<template> <div class="user-wrapper" :class="theme"> <!-- update_begin author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航 --> <!-- update-begin author:sunjianlei date:20191@20 for: 解决全局样式冲突的问题 --> <span class="action" @click="showClick"> <a-icon type="search"></a-icon> </span> <!-- update-begin author:sunjianlei date:20200219 for: 菜单搜索改为动态组件,在手机端呈现出弹出框 --> <component :is="searchMenuComp" v-show="searchMenuVisible || isMobile()" class="borders" :visible="searchMenuVisible" title="搜索菜单" :footer="null" @cancel="searchMenuVisible = false" > <a-select class="search-input" showSearch :showArrow="false" placeholder="搜索菜单" optionFilterProp="children" :filterOption="filterOption" :open="isMobile() ? true : null" :getPopupContainer="node => node.parentNode" :style="isMobile() ? { width: '100%', marginBottom: '50px' } : {}" @change="searchMethods" @blur="hiddenClick" > <a-select-option v-for="(site, index) in searchMenuOptions" :key="index" :value="site.id" >{{ site.meta.title }} </a-select-option> </a-select> </component> <!-- update-end author:sunjianlei date:20200219 for: 菜单搜索改为动态组件,在手机端呈现出弹出框 --> <!-- update-end author:sunjianlei date:20191220 for: 解决全局样式冲突的问题 --> <!-- update_end author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航 --> <!-- <span class="action">--> <!-- <a class="logout_title" target="_blank" href="http://doc.jeecg.com">--> <!-- <a-icon type="question-circle-o"></a-icon>--> <!-- </a>--> <!-- </span>--> <header-notice class="action" /> <a-dropdown> <span class="action action-full ant-dropdown-link user-dropdown-menu"> <a-avatar class="avatar" size="small" :src="getAvatar()" /> <span v-if="isDesktop()" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;">欢迎您,{{ nickname() }}</span> </span> <a-menu slot="overlay" class="user-dropdown-menu-wrapper"> <!-- <a-menu-item key="0"> <router-link :to="{ name: 'account-center' }"> <a-icon type="user"/> <span>个人中心</span> </router-link> </a-menu-item> --> <!-- <a-menu-item key="1"> <router-link :to="{ name: 'account-settings-base' }"> <a-icon type="setting"/> <span>账户设置</span> </router-link> </a-menu-item> --> <a-menu-item key="3" @click="systemSetting"> <a-icon type="tool" /> <span>系统设置</span> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="4" @click="updatePassword"> <a-icon type="setting" /> <span>密码修改</span> </a-menu-item> <!-- <a-menu-item key="5" @click="updateCurrentDepart"> <a-icon type="cluster"/> <span>切换部门</span> </a-menu-item> --> <a-menu-item key="6" @click="clearCache"> <a-icon type="sync" /> <span>清理缓存</span> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="7" @click="downWord"> <a-icon type="download" /> <span>操作说明书下载</span> </a-menu-item> <!-- <a @click="downWord" style="height:59;line-height:59px;color: #d71345" v-if="manual === 'desktop'"> WMS操作手册</a> --> <!-- <a-menu-item key="2" disabled> <a-icon type="setting"/> <span>测试</span> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-divider/> <a-menu-item key="3"> <a href="javascript:;" @click="handleLogout"> <a-icon type="logout"/> <span>退出登录</span> </a> </a-menu-item>--> </a-menu> </a-dropdown> <span class="action"> <a class="logout_title" href="javascript:;" @click="handleLogout"> <a-icon type="logout" /> <span v-if="isDesktop()"> 退出登录</span> </a> </span> <user-password ref="userPassword"></user-password> <depart-select ref="departSelect" :closable="true" title="部门切换"></depart-select> <setting-drawer ref="settingDrawer" :closable="true" title="系统设置"></setting-drawer> </div> </template> <script> import HeaderNotice from './HeaderNotice' import UserPassword from './UserPassword' import SettingDrawer from '@/components/setting/SettingDrawer' import DepartSelect from './DepartSelect' import { downLoad } from '@/api/api' import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex' import { mixinDevice } from '@/utils/mixin.js' import { getFileAccessHttpUrl, getAction, downFile } from '@/api/manage' import Vue from 'vue' import { UI_CACHE_DB_DICT_DATA } from '@/store/mutation-types' export default { name: 'UserMenu', mixins: [mixinDevice], data() { return { // update-begin author:sunjianlei date:20200219 for: 头部菜单搜索规范命名 -------------- searchMenuOptions: [], searchMenuComp: 'span', searchMenuVisible: false, // update-begin author:sunjianlei date:20200219 for: 头部菜单搜索规范命名 -------------- url: { downLoad: '/sys/common/downLoad' } } }, components: { HeaderNotice, UserPassword, DepartSelect, SettingDrawer }, props: { theme: { type: String, required: false, default: 'dark' } }, /* update_begin author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航*/ created() { let lists = [] this.searchMenus(lists, this.permissionMenuList) this.searchMenuOptions = [...lists] }, mounted() { //如果是单点登录模式 if (process.env.VUE_APP_SSO == 'true') { let depart = this.userInfo().orgCode if (!depart) { this.updateCurrentDepart() } } }, computed: { ...mapState({ // 后台菜单 permissionMenuList: state => state.user.permissionList }) }, /* update_end author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航*/ watch: { // update-begin author:sunjianlei date:20200219 for: 菜单搜索改为动态组件,在手机端呈现出弹出框 device: { immediate: true, handler() { this.searchMenuVisible = false this.searchMenuComp = this.isMobile() ? 'a-modal' : 'span' } } // update-end author:sunjianlei date:20200219 for: 菜单搜索改为动态组件,在手机端呈现出弹出框 }, methods: { /* update_begin author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航*/ showClick() { this.searchMenuVisible = true }, hiddenClick() { this.shows = false }, downWord() { var fileName = '华恒WMS4操作说明书.doc' return downFile(this.url.downLoad, fileName).then(data => { debugger this.$message.info('华恒WMS4操作说明书开始下载....') if (!data || data.size === 0) { this.$message.error('文件下载失败') return } if (typeof window.navigator.msSaveBlob !== 'undefined') { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(new Blob([data]), fileName) } else { let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data])) let link = document.createElement('a') link.style.display = 'none' link.href = url link.setAttribute('download', fileName) document.body.appendChild(link) link.click() document.body.removeChild(link) //下载完成移除元素 window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url) //释放掉blob对象 } }) }, /* update_end author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航*/ ...mapActions(['Logout']), ...mapGetters(['nickname', 'avatar', 'userInfo']), getAvatar() { return getFileAccessHttpUrl(this.avatar()) }, handleLogout() { const that = this this.$confirm({ title: '提示', content: '真的要注销登录吗 ?', onOk() { return that .Logout({}) .then(() => { // update-begin author:scott date:20211223 for:【JTC-198】退出登录体验不好 //that.$router.push({ path: '/user/login' }); window.location.reload() // update-end author:scott date:20211223 for:【JTC-198】退出登录体验不好 }) .catch(err => { that.$message.error({ title: '错误', description: err.message }) }) }, onCancel() {} }) }, updatePassword() { let username = this.userInfo().username this.$refs.userPassword.show(username) }, updateCurrentDepart() { this.$refs.departSelect.show() }, systemSetting() { this.$refs.settingDrawer.showDrawer() }, /* update_begin author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航*/ searchMenus(arr, menus) { for (let i of menus) { if (!i.hidden && 'layouts/RouteView' !== i.component) { arr.push(i) } if (i.children && i.children.length > 0) { this.searchMenus(arr, i.children) } } }, filterOption(input, option) { return option.componentOptions.children[0].text.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0 }, // update_begin author:sunjianlei date:20191230 for: 解决外部链接打开失败的问题 searchMethods(value) { let route = this.searchMenuOptions.filter(item => item.id === value)[0] //update-begin-author:sunjianlei date:20220111 for: 【JTC-702】【菜单搜索】菜单搜索里点击跳转的菜单,无法将Token信息传递过去 if (route.component.includes('layouts/IframePageView')) { this.$router.push(route) } else { this.$router.push({ path: route.path }) } //update-end-author:sunjianlei date:20220111 for: 【JTC-702】【菜单搜索】菜单搜索里点击跳转的菜单,无法将Token信息传递过去 this.searchMenuVisible = false }, // update_end author:sunjianlei date:20191230 for: 解决外部链接打开失败的问题 /*update_end author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 做头部菜单栏导航*/ /*update_begin author:liushaoqian date:20200507 for: 刷新缓存*/ clearCache() { getAction('sys/dict/refleshCache') .then(res => { if (res.success) { //重新加载缓存 getAction('sys/dict/queryAllDictItems').then(res => { if (res.success) { Vue.ls.remove(UI_CACHE_DB_DICT_DATA) Vue.ls.set(UI_CACHE_DB_DICT_DATA, res.result, 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) } }) this.$message.success('刷新缓存完成!') } }) .catch(e => { this.$message.warn('刷新缓存失败!') console.log('刷新失败', e) }) } /*update_end author:liushaoqian date:20200507 for: 刷新缓存*/ } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> /* update_begin author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 让搜索框颜色能随主题颜色变换*/ /* update-begin author:sunjianlei date:20191220 for: 解决全局样式冲突问题 */ .user-wrapper .search-input { width: 180px; color: inherit; /deep/ .ant-select-selection { background-color: inherit; border: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid white; &__placeholder, &__field__placeholder { color: inherit; } } } /* update-end author:sunjianlei date:20191220 for: 解决全局样式冲突问题 */ /* update_end author:zhaoxin date:20191129 for: 让搜索框颜色能随主题颜色变换*/ </style> <style scoped> .logout_title { color: inherit; text-decoration: none; } </style>