissions("config:materialType:remove") | |
136 | + @Log(title = "配置-物料类别", operating = "删除物料类别", action = BusinessType.DELETE) | |
137 | + @PostMapping( "/remove") | |
138 | + @ResponseBody | |
139 | + public AjaxResult remove(String ids) { | |
140 | + if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ids)) { | |
141 | + return AjaxResult.error("id不能为空"); | |
142 | + } | |
143 | + List<Integer> listMaterialType = new ArrayList<>(); | |
144 | + for (Integer id : Convert.toIntArray(ids)) { | |
145 | + MaterialType materialType = materialTypeService.getById(id); | |
146 | + LambdaQueryWrapper<Material> lambdaQueryWrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery(); | |
147 | + lambdaQueryWrapper.eq(Material::getType, materialType.getCode()); | |
148 | + List<Material> list = materialService.list(lambdaQueryWrapper); | |
149 | + if (list != null){ | |
150 | + return AjaxResult.error("该物料类别正在被使用,无法删除"); | |
151 | + } else { | |
152 | + listMaterialType.add(id); | |
153 | + } | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + return toAjax(materialTypeService.removeByIds(listMaterialType)); | |
156 | + } | |
157 | +} | |
... | ... |
1 | 1 | package com.huaheng.pc.receipt.receiptDetail.domain; |
2 | 2 | |
3 | -import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType; | |
4 | -import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField; | |
5 | -import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId; | |
6 | -import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName; | |
3 | +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.*; | |
7 | 4 | import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; |
8 | 5 | import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; |
9 | 6 | import; |
... | ... | @@ -335,6 +332,7 @@ public class ReceiptDetail implements Serializable { |
335 | 332 | */ |
336 | 333 | @TableField(value = "processStamp") |
337 | 334 | @ApiModelProperty(value = "处理标记") |
335 | + @TableLogic | |
338 | 336 | private String processStamp; |
339 | 337 | |
340 | 338 | /** |
... | ... | @@ -344,97 +342,4 @@ public class ReceiptDetail implements Serializable { |
344 | 342 | @ApiModelProperty(value = "是否删除") |
345 | 343 | private Boolean deleted; |
346 | 344 | |
347 | - private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; | |
348 | - | |
349 | - public static final String COL_RECEIPTID = "receiptId"; | |
350 | - | |
351 | - public static final String COL_RECEIPTCODE = "receiptCode"; | |
352 | - | |
353 | - public static final String COL_WAREHOUSECODE = "warehouseCode"; | |
354 | - | |
355 | - public static final String COL_COMPANYCODE = "companyCode"; | |
356 | - | |
357 | - public static final String COL_MATERIALCODE = "materialCode"; | |
358 | - | |
359 | - public static final String COL_MATERIALNAME = "materialName"; | |
360 | - | |
361 | - public static final String COL_MATERIALSPEC = "materialSpec"; | |
362 | - | |
363 | - public static final String COL_MATERIALUNIT = "materialUnit"; | |
364 | - | |
365 | - public static final String COL_SUPPLIERCODE = "supplierCode"; | |
366 | - | |
367 | - public static final String COL_BATCH = "batch"; | |
368 | - | |
369 | - public static final String COL_LOT = "lot"; | |
370 | - | |
371 | - public static final String COL_QCCHECK = "qcCheck"; | |
372 | - | |
373 | - public static final String COL_PROJECTNO = "projectNo"; | |
374 | - | |
375 | - public static final String COL_MANUFACTUREDATE = "manufactureDate"; | |
376 | - | |
377 | - public static final String COL_EXPIRATIONDATE = "expirationDate"; | |
378 | - | |
379 | - public static final String COL_AGINGDATE = "agingDate"; | |
380 | - | |
381 | - public static final String COL_ATTRIBUTETEMPLATECODE = "attributeTemplateCode"; | |
382 | - | |
383 | - public static final String COL_ATTRIBUTE1 = "attribute1"; | |
384 | - | |
385 | - public static final String COL_ATTRIBUTE2 = "attribute2"; | |
386 | - | |
387 | - public static final String COL_ATTRIBUTE3 = "attribute3"; | |
388 | - | |
389 | - public static final String COL_ATTRIBUTE4 = "attribute4"; | |
390 | - | |
391 | - public static final String COL_TOTALQTY = "totalQty"; | |
392 | - | |
393 | - public static final String COL_OPENQTY = "openQty"; | |
394 | - | |
395 | - public static final String COL_REFERCODE = "referCode"; | |
396 | - | |
397 | - public static final String COL_REFERID = "referId"; | |
398 | - | |
399 | - public static final String COL_REFERLINENUM = "referLineNum"; | |
400 | - | |
401 | - public static final String COL_LOCATINGRULE = "locatingRule"; | |
402 | - | |
403 | - public static final String COL_INVENTORYSTS = "inventorySts"; | |
404 | - | |
405 | - public static final String COL_ITEMLISTPRICE = "itemListPrice"; | |
406 | - | |
407 | - public static final String COL_ITEMNETPRICE = "itemNetPrice"; | |
408 | - | |
409 | - public static final String COL_ISVIRTUALBOM = "isVirtualBom"; | |
410 | - | |
411 | - public static final String COL_CREATED = "created"; | |
412 | - | |
413 | - public static final String COL_CREATEDBY = "createdBy"; | |
414 | - | |
415 | - public static final String COL_LASTUPDATED = "lastUpdated"; | |
416 | - | |
417 | - public static final String COL_LASTUPDATEDBY = "lastUpdatedBy"; | |
418 | - | |
419 | - public static final String COL_VERSION = "version"; | |
420 | - | |
421 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF1 = "userDef1"; | |
422 | - | |
423 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF2 = "userDef2"; | |
424 | - | |
425 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF3 = "userDef3"; | |
426 | - | |
427 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF4 = "userDef4"; | |
428 | - | |
429 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF5 = "userDef5"; | |
430 | - | |
431 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF6 = "userDef6"; | |
432 | - | |
433 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF7 = "userDef7"; | |
434 | - | |
435 | - public static final String COL_USERDEF8 = "userDef8"; | |
436 | - | |
437 | - public static final String COL_PROCESSSTAMP = "processStamp"; | |
438 | - | |
439 | - public static final String COL_DELETED = "deleted"; | |
440 | 345 | } |
441 | 346 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper; |
4 | 4 | import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage; |
5 | 5 | import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.Wrappers; |
6 | 6 | import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page; |
7 | +import; | |
7 | 8 | import com.huaheng.common.utils.StringUtils; |
8 | 9 | import; |
9 | 10 | import com.huaheng.framework.aspectj.lang.annotation.Log; |
... | ... | @@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ import; |
15 | 16 | import; |
16 | 17 | import com.huaheng.pc.receipt.receiptHeader.domain.ReceiptHeader; |
17 | 18 | import com.huaheng.pc.receipt.receiptHeader.service.ReceiptHeaderService; |
19 | +import com.huaheng.pc.receipt.receiptHeaderHistory.domain.ReceiptHeaderHistory; | |
20 | +import com.huaheng.pc.receipt.receiptHeaderHistory.service.ReceiptHeaderHistoryService; | |
18 | 21 | import io.swagger.annotations.Api; |
19 | 22 | import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; |
20 | 23 | import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; |
... | ... | @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; |
25 | 28 | import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; |
26 | 29 | |
27 | 30 | import javax.annotation.Resource; |
31 | +import java.util.ArrayList; | |
28 | 32 | import java.util.List; |
29 | 33 | |
30 | 34 | @Api(tags = "入库单") |
... | ... | @@ -36,6 +40,8 @@ public class ReceiptHeaderController extends BaseController { |
36 | 40 | |
37 | 41 | @Resource |
38 | 42 | private ReceiptHeaderService receiptHeaderService; |
43 | + @Resource | |
44 | + private ReceiptHeaderHistoryService receiptHeaderHistoryService; | |
39 | 45 | |
40 | 46 | @RequiresPermissions("receipt:receiptHeader:view") |
41 | 47 | @GetMapping() |
... | ... | @@ -163,4 +169,19 @@ public class ReceiptHeaderController extends BaseController { |
163 | 169 | receiptHeader.setLastStatus(5); |
164 | 170 | return toAjax(receiptHeaderService.updateById(receiptHeader)); |
165 | 171 | } |
172 | + | |
173 | + /** | |
174 | + * 删除入库单 | |
175 | + */ | |
176 | + @ApiOperation(value="提交审核入库单", notes="提交审核入库单", httpMethod = "POST") | |
177 | + @RequiresPermissions("receipt:receiptHeader:remove") | |
178 | + @Log(title = "入库-入库单 ",operating = "提交审核入库单 ", action = BusinessType.UPDATE) | |
179 | + @PostMapping("/remove") | |
180 | + @ResponseBody | |
181 | + public AjaxResult remove(@ApiParam(name = "id", value = "入库头表id字符串")Integer id){ | |
182 | + if (StringUtils.isNotNull(id)){ | |
183 | + return AjaxResult.error("id为空"); | |
184 | + } | |
185 | + return receiptHeaderHistoryService.add(id); | |
186 | + } | |
166 | 187 | } |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<!DOCTYPE HTML> | |
2 | +<html lang="zh" xmlns:th=""> | |
3 | +<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
4 | +<head th:include="include :: header"></head> | |
5 | +<body class="white-bg"> | |
6 | +<div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeInRight ibox-content"> | |
7 | + <form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-materialType-add"> | |
8 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
9 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">编码:</label> | |
10 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
11 | + <input id="code" name="code" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
12 | + </div> | |
13 | + </div> | |
14 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
15 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">名字:</label> | |
16 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
17 | + <input id="name" name="name" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
18 | + </div> | |
19 | + </div> | |
20 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
21 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">货主编码:</label> | |
22 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
23 | + <select id="companyCode" name="companyCode" class="form-control" th:with="companyList=${@companyService.selectCompanyByCurrentUserId()}"> | |
24 | + <option th:each="company : ${companyList}" th:text="${company['name']}" th:value="${company['code']}"></option> | |
25 | + </select> | |
26 | + </div> | |
27 | + </div> | |
28 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
29 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">ABC分类:</label> | |
30 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
31 | + <input id="abcClass" name="abcClass" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
32 | + </div> | |
33 | + </div> | |
34 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
35 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">保质期(天):</label> | |
36 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
37 | + <input id="daysToExpire" name="daysToExpire" class="form-control" type="number"> | |
38 | + </div> | |
39 | + </div> | |
40 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
41 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">入库流程:</label> | |
42 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
43 | + <select id="receivingFlow" name="receivingFlow" class="form-control" th:with="list=${@StatusFlow.flowList()}"> | |
44 | + <option value="">请选择</option> | |
45 | + <option th:each="flow : ${list}" th:text="${flow['name']}" th:value="${flow['code']}"></option> | |
46 | + </select> | |
47 | + </div> | |
48 | + </div> | |
49 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
50 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">出库流程:</label> | |
51 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
52 | + <select id="shippingFlow" name="shippingFlow" class="form-control" th:with="list=${@StatusFlow.flowList()}"> | |
53 | + <option value="">请选择</option> | |
54 | + <option th:each="flow : ${list}" th:text="${flow['name']}" th:value="${flow['code']}"></option> | |
55 | + </select> | |
56 | + </div> | |
57 | + </div> | |
58 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
59 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">定位规则:</label> | |
60 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
61 | + <input id="locatingRule" name="locatingRule" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
62 | + </div> | |
63 | + </div> | |
64 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
65 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">分配规则:</label> | |
66 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
67 | + <input id="allocationRule" name="allocationRule" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
68 | + </div> | |
69 | + </div> | |
70 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
71 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">补货规则:</label> | |
72 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
73 | + <input id="replenishmentRule" name="replenishmentRule" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
74 | + </div> | |
75 | + </div> | |
76 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
77 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">空货位规则:</label> | |
78 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
79 | + <input id="emptyLocRule" name="emptyLocRule" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
80 | + </div> | |
81 | + </div> | |
82 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
83 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">拣货规则:</label> | |
84 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
85 | + <input id="pickingRule" name="pickingRule" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
86 | + </div> | |
87 | + </div> | |
88 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
89 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">属性模版:</label> | |
90 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
91 | + <input id="attributeTemplateCode" name="attributeTemplateCode" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
92 | + </div> | |
93 | + </div> | |
94 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
95 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">记录序列号:</label> | |
96 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
97 | + <input id="trackSerialNum" name="trackSerialNum" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
98 | + </div> | |
99 | + </div> | |
100 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
101 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">自动生成序列号:</label> | |
102 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
103 | + <input id="autoGenSerialNum" name="autoGenSerialNum" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
104 | + </div> | |
105 | + </div> | |
106 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
107 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">自动生成序列号表达式:</label> | |
108 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
109 | + <input id="autoGenSerialNumFormat" name="autoGenSerialNumFormat" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
110 | + </div> | |
111 | + </div> | |
112 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
113 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">序列号模版:</label> | |
114 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
115 | + <input id="snTemplateCode" name="snTemplateCode" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
116 | + </div> | |
117 | + </div> | |
118 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
119 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">临期预警天数:</label> | |
120 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
121 | + <input id="expiringDays" name="expiringDays" class="form-control" type="number"> | |
122 | + </div> | |
123 | + </div> | |
124 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
125 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">收货预警天数:</label> | |
126 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
127 | + <input id="minShelfLifeDays" name="minShelfLifeDays" class="form-control" type="number"> | |
128 | + </div> | |
129 | + </div> | |
130 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
131 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">是否AGV区域发货:</label> | |
132 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
133 | + <input id="userDef1" name="userDef1" class="form-control" type="text"> | |
134 | + </div> | |
135 | + </div> | |
136 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
137 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">是否有效:</label> | |
138 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
139 | + <!--<input id="enable" name="enable" class="form-control" type="text">--> | |
140 | + <select id="enable" name="enable" class="form-control"> | |
141 | + <option value="1">正常</option> | |
142 | + <option value="0">禁用</option> | |
143 | + </select> | |
144 | + </div> | |
145 | + </div> | |
146 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
147 | + <div class="form-control-static col-sm-offset-9"> | |
148 | + <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">提交</button> | |
149 | + <button onclick="$.modal.close()" class="btn btn-danger" type="button">关闭</button> | |
150 | + </div> | |
151 | + </div> | |
152 | + </form> | |
153 | +</div> | |
154 | +<div th:include="include::footer"></div> | |
155 | +<script type="text/javascript"> | |
156 | + var prefix = ctx + "config/materialUnit"; | |
157 | + $("#form-materialType-add").validate({ | |
158 | + rules:{ | |
159 | + materialCode:{ | |
160 | + required:true, | |
161 | + }, | |
162 | + }, | |
163 | + submitHandler: function(form) { | |
164 | + // $ + "/add", $('#form-locationType-add').serialize()); | |
165 | + var tableValue = $.common.getTableValue("#form-materialType-add"); | |
166 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "enable", $("#enable option:selected").val()); | |
167 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "companyCode", $("#companyCode option:selected").val()); | |
168 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "receivingFlow", $("#receivingFlow option:selected").val()); | |
169 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "shippingFlow", $("#shippingFlow option:selected").val()); | |
170 | + $ + "/add", tableValue); | |
171 | + } | |
172 | + }); | |
173 | +</script> | |
174 | +</body> | |
175 | +</html> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<!DOCTYPE HTML> | |
2 | +<html lang="zh" xmlns:th=""> | |
3 | +<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
4 | +<head th:include="include :: header"></head> | |
5 | +<body class="white-bg"> | |
6 | +<div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeInRight ibox-content"> | |
7 | + <form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-materialType-edit" th:object="${materialType}"> | |
8 | + <input name="id" th:field="*{id}" type="hidden"> | |
9 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
10 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">编码:</label> | |
11 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
12 | + <input id="code" name="code" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{code}"> | |
13 | + </div> | |
14 | + </div> | |
15 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
16 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">名字:</label> | |
17 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
18 | + <input id="name" name="name" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{name}"> | |
19 | + </div> | |
20 | + </div> | |
21 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
22 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">货主编码:</label> | |
23 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
24 | + <select id="companyCode" name="companyCode" class="form-control" th:field="*{companyCode}" | |
25 | + th:with="companyList=${@companyService.selectCompanyByCurrentUserId()}"> | |
26 | + | |
27 | + <option th:each="company : ${companyList}" th:text="${company['name']}" th:value="${company['code']}"></option> | |
28 | + </select> | |
29 | + </div> | |
30 | + </div> | |
31 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
32 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">ABC分类:</label> | |
33 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
34 | + <input id="abcClass" name="abcClass" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{abcClass}"> | |
35 | + </div> | |
36 | + </div> | |
37 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
38 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">保质期(天):</label> | |
39 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
40 | + <input id="daysToExpire" name="daysToExpire" class="form-control" type="number" th:field="*{daysToExpire}"> | |
41 | + </div> | |
42 | + </div> | |
43 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
44 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">入库流程:</label> | |
45 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
46 | + <select id="receivingFlow" name="receivingFlow" class="form-control" th:with="list=${@StatusFlow.flowList()}" th:field="*{receivingFlow}"> | |
47 | + <option value="">请选择</option> | |
48 | + <option th:each="flow : ${list}" th:text="${flow['name']}" th:value="${flow['code']}"></option> | |
49 | + </select> | |
50 | + </div> | |
51 | + </div> | |
52 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
53 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">出库流程:</label> | |
54 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
55 | + <select id="shippingFlow" name="shippingFlow" class="form-control" th:with="list=${@StatusFlow.flowList()}" th:field="*{shippingFlow}"> | |
56 | + <option value="">请选择</option> | |
57 | + <option th:each="flow : ${list}" th:text="${flow['name']}" th:value="${flow['code']}"></option> | |
58 | + </select> | |
59 | + </div> | |
60 | + </div> | |
61 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
62 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">定位规则:</label> | |
63 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
64 | + <input id="locatingRule" name="locatingRule" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{locatingRule}"> | |
65 | + </div> | |
66 | + </div> | |
67 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
68 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">分配规则:</label> | |
69 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
70 | + <input id="allocationRule" name="allocationRule" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{allocationRule}"> | |
71 | + </div> | |
72 | + </div> | |
73 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
74 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">补货规则:</label> | |
75 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
76 | + <input id="replenishmentRule" name="replenishmentRule" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{replenishmentRule}"> | |
77 | + </div> | |
78 | + </div> | |
79 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
80 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">空货位规则:</label> | |
81 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
82 | + <input id="emptyLocRule" name="emptyLocRule" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{emptyLocRule}"> | |
83 | + </div> | |
84 | + </div> | |
85 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
86 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">拣货规则:</label> | |
87 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
88 | + <input id="pickingRule" name="pickingRule" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{pickingRule}"> | |
89 | + </div> | |
90 | + </div> | |
91 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
92 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">属性模版:</label> | |
93 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
94 | + <input id="attributeTemplateCode" name="attributeTemplateCode" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{attributeTemplateCode}"> | |
95 | + </div> | |
96 | + </div> | |
97 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
98 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">记录序列号:</label> | |
99 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
100 | + <input id="trackSerialNum" name="trackSerialNum" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{trackSerialNum}"> | |
101 | + </div> | |
102 | + </div> | |
103 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
104 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">自动生成序列号:</label> | |
105 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
106 | + <input id="autoGenSerialNum" name="autoGenSerialNum" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{autoGenSerialNum}"> | |
107 | + </div> | |
108 | + </div> | |
109 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
110 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">自动生成序列号表达式:</label> | |
111 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
112 | + <input id="autoGenSerialNumFormat" name="autoGenSerialNumFormat" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{autoGenSerialNumFormat}"> | |
113 | + </div> | |
114 | + </div> | |
115 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
116 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">序列号模版:</label> | |
117 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
118 | + <input id="snTemplateCode" name="snTemplateCode" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{snTemplateCode}"> | |
119 | + </div> | |
120 | + </div> | |
121 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
122 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">临期预警天数:</label> | |
123 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
124 | + <input id="expiringDays" name="expiringDays" class="form-control" type="number" th:field="*{expiringDays}"> | |
125 | + </div> | |
126 | + </div> | |
127 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
128 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">收货预警天数:</label> | |
129 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
130 | + <input id="minShelfLifeDays" name="minShelfLifeDays" class="form-control" type="number" th:field="*{minShelfLifeDays}"> | |
131 | + </div> | |
132 | + </div> | |
133 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
134 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">是否AGV区域发货:</label> | |
135 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
136 | + <input id="userDef1" name="userDef1" class="form-control" type="text" th:field="*{userDef1}"> | |
137 | + </div> | |
138 | + </div> | |
139 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
140 | + <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">是否有效:</label> | |
141 | + <div class="col-sm-8"> | |
142 | + <!--<input id="enable" name="enable" class="form-control" type="text">--> | |
143 | + <select id="enable" name="enable" class="form-control" th:field="*{enable}"> | |
144 | + <option value="1">正常</option> | |
145 | + <option value="0">禁用</option> | |
146 | + </select> | |
147 | + </div> | |
148 | + </div> | |
149 | + <div class="form-group"> | |
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158 | +<script type="text/javascript"> | |
159 | + var prefix = ctx + "config/materialType"; | |
160 | + $("#form-materialType-edit").validate({ | |
161 | + rules:{ | |
162 | + code:{ | |
163 | + required:true, | |
164 | + }, | |
165 | + }, | |
166 | + submitHandler: function(form) { | |
167 | + // $ + "/add", $('#form-locationType-add').serialize()); | |
168 | + var tableValue = $.common.getTableValue("#form-materialType-edit"); | |
169 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "enable", $("#enable option:selected").val()); | |
170 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "companyCode", $("#companyCode option:selected").val()); | |
171 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "receivingFlow", $("#receivingFlow option:selected").val()); | |
172 | + tableValue = formValueReplace(tableValue, "shippingFlow", $("#shippingFlow option:selected").val()); | |
173 | + $ + "/edit", tableValue); | |
174 | + } | |
175 | + }); | |
176 | +</script> | |
177 | +</body> | |
178 | +</html> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<!DOCTYPE HTML> | |
2 | +<html lang="zh" xmlns:th="" xmlns:shiro=""> | |
3 | +<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
4 | +<head th:include="include :: header"></head> | |
5 | +<body class="gray-bg"> | |
6 | + <div class="container-div"> | |
7 | + <div class="row"> | |
8 | + <div class="col-sm-12 select-info"> | |
9 | + <form id="locationType-form"> | |
10 | + <div class="select-list"> | |
11 | + <ul> | |
12 | + <li> | |
13 | + 编码:<input type="text" name="materialCode"/> | |
14 | + </li> | |
15 | + <li> | |
16 | + 名称:<input type="text" name="materialName"/> | |
17 | + </li> | |
18 | + <li class="time"> | |
19 | + <label>创建时间: </label> | |
20 | + <input type="text" class="time-input" id="startTime" placeholder="开始时间" name="createdBegin"/> | |
21 | + <span>-</span> | |
22 | + <input type="text" class="time-input" id="endTime" placeholder="结束时间" name="createdEnd"/> | |
23 | + </li> | |
24 | + <li> | |
25 | + <a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a> | |
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27 | + </li> | |
28 | + </ul> | |
29 | + </div> | |
30 | + </form> | |
31 | + </div> | |
32 | + | |
33 | + <div class="btn-group hidden-xs" id="toolbar" role="group"> | |
34 | + <a class="btn btn-outline btn-success btn-rounded" onclick="$.operate.add()" shiro:hasPermission="config:materialType:add"> | |
35 | + <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 新增 | |
36 | + </a> | |
37 | + <a class="btn btn-outline btn-danger btn-rounded" onclick="$.operate.batRemove()" shiro:hasPermission="config:materialType:remove"> | |
38 | + <i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> 删除 | |
39 | + </a> | |
40 | + </div> | |
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42 | + <div class="col-sm-12 select-info"> | |
43 | + <table id="bootstrap-table" data-mobile-responsive="true" class="table table-bordered table-hover"></table> | |
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47 | + <div th:include="include :: footer"></div> | |
48 | + <script th:inline="javascript"> | |
49 | + var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('config:materialType:edit')}]]; | |
50 | + var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('config:materialType:remove')}]]; | |
51 | + var prefix = ctx + "config/materialType"; | |
52 | + var datas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_normal_disable')}]]; | |
53 | + $(function() { | |
54 | + var options = { | |
55 | + url: prefix + "/list", | |
56 | + createUrl: prefix + "/add", | |
57 | + updateUrl: prefix + "/edit/{id}", | |
58 | + removeUrl: prefix + "/remove", | |
59 | + modalName: "wu", | |
60 | + search: false, | |
61 | + columns: [{ | |
62 | + checkbox: true | |
63 | + }, | |
64 | + { | |
65 | + field : 'id', | |
66 | + title : '编码' | |
67 | + }, | |
68 | + { | |
69 | + field : 'code', | |
70 | + title : '物料编码' | |
71 | + }, | |
72 | + { | |
73 | + field : 'name', | |
74 | + title : '物料名称' | |
75 | + }, | |
76 | + { | |
77 | + field : 'companyCode', | |
78 | + title : '货主编码' | |
79 | + }, | |
80 | + { | |
81 | + field : 'warehouseCode', | |
82 | + title : '仓库编码' | |
83 | + }, | |
84 | + { | |
85 | + field : 'abcClass', | |
86 | + title : 'ABC分类' | |
87 | + }, | |
88 | + { | |
89 | + field : 'daysToExpire', | |
90 | + title : '保质期(天)' | |
91 | + }, | |
92 | + { | |
93 | + field : 'receivingFlow', | |
94 | + title : '入库流程' | |
95 | + }, | |
96 | + { | |
97 | + field : 'shippingFlow', | |
98 | + title : '出库流程' | |
99 | + }, | |
100 | + { | |
101 | + field : 'locatingRule', | |
102 | + title : '定位规则' | |
103 | + }, | |
104 | + { | |
105 | + field : 'allocationRule', | |
106 | + title : '分配规则' | |
107 | + }, | |
108 | + { | |
109 | + field : 'replenishmentRule', | |
110 | + title : '补货规则' | |
111 | + }, | |
112 | + { | |
113 | + field : 'emptyLocRule', | |
114 | + title : '空货位规则' | |
115 | + }, | |
116 | + { | |
117 | + field : 'pickingRule', | |
118 | + title : '拣货规则' | |
119 | + }, | |
120 | + { | |
121 | + field : 'attributeTemplateCode', | |
122 | + title : '属性模版' | |
123 | + }, | |
124 | + { | |
125 | + field : 'trackSerialNum', | |
126 | + title : '记录序列号' | |
127 | + }, | |
128 | + { | |
129 | + field : 'autoGenSerialNum', | |
130 | + title : '自动生成序列号' | |
131 | + }, | |
132 | + { | |
133 | + field : 'autoGenSerialNumFormat', | |
134 | + title : '自动生成序列号表达式', | |
135 | + visible : false | |
136 | + }, | |
137 | + { | |
138 | + field : 'snTemplateCode', | |
139 | + title : '序列号模版' | |
140 | + }, | |
141 | + { | |
142 | + field : 'expiringDays', | |
143 | + title : '临期预警天数' | |
144 | + }, | |
145 | + { | |
146 | + field : 'minShelfLifeDays', | |
147 | + title : '收货预警天数' | |
148 | + }, | |
149 | + { | |
150 | + field : 'enable', | |
151 | + title : '是否启用', | |
152 | + formatter: function(value, row, index) { | |
153 | + return $.table.selectDictLabel(datas, value); | |
154 | + }, | |
155 | + align: 'center', | |
156 | + }, | |
157 | + { | |
158 | + field : 'created', | |
159 | + title : '创建时间' | |
160 | + }, | |
161 | + { | |
162 | + field : 'createdBy', | |
163 | + title : '创建用户' | |
164 | + }, | |
165 | + { | |
166 | + field : 'lastUpdated', | |
167 | + title : '更新时间' | |
168 | + }, | |
169 | + { | |
170 | + field : 'lastUpdatedBy', | |
171 | + title : '更新用户' | |
172 | + }, | |
173 | + { | |
174 | + field : 'enable', | |
175 | + title : '是否有效', | |
176 | + formatter: function(value, row, index) { | |
177 | + return $.table.selectDictLabel(datas, value); | |
178 | + }, | |
179 | + align: 'center', | |
180 | + }, | |
181 | + { | |
182 | + field : 'userDef1', | |
183 | + title : '是否AGV区域发货' | |
184 | + }, | |
185 | + { | |
186 | + field : 'userDef2', | |
187 | + title : '自定义字段2' , | |
188 | + visible:false | |
189 | + }, | |
190 | + { | |
191 | + field : 'userDef3', | |
192 | + title : '自定义字段3' , | |
193 | + visible:false | |
194 | + }, | |
195 | + { | |
196 | + field : 'userDef4', | |
197 | + title : '自定义字段4' , | |
198 | + visible:false | |
199 | + }, | |
200 | + { | |
201 | + field : 'userDef5', | |
202 | + title : '自定义字段5' , | |
203 | + visible:false | |
204 | + }, | |
205 | + { | |
206 | + title: '操作', | |
207 | + align: 'center', | |
208 | + formatter: function(value, row, index) { | |
209 | + var actions = []; | |
210 | + actions.push('<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs ' + editFlag + '" href="#" onclick="$.operate.edit(\'' + + '\')" ><i class="fa fa-edit"></i>编辑</a> '); | |
211 | + actions.push('<a class="btn btn-danger btn-xs ' + removeFlag + '" href="#" onclick="$.operate.remove(\'' + + '\')" ><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>删除</a>'); | |
212 | + return actions.join(''); | |
213 | + } | |
214 | + }] | |
215 | + }; | |
216 | + $.table.init(options); | |
217 | + }); | |
218 | + </script> | |
219 | +</body> | |
220 | + | |
221 | +</html> | |
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