mbfuncinput.txt 7.9 KB
; generated by Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750) Tool: ArmCC [4d3637]
; commandline ArmCC [--c99 --list --split_sections --debug -c --asm --interleave -o.\flash\obj\mbfuncinput.o --asm_dir=.\Flash\List\ --list_dir=.\Flash\List\ --depend=.\flash\obj\mbfuncinput.d --cpu=Cortex-M4.fp --apcs=interwork -O1 --diag_suppress=9931,870 -I..\..\Libraries\CMSIS\Include -I..\..\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Include -I..\..\Libraries\STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver\inc -I..\..\uCOS-III\uC-CPU -I..\..\uCOS-III\uC-LIB -I..\..\uCOS-III\uCOS-III\Ports -I..\..\uCOS-III\uCOS-III\Source -I..\..\uCOS-III\uC-CPU\ARM-Cortex-M4\RealView -I..\..\uCOS-III\uC-LIB\Ports\ARM-Cortex-M4\RealView -I..\..\uCOS-III\uCOS-III\Ports\ARM-Cortex-M4\Generic\RealView -I..\..\User -I..\..\User\bsp -I..\..\User\bsp\inc -I..\..\User\libapp -I..\..\RL-ARM\Config -I..\..\RL-ARM\Driver -I..\..\RL-ARM\RL-RTX\inc -I..\..\User\bsp\BSP -I..\..\RL-ARM\RL-CAN -I..\..\Libraries\DSP_LIB\Include -I..\..\MODBUS\modbus\rtu -I..\..\MODBUS\BARE\port -I..\..\MODBUS\modbus\include -I..\..\User\bsp\BSP -I..\..\PLC -I..\..\Avoid -I..\..\User\parameter -I..\..\User\LaserMotionCtr -I..\..\User\W5100S -I..\..\User\bsp -I..\..\User\CHASSIS -I..\..\User\CONTROLFUNCTION -I..\..\User\DATAUPDATE -I..\..\User\HARAWARE -I..\..\User\MOTORDRIVER -I..\..\User\NAVAGATION -I..\..\User\PLATFORM -I..\..\User\SENSOR -I.\RTE\_Flash -IC:\Users\YDJ\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\ARM\CMSIS\5.5.1\CMSIS\Core\Include -IC:\Users\YDJ\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\Keil\STM32F4xx_DFP\2.13.0\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Include -D__UVISION_VERSION=527 -D_RTE_ -DSTM32F407xx -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DSTM32F40_41xxx -D__RTX -D__FPU_USED=1 --omf_browse=.\flash\obj\mbfuncinput.crf ..\..\MODBUS\modbus\functions\mbfuncinput.c]

                          AREA ||i.eMBFuncReadInputRegister||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=1

                  eMBFuncReadInputRegister PROC
;;;58     eMBException
;;;59     eMBFuncReadInputRegister( UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT * usLen )
000000  b570              PUSH     {r4-r6,lr}
;;;60     {
000002  460c              MOV      r4,r1
;;;61         USHORT          usRegAddress;
;;;62         USHORT          usRegCount;
;;;63         UCHAR          *pucFrameCur;
;;;65         eMBException    eStatus = MB_EX_NONE;
000004  2600              MOVS     r6,#0
;;;66         eMBErrorCode    eRegStatus;
;;;68         if( *usLen == ( MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_SIZE + MB_PDU_SIZE_MIN ) )
000006  8821              LDRH     r1,[r4,#0]
000008  2905              CMP      r1,#5
00000a  d002              BEQ      |L1.18|
;;;69         {
;;;70             usRegAddress = ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_ADDR_OFF] << 8 );
;;;71             usRegAddress |= ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_ADDR_OFF + 1] );
;;;72             usRegAddress++;
;;;74             usRegCount = ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_REGCNT_OFF] << 8 );
;;;75             usRegCount |= ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_REGCNT_OFF + 1] );
;;;77             /* Check if the number of registers to read is valid. If not
;;;78              * return Modbus illegal data value exception. 
;;;79              */
;;;80             if( ( usRegCount >= 1 )
;;;81                 && ( usRegCount < MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_REGCNT_MAX ) )
;;;82             {
;;;83                 /* Set the current PDU data pointer to the beginning. */
;;;84                 pucFrameCur = &pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF];
;;;85                 *usLen = MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF;
;;;87                 /* First byte contains the function code. */
;;;88                 *pucFrameCur++ = MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER;
;;;89                 *usLen += 1;
;;;91                 /* Second byte in the response contain the number of bytes. */
;;;92                 *pucFrameCur++ = ( UCHAR )( usRegCount * 2 );
;;;93                 *usLen += 1;
;;;95                 eRegStatus =
;;;96                     eMBRegInputCB( pucFrameCur, usRegAddress, usRegCount );
;;;98                 /* If an error occured convert it into a Modbus exception. */
;;;99                 if( eRegStatus != MB_ENOERR )
;;;100                {
;;;101                    eStatus = prveMBError2Exception( eRegStatus );
;;;102                }
;;;103                else
;;;104                {
;;;105                    *usLen += usRegCount * 2;
;;;106                }
;;;107            }
;;;108            else
;;;109            {
;;;110                eStatus = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE;
;;;111            }
;;;112        }
;;;113        else
;;;114        {
;;;115            /* Can't be a valid read input register request because the length
;;;116             * is incorrect. */
;;;117            eStatus = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE;
00000c  2603              MOVS     r6,#3
;;;118        }
;;;119        return eStatus;
00000e  4630              MOV      r0,r6
;;;120    }
000010  bd70              POP      {r4-r6,pc}
000012  7841              LDRB     r1,[r0,#1]            ;70
000014  020a              LSLS     r2,r1,#8              ;70
000016  7881              LDRB     r1,[r0,#2]            ;71
000018  4311              ORRS     r1,r1,r2              ;71
00001a  1c49              ADDS     r1,r1,#1              ;72
00001c  b289              UXTH     r1,r1                 ;72
00001e  78c2              LDRB     r2,[r0,#3]            ;74
000020  0212              LSLS     r2,r2,#8              ;74
000022  7905              LDRB     r5,[r0,#4]            ;75
000024  4315              ORRS     r5,r5,r2              ;75
000026  1e6a              SUBS     r2,r5,#1              ;80
000028  2a7c              CMP      r2,#0x7c              ;80
00002a  d219              BCS      |L1.96|
00002c  2200              MOVS     r2,#0                 ;85
00002e  8022              STRH     r2,[r4,#0]            ;85
000030  2204              MOVS     r2,#4                 ;88
000032  7002              STRB     r2,[r0,#0]            ;88
000034  8822              LDRH     r2,[r4,#0]            ;89
000036  1c52              ADDS     r2,r2,#1              ;89
000038  8022              STRH     r2,[r4,#0]            ;89
00003a  006a              LSLS     r2,r5,#1              ;92
00003c  7042              STRB     r2,[r0,#1]            ;92
00003e  1c80              ADDS     r0,r0,#2              ;92
000040  8822              LDRH     r2,[r4,#0]            ;93
000042  1c52              ADDS     r2,r2,#1              ;93
000044  8022              STRH     r2,[r4,#0]            ;93
000046  462a              MOV      r2,r5                 ;95
000048  f7fffffe          BL       eMBRegInputCB
00004c  b118              CBZ      r0,|L1.86|
00004e  f7fffffe          BL       prveMBError2Exception
000052  4606              MOV      r6,r0                 ;101
000054  e7db              B        |L1.14|
000056  8820              LDRH     r0,[r4,#0]            ;105
000058  eb000045          ADD      r0,r0,r5,LSL #1       ;105
00005c  8020              STRH     r0,[r4,#0]            ;105
00005e  e7d6              B        |L1.14|
000060  2603              MOVS     r6,#3                 ;110
000062  e7d4              B        |L1.14|

;*** Start embedded assembler ***

#line 1 "..\\..\\MODBUS\\modbus\\functions\\mbfuncinput.c"
	AREA ||.rev16_text||, CODE
	EXPORT |__asm___13_mbfuncinput_c_35de6167____REV16|
#line 129 "..\\..\\Libraries\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cmInstr.h"
|__asm___13_mbfuncinput_c_35de6167____REV16| PROC
#line 130

 rev16 r0, r0
 bx lr
	AREA ||.revsh_text||, CODE
	EXPORT |__asm___13_mbfuncinput_c_35de6167____REVSH|
#line 144
|__asm___13_mbfuncinput_c_35de6167____REVSH| PROC
#line 145

 revsh r0, r0
 bx lr
	AREA ||.rrx_text||, CODE
	EXPORT |__asm___13_mbfuncinput_c_35de6167____RRX|
#line 300
|__asm___13_mbfuncinput_c_35de6167____RRX| PROC
#line 301

 rrx r0, r0
 bx lr

;*** End   embedded assembler ***