app_serial.c 7.63 KB
*                                              EXAMPLE CODE
*                          (c) Copyright 2003-2009; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*               All rights reserved.  Protected by international copyright laws.
*               Knowledge of the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product.
*               Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest
*               software available.  Your honesty is greatly appreciated.

*                                           uC/Serial
*                                        Application Code
* Filename      : app_serial.c
* Version       : V1.00
* Programmer(s) : FT

*                                             INCLUDE FILES

#include <app_serial.h>

*                                                 ENABLE


*                                       LOCAL GLOBAL VARIABLES

static  SERIAL_IF_NBR  App_SerTraceIF_Nbr;

*                                          FUNCTION PROTOTYPES

*                                    LOCAL CONFIGURATION ERRORS

*                                         App_SerialInit()
* Description : Initialize Serial module
* Argument(s) : none.
* Caller(s)   : Application
* Return(s)   : none.
* Note(s)     : none.

CPU_BOOLEAN  App_SerialInit (void)
    SERIAL_ERR     err;
    SERIAL_IF_CFG  uart_cfg;
    Serial_Init();                                             /* Initial Serial module                                */

    Serial_DevDrvAdd((CPU_CHAR       *)"USART3",               /* Add serial interface/device.                         */
                     (SERIAL_DEV_CFG *)&SerialDevCfg_STM32_USART3,
                     (CPU_SIZE_T      ) 52u,
                     (CPU_SIZE_T      ) 52u,
                     (SERIAL_ERR     *)&err);
    if (err != SERIAL_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);    
    uart_cfg.Baudrate = SERIAL_BAUDRATE_115200;
    uart_cfg.DataBits = SERIAL_DATABITS_8;
    uart_cfg.StopBits = SERIAL_STOPBITS_1;
    uart_cfg.Parity   = SERIAL_PARITY_NONE;
    uart_cfg.FlowCtrl = SERIAL_FLOW_CTRL_NONE;

    App_SerTraceIF_Nbr = Serial_Open((CPU_CHAR      *)APP_SERIAL_CFG_TRACE_PORT_NAME,
                                     (SERIAL_IF_CFG *)&uart_cfg,
                                     (SERIAL_ERR    *)&err);
    if (err != SERIAL_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
    Serial_SetLineDrv((SERIAL_IF_NBR        ) App_SerTraceIF_Nbr,
                      (SERIAL_LINE_DRV_API *)&SerialLine_TTY ,
                      (SERIAL_ERR          *)&err);
    Serial_Wr((SERIAL_IF_NBR   )App_SerTraceIF_Nbr,
              (void           *)"\n\n",
              (CPU_SIZE_T      )2,
              (CPU_INT32U      )0,
              (SERIAL_ERR     *)&err);
    if (err != SERIAL_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
    return (DEF_OK);    

*                                           App_SerPrintf()
* Description : Output  'printf()' statements 
* Argument(s) : p_fmt       Pointer to format string.
* Return(s)   : The number of octets written.
* Caller(s)   : Application.
* Note(s)     : none.

void  App_SerPrintf (CPU_CHAR  *p_fmt, 
    CPU_CHAR    str[80u + 1u];
    CPU_SIZE_T  len;
    SERIAL_ERR  err;
    va_list     vArgs;

    va_start(vArgs, p_fmt);
    vsprintf((char       *)str, 
             (char const *)p_fmt, 

    len = Str_Len(str);

    Serial_Wr((SERIAL_IF_NBR   )App_SerTraceIF_Nbr,
              (void           *)&str[0],
              (CPU_SIZE_T      )len,
              (CPU_INT32U      )0,
              (SERIAL_ERR     *)&err);


*                                           App_SerPrintf()
* Description : Read a string from the serial terminal. 
* Argument(s) : p_str       Pointer to string.
*               len         String length.
* Return(s)   : The number of octets written.
* Caller(s)   : Application.
* Note(s)     : none.

void  App_SerStrRd  (CPU_CHAR   *p_str,
                     CPU_SIZE_T  len)
    SERIAL_ERR  err;

    Serial_Rd((SERIAL_IF_NBR   )App_SerTraceIF_Nbr,
              (void           *)p_str,
              (CPU_SIZE_T      )len,
              (CPU_INT32U      )0,
              (SERIAL_ERR     *)&err);

*                                           App_SerStrWr()
* Description : Write an string in serial interface.
* Argument(s) : p_fmt       Pointer to format string.
* Return(s)   : The number of octets written.
* Caller(s)   : Application.
* Note(s)     : none.

void  App_SerStrWr (CPU_CHAR  *p_str)
    CPU_SIZE_T  len;
    SERIAL_ERR  err;

    if (p_str == (CPU_CHAR *)0) {
    len = Str_Len(p_str);

    Serial_Wr((SERIAL_IF_NBR   )App_SerTraceIF_Nbr,
              (void           *)p_str,
              (CPU_SIZE_T      )len,
              (CPU_INT32U      )0,
              (SERIAL_ERR     *)&err);
