MyfrmStation.Designer.cs 10.3 KB
namespace MyControlLib
    partial class MyfrmMessage
        /// <summary>
        /// Required designer variable.
        /// </summary>
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && (components != null))

        #region Windows Form Designer generated code

        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(MyfrmMessage));
            this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label4 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label5 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label6 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label7 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label8 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.label9 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            this.textBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox4 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox5 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox6 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox7 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.textBox8 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            // label1
            this.label1.AutoSize = true;
            this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("微软雅黑", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(134)));
            this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(69, 9);
            this.label1.Name = "label1";
            this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(74, 22);
            this.label1.TabIndex = 0;
            this.label1.Text = "工位信息";
            // label2
            this.label2.AutoSize = true;
            this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 50);
            this.label2.Name = "label2";
            this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
            this.label2.TabIndex = 1;
            this.label2.Text = "工位代号:";
            // label3
            this.label3.AutoSize = true;
            this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 76);
            this.label3.Name = "label3";
            this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
            this.label3.TabIndex = 1;
            this.label3.Text = "工位名称:";
            // label4
            this.label4.AutoSize = true;
            this.label4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 211);
            this.label4.Name = "label4";
            this.label4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
            this.label4.TabIndex = 2;
            this.label4.Text = "所在线体:";
            // label5
            this.label5.AutoSize = true;
            this.label5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 102);
            this.label5.Name = "label5";
            this.label5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
            this.label5.TabIndex = 3;
            this.label5.Text = "生产物料:";
            // label6
            this.label6.AutoSize = true;
            this.label6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 128);
            this.label6.Name = "label6";
            this.label6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
            this.label6.TabIndex = 4;
            this.label6.Text = "生产产量:";
            // label7
            this.label7.AutoSize = true;
            this.label7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 156);
            this.label7.Name = "label7";
            this.label7.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(47, 12);
            this.label7.TabIndex = 5;
            this.label7.Text = "操作员:";
            // label8
            this.label8.AutoSize = true;
            this.label8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 184);
            this.label8.Name = "label8";
            this.label8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(35, 12);
            this.label8.TabIndex = 6;
            this.label8.Text = "组长:";
            // label9
            this.label9.AutoSize = true;
            this.label9.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 243);
            this.label9.Name = "label9";
            this.label9.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(35, 12);
            this.label9.TabIndex = 7;
            this.label9.Text = "备注:";
            // textBox1
            this.textBox1.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 44);
            this.textBox1.Name = "textBox1";
            this.textBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox1.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox2
            this.textBox2.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 71);
            this.textBox2.Name = "textBox2";
            this.textBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox2.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox3
            this.textBox3.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 98);
            this.textBox3.Name = "textBox3";
            this.textBox3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox3.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox4
            this.textBox4.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 125);
            this.textBox4.Name = "textBox4";
            this.textBox4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox4.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox5
            this.textBox5.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 152);
            this.textBox5.Name = "textBox5";
            this.textBox5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox5.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox6
            this.textBox6.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 179);
            this.textBox6.Name = "textBox6";
            this.textBox6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox6.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox7
            this.textBox7.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 240);
            this.textBox7.Multiline = true;
            this.textBox7.Name = "textBox7";
            this.textBox7.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 63);
            this.textBox7.TabIndex = 8;
            // textBox8
            this.textBox8.Enabled = false;
            this.textBox8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(73, 206);
            this.textBox8.Name = "textBox8";
            this.textBox8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21);
            this.textBox8.TabIndex = 8;
            // MyfrmMessage
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(228, 315);
            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
            this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")));
            this.Name = "MyfrmMessage";
            this.Opacity = 0.8;
            this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual;
            this.Text = "Form1";
            this.Leave += new System.EventHandler(this.MyfrmMessage_Leave);



        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label4;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label5;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label6;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label7;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label8;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label9;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox2;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox3;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox4;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox5;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox6;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox7;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox8;