output.build_log.htm 5.75 KB
<h1>礦ision Build Log</h1>
<h2>Tool Versions:</h2>
IDE-Version: μVision V5.14.0.0
Copyright (C) 2015 ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.
License Information: 1 1354345771@qq.com, 2, LIC=FYKYW-QFQXJ-Y8IFK-Z9HFX-WZZPG-5QW7Z
Tool Versions:
Toolchain:       MDK-ARM Standard  Version:
Toolchain Path:  C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin
C Compiler:      Armcc.exe V5.05 update 1 (build 106)
Assembler:       Armasm.exe V5.05 update 1 (build 106)
Linker/Locator:  ArmLink.exe V5.05 update 1 (build 106)
Library Manager: ArmAr.exe V5.05 update 1 (build 106)
Hex Converter:   FromElf.exe V5.05 update 1 (build 106)
CPU DLL:         SARMCM3.DLL V5.14.0.0
Dialog DLL:      DCM.DLL V1.13.1.0
Target DLL:      STLink\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll V2.0.14.0_KEIL
Dialog DLL:      TCM.DLL V1.14.4.0
C:\Users\13543\Desktop\格林美三楼叉车 - 6-24新系统\Project\MDK-ARM(uV4)\project.uvprojx
Project File Date:  06/24/2024

Build target 'Flash'
compiling w5100s_conf.c...
..\..\User\bsp\BSP\bsp_gpio.h(109): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration UpdateGPIO_Input - give arg types
  void UpdateGPIO_Input();
..\..\User\bsp\BSP\bsp_gpio.h(110): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration UpdateGPIO_Output - give arg types
  void UpdateGPIO_Output();
..\..\User\SENSOR\Laser.h(17): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration SlamDataProcess - give arg types
  void SlamDataProcess();
..\..\User\SENSOR\Laser.h(20): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\CONTROLFUNCTION\Calculation.h(42): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration CalculateDistance - give arg types
  extern void CalculateDistance();
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\Paramater.h(308): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration initPathInfo - give arg types
  void initPathInfo();//初始化单机运行路径
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\Paramater.h(311): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration ConnectOvertime - give arg types
  extern void ConnectOvertime();
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\Paramater.h(313): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration clearPathInfomation - give arg types
  extern void clearPathInfomation();
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\Paramater.h(315): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration InitParamater - give arg types
  extern void InitParamater();
..\..\User\CONTROLFUNCTION\RunCore.h(5): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration AGVRunCore - give arg types
  extern void AGVRunCore();
..\..\User\CONTROLFUNCTION\RunCore.h(7): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration quickStop - give arg types
  extern void quickStop();
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\ModbusHMI.h(55): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration HMIDataUpdate - give arg types
  void HMIDataUpdate();
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\ModbusHMI.h(73): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\CanUpdate.h(6): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration sendRotateSpeed - give arg types
  void sendRotateSpeed();
..\..\User\SENSOR\Vision.h(7): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\SENSOR\Camera.h(21): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration UpdateCameraData - give arg types
  extern void UpdateCameraData();
..\..\User\SENSOR\Camera.h(22): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration UpdateCameraData2 - give arg types
  extern void UpdateCameraData2();
..\..\User\SENSOR\Camera.h(25): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\NAVAGATION\Trackless.h(5): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration slamNavigation - give arg types
  extern void slamNavigation();
..\..\User\NAVAGATION\Trackless.h(6): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\NAVAGATION\QRcode.h(53): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration QRcodeNavigation - give arg types
  extern void QRcodeNavigation();
..\..\User\NAVAGATION\QRcode.h(54): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\PLATFORM\ForkLift.h(7): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration ForkliftAngleAdjustment - give arg types
  extern void ForkliftAngleAdjustment();
..\..\User\PLATFORM\ForkLift.h(9): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration receiveCommandFromCharging - give arg types
  extern void receiveCommandFromCharging();
..\..\User\PLATFORM\ForkLift.h(11): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration platformControlManual - give arg types
  extern void platformControlManual();
..\..\User\PLATFORM\ForkLift.h(12): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration platformControlAuto - give arg types
  extern void platformControlAuto();
..\..\User\PLATFORM\ForkLift.h(13): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\HARAWARE\ch_serial.h(67): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration DecodeIMUdata - give arg types
  void DecodeIMUdata();
..\..\User\CHASSIS\SingleSteering.h(9): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\DATAUPDATE\CommunicationWithACS.h(51): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\..\User\W5100S\w5100s_conf.c: 30 warnings, 0 errors
Program Size: Code=84840 RO-data=2412 RW-data=10180 ZI-data=90580  
FromELF: creating hex file...
".\Flash\Obj\output.axf" - 0 Error(s), 30 Warning(s).

<h2>Software Packages used:</h2>

Package Vendor: ARM
                CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard)
   * Component: CORE Version: 3.40.0

<h2>Collection of Component include folders:</h2>
  C:\Users\13543\Desktop\格林美三楼叉车 - 6-24新系统\Project\MDK-ARM(uV4)\RTE

<h2>Collection of Component Files used:</h2>

   * Component: ARM::CMSIS:CORE:3.40.0
      Source file:   CMSIS\UserCodeTemplates\ARM\ITM_Retarget.c