<template> <a-modal :title="title" :width="1200" :visible="visible" :confirmLoading="confirmLoading" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleCancel" :cancelText="$t('button.close')"> <a-spin :spinning="confirmLoading"> <a-form :form="form"> <a-card class="card" :bordered="false"> <a-row class="form-row" :gutter="16"> <a-col :lg="8"> <a-form-item label="任务名"> <a-input placeholder="请输入任务名称" v-decorator="[ 'task.name', {rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入任务名称', whitespace: true}]} ]"/> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :lg="8"> <a-form-item label="任务描述"> <a-input placeholder="请输入任务描述" v-decorator="['task.description', {rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入任务描述', whitespace: true}]} ]"/> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :lg="8"> <a-form-item label="执行人"> <a-select placeholder="请选择执行人" v-decorator="['task.executor',{rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择执行人'}]} ]"> <a-select-option value="黄丽丽">黄丽丽</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="李大刀">李大刀</a-select-option> </a-select> </a-form-item> </a-col> </a-row> <a-row class="form-row" :gutter="16"> <a-col :lg="8"> <a-form-item label="责任人"> <a-select placeholder="请选择责任人" v-decorator="['task.manager', {rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择责任人'}]} ]"> <a-select-option value="王伟">王伟</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="李红军">李红军</a-select-option> </a-select> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :lg="8"> <a-form-item label="提醒时间"> <a-time-picker style="width: 100%" v-decorator="['task.time', {rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择提醒时间'}]} ]"/> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :lg="8"> <a-form-item label="任务类型"> <a-select placeholder="请选择任务类型" v-decorator="['task.type', {rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择任务类型'}]} ]"> <a-select-option value="定时执行">定时执行</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="周期执行">周期执行</a-select-option> </a-select> </a-form-item> </a-col> </a-row> </a-card> <a-tabs defaultActiveKey="1"> <a-tab-pane tab="Tab 1" key="1"> <a-table :columns="columns" :dataSource="data" :pagination="false" size="middle"> <template v-for="(col, i) in ['name', 'workId', 'department']" :slot="col" slot-scope="text, record"> <a-tooltip title="必填项" :defaultVisible="false" :overlayStyle="{ color: 'red' }"> <a-input :key="col" v-if="record.editable" style="margin: -5px 0" :value="text" :placeholder="columns[i].title" @change="e => handlerRowChange(e.target.value, record.key, col)"/> <template v-else>{{ text }}</template> </a-tooltip> </template> <template slot="operation" slot-scope="text, record"> <template v-if="record.editable"> <span v-if="record.isNew"> <a @click="saveRow(record.key)">添加</a> <a-divider type="vertical"/> <a-popconfirm title="是否要删除此行?" @confirm="removeRow(record.key)"><a>{{$t('button.delete')}}</a></a-popconfirm> </span> <span v-else> <a @click="saveRow(record.key)">保存</a> <a-divider type="vertical"/> <a @click="cancelEditRow(record.key)">取消</a> </span> </template> <span v-else> <a @click="editRow(record.key)">{{$t('button.edit')}}</a> <a-divider type="vertical"/> <a-popconfirm title="是否要删除此行?" @confirm="removeRow(record.key)"><a>{{$t('button.delete')}}</a></a-popconfirm> </span> </template> </a-table> <a-button style="width: 100%; margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 8px" type="dashed" icon="plus" @click="newRow">新增成员 </a-button> </a-tab-pane> <a-tab-pane tab="Tab 2" key="2" forceRender> Content of Tab Pane 2 </a-tab-pane> <a-tab-pane tab="Tab 3" key="3">Content of Tab Pane 3</a-tab-pane> </a-tabs> </a-form> </a-spin> </a-modal> </template> <script> import {httpAction} from '@/api/manage' import pick from 'lodash.pick' import moment from "moment" import { translateResultMessage } from '@/api/api' export default { name: "JeecgDemoTabsModal", data() { return { title: this.$t('system.options'), visible: false, model: {}, // table columns: [ { title: '成员姓名', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name', width: '20%', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'name'} }, { title: '工号', dataIndex: 'workId', key: 'workId', width: '20%', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'workId'} }, { title: '所属部门', dataIndex: 'department', key: 'department', width: '40%', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'department'} }, { title: this.$t('system.options'), key: 'action', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'operation'} } ], data: [ { key: '1', name: '小明', workId: '001', editable: false, department: '行政部' }, { key: '2', name: '李莉', workId: '002', editable: false, department: 'IT部' }, { key: '3', name: '王小帅', workId: '003', editable: false, department: '财务部' } ], confirmLoading: false, form: this.$form.createForm(this), validatorRules: {}, url: { add: "/test/jeecgDemo/add", edit: "/test/jeecgDemo/edit", }, } }, created() { }, methods: { add() { this.edit({}); }, edit(record) { this.form.resetFields(); this.model = Object.assign({}, record); this.visible = true; this.$nextTick(() => { this.form.setFieldsValue(pick(this.model, 'name', 'keyWord', 'sex', 'age', 'email', 'content')) //时间格式化 this.form.setFieldsValue({punchTime: this.model.punchTime ? moment(this.model.punchTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : null}) this.form.setFieldsValue({birthday: this.model.birthday ? moment(this.model.birthday) : null}) }); }, close() { this.$emit('close'); this.visible = false; }, handleOk() { const that = this; // 触发表单验证 this.form.validateFields((err, values) => { if (!err) { that.confirmLoading = true; let httpurl = ''; let method = ''; if (!this.model.id) { httpurl += this.url.add; method = 'post'; } else { httpurl += this.url.edit; method = 'put'; } let formData = Object.assign(this.model, values); //时间格式化 formData.punchTime = formData.punchTime ? formData.punchTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : null; formData.birthday = formData.birthday ? formData.birthday.format() : null; console.log(formData) httpAction(httpurl, formData, method).then((res) => { if (res.success) { that.$message.success(translateResultMessage(res, res.message)) that.$emit('ok'); } else { that.$message.warning(translateResultMessage(res, res.message)) } }).finally(() => { that.confirmLoading = false; that.close(); }) } }) }, handleCancel() { this.close() }, newRow() { // 通过时间戳生成 UUID let uuid = Math.round(new Date().getTime()).toString(); console.log('uuid: ' + uuid) this.data.push({ key: uuid, name: '', workId: '', department: '', editable: true, isNew: true }) }, removeRow(key) { const newData = this.data.filter(item => item.key !== key) this.data = newData }, saveRow(key) { let target = this.data.filter(item => item.key === key)[0] target.editable = false target.isNew = false }, handlerRowChange(value, key, column) { const newData = [...this.data] const target = newData.filter(item => key === item.key)[0] if (target) { target[column] = value this.data = newData } }, editRow(key) { let target = this.data.filter(item => item.key === key)[0] target.editable = !target.editable }, cancelEditRow(key) { let target = this.data.filter(item => item.key === key)[0] target.editable = false }, } } </script> <style scoped> .ant-modal-body { padding: 8px !important; } </style>