cpu_bsp.c 16.5 KB
*                                                uC/CPU
*                                    CPU CONFIGURATION & PORT LAYER
*                          (c) Copyright 2004-2015; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*               All rights reserved.  Protected by international copyright laws.
*               uC/CPU is provided in source form to registered licensees ONLY.  It is
*               illegal to distribute this source code to any third party unless you receive
*               written permission by an authorized Micrium representative.  Knowledge of
*               the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product.
*               Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest
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*                               CPU BOARD SUPPORT PACKAGE (BSP) FUNCTIONS
*                                              TEMPLATE
* Filename      : cpu_bsp.c
* Version       : V1.30.02
* Programmer(s) : ITJ
*                 JBL

*                                            INCLUDE FILES

#define    CPU_BSP_MODULE
#include  <cpu_core.h>

*                                             REGISTERS

#define  CPU_REG_DEM_CR                       (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE000EDFC)
#define  CPU_REG_DWT_CR                       (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0001000)
#define  CPU_REG_DWT_CYCCNT                   (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0001004)
#define  CPU_REG_DBGMCU_CR                    (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0042004)

*                                            REGISTER BITS

#define  CPU_DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_IOEN_MASK                   0x10
#define  CPU_DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_ASYNC                  0x00
#define  CPU_DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_SYNC_01                0x40
#define  CPU_DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_SYNC_02                0x80
#define  CPU_DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_SYNC_04                0xC0
#define  CPU_DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_MASK                   0xC0

#define  CPU_BIT_DEM_CR_TRCENA                    DEF_BIT_24

#define  CPU_BIT_DWT_CR_CYCCNTENA                 DEF_BIT_00

*                                            LOCAL DEFINES

*                                           LOCAL CONSTANTS

*                                          LOCAL DATA TYPES

*                                            LOCAL TABLES

*                                       LOCAL GLOBAL VARIABLES

*                                      LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES

*                                     LOCAL CONFIGURATION ERRORS

*                                          CPU_TS_TmrInit()
* Description : Initialize & start CPU timestamp timer.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : none.
* Caller(s)   : CPU_TS_Init().
*               This function is an INTERNAL CPU module function & MUST be implemented by application/
*               BSP function(s) [see Note #1] but MUST NOT be called by application function(s).
* Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS_TmrInit() is an application/BSP function that MUST be defined by the developer
*                   if either of the following CPU features is enabled :
*                   (a) CPU timestamps
*                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
*                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
*                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
*               (2) (a) Timer count values MUST be returned via word-size-configurable 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                       data type.
*                       (1) If timer has more bits, truncate timer values' higher-order bits greater
*                           than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR' timestamp timer data type word size.
*                       (2) Since the timer MUST NOT have less bits than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                           timestamp timer data type word size; 'CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE' MUST be
*                           configured so that ALL bits in 'CPU_TS_TMR' data type are significant.
*                           In other words, if timer size is not a binary-multiple of 8-bit octets
*                           (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple
*                           octet word size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits).  However, the
*                           minimum supported word size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits.
*                       See also 'cpu_cfg.h   CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #2'
*                              & 'cpu_core.h  CPU TIMESTAMP DATA TYPES     Note #1'.
*                   (b) Timer SHOULD be an 'up'  counter whose values increase with each time count.
*                   (c) When applicable, timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time
*                       but MUST be less than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution
*                       inadequate to measure desired times.
*                   See also 'CPU_TS_TmrRd()  Note #2'.
extern CPU_INT32U  BSP_CPU_ClkFreq (void);
void  CPU_TS_TmrInit (void)
    CPU_INT32U  fclk_freq;

    fclk_freq = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();

    CPU_REG_DEM_CR     |= (CPU_INT32U)CPU_BIT_DEM_CR_TRCENA;    /* Enable Cortex-M4's DWT CYCCNT reg.                   */


*                                           CPU_TS_TmrRd()
* Description : Get current CPU timestamp timer count value.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : Timestamp timer count (see Notes #2a & #2b).
* Caller(s)   : CPU_TS_Init(),
*               CPU_TS_Get32(),
*               CPU_TS_Get64(),
*               CPU_IntDisMeasStart(),
*               CPU_IntDisMeasStop().
*               This function is an INTERNAL CPU module function & MUST be implemented by application/
*               BSP function(s) [see Note #1] but SHOULD NOT be called by application function(s).
* Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS_TmrRd() is an application/BSP function that MUST be defined by the developer
*                   if either of the following CPU features is enabled :
*                   (a) CPU timestamps
*                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
*                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
*                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
*               (2) (a) Timer count values MUST be returned via word-size-configurable 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                       data type.
*                       (1) If timer has more bits, truncate timer values' higher-order bits greater
*                           than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR' timestamp timer data type word size.
*                       (2) Since the timer MUST NOT have less bits than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                           timestamp timer data type word size; 'CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE' MUST be
*                           configured so that ALL bits in 'CPU_TS_TMR' data type are significant.
*                           In other words, if timer size is not a binary-multiple of 8-bit octets
*                           (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple
*                           octet word size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits).  However, the
*                           minimum supported word size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits.
*                       See also 'cpu_cfg.h   CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #2'
*                              & 'cpu_core.h  CPU TIMESTAMP DATA TYPES     Note #1'.
*                   (b) Timer SHOULD be an 'up'  counter whose values increase with each time count.
*                       (1) If timer is a 'down' counter whose values decrease with each time count,
*                           then the returned timer value MUST be ones-complemented.
*                   (c) (1) When applicable, the amount of time measured by CPU timestamps is
*                           calculated by either of the following equations :
*                           (A) Time measured  =  Number timer counts  *  Timer period
*                                   where
*                                       Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
*                                       Timer period            Timer's period in some units of
*                                                                   (fractional) seconds
*                                       Time measured           Amount of time measured, in same
*                                                                   units of (fractional) seconds
*                                                                   as the Timer period
*                                                  Number timer counts
*                           (B) Time measured  =  ---------------------
*                                                    Timer frequency
*                                   where
*                                       Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
*                                       Timer frequency         Timer's frequency in some units
*                                                                   of counts per second
*                                       Time measured           Amount of time measured, in seconds
*                       (2) Timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time but MUST be less
*                           than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution inadequate to
*                           measure desired times.

CPU_TS_TMR  CPU_TS_TmrRd (void)
    CPU_TS_TMR  ts_tmr_cnts;

    ts_tmr_cnts = (CPU_TS_TMR)CPU_REG_DWT_CYCCNT;

    return (ts_tmr_cnts);

*                                         CPU_TSxx_to_uSec()
* Description : Convert a 32-/64-bit CPU timestamp from timer counts to microseconds.
* Argument(s) : ts_cnts   CPU timestamp (in timestamp timer counts [see Note #2aA]).
* Return(s)   : Converted CPU timestamp (in microseconds           [see Note #2aD]).
* Caller(s)   : Application.
*               This function is an (optional) CPU module application programming interface (API)
*               function which MAY be implemented by application/BSP function(s) [see Note #1] &
*               MAY be called by application function(s).
* Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS32_to_uSec()/CPU_TS64_to_uSec() are application/BSP functions that MAY be
*                   optionally defined by the developer when either of the following CPU features is
*                   enabled :
*                   (a) CPU timestamps
*                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
*                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
*                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
*               (2) (a) The amount of time measured by CPU timestamps is calculated by either of
*                       the following equations :
*                                                                        10^6 microseconds
*                       (1) Time measured  =   Number timer counts   *  -------------------  *  Timer period
*                                                                            1 second
*                                              Number timer counts       10^6 microseconds
*                       (2) Time measured  =  ---------------------  *  -------------------
*                                                Timer frequency             1 second
*                               where
*                                   (A) Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
*                                   (B) Timer frequency         Timer's frequency in some units
*                                                                   of counts per second
*                                   (C) Timer period            Timer's period in some units of
*                                                                   (fractional)  seconds
*                                   (D) Time measured           Amount of time measured,
*                                                                   in microseconds
*                   (b) Timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time but MUST be less
*                       than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution inadequate to
*                       measure desired times.
*                   (c) Specific implementations may convert any number of CPU_TS32 or CPU_TS64 bits
*                       -- up to 32 or 64, respectively -- into microseconds.

CPU_INT64U  CPU_TS32_to_uSec (CPU_TS32  ts_cnts)
    CPU_INT64U  ts_us;
    CPU_INT64U  fclk_freq;

    fclk_freq = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();
    ts_us     = ts_cnts / (fclk_freq / DEF_TIME_NBR_uS_PER_SEC);

    return (ts_us);

CPU_INT64U  CPU_TS64_to_uSec (CPU_TS64  ts_cnts)
    CPU_INT64U  ts_us;
    CPU_INT64U  fclk_freq;

    fclk_freq = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();
    ts_us     = ts_cnts / (fclk_freq / DEF_TIME_NBR_uS_PER_SEC);

    return (ts_us);