SysDictDataMapper.xml 6.47 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.huaheng.system.mapper.SysDictDataMapper">
    <resultMap type="com.huaheng.system.domain.SysDictData" id="SysDictDataResult">
        <id property="dictCode" column="dict_code"/>
        <result property="dictSort" column="dict_sort"/>
        <result property="dictLabel" column="dict_label"/>
        <result property="dictValue" column="dict_value"/>
        <result property="dictType" column="dict_type"/>
        <result property="cssClass" column="css_class"/>
        <result property="listClass" column="list_class"/>
        <result property="isDefault" column="is_default"/>
        <result property="status" column="status"/>
        <result property="createBy" column="create_by"/>
        <result property="createTime" column="create_time"/>
        <result property="updateBy" column="update_by"/>
        <result property="updateTime" column="update_time"/>

    <sql id="selectDictDataVo">
        select dict_code, dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status,
        create_by, create_time, remark
        from sys_dict_data

    <select id="selectDictDataList" parameterType="com.huaheng.system.domain.SysDictData" resultMap="SysDictDataResult">
        <include refid="selectDictDataVo"/>
            <if test="dictType != null and dictType != ''">
                AND dict_type = #{dictType}
            <if test="dictLabel != null and dictLabel != ''">
                AND dict_label like concat('%', #{dictLabel}, '%')
            <if test="status != null and status != ''">
                AND status = #{status}
        order by dict_sort asc

    <select id="selectDictDataByType" parameterType="com.huaheng.system.domain.SysDictData"
        <include refid="selectDictDataVo"/>
        where status = '0' and dict_type = #{dictType} order by dict_sort asc

    <select id="selectDictLabel" resultType="String">
        select dict_label from sys_dict_data
        where dict_type = #{dictType} and dict_value = #{dictValue}

    <select id="selectDictDataById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="SysDictDataResult">
        <include refid="selectDictDataVo"/>
        where dict_code = #{dictCode}

    <select id="countDictDataByType" resultType="Integer">
        select count(1) from sys_dict_data where dict_type=#{dictType}

    <delete id="deleteDictDataById" parameterType="Long">
        delete from sys_dict_data where dict_code = #{dictCode}

    <delete id="deleteDictDataByIds" parameterType="Long">
        delete from sys_dict_data where dict_code in
        <foreach collection="array" item="dictCode" open="(" separator="," close=")">

    <update id="updateDictData" parameterType="com.huaheng.system.domain.SysDictData">
        update sys_dict_data
            <if test="dictSort != null">
                dict_sort = #{dictSort},
            <if test="dictLabel != null and dictLabel != ''">
                dict_label = #{dictLabel},
            <if test="dictValue != null and dictValue != ''">
                dict_value = #{dictValue},
            <if test="dictType != null and dictType != ''">
                dict_type = #{dictType},
            <if test="cssClass != null">
                css_class = #{cssClass},
            <if test="listClass != null">
                list_class = #{listClass},
            <if test="isDefault != null and isDefault != ''">
                is_default = #{isDefault},
            <if test="status != null">
                status = #{status},
            <if test="remark != null">
                remark = #{remark},
            <if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''">
                update_by = #{updateBy},
            update_time = sysdate()
        where dict_code = #{dictCode}

    <update id="updateDictDataType" parameterType="String">
        update sys_dict_data set dict_type = #{newDictType} where dict_type = #{oldDictType}

    <insert id="insertDictData" parameterType="com.huaheng.system.domain.SysDictData">
        insert into sys_dict_data(
        <if test="dictSort != null">
        <if test="dictLabel != null and dictLabel != ''">
        <if test="dictValue != null and dictValue != ''">
        <if test="dictType != null and dictType != ''">
        <if test="cssClass != null and cssClass != ''">
        <if test="listClass != null and listClass != ''">
        <if test="isDefault != null and isDefault != ''">
        <if test="status != null">
        <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">
        <if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''">
        <if test="dictSort != null">
        <if test="dictLabel != null and dictLabel != ''">
        <if test="dictValue != null and dictValue != ''">
        <if test="dictType != null and dictType != ''">
        <if test="cssClass != null and cssClass != ''">
        <if test="listClass != null and listClass != ''">
        <if test="isDefault != null and isDefault != ''">
        <if test="status != null">
        <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">
        <if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''">