os_app_hooks.c 8.32 KB
*                                                      uC/OS-III
*                                                 The Real-Time Kernel
*                                  (c) Copyright 2009-2012; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*                           All rights reserved.  Protected by international copyright laws.
*                                                  APPLICATION HOOKS
* File    : OS_APP_HOOKS.C
* By      : JJL
* Version : V3.03.00
* ---------------
*           uC/OS-III is provided in source form for FREE short-term evaluation, for educational use or 
*           for peaceful research.  If you plan or intend to use uC/OS-III in a commercial application/
*           product then, you need to contact Micrium to properly license uC/OS-III for its use in your 
*           application/product.   We provide ALL the source code for your convenience and to help you 
*           experience uC/OS-III.  The fact that the source is provided does NOT mean that you can use 
*           it commercially without paying a licensing fee.
*           Knowledge of the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product.
*           Please help us continue to provide the embedded community with the finest software available.
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*           You can contact us at www.micrium.com, or by phone at +1 (954) 217-2036.

#include <os.h>
#include <os_app_hooks.h>

*                                              SET ALL APPLICATION HOOKS
* Description: Set ALL application hooks.
* Arguments  : none.
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_SetAllHooks (void)

    OS_AppTaskCreateHookPtr = App_OS_TaskCreateHook;
    OS_AppTaskDelHookPtr    = App_OS_TaskDelHook;
    OS_AppTaskReturnHookPtr = App_OS_TaskReturnHook;

    OS_AppIdleTaskHookPtr   = App_OS_IdleTaskHook;
    OS_AppStatTaskHookPtr   = App_OS_StatTaskHook;
    OS_AppTaskSwHookPtr     = App_OS_TaskSwHook;
    OS_AppTimeTickHookPtr   = App_OS_TimeTickHook;

*                                             CLEAR ALL APPLICATION HOOKS
* Description: Clear ALL application hooks.
* Arguments  : none.
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_ClrAllHooks (void)

    OS_AppTaskCreateHookPtr = (OS_APP_HOOK_TCB)0;
    OS_AppTaskDelHookPtr    = (OS_APP_HOOK_TCB)0;
    OS_AppTaskReturnHookPtr = (OS_APP_HOOK_TCB)0;

    OS_AppIdleTaskHookPtr   = (OS_APP_HOOK_VOID)0;
    OS_AppStatTaskHookPtr   = (OS_APP_HOOK_VOID)0;
    OS_AppTaskSwHookPtr     = (OS_APP_HOOK_VOID)0;
    OS_AppTimeTickHookPtr   = (OS_APP_HOOK_VOID)0;

*                                            APPLICATION TASK CREATION HOOK
* Description: This function is called when a task is created.
* Arguments  : p_tcb   is a pointer to the task control block of the task being created.
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_TaskCreateHook (OS_TCB  *p_tcb)

*                                            APPLICATION TASK DELETION HOOK
* Description: This function is called when a task is deleted.
* Arguments  : p_tcb   is a pointer to the task control block of the task being deleted.
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_TaskDelHook (OS_TCB  *p_tcb)

*                                             APPLICATION TASK RETURN HOOK
* Description: This function is called if a task accidentally returns.  In other words, a task should either be an
*              infinite loop or delete itself when done.
* Arguments  : p_tcb     is a pointer to the OS_TCB of the task that is returning.
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_TaskReturnHook (OS_TCB  *p_tcb)

*                                              APPLICATION IDLE TASK HOOK
* Description: This function is called by the idle task.  This hook has been added to allow you to do such things as
*              STOP the CPU to conserve power.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_IdleTaskHook (void)


*                                          APPLICATION OS INITIALIZATION HOOK
* Description: This function is called by OSInit() at the beginning of OSInit().
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_InitHook (void)


*                                           APPLICATION STATISTIC TASK HOOK
* Description: This function is called every second by uC/OS-III's statistics task.  This allows your application to add
*              functionality to the statistics task.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : none

void  App_OS_StatTaskHook (void)


*                                             APPLICATION TASK SWITCH HOOK
* Description: This function is called when a task switch is performed.  This allows you to perform other operations
*              during a context switch.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
*              2) It is assumed that the global pointer 'OSTCBHighRdyPtr' points to the TCB of the task that will be
*                 'switched in' (i.e. the highest priority task) and, 'OSTCBCurPtr' points to the task being switched out
*                 (i.e. the preempted task).

void  App_OS_TaskSwHook (void)


*                                                APPLICATION TICK HOOK
* Description: This function is called every tick.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is assumed to be called from the Tick ISR.

void  App_OS_TimeTickHook (void)
