<template> <div> <a-form style="margin: 40px auto 0;"> <result title="更改密码成功" :is-success="true"> <div class="toLogin"> <h3>将在<span>{{ time }}</span>秒后返回登录页面.</h3> </div> </result> </a-form> </div> </template> <script> import Result from '@/views/result/Result' export default { name: "Step4", props: ['userList'], components: { Result }, data() { return { loading: false, time: 0, } }, methods: { countDown() { let that = this; that.time--; } }, mounted() { let that = this; that.time = 5; setInterval(that.countDown, 1000); }, watch: { time: function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal == 0) { var params = { username: this.userList.username }; this.$router.push({name: 'login', params}) } } } } </script> <style scoped> .toLogin { text-align: center; } </style>