<template> <global-layout @dynamicRouterShow="dynamicRouterShow"> <!-- update-begin- author:sunjianlei --- date:20191009 --- for: 提升右键菜单的层级 --> <contextmenu :itemList="menuItemList" :visible.sync="menuVisible" style="z-index: 9999;" @select="onMenuSelect"/> <!-- update-end- author:sunjianlei --- date:20191009 --- for: 提升右键菜单的层级 --> <a-tabs @contextmenu.native="e => onContextmenu(e)" v-if="multipage" :active-key="activePage" class="tab-layout-tabs" style="height:52px" :hide-add="true" type="editable-card" @change="changePage" @tabClick="tabCallBack" @edit="editPage"> <a-tab-pane :id="page.fullPath" :key="page.fullPath" v-for="page in pageList" :closable="!(page.meta.title=='首页')"> <span slot="tab" :pagekey="page.fullPath">{{ page.meta.title }}</span> </a-tab-pane> </a-tabs> <div style="margin: 12px 12px 0;"> <!-- update-begin-author:taoyan date:20201221 for:此处删掉transition标签 不知道为什么加上后 页面路由切换的时候即1及菜单切到2及菜单的时候 两个菜单页面会同时出现300-500秒左右 --> <keep-alive v-if="multipage"> <router-view v-if="reloadFlag"/> </keep-alive> <template v-else> <router-view v-if="reloadFlag"/> </template> <!-- update-end-author:taoyan date:20201221 for:此处删掉transition标签 不知道为什么加上后 页面路由切换的时候即1及菜单切到2及菜单的时候 两个菜单页面会同时出现300-500秒左右 --> </div> <!-- update-begin-author:zyf date:20211129 for:qiankun 挂载子应用盒子 --> <div id="content" class="app-view-box"></div> <!-- update-end-author:zyf date:20211129 for: qiankun 挂载子应用盒子--> </global-layout> </template> <script> import GlobalLayout from '@/components/page/GlobalLayout' import Contextmenu from '@/components/menu/Contextmenu' import {mixin, mixinDevice} from '@/utils/mixin.js' import {triggerWindowResizeEvent} from '@/utils/util' import Vue from 'vue' import {CACHE_INCLUDED_ROUTES} from '@/store/mutation-types' import registerApps from "@/qiankun"; const indexKey = '/dashboard/analysis' export default { name: 'TabLayout', components: { GlobalLayout, Contextmenu }, mixins: [mixin, mixinDevice], data() { return { pageList: [], linkList: [], activePage: '', menuVisible: false, menuItemList: [ {key: '4', icon: 'reload', text: '刷 新'}, {key: '1', icon: 'arrow-left', text: '关闭左侧'}, {key: '2', icon: 'arrow-right', text: '关闭右侧'}, {key: '3', icon: 'close', text: '关闭其它'} ], reloadFlag: true } }, /* update_begin author:wuxianquan date:20190828 for: 关闭当前tab页,供子页面调用 ->望菜单能配置外链,直接弹出新页面而不是嵌入iframe #428 */ provide() { return { closeCurrent: this.closeCurrent } }, /* update_end author:wuxianquan date:20190828 for: 关闭当前tab页,供子页面调用->望菜单能配置外链,直接弹出新页面而不是嵌入iframe #428 */ computed: { multipage() { //判断如果是手机模式,自动切换为单页面模式 if (this.isMobile()) { return false } else { return this.$store.state.app.multipage } } }, created() { if (this.$route.path != indexKey) { this.addIndexToFirst() } // 复制一个route对象出来,不能影响原route let currentRoute = Object.assign({}, this.$route) currentRoute.meta = Object.assign({}, currentRoute.meta) this.pageList.push(currentRoute) this.linkList.push(currentRoute.fullPath) this.activePage = currentRoute.fullPath }, mounted() { if (process.env.VUE_APP_QIANKUN == 'true') { //update-begin-author:zyf date:20211129 for:qiankun 注册子应用 if (!window.qiankunStarted) { window.qiankunStarted = true; registerApps(); } //update-end-author:zyf date:20211129 for:qiankun 注册子应用 } }, watch: { '$route': function (newRoute) { //console.log("新的路由",newRoute) this.activePage = newRoute.fullPath if (!this.multipage) { this.linkList = [newRoute.fullPath] this.pageList = [Object.assign({}, newRoute)] // update-begin-author:taoyan date:20200211 for: TASK #3368 【路由缓存】首页的缓存设置有问题,需要根据后台的路由配置来实现是否缓存 } else if (indexKey == newRoute.fullPath) { //首页时 判断是否缓存 没有缓存 刷新之 if (newRoute.meta.keepAlive === false) { this.routeReload() } // update-end-author:taoyan date:20200211 for: TASK #3368 【路由缓存】首页的缓存设置有问题,需要根据后台的路由配置来实现是否缓存 } else if (this.linkList.indexOf(newRoute.fullPath) < 0) { this.linkList.push(newRoute.fullPath) this.pageList.push(Object.assign({}, newRoute)) //// update-begin-author:sunjianlei date:20200103 for: 如果新增的页面配置了缓存路由,那么就强制刷新一遍 #842 // if (newRoute.meta.keepAlive) { // this.routeReload() // } //// update-end-author:sunjianlei date:20200103 for: 如果新增的页面配置了缓存路由,那么就强制刷新一遍 #842 } else if (this.linkList.indexOf(newRoute.fullPath) >= 0) { let oldIndex = this.linkList.indexOf(newRoute.fullPath) let oldPositionRoute = this.pageList[oldIndex] this.pageList.splice(oldIndex, 1, Object.assign({}, newRoute, {meta: oldPositionRoute.meta})) } }, 'activePage': function (key) { let index = this.linkList.lastIndexOf(key) let waitRouter = this.pageList[index] // 【TESTA-523】修复:不允许重复跳转路由异常 if (waitRouter.fullPath !== this.$route.fullPath) { this.$router.push(Object.assign({}, waitRouter)) } this.changeTitle(waitRouter.meta.title) }, 'multipage': function (newVal) { if (this.reloadFlag) { if (!newVal) { this.linkList = [this.$route.fullPath] this.pageList = [this.$route] } } }, // update-begin-author:sunjianlei date:20191223 for: 修复从单页模式切换回多页模式后首页不居第一位的 BUG device() { if (this.multipage && this.linkList.indexOf(indexKey) === -1) { this.addIndexToFirst() } }, // update-end-author:sunjianlei date:20191223 for: 修复从单页模式切换回多页模式后首页不居第一位的 BUG }, methods: { // update-begin-author:sunjianlei date:20191223 for: 修复从单页模式切换回多页模式后首页不居第一位的 BUG // 将首页添加到第一位 addIndexToFirst() { this.pageList.splice(0, 0, { name: 'dashboard-analysis', path: indexKey, fullPath: indexKey, meta: { icon: 'dashboard', title: '首页' } }) this.linkList.splice(0, 0, indexKey) }, // update-end-author:sunjianlei date:20191223 for: 修复从单页模式切换回多页模式后首页不居第一位的 BUG // update-begin-author:sunjianlei date:20200120 for: 动态更改页面标题 changeTitle(title) { let projectTitle = "华恒仓储管理系统" // 首页特殊处理 if (this.$route.path === indexKey) { document.title = projectTitle } else { document.title = title + ' · ' + projectTitle } }, // update-end-author:sunjianlei date:20200120 for: 动态更改页面标题 changePage(key) { this.activePage = key }, tabCallBack() { this.$nextTick(() => { //update-begin-author:taoyan date: 20201211 for:【新版】online报错 JT-100 setTimeout(() => { //省市区组件里面给window绑定了个resize事件 导致切换页面的时候触发了他的resize,但是切换页面,省市区组件还没被销毁前就触发了该事件,导致控制台报错,加个延迟 triggerWindowResizeEvent() }, 20) //update-end-author:taoyan date: 20201211 for:【新版】online报错 JT-100 }) }, editPage(key, action) { this[action](key) }, remove(key) { if (key == indexKey) { this.$message.warning('首页不能关闭!') return } if (this.pageList.length === 1) { this.$message.warning('这是最后一页,不能再关闭了啦') return } console.log("this.pageList ", this.pageList); let removeRoute = this.pageList.filter(item => item.fullPath == key) this.pageList = this.pageList.filter(item => item.fullPath !== key) let index = this.linkList.indexOf(key) this.linkList = this.linkList.filter(item => item !== key) index = index >= this.linkList.length ? this.linkList.length - 1 : index this.activePage = this.linkList[index] //update-begin--Author:scott Date:20201015 for:路由缓存问题,关闭了tab页时再打开就不刷新 #842 //关闭页面则从缓存cache_included_routes中删除路由,下次点击菜单会重新加载页面 let cacheRouterArray = Vue.ls.get(CACHE_INCLUDED_ROUTES) || [] if (removeRoute && removeRoute[0]) { let componentName = removeRoute[0].meta.componentName console.log("key: ", key); console.log("componentName: ", componentName); if (cacheRouterArray.includes(componentName)) { cacheRouterArray.splice(cacheRouterArray.findIndex(item => item === componentName), 1) Vue.ls.set(CACHE_INCLUDED_ROUTES, cacheRouterArray) } this.emitPageClosed(removeRoute[0]) } //update-end--Author:scott Date:20201015 for:路由缓存问题,关闭了tab页时再打开就不刷新 #842 }, // 触发 page-closed (页面关闭)全局事件 emitPageClosed(closedRoute) { this.$root.$emit('page-closed', { closedRoute, pageList: this.pageList, linkList: this.linkList, activePage: this.activePage }) }, onContextmenu(e) { const pagekey = this.getPageKey(e.target) if (pagekey !== null) { e.preventDefault() this.menuVisible = true } }, getPageKey(target, depth) { depth = depth || 0 if (depth > 2) { return null } let pageKey = target.getAttribute('pagekey') pageKey = pageKey || (target.previousElementSibling ? target.previousElementSibling.getAttribute('pagekey') : null) return pageKey || (target.firstElementChild ? this.getPageKey(target.firstElementChild, ++depth) : null) }, onMenuSelect(key, target) { let pageKey = this.getPageKey(target) switch (key) { case '1': this.closeLeft(pageKey) break case '2': this.closeRight(pageKey) break case '3': this.closeOthers(pageKey) break case '4': this.routeReload() break default: break } }, /* update_begin author:wuxianquan date:20190828 for: 关闭当前tab页,供子页面调用->望菜单能配置外链,直接弹出新页面而不是嵌入iframe #428 */ closeCurrent() { this.remove(this.activePage); }, /* update_end author:wuxianquan date:20190828 for: 关闭当前tab页,供子页面调用->望菜单能配置外链,直接弹出新页面而不是嵌入iframe #428 */ closeOthers(pageKey) { let index = this.linkList.indexOf(pageKey) if (pageKey == indexKey || pageKey.indexOf('?ticke=') >= 0) { this.linkList = this.linkList.slice(index, index + 1) this.pageList = this.pageList.slice(index, index + 1) this.activePage = this.linkList[0] } else { let indexContent = this.pageList.slice(0, 1)[0] this.linkList = this.linkList.slice(index, index + 1) this.pageList = this.pageList.slice(index, index + 1) this.linkList.unshift(indexContent.fullPath) this.pageList.unshift(indexContent) this.activePage = this.linkList[1] } }, closeLeft(pageKey) { if (pageKey == indexKey) { return } let tempList = [...this.pageList] let indexContent = tempList.slice(0, 1)[0] let index = this.linkList.indexOf(pageKey) this.linkList = this.linkList.slice(index) this.pageList = this.pageList.slice(index) this.linkList.unshift(indexContent.fullPath) this.pageList.unshift(indexContent) if (this.linkList.indexOf(this.activePage) < 0) { this.activePage = this.linkList[0] } }, closeRight(pageKey) { let index = this.linkList.indexOf(pageKey) this.linkList = this.linkList.slice(0, index + 1) this.pageList = this.pageList.slice(0, index + 1) if (this.linkList.indexOf(this.activePage < 0)) { this.activePage = this.linkList[this.linkList.length - 1] } }, //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20190430 for:动态路由title显示配置的菜单title而不是其对应路由的title dynamicRouterShow(key, title) { let keyIndex = this.linkList.indexOf(key) if (keyIndex >= 0) { let currRouter = this.pageList[keyIndex] let meta = Object.assign({}, currRouter.meta, {title: title}) this.pageList.splice(keyIndex, 1, Object.assign({}, currRouter, {meta: meta})) if (key === this.activePage) { this.changeTitle(title) } } }, //update-end-author:taoyan date:20190430 for:动态路由title显示配置的菜单title而不是其对应路由的title //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20191008 for:路由刷新 routeReload() { this.reloadFlag = false let ToggleMultipage = "ToggleMultipage" this.$store.dispatch(ToggleMultipage, false) this.$nextTick(() => { this.$store.dispatch(ToggleMultipage, true) this.reloadFlag = true }) }, //update-end-author:taoyan date:20191008 for:路由刷新 //新增一个返回方法 excuteCallback(callback) { callback() }, } } </script> <style lang="less"> /* * The following styles are auto-applied to elements with * transition="page-transition" when their visibility is toggled * by Vue.js. * * You can easily play with the page transition by editing * these styles. */ .page-transition-enter { opacity: 0; } .page-transition-leave-active { opacity: 0; } .page-transition-enter .page-transition-container, .page-transition-leave-active .page-transition-container { -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); } /*美化弹出Tab样式*/ .ant-tabs-nav-container { margin-top: 4px; } /* 修改 ant-tabs 样式 */ .tab-layout-tabs.ant-tabs { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; border-left: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: white; padding: 0 20px; .ant-tabs-bar { margin: 4px 0 0; border: none; } } .tab-layout-tabs.ant-tabs { &.ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-tab { padding: 0 24px !important; background-color: white !important; margin-right: 10px !important; .ant-tabs-close-x { width: 12px !important; height: 12px !important; opacity: 0 !important; cursor: pointer !important; font-size: 12px !important; margin: 0 !important; position: absolute; top: 36%; right: 6px; } &:hover .ant-tabs-close-x { opacity: 1 !important; } } } .tab-layout-tabs.ant-tabs.ant-tabs-card > .ant-tabs-bar { .ant-tabs-tab { border: none !important; border-bottom: 1px solid transparent !important; } .ant-tabs-tab-active { border-color: @primary-color !important; } } </style>