cpu_def.h 11.9 KB
*                                                uC/CPU
*                                    CPU CONFIGURATION & PORT LAYER
*                          (c) Copyright 2004-2011; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*               All rights reserved.  Protected by international copyright laws.
*               uC/CPU is provided in source form to registered licensees ONLY.  It is 
*               illegal to distribute this source code to any third party unless you receive 
*               written permission by an authorized Micrium representative.  Knowledge of 
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*               Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest 
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*                                      CPU CONFIGURATION DEFINES
* Filename      : cpu_def.h
* Version       : V1.29.01
* Programmer(s) : ITJ

*                                               MODULE
* Note(s) : (1) This CPU definition header file is protected from multiple pre-processor inclusion 
*               through use of the CPU definition module present pre-processor macro definition.


*                                   CORE CPU MODULE VERSION NUMBER
* Note(s) : (1) (a) The core CPU module software version is denoted as follows :
*                       Vx.yy.zz
*                           where
*                                   V               denotes 'Version' label
*                                   x               denotes     major software version revision number
*                                   yy              denotes     minor software version revision number
*                                   zz              denotes sub-minor software version revision number
*               (b) The software version label #define is formatted as follows :
*                       ver = x.yyzz * 100 * 100
*                           where
*                                   ver             denotes software version number scaled as an integer value
*                                   x.yyzz          denotes software version number, where the unscaled integer 
*                                                       portion denotes the major version number & the unscaled 
*                                                       fractional portion denotes the (concatenated) minor 
*                                                       version numbers

#define  CPU_CORE_VERSION                              12901u   /* See Note #1.                                         */

*                                       CPU WORD CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE & CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE in 'cpu.h' with CPU's word sizes :
*                   CPU_WORD_SIZE_08             8-bit word size
*                   CPU_WORD_SIZE_16            16-bit word size
*                   CPU_WORD_SIZE_32            32-bit word size
*                   CPU_WORD_SIZE_64            64-bit word size
*           (2) Configure CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE in 'cpu.h' with CPU's data-word-memory order :
*               (a) CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG         Big-   endian word order (CPU words' most  significant
*                                                                         octet @ lowest memory address)
*               (b) CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE      Little-endian word order (CPU words' least significant
*                                                                         octet @ lowest memory address)

                                                        /* ---------------------- CPU WORD SIZE ----------------------- */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_08                          1    /*  8-bit word size (in octets).                                */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_16                          2    /* 16-bit word size (in octets).                                */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_32                          4    /* 32-bit word size (in octets).                                */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_64                          8    /* 64-bit word size (in octets).                                */

                                                        /* ------------------ CPU WORD-ENDIAN ORDER ------------------- */
#define  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_NONE                      0u
#define  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG                       1u   /* Big-   endian word order (see Note #1a).                     */
#define  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE                    2u   /* Little-endian word order (see Note #1b).                     */

*                                       CPU STACK CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_STK_GROWTH in 'cpu.h' with CPU's stack growth order :
*               (a) CPU_STK_GROWTH_LO_TO_HI     CPU stack pointer increments to the next higher  stack 
*                                                   memory address after data is pushed onto the stack
*               (b) CPU_STK_GROWTH_HI_TO_LO     CPU stack pointer decrements to the next lower   stack 
*                                                   memory address after data is pushed onto the stack

                                                        /* ------------------ CPU STACK GROWTH ORDER ------------------ */
#define  CPU_STK_GROWTH_NONE                       0u
#define  CPU_STK_GROWTH_LO_TO_HI                   1u   /* CPU stk incs towards higher mem addrs (see Note #1a).        */
#define  CPU_STK_GROWTH_HI_TO_LO                   2u   /* CPU stk decs towards lower  mem addrs (see Note #1b).        */

*                                   CRITICAL SECTION CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_CRITICAL_METHOD with CPU's/compiler's critical section method :
*                                                       Enter/Exit critical sections by ...
*                   CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN      Disable/Enable interrupts
*                   CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK      Push/Pop       interrupt status onto stack
*                   CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL    Save/Restore   interrupt status to local variable
*               (a) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN  is NOT a preferred method since it does NOT support
*                   multiple levels of interrupts.  However, with some CPUs/compilers, this is the only
*                   available method.
*               (b) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK    is one preferred method since it supports multiple
*                   levels of interrupts.  However, this method assumes that the compiler provides C-level
*                   &/or assembly-level functionality for the following :
*                     ENTER CRITICAL SECTION :
*                       (1) Push/save   interrupt status onto a local stack
*                       (2) Disable     interrupts
*                     EXIT  CRITICAL SECTION :
*                       (3) Pop/restore interrupt status from a local stack
*               (c) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL  is one preferred method since it supports multiple
*                   levels of interrupts.  However, this method assumes that the compiler provides C-level
*                   &/or assembly-level functionality for the following :
*                     ENTER CRITICAL SECTION :
*                       (1) Save    interrupt status into a local variable
*                       (2) Disable interrupts
*                     EXIT  CRITICAL SECTION :
*                       (3) Restore interrupt status from a local variable
*           (2) Critical section macro's most likely require inline assembly.  If the compiler does NOT
*               allow inline assembly in C source files, critical section macro's MUST call an assembly
*               subroutine defined in a 'cpu_a.asm' file located in the following software directory :
*                   \<CPU-Compiler Directory>\<cpu>\<compiler>\
*                       where
*                               <CPU-Compiler Directory>    directory path for common   CPU-compiler software
*                               <cpu>                       directory name for specific CPU
*                               <compiler>                  directory name for specific compiler
*           (3) (a) To save/restore interrupt status, a local variable 'cpu_sr' of type 'CPU_SR' MAY need 
*                   to be declared (e.g. if 'CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL' method is configured).
*                   (1) 'cpu_sr' local variable SHOULD be declared via the CPU_SR_ALLOC() macro which, 
*                        if used, MUST be declared following ALL other local variables (see any 'cpu.h  
*                        CRITICAL SECTION CONFIGURATION  Note #3a1').
*                        Example :
*                           void  Fnct (void)
*                           {
*                               CPU_INT08U  val_08;
*                               CPU_INT16U  val_16;
*                               CPU_INT32U  val_32;
*                               CPU_SR_ALLOC();         MUST be declared after ALL other local variables
*                                   :
*                                   :
*                           }
*               (b) Configure 'CPU_SR' data type with the appropriate-sized CPU data type large enough to 
*                   completely store the CPU's/compiler's status word.

                                                        /* --------------- CPU CRITICAL SECTION METHODS --------------- */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_NONE                  0u   /*                                                              */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN            1u   /* DIS/EN       ints                    (see Note #1a).         */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK            2u   /* Push/Pop     int status onto stk     (see Note #1b).         */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL          3u   /* Save/Restore int status to local var (see Note #1c).         */

*                                             MODULE END
* Note(s) : (1) See 'cpu_def.h  MODULE'.

#endif                                                  /* End of CPU def module include.                               */