<template> <a-card :bordered="false"> <!-- 查询区域 --> <div class="table-page-search-wrapper"> <!-- 搜索区域 --> <a-form layout="inline"> <a-row :gutter="10"> <a-col :md="10" :sm="12"> <a-form-item label="用户账号" style="margin-left:8px"> <a-input placeholder="请输入账号" v-model="queryParam.username"></a-input> </a-form-item> </a-col> <span style="float: left;overflow: hidden;" class="table-page-search-submitButtons"> <a-col :md="6" :sm="24"> <a-button type="primary" @click="searchQuery" icon="search" style="margin-left: 18px">查询</a-button> <a-button type="primary" @click="searchReset" icon="reload" style="margin-left: 8px">重置</a-button> </a-col> </span> </a-row> </a-form> </div> <!-- 操作按钮区域 --> <div class="table-operator" :md="24" :sm="24" style="margin-top: -15px"> <!--<a-button @click="handleEdit" type="primary" icon="edit" style="margin-top: 16px">用户编辑</a-button>--> <a-button @click="handleAddUserDepart" type="primary" icon="plus">添加已有用户</a-button> <a-button @click="handleAdd" type="primary" icon="plus" style="margin-top: 16px">新建用户</a-button> <a-dropdown v-if="selectedRowKeys.length > 0"> <a-menu slot="overlay"> <a-menu-item key="1" @click="batchDel"> <a-icon type="delete"/> 取消关联 </a-menu-item> </a-menu> <a-button style="margin-left: 8px"> 批量操作 <a-icon type="down"/> </a-button> </a-dropdown> </div> <!-- table区域-begin --> <div> <div class="ant-alert ant-alert-info" style="margin-bottom: 16px;"> <i class="anticon anticon-info-circle ant-alert-icon"></i> 已选择 <a style="font-weight: 600">{{ selectedRowKeys.length }}</a>项 <a style="margin-left: 24px" @click="onClearSelected">清空</a> </div> <a-table ref="table" size="middle" bordered rowKey="id" :columns="columns" :dataSource="dataSource" :pagination="ipagination" :loading="loading" :rowSelection="{selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys, onChange: onSelectChange}" @change="handleTableChange"> <span slot="action" slot-scope="text, record"> <a @click="handleEdit(record)">编辑</a> <a-divider type="vertical"/> <a-dropdown> <a class="ant-dropdown-link"> 更多 <a-icon type="down"/> </a> <a-menu slot="overlay"> <a-menu-item> <a href="javascript:;" @click="handleDeptRole(record)">部门角色</a> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item> <a href="javascript:;" @click="handleDetail(record)">用户详情</a> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item> <a-popconfirm title="确定取消与选中部门关联吗?" @confirm="() => handleDelete(record.id)"> <a>取消关联</a> </a-popconfirm> </a-menu-item> </a-menu> </a-dropdown> </span> </a-table> </div> <!-- table区域-end --> <!-- 表单区域 --> <user-modal ref="modalForm" @ok="modalFormOk"></user-modal> <Select-User-Modal ref="selectUserModal" @selectFinished="selectOK"></Select-User-Modal> <dept-role-user-modal ref="deptRoleUser"></dept-role-user-modal> </a-card> </template> <script> import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin' import {getAction, postAction, deleteAction} from '@/api/manage' import SelectUserModal from './SelectUserModal' import UserModal from './UserModal' import DeptRoleUserModal from './DeptRoleUserModal' export default { name: "DeptUserInfo", mixins: [JeecgListMixin], components: { DeptRoleUserModal, SelectUserModal, UserModal }, data() { return { description: '用户信息', currentDeptId: '', currentDept: {}, // 表头 columns: [{ title: '用户账号', align: "center", dataIndex: 'username' }, { title: '用户名称', align: "center", dataIndex: 'realname' }, { title: '部门', align: "center", dataIndex: 'orgCode' }, { title: '性别', align: "center", dataIndex: 'sex_dictText' }, { title: '电话', align: "center", dataIndex: 'phone' }, { title: '操作', dataIndex: 'action', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'action'}, align: "center", width: 150 }], url: { list: "/sys/user/departUserList", edit: "/sys/user/editSysDepartWithUser", delete: "/sys/user/deleteUserInDepart", deleteBatch: "/sys/user/deleteUserInDepartBatch", } } }, created() { }, methods: { searchReset() { this.queryParam = {} this.loadData(1); }, loadData(arg) { if (!this.url.list) { this.$message.error("请设置url.list属性!") return } //加载数据 若传入参数1则加载第一页的内容 if (arg === 1) { this.ipagination.current = 1; } //if (this.currentDeptId === '') return; let params = this.getQueryParams();//查询条件 params.depId = this.currentDeptId; getAction(this.url.list, params).then((res) => { if (res.success && res.result) { this.dataSource = res.result.records; this.ipagination.total = res.result.total; } }) }, batchDel: function () { if (!this.url.deleteBatch) { this.$message.error("请设置url.deleteBatch属性!") return } if (!this.currentDeptId) { this.$message.error("未选中任何部门,无法取消部门与用户的关联!") return } if (this.selectedRowKeys.length <= 0) { this.$message.warning('请选择一条记录!'); return; } else { var ids = ""; for (var a = 0; a < this.selectedRowKeys.length; a++) { ids += this.selectedRowKeys[a] + ","; } var that = this; console.log(this.currentDeptId); this.$confirm({ title: "确认取消", content: "是否取消用户与选中部门的关联?", onOk: function () { deleteAction(that.url.deleteBatch, {depId: that.currentDeptId, userIds: ids}).then((res) => { if (res.success) { that.$message.success("删除用户与选中部门关系成功!"); that.loadData(); that.onClearSelected(); } else { that.$message.warning(res.message); } }); } }); } }, handleDelete: function (id) { if (!this.url.delete) { this.$message.error("请设置url.delete属性!") return } if (!this.currentDeptId) { this.$message.error("未选中任何部门,无法取消部门与用户的关联!") return } var that = this; deleteAction(that.url.delete, {depId: this.currentDeptId, userId: id}).then((res) => { if (res.success) { that.$message.success("删除用户与选中部门关系成功!"); if (this.selectedRowKeys.length>0){ for(let i =0; i<this.selectedRowKeys.length;i++){ if (this.selectedRowKeys[i] == id){ this.selectedRowKeys.splice(i,1); break; } } } that.loadData(); } else { that.$message.warning(res.message); } }); }, open(record) { //console.log(record); this.currentDeptId = record.id; this.currentDept = record; this.loadData(1); }, clearList() { this.currentDeptId = ''; this.dataSource = []; }, hasSelectDept() { if (this.currentDeptId == '') { this.$message.error("请选择一个部门!") return false; } return true; }, handleAddUserDepart() { if (this.currentDeptId == '' ) { this.$message.error("请选择一个部门!") } else { this.$refs.selectUserModal.visible = true; } }, handleEdit: function (record) { this.$refs.modalForm.title = "编辑"; this.$refs.modalForm.departDisabled = true; this.$refs.modalForm.disableSubmit = false; this.$refs.modalForm.edit(record); }, handleAdd: function () { if (this.currentDeptId == '') { this.$message.error("请选择一个部门!") } else { this.$refs.modalForm.departDisabled = true; //初始化负责部门 this.$refs.modalForm.nextDepartOptions=[{value:this.currentDept.key,label:this.currentDept.title}] this.$refs.modalForm.title = "新增"; this.$refs.modalForm.edit({activitiSync:'1',userIdentity:1,selecteddeparts:this.currentDeptId}) } }, selectOK(data) { let params = {}; params.depId = this.currentDeptId; params.userIdList = []; for (var a = 0; a < data.length; a++) { params.userIdList.push(data[a]); } console.log(params); postAction(this.url.edit, params).then((res) => { if (res.success) { this.$message.success(res.message); this.loadData(); } else { this.$message.warning(res.message); } }) }, handleDeptRole(record){ if(this.currentDeptId != ''){ this.$refs.deptRoleUser.add(record,this.currentDeptId); this.$refs.deptRoleUser.title = "部门角色分配"; }else{ this.$message.warning("请先选择一个部门!"); } } } } </script> <style scoped> /** Button按钮间距 */ .ant-btn { margin-left: 3px } .ant-card { margin-left: -30px; margin-right: -30px; } .table-page-search-wrapper { margin-top: -16px; margin-bottom: 16px; } </style>