en-US.js 4.95 KB
export default {
  lang: 'English',
  button: {
    ok: 'OK',
    search: 'Search',
    reset: 'Reset',
    new: 'New',
    edit: 'Edit',
    close: 'Close',
    delete: 'Delete',
    start: 'Start',
    stop: 'stop',
    runOnce: 'Run Once',
    more: 'More',
    details: 'Details',
    expand: 'Expand',
    collapse: 'Collapse',
    select: 'Select',
  system: {
    accountLoginWithPassword: 'Account Login with Password',
    enterYourAccountName: 'Please enter your account name',
    enterYourPassword: 'Please enter your password',
    loginFailed: 'Login failed',
    oldPassword: 'Old Password',
    inputOldPassword: 'Please input old password',
    newPassword: 'New Password',
    inputNewPassword: 'Please input new password',
    confirmNewPassword: 'Confirm New Password',
    inputConfirmNewPassword: 'Please confirm new password',
    passwordsDoNotMatch: 'Passwords do not match',
    pleaseSelect: 'Please select',
    languageSettings: 'Language Settings',
    themeSettings: 'Theme Settings',
    darkModeMenuStyle: 'Dark Mode Menu Style',
    lightModeMenuStyle: 'Light Mode Menu Style',
    otherSettings: 'Other Settings',
    colorBlindnessMode: 'Color Blindness Mode',
    multiTabMode: 'Multi-tab Mode',
    logout: 'Logout',
    welcome: 'Welcome!',
    goodMorning1: 'Good morning',
    goodMorning2: 'Good morning',
    goodAfternoon1: 'Good afternoon',
    goodAfternoon2: 'Good afternoon',
    goodEvening: 'Good evening',
    requestEncounteredError: 'Request encountered an error, please try again later',
    systemMessage: 'System Message',
    systemSettings: 'System Settings',
    passwordChange: 'Password Change',
    home: 'Home',
    clearCache: 'Clear Cache',
    cacheRefreshed: 'Cache Refreshed',
    cacheRefreshFailed: 'Cache Refresh Failed',
    message: 'Message',
    logoutMessage: 'Are you sure you want to log out?',
    createTime: "Create Time",
    updateTime: "Update Time",
    options: "Options",
    remark: "Remark",
    batch: 'Batch',
    inputBatch: 'Please input batch',
  scanin: {
    scanCodeText: 'Scan Code Text',
    inputScanCodeText: 'Please input scan code text',
    status: 'Status',
    selectStatus: 'Please select status',
    scanSuccessful: 'Scan successful',
  pallet: {
    id: 'Task ID',
    containerCode: 'Pallet Code',
    inputContainerCode: 'Please input pallet code',
    taskType: 'Task Type',
    selectTaskType: 'Please select task type',
    sendBackWmsStatus: 'Send Back WMS Status',
    selectSendBackWmsStatus: 'Please select Send back wms status',
    unstackStatus: 'Unstack Status',
    selectUnstackStatus: 'Please select unstack status',
    stackStatus: 'Stack Status',
    selectStackStatus: 'Please select stack status',
    arrivedP1008Status: 'Arrived P1008 Status',
    selectArrivedP1008Status: 'Please select Arrived P1008 Status',
    palletTaskDetail: 'Pallet Task Detail',
    outboundOrderCode: 'Outbound Order Code',
    inputOutboundOrderCode: 'Please input outbound order code',
    detailId: 'Task Detail ID',
    waybillcode: 'Waybill Code',
    inputWaybillcode: 'Please input waybill code',
    waybillPdfUrl: 'Waybill Download Url',
    lecangsCode: 'Lecangs Code',
    inputLecangsCode: 'Please input lecangs code',
    barcode: 'Barcode',
    inputBarcode: 'Please input barcode',
    packPlanNum: 'Plan Quantity',
    length: 'Length',
    width: 'Width',
    height: 'Height',
    weight: 'Weight',
    scanType: 'Scan Type',
    scanContent: 'Scan Content',
    waybillLocalUrl: 'Waybill Local Url',
    isDownload: 'Download Waybill Status',
    isPrint: 'Send Printer Status',
    isCheckWaybill: 'Check Waybill Status',
  task: {
    scheduledTaskName: 'Task Name',
    inputScheduledTaskName: 'Please input task name',
    scheduledTaskClass: 'Task Class',
    inputScheduledTaskClass: 'Please input task class',
    cronExpression: 'Cron Expression',
    inputCronExpression: 'Please input Cron expression',
    parameter: 'Parameter',
    taskStatus: 'Task Status',
    inputTaskStatus: 'Please select task status',
    taskStatusAll: 'All',
    taskStatusStarted: 'Started',
    taskStatusPaused: 'Paused',
  api: {
    apiName: 'API Name',
    inputApiName: 'Please input API name',
    apiMethod: 'API Method',
    inputApiMethod: 'Please input API method',
    ip: 'Request IP',
    inputIp: 'Please input request IP',
    requestFrom: 'Request From',
    inputRequestFrom: 'Please input request from',
    responseBy: 'Response By',
    inputResponseBy: 'Please input response by',
    url: 'Request URL',
    inputUrl: 'Please input request url',
    duration: 'Duration (ms)',
    inputDuration: 'Please input duration (ms)',
    retCode: 'Status Code',
    inputRetCode: 'Please input status code',
    requestTime: 'Request Time',
    selectStartTime: 'Please select start time',
    selectEndTime: 'Please select end time',
    requestBody: 'Request Body',
    responseBy: 'Response By',
    responseBody: 'Response Body',
    responseTime: 'Response Time',
    exception: 'Exception Stack'