<template> <j-modal title="选择部门" :width="modalWidth" :visible="visible" :confirmLoading="confirmLoading" @ok="handleSubmit" @cancel="handleCancel" @update:fullscreen="isFullscreen" wrapClassName="j-depart-select-modal" switchFullscreen cancelText="关闭"> <a-spin tip="Loading..." :spinning="false"> <a-input-search v-model="searchValue" style="margin-bottom: 1px" placeholder="请输入部门名称按回车进行搜索"/> <a-empty v-if="filterTreeData.length===0"></a-empty> <a-tree v-else checkable :class="treeScreenClass" :treeData="filterTreeData" :checkStrictly="checkStrictly" @check="onCheck" @select="onSelect" @expand="onExpand" :autoExpandParent="autoExpandParent" :expandedKeys="expandedKeys" :checkedKeys="checkedKeys"> </a-tree> </a-spin> <!--底部父子关联操作和确认取消按钮--> <template slot="footer" v-if="treeOpera && multi"> <div class="drawer-bootom-button"> <a-dropdown style="float: left" :trigger="['click']" placement="topCenter"> <a-menu slot="overlay"> <a-menu-item key="1" @click="switchCheckStrictly(1)">父子关联</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="2" @click="switchCheckStrictly(2)">取消关联</a-menu-item> </a-menu> <a-button> 树操作 <a-icon type="up"/> </a-button> </a-dropdown> <a-button @click="handleCancel" type="primary" style="margin-right: 0.8rem">关闭</a-button> <a-button @click="handleSubmit" type="primary">确认</a-button> </div> </template> </j-modal> </template> <script> import {queryDepartTreeList} from '@/api/api' export default { name: 'JSelectDepartModal', props: ['modalWidth', 'multi', 'rootOpened', 'departId', 'store', 'text', 'treeOpera'], data() { return { visible: false, confirmLoading: false, treeData: [], autoExpandParent: true, expandedKeys: [], dataList: [], checkedKeys: [], checkedRows: [], searchValue: "", checkStrictly: true, fullscreen: false } }, created() { this.loadDepart(); }, watch: { departId() { this.initDepartComponent() }, visible: { handler() { this.initDepartComponent(true) } } }, computed: { treeScreenClass() { return { 'my-dept-select-tree': true, 'fullscreen': this.fullscreen, } }, filterTreeData() { if (!this.searchValue) { return this.treeData } let filter = [] this.dataList.forEach((item) => { if (item.title.includes(this.searchValue)) { filter.push(Object.assign({}, item, {children: null, isLeaf: true})) } }) return filter }, }, methods: { show() { this.visible = true this.checkedRows = [] this.checkedKeys = [] }, loadDepart() { // 这个方法是找到所有的部门信息 queryDepartTreeList().then(res => { if (res.success) { let arr = [...res.result] this.reWriterWithSlot(arr) this.treeData = arr this.initDepartComponent() if (this.rootOpened) { this.initExpandedKeys(res.result) } } }) }, initDepartComponent(flag) { let arr = [] //该方法两个地方用 1.visible改变事件重新设置选中项 2.组件编辑页面回显 let fieldName = flag == true ? 'key' : this.text if (this.departId) { let arr2 = this.departId.split(',') for (let item of this.dataList) { if (arr2.indexOf(item[this.store]) >= 0) { arr.push(item[fieldName]) } } } if (flag == true) { this.checkedKeys = [...arr] } else { this.$emit("initComp", arr.join(',')) } }, reWriterWithSlot(arr) { for (let item of arr) { if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) { this.reWriterWithSlot(item.children) let temp = Object.assign({}, item) temp.children = {} this.dataList.push(temp) } else { this.dataList.push(item) item.scopedSlots = {title: 'title'} } } }, initExpandedKeys(arr) { if (arr && arr.length > 0) { let keys = [] for (let item of arr) { if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) { keys.push(item.id) } } this.expandedKeys = [...keys] //全部keys //this.allTreeKeys = [...keys] } else { this.expandedKeys = [] //this.allTreeKeys = [] } }, onCheck(checkedKeys, info) { if (!this.multi) { let arr = checkedKeys.checked.filter(item => this.checkedKeys.indexOf(item) < 0) this.checkedKeys = [...arr] this.checkedRows = (this.checkedKeys.length === 0) ? [] : [info.node.dataRef] } else { if (this.checkStrictly) { this.checkedKeys = checkedKeys.checked } else { this.checkedKeys = checkedKeys } this.checkedRows = this.getCheckedRows(this.checkedKeys) } }, onSelect(selectedKeys, info) { //取消关联的情况下才走onSelect的逻辑 if (this.checkStrictly) { let keys = [] keys.push(selectedKeys[0]) if (!this.checkedKeys || this.checkedKeys.length === 0 || !this.multi) { this.checkedKeys = [...keys] this.checkedRows = [info.node.dataRef] } else { let currKey = info.node.dataRef.key if (this.checkedKeys.indexOf(currKey) >= 0) { this.checkedKeys = this.checkedKeys.filter(item => item !== currKey) } else { this.checkedKeys.push(...keys) } } this.checkedRows = this.getCheckedRows(this.checkedKeys) } }, onExpand(expandedKeys) { this.expandedKeys = expandedKeys this.autoExpandParent = false }, handleSubmit() { if (!this.checkedKeys || this.checkedKeys.length == 0) { this.$emit("ok", '') } else { let checkRow = this.getCheckedRows(this.checkedKeys) let keyStr = this.checkedKeys.join(",") this.$emit("ok", checkRow, keyStr) } this.handleClear() }, handleCancel() { this.handleClear() }, handleClear() { this.visible = false this.checkedKeys = [] }, getParentKey(currKey, treeData) { let parentKey for (let i = 0; i < treeData.length; i++) { const node = treeData[i] if (node.children) { if (node.children.some(item => item.key === currKey)) { parentKey = node.key } else if (this.getParentKey(currKey, node.children)) { parentKey = this.getParentKey(currKey, node.children) } } } return parentKey }, // 根据 checkedKeys 获取 rows getCheckedRows(checkedKeys) { const forChildren = (list, key) => { for (let item of list) { if (item.id === key) { return item } if (item.children instanceof Array) { let value = forChildren(item.children, key) if (value != null) { return value } } } return null } let rows = [] for (let key of checkedKeys) { let row = forChildren(this.treeData, key) if (row != null) { rows.push(row) } } return rows }, switchCheckStrictly(v) { if (v == 1) { this.checkStrictly = false } else if (v == 2) { this.checkStrictly = true } }, isFullscreen(val) { this.fullscreen = val } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> // 限制部门选择树高度,避免部门太多时点击确定不便 .my-dept-select-tree { height: 350px; &.fullscreen { height: calc(100vh - 250px); } overflow-y: scroll; } .drawer-bootom-button { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8; padding: 10px 16px; text-align: right; left: 0; background: #fff; border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; } </style>