week.vue 3.4 KB
  <div class="config-list week">
    <a-radio-group v-model="type">
      <div class="item">
        <a-radio value="TYPE_NOT_SET" class="choice" :disabled="disableChoice">不设置</a-radio>
        <span class="tip-info">日和周只能设置其中之一</span>
      <div class="item">
        <a-radio value="TYPE_RANGE" class="choice" :disabled="disableChoice">区间</a-radio>

        <a-select v-model="valueRange.start" class="w80" :disabled="type!==TYPE_RANGE || disableChoice">
          <template v-for="(v, k) of WEEK_MAP">
            <a-select-option :value="v">{{ k }}</a-select-option>

        <a-select v-model="valueRange.end" class="w80" :disabled="type!==TYPE_RANGE || disableChoice">
          <template v-for="(v, k) of WEEK_MAP">
            <a-select-option :value="v">{{ k }}</a-select-option>
      <div class="item">
        <a-radio value="TYPE_LOOP" class="choice" :disabled="disableChoice">循环</a-radio>

        <a-select v-model="valueLoop.start" class="w80" :disabled="type!==TYPE_LOOP || disableChoice">
          <template v-for="(v, k) of WEEK_MAP">
            <a-select-option :value="v">{{ k }}</a-select-option>
        <a-input-number :disabled="type!==TYPE_LOOP || disableChoice" :max="maxValue" :min="minValue" :precision="0"
                        class="w60" v-model="valueLoop.interval"/>

      <div class="item">
        <a-radio value="TYPE_SPECIFY" class="choice" :disabled="disableChoice">指定</a-radio>
        <div class="list">
          <a-checkbox-group v-model="valueList">
            <template v-for="(v,k) in WEEK_MAP">
              <a-checkbox class="list-check-item" :key="`key-${v}`" :value="v"
                          :disabled="type!==TYPE_SPECIFY || disabled">{{ k }}

import mixin from './mixin'
import {replaceWeekName, WEEK_MAP_EN} from './const.js'

const WEEK_MAP = {
  '周一': 2,
  '周二': 3,
  '周三': 4,
  '周四': 5,
  '周五': 6,
  '周六': 7,
  // 按照国人习惯,将周日放到每周的最后一天
  '周日': 1,

export default {
  name: 'week',
  mixins: [mixin],
  props: {
    day: {
      type: String,
      default: '*'
  data() {
    return {
  computed: {
    disableChoice() {
      return (this.day && this.day !== '?') || this.disabled
  watch: {
    value_c(newVal, oldVal) {
      // 如果设置日,那么星期就直接不设置
    day(newVal) {
      // console.info('new day: ' + newVal)
  methods: {
    updateValue() {
      this.$emit('change', this.disableChoice ? '?' : this.value_c)
    preProcessProp(c) {
      return replaceWeekName(c)
  created() {
    this.DEFAULT_VALUE = '*'
    // 0,7表示周日 1表示周一
    this.minValue = 1
    this.maxValue = 7
    this.valueRange.start = 1
    this.valueRange.end = 7
    this.valueLoop.start = 2
    this.valueLoop.interval = 1

<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "mixin.less";