app_cfg.h 4.12 KB
*                                            EXAMPLE CODE
*               This file is provided as an example on how to use Micrium products.
*               Please feel free to use any application code labeled as 'EXAMPLE CODE' in
*               your application products.  Example code may be used as is, in whole or in
*               part, or may be used as a reference only. This file can be modified as
*               required to meet the end-product requirements.
*               Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest
*               software available.  Your honesty is greatly appreciated.
*               You can find our product's user manual, API reference, release notes and
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*	模块名称 : uCOS-III的应用配置
*	文件名称 : app_cfg.c
*	版    本 : V1.0
*	说    明 : ucos-ii的应用配置
*	修改记录 :
*		版本号  日期        作者     说明
*		V1.0    2015-08-10 Eric2013  正式发布
*	Copyright (C), 2015-2016, 安富莱电子

*                                       MODULE ENABLE / DISABLE

*                                            TASK PRIORITIES
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_FeedDog_PRIO									2u
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_EthernetSer_PRIO								10u
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_EthernetCli_PRIO								6u
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_MotionControl_PRIO								9u
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_CAN_PRIO                                 		4u
#define  	APP_CFG_TASK_SpeedCtr_PRIO								5u

*                                            TASK STACK SIZES
*                             Size of the task stacks (# of OS_STK entries)

#define		APP_CFG_TASK_FEEDDOG_STK_SIZE                    		256u
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_ETHERNETSERCOM_STK_SIZE					2048u//1024u
#define		APP_CFG_TASK_ETHERNETCLICOM_STK_SIZE					2048u//1024u
#define 	APP_CFG_TASK_MotionControl_STK_SIZE						2048u

#define		APP_CFG_TASK_USER_CAN_STK_SIZE                    		2048u//1024u
#define  APP_CFG_TASK_Speed_STK_SIZE						2048u//1024u

*                                     TRACE / DEBUG CONFIGURATION

#define  TRACE_LEVEL_OFF                        0u

#define  TRACE_LEVEL_INFO                       1u

#define  TRACE_LEVEL_DBG                        2u

#define  APP_TRACE_LEVEL                        TRACE_LEVEL_OFF
#define  APP_TRACE                              printf

#define  APP_TRACE_INFO(x)               ((APP_TRACE_LEVEL >= TRACE_LEVEL_INFO)  ? (void)(APP_TRACE x) : (void)0)
#define  APP_TRACE_DBG(x)                ((APP_TRACE_LEVEL >= TRACE_LEVEL_DBG)   ? (void)(APP_TRACE x) : (void)0)


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