From 14fd8283bf10c6dfffcba2dae38ccd08fbd6c59f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zhangdaihao <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 12:07:20 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 删除性能监控,后期重构

 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/HttpTrace.vue     | 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/JvmInfo.vue       | 256 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisInfo.vue     | 216 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisTerminal.vue |  13 -------------
 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/SystemInfo.vue    | 125 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/TomcatInfo.vue    | 202 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 jeecg-boot/docs/db/jeecg-boot_1.1.0-20190415.sql         |   3 ++-
 7 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 963 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/HttpTrace.vue
 delete mode 100644 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/JvmInfo.vue
 delete mode 100644 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisInfo.vue
 delete mode 100644 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisTerminal.vue
 delete mode 100644 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/SystemInfo.vue
 delete mode 100644 ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/TomcatInfo.vue

diff --git a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/HttpTrace.vue b/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/HttpTrace.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index ad20518..0000000
--- a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/HttpTrace.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-  <a-card :bordered="false" class="card-area">
-    <div>
-      <div class="alert">
-        <a-alert type="success" :show-icon="true">
-          <div slot="message">
-            共追踪到 {{dataSource.length}} 条近期HTTP请求记录
-            <a style="margin-left: 24px" @click="search">点击刷新</a>
-          </div>
-        </a-alert>
-      </div>
-      <!-- 表格区域 -->
-      <a-table :columns="columns"
-               :dataSource="dataSource"
-               :pagination="pagination"
-               :loading="loading"
-               :scroll="{ x: 900 }"
-               @change="handleTableChange">
-      </a-table>
-    </div>
-  </a-card>
-import moment from 'moment'
-import {getAction} from '@/api/manage'
-export default {
-  data () {
-    return {
-      advanced: false,
-      dataSource: [],
-      pagination: {
-        defaultPageSize: 10,
-        defaultCurrent: 1,
-        pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '30', '40', '100'],
-        showQuickJumper: true,
-        showSizeChanger: true,
-        showTotal: (total, range) => `显示 ${range[0]} ~ ${range[1]} 条记录,共 ${total} 条记录`
-      },
-      loading: false
-    }
-  },
-  computed: {
-    columns () {
-      return [{
-        title: '请求时间',
-        dataIndex: 'timestamp',
-        customRender: (text, row, index) => {
-          return moment(text).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
-        }
-      }, {
-        title: '请求方法',
-        dataIndex: 'request.method',
-        customRender: (text, row, index) => {
-          switch (text) {
-            case 'GET':
-              return <a-tag color="#87d068">{text}</a-tag>
-            case 'POST':
-              return <a-tag color="#2db7f5">{text}</a-tag>
-            case 'PUT':
-              return <a-tag color="#ffba5a">{text}</a-tag>
-            case 'DELETE':
-              return <a-tag color="#f50">{text}</a-tag>
-            default:
-              return text
-          }
-        },
-        filters: [
-          { text: 'GET', value: 'GET' },
-          { text: 'POST', value: 'POST' },
-          { text: 'PUT', value: 'PUT' },
-          { text: 'DELETE', value: 'DELETE' }
-        ],
-        filterMultiple: true,
-        onFilter: (value, record) => record.request.method.includes(value)
-      }, {
-        title: '请求URL',
-        dataIndex: 'request.uri',
-        customRender: (text, row, index) => {
-          return text.split('?')[0]
-        }
-      }, {
-        title: '响应状态',
-        dataIndex: 'response.status',
-        customRender: (text, row, index) => {
-          if (text < 200) {
-            return <a-tag color="pink">{text}</a-tag>
-          } else if (text < 201) {
-            return <a-tag color="green">{text}</a-tag>
-          } else if (text < 399) {
-            return <a-tag color="cyan">{text}</a-tag>
-          } else if (text < 403) {
-            return <a-tag color="orange">{text}</a-tag>
-          } else if (text < 501) {
-            return <a-tag color="red">{text}</a-tag>
-          } else {
-            return text
-          }
-        }
-      }, {
-        title: '请求耗时',
-        dataIndex: 'timeTaken',
-        customRender: (text, row, index) => {
-          if (text < 500) {
-            return <a-tag color="green">{text} ms</a-tag>
-          } else if (text < 1000) {
-            return <a-tag color="cyan">{text} ms</a-tag>
-          } else if (text < 1500) {
-            return <a-tag color="orange">{text} ms</a-tag>
-          } else {
-            return <a-tag color="red">{text} ms</a-tag>
-          }
-        }
-      }]
-    }
-  },
-  mounted () {
-    this.fetch()
-  },
-  methods: {
-    search () {
-      this.fetch()
-    },
-    handleTableChange (pagination, filters, sorter) {
-      this.fetch()
-    },
-    fetch () {
-      this.loading = true
-      getAction('actuator/httptrace').then((data) => {
-        this.loading = false
-        let filterData = []
-        for (let d of data.traces) {
-          if (d.request.method !== 'OPTIONS' && d.request.uri.indexOf('httptrace') === -1) {
-            filterData.push(d)
-          }
-        }
-        this.dataSource = filterData
-      })
-    }
-  }
-<style lang="less" scoped>
-  .alert {
-    margin-bottom: .5rem;
-  }
diff --git a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/JvmInfo.vue b/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/JvmInfo.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa98cb..0000000
--- a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/JvmInfo.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-  <a-skeleton active :loading="loading" :paragraph="{rows: 17}">
-    <div class="jvm-info" style="background-color: #ffffff">
-      <div class="alert">
-        <a-alert type="success" :show-icon="true">
-          <div slot="message">
-            数据获取时间 {{this.time}}
-            <a style="margin-left: 24px" @click="create">点击刷新</a>
-          </div>
-        </a-alert>
-      </div>
-      <table>
-        <tr>
-          <th>参数</th>
-          <th>描述</th>
-          <th>当前值</th>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="purple">jvm.memory.max</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 最大内存</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.memory.max}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="purple">jvm.memory.committed</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 可用内存</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.memory.committed}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="purple">jvm.memory.used</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 已用内存</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.memory.used}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="cyan">jvm.buffer.memory.used</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 缓冲区已用内存</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.buffer.memory.used}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="cyan">jvm.buffer.count</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>当前缓冲区数量</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.buffer.count}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="green">jvm.threads.daemon</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 守护线程数量</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.threads.daemon}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="green"></a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 当前活跃线程数量</td>
-          <td>{{}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="green">jvm.threads.peak</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 峰值线程数量</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.threads.peak}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="orange">jvm.classes.loaded</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 已加载 Class 数量</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.classes.loaded}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="orange">jvm.classes.unloaded</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>JVM 未加载 Class 数量</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.classes.unloaded}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="pink">jvm.gc.memory.allocated</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>GC 时, 年轻代分配的内存空间</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.gc.memory.allocated}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="pink">jvm.gc.memory.promoted</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>GC 时, 老年代分配的内存空间</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.gc.memory.promoted}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="pink"></a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>GC 时, 老年代的最大内存空间</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.gc.maxDataSize}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="pink"></a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>FullGC 时, 老年代的内存空间</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.gc.liveDataSize}} MB</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="blue">jvm.gc.pause.count</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>系统启动以来GC 次数</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.gc.pause.count}} 次</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>
-            <a-tag color="blue">jvm.gc.pause.totalTime</a-tag>
-          </td>
-          <td>系统启动以来GC 总耗时</td>
-          <td>{{jvm.gc.pause.totalTime}} 秒</td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </a-skeleton>
-  import axios from 'axios'
-  import moment from 'moment'
-  import {getAction} from '@/api/manage'
-  moment.locale('zh-cn')
-  export default {
-    data() {
-      return {
-        time: '',
-        loading: true,
-        jvm: {
-          memory: {
-            max: 0,
-            committed: 0,
-            used: 0
-          },
-          buffer: {
-            memory: {
-              used: 0
-            },
-            count: 0
-          },
-          threads: {
-            daemon: 0,
-            live: 0,
-            peak: 0
-          },
-          classes: {
-            loaded: 0,
-            unloaded: 0
-          },
-          gc: {
-            memory: {
-              allocated: 0,
-              promoted: 0
-            },
-            maxDataSize: 0,
-            liveDataSize: 0,
-            pause: {
-              totalTime: 0,
-              count: 0
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    mounted() {
-      this.create()
-    },
-    methods: {
-      create() {
-        this.time = moment().format('YYYY年MM月DD日 HH时mm分ss秒')
-        axios.all([
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.memory.max'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.memory.committed'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.memory.used'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.buffer.memory.used'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.buffer.count'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.threads.daemon'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.threads.peak'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.classes.loaded'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.classes.unloaded'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.gc.memory.allocated'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.gc.memory.promoted'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-          getAction('actuator/metrics/jvm.gc.pause')
-        ]).then((r) => {
-          this.jvm.memory.max = this.convert(r[0].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.memory.committed = this.convert(r[1].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.memory.used = this.convert(r[2].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.buffer.memory.used = this.convert(r[3].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.buffer.count = r[4].measurements[0].value
-          this.jvm.threads.daemon = r[5].measurements[0].value
- = r[6].measurements[0].value
-          this.jvm.threads.peak = r[7].measurements[0].value
-          this.jvm.classes.loaded = r[8].measurements[0].value
-          this.jvm.classes.unloaded = r[9].measurements[0].value
-          this.jvm.gc.memory.allocated = this.convert(r[10].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.gc.memory.promoted = this.convert(r[11].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.gc.maxDataSize = this.convert(r[12].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.gc.liveDataSize = this.convert(r[13].measurements[0].value)
-          this.jvm.gc.pause.count = r[14].measurements[0].value
-          this.jvm.gc.pause.totalTime = r[14].measurements[1].value
-          this.loading = false
-        }).catch((r) => {
-          console.error(r)
-          this.$message.error('获取JVM信息失败')
-        })
-      },
-      convert(value) {
-        return Number(value / 1048576).toFixed(3)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-<style lang="less">
-  .jvm-info {
-    width: 100%;
-    table {
-      width: 100%;
-      tr {
-        line-height: 1.5rem;
-        border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
-        th {
-          background: #fafafa;
-          padding: .5rem;
-        }
-        td {
-          padding: .5rem;
-          .ant-tag {
-            font-size: .8rem !important;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    .alert {
-      margin-bottom: .5rem;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisInfo.vue b/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisInfo.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a7e8a..0000000
--- a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisInfo.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-  <div style="width: 100%;margin-top: 1rem;background-color: #ffffff">
-    <a-row :gutter="8">
-      <a-col :span="12">
-        <apexchart ref="memoryInfo" type=area height=350 :options="memory.chartOptions" :series="memory.series" />
-      </a-col>
-      <a-col :span="12">
-        <apexchart ref="keySize" type=area height=350  :options="key.chartOptions" :series="key.series" />
-      </a-col>
-    </a-row>
-    <a-row :gutter="8">
-      <a-divider orientation="left">Redis详细信息</a-divider>
-      <table style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1f1;">
-        <tr v-for="(info, index) in redisInfo" :key="index" style="border-top: 1px solid #f1f1f1;">
-          <td style="padding: .7rem 1rem">{{info.key}}</td>
-          <td style="padding: .7rem 1rem">{{info.description}}</td>
-          <td style="padding: .7rem 1rem">{{info.value}}</td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </a-row>
-  </div>
-import axios from 'axios'
-import moment from 'moment'
-import {getAction} from '@/api/manage'
-export default {
-  name: 'RedisInfo',
-  data () {
-    return {
-      loading: true,
-      memory: {
-        series: [],
-        chartOptions: {
-          chart: {
-            animations: {
-              enabled: true,
-              easing: 'linear',
-              dynamicAnimation: {
-                speed: 3000
-              }
-            },
-            toolbar: {
-              show: false
-            },
-            zoom: {
-              enabled: false
-            }
-          },
-          dataLabels: {
-            enabled: false
-          },
-          stroke: {
-            curve: 'smooth'
-          },
-          title: {
-            text: 'Redis内存实时占用情况(kb)',
-            align: 'left'
-          },
-          markers: {
-            size: 0
-          },
-          xaxis: {
-          },
-          yaxis: {},
-          legend: {
-            show: false
-          }
-        },
-        data: [],
-        xdata: []
-      },
-      key: {
-        series: [],
-        chartOptions: {
-          chart: {
-            animations: {
-              enabled: true,
-              easing: 'linear',
-              dynamicAnimation: {
-                speed: 3000
-              }
-            },
-            toolbar: {
-              show: false
-            },
-            zoom: {
-              enabled: false
-            }
-          },
-          dataLabels: {
-            enabled: false
-          },
-          colors: ['#f5564e'],
-          stroke: {
-            curve: 'smooth'
-          },
-          title: {
-            text: 'Redis key实时数量(个)',
-            align: 'left'
-          },
-          markers: {
-            size: 0
-          },
-          xaxis: {
-          },
-          yaxis: {},
-          legend: {
-            show: false
-          }
-        },
-        data: [],
-        xdata: []
-      },
-      redisInfo: [],
-      timer: null
-    }
-  },
-  beforeDestroy () {
-    if (this.timer) {
-      clearInterval(this.timer)
-    }
-  },
-  mounted () {
-    let minMemory = 1e10
-    let minSize = 1e10
-    let maxMemory = -1e10
-    let maxSize = -1e10
-    this.timer = setInterval(() => {
-      if (this.$route.path.indexOf('redis') !== -1) {
-        axios.all([
-          getAction('redis/keysSize'),
-          getAction('redis/memoryInfo')
-        ]).then((r) => {
-          console.log(r)
-          let currentMemory = r[1].used_memory / 1000
-          let currentSize = r[0].dbSize
-          if (currentMemory < minMemory) {
-            minMemory = currentMemory
-          }
-          if (currentMemory > maxMemory) {
-            maxMemory = currentMemory
-          }
-          if (currentSize < minSize) {
-            minSize = currentSize
-          }
-          if (currentSize > maxSize) {
-            maxSize = currentSize
-          }
-          let time = moment().format('hh:mm:ss')
-          this.memory.xdata.push(time)
-          this.key.xdata.push(time)
-          if ( >= 6) {
-            this.memory.xdata.shift()
-          }
-          if ( >= 6) {
-            this.key.xdata.shift()
-          }
-          this.$refs.memoryInfo.updateSeries([
-            {
-              name: '内存(kb)',
-              data:
-            }
-          ])
-          this.$refs.memoryInfo.updateOptions({
-            xaxis: {
-              categories: this.memory.xdata.slice()
-            },
-            yaxis: {
-              min: minMemory,
-              max: maxMemory
-            }
-          }, true, true)
-          this.$refs.keySize.updateSeries([
-            {
-              name: 'key数量',
-              data:
-            }
-          ])
-          this.$refs.keySize.updateOptions({
-            xaxis: {
-              categories: this.key.xdata.slice()
-            },
-            yaxis: {
-              min: minSize - 2,
-              max: maxSize + 2
-            }
-          }, true, true)
-          if (this.loading) {
-            this.loading = false
-          }
-        }).catch((r) => {
-          console.error(r)
-          this.$message.error('获取Redis信息失败')
-          if (this.timer) {
-            clearInterval(this.timer)
-          }
-        })
-      }
-    }, 3000)
-    getAction('redis/info').then((r) => {
-      console.log('redis/info')
-      console.log(r)
-      this.redisInfo = r.result
-    })
-  }
diff --git a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisTerminal.vue b/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisTerminal.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index e671afa..0000000
--- a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/RedisTerminal.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  <div>
-    <div>Redis终端</div>
-  </div>
-export default {
-  name: 'RedisTerminal'
diff --git a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/SystemInfo.vue b/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/SystemInfo.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d8640..0000000
--- a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/SystemInfo.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-  <a-skeleton active :loading="loading" :paragraph="{rows: 17}">
-    <div class="jvm-info" style="background-color: #ffffff">
-      <div class="alert">
-        <a-alert type="success" :show-icon="true">
-          <div slot="message">
-            数据获取时间 {{this.time}}
-            <a style="margin-left: 24px" @click="create">点击刷新</a>
-          </div>
-        </a-alert>
-      </div>
-      <table>
-        <tr>
-          <th>参数</th>
-          <th>描述</th>
-          <th>当前值</th>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green">system.cpu.count</a-tag></td>
-          <td>CPU 数量</td>
-          <td>{{system.cpu.count}} 核</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green">system.cpu.usage</a-tag></td>
-          <td>系统 CPU 使用率</td>
-          <td>{{system.cpu.usage}} %</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple">process.start.time</a-tag></td>
-          <td>应用启动时间点</td>
-          <td>{{system.process.startTime}}</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple">process.uptime</a-tag></td>
-          <td>应用已运行时间</td>
-          <td>{{system.process.uptime}} 秒</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple">process.cpu.usage</a-tag></td>
-          <td>当前应用 CPU 使用率</td>
-          <td>{{system.process.cpuUsage}} %</td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </a-skeleton>
-import axios from 'axios'
-import moment from 'moment'
-import {getAction} from '@/api/manage'
-export default {
-  data () {
-    return {
-      time: '',
-      loading: true,
-      system: {
-        cpu: {
-          count: 0,
-          usage: 0
-        },
-        process: {
-          cpuUsage: 0,
-          uptime: 0,
-          startTime: 0
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  mounted () {
-    this.create()
-  },
-  methods: {
-    create () {
-      this.time = moment().format('YYYY年MM月DD日 HH时mm分ss秒')
-      axios.all([
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/system.cpu.count'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/system.cpu.usage'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/process.uptime'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/process.start.time'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/process.cpu.usage')
-      ]).then((r) => {
-        this.system.cpu.count = r[0].measurements[0].value
-        this.system.cpu.usage = this.convert(r[1].measurements[0].value)
-        this.system.process.uptime = r[2].measurements[0].value
-        this.system.process.startTime = moment(r[3].measurements[0].value * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
-        this.system.process.cpuUsage = this.convert(r[4].measurements[0].value)
-        this.loading = false
-      }).catch((r) => {
-        console.error(r)
-        this.$message.error('获取服务器信息失败')
-      })
-    },
-    convert (value) {
-      return Number(value * 100).toFixed(2)
-    }
-  }
-<style lang="less">
-  .jvm-info {
-    width: 100%;
-    table {
-      width: 100%;
-      tr {
-        line-height: 1.5rem;
-        border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
-        th {
-          background: #fafafa;
-          padding: .5rem;
-        }
-        td {
-          padding: .5rem;
-          .ant-tag {
-            font-size: .8rem !important;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    .alert {
-      margin-bottom: .5rem;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/TomcatInfo.vue b/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/TomcatInfo.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f539e..0000000
--- a/ant-design-jeecg-vue/src/views/monitor/TomcatInfo.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-  <a-skeleton active :loading="loading" :paragraph="{rows: 17}">
-    <div class="jvm-info" style="background-color: #ffffff">
-      <div class="alert">
-        <a-alert type="success" :show-icon="true">
-          <div slot="message">
-            数据获取时间 {{this.time}}
-            <a style="margin-left: 24px" @click="create">点击刷新</a>
-          </div>
-        </a-alert>
-      </div>
-      <table>
-        <tr>
-          <th>参数</th>
-          <th>描述</th>
-          <th>当前值</th>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green">tomcat.sessions.created</a-tag></td>
-          <td>tomcat 已创建 session 数</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.sessions.created}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green">tomcat.sessions.expired</a-tag></td>
-          <td>tomcat 已过期 session 数</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.sessions.expired}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green"></a-tag></td>
-          <td>tomcat 当前活跃 session 数</td>
-          <td>{{}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green"></a-tag></td>
-          <td>tomcat 活跃 session 数峰值</td>
-          <td>{{}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="green">tomcat.sessions.rejected</a-tag></td>
-          <td>超过session 最大配置后,拒绝的 session 个数</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.sessions.rejected}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple"></a-tag></td>
-          <td>发送的字节数</td>
-          <td>{{}} bytes</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple"></a-tag></td>
-          <td>request 请求最长耗时</td>
-          <td>{{}} 秒</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple"></a-tag></td>
-          <td>全局 request 请求次数</td>
-          <td>{{}} 次</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="purple"></a-tag></td>
-          <td>全局 request 请求总耗时</td>
-          <td>{{}} 秒</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="cyan">tomcat.servlet.request.max</a-tag></td>
-          <td>servlet 请求最长耗时</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.servlet.request.max}} 秒</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="cyan">tomcat.servlet.request.count</a-tag></td>
-          <td>servlet 总请求次数</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.servlet.request.count}} 次</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="cyan">tomcat.servlet.request.totalTime</a-tag></td>
-          <td>servlet 请求总耗时</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.servlet.request.totalTime}} 秒</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="pink">tomcat.threads.current</a-tag></td>
-          <td>tomcat 当前线程数(包括守护线程)</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.threads.current}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td><a-tag color="pink">tomcat.threads.configMax</a-tag></td>
-          <td>tomcat 配置的线程最大数</td>
-          <td>{{tomcat.threads.configMax}} 个</td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </a-skeleton>
-import axios from 'axios'
-import moment from 'moment'
-import {getAction} from '@/api/manage'
-export default {
-  data () {
-    return {
-      time: '',
-      loading: true,
-      tomcat: {
-        sessions: {
-          created: 0,
-          expired: 0,
-          active: {
-            current: 0,
-            max: 0
-          },
-          rejected: 0
-        },
-        global: {
-          sent: 0,
-          request: {
-            count: 0,
-            max: 0,
-            totalTime: 0
-          }
-        },
-        servlet: {
-          request: {
-            count: 0,
-            totalTime: 0,
-            max: 0
-          }
-        },
-        threads: {
-          current: 0,
-          configMax: 0
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  mounted () {
-    this.create()
-  },
-  methods: {
-    create () {
-      this.time = moment().format('YYYY年MM月DD日 HH时mm分ss秒')
-      axios.all([
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.sessions.created'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.sessions.expired'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.sessions.rejected'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.servlet.request'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.servlet.request.max'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.threads.current'),
-        getAction('actuator/metrics/tomcat.threads.config.max')
-      ]).then((r) => {
-        this.tomcat.sessions.created = r[0].measurements[0].value
-        this.tomcat.sessions.expired = r[1].measurements[0].value
- = r[2].measurements[0].value
- = r[3].measurements[0].value
-        this.tomcat.sessions.rejected = r[4].measurements[0].value
- = r[5].measurements[0].value
- = r[6].measurements[0].value
- = r[7].measurements[0].value
- = r[7].measurements[1].value
-        this.tomcat.servlet.request.count = r[8].measurements[0].value
-        this.tomcat.servlet.request.totalTime = r[8].measurements[1].value
-        this.tomcat.servlet.request.max = r[9].measurements[0].value
-        this.tomcat.threads.current = r[10].measurements[0].value
-        this.tomcat.threads.configMax = r[11].measurements[0].value
-        this.loading = false
-      }).catch((r) => {
-        console.error(r)
-        this.$message.error('获取Tomcat信息失败')
-      })
-    }
-  }
-<style lang="less">
-  .jvm-info {
-    width: 100%;
-    table {
-      width: 100%;
-      tr {
-        line-height: 1.5rem;
-        border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
-        th {
-          background: #fafafa;
-          padding: .5rem;
-        }
-        td {
-          padding: .5rem;
-          .ant-tag {
-            font-size: .8rem !important;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    .alert {
-      margin-bottom: .5rem;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jeecg-boot/docs/db/jeecg-boot_1.1.0-20190415.sql b/jeecg-boot/docs/db/jeecg-boot_1.1.0-20190415.sql
index 6db958c..3486d31 100644
--- a/jeecg-boot/docs/db/jeecg-boot_1.1.0-20190415.sql
+++ b/jeecg-boot/docs/db/jeecg-boot_1.1.0-20190415.sql
@@ -2391,4 +2391,5 @@ INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('fe38580871c5061ba59d5c03a0840b0e', 'a75d45a
 INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('6ec01b4aaab790eac4ddb33d7a524a58', 'e9ca23d68d884d4ebb19d07889727dae', 'f6817f48af4fb3af11b9e8bf182f618b');
 INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('d2233e5be091d39da5abb0073c766224', 'f0019fdebedb443c98dcb17d88222c38', 'ee8626f80f7c2619917b6236f3a7f02b');
-UPDATE `sys_permission` SET `component`='/jeecg/PrintDemo' WHERE (`id`='e6bfd1fcabfd7942fdd05f076d1dad38');
\ No newline at end of file
+UPDATE `sys_permission` SET `component`='/jeecg/PrintDemo' WHERE (`id`='e6bfd1fcabfd7942fdd05f076d1dad38');
+delete from sys_permission where id = '700b7f95165c46cc7a78bf227aa8fed3'
\ No newline at end of file
libgit2 0.22.2