<template xmlns:background-color="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <a-row :gutter="10"> <a-col :md="12" :sm="24"> <a-card :bordered="false"> <!-- 按钮操作区域 --> <a-row style="margin-left: 14px"> <a-button @click="handleAdd(1)" type="primary">添加部门</a-button> <a-button @click="handleAdd(2)" type="primary">添加下级</a-button> <a-button type="primary" icon="download" @click="handleExportXls('部门信息')">导出</a-button> <a-upload name="file" :showUploadList="false" :multiple="false" :headers="tokenHeader" :action="importExcelUrl" @change="handleImportExcel"> <a-button type="primary" icon="import">导入</a-button> </a-upload> <a-button title="删除多条数据" @click="batchDel" type="default">批量删除</a-button> <!--<a-button @click="refresh" type="default" icon="reload" :loading="loading">刷新</a-button>--> </a-row> <div style="background: #fff;padding-left:16px;height: 100%; margin-top: 5px"> <a-alert type="info" :showIcon="true"> <div slot="message"> 当前选择:<span v-if="this.currSelected.title">{{ getCurrSelectedTitle() }}</span> <a v-if="this.currSelected.title" style="margin-left: 10px" @click="onClearSelected">取消选择</a> </div> </a-alert> <a-input-search @search="onSearch" style="width:100%;margin-top: 10px" placeholder="请输入部门名称"/> <!-- 树--> <a-col :md="10" :sm="24"> <template> <a-dropdown :trigger="[this.dropTrigger]" @visibleChange="dropStatus"> <span style="user-select: none"> <a-tree checkable multiple @select="onSelect" @check="onCheck" @rightClick="rightHandle" :selectedKeys="selectedKeys" :checkedKeys="checkedKeys" :treeData="departTree" :checkStrictly="checkStrictly" :expandedKeys="iExpandedKeys" :autoExpandParent="autoExpandParent" @expand="onExpand"/> </span> <!--新增右键点击事件,和增加添加和删除功能--> <a-menu slot="overlay"> <a-menu-item @click="handleAdd(3)" key="1">添加</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item @click="handleDelete" key="2">删除</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item @click="closeDrop" key="3">取消</a-menu-item> </a-menu> </a-dropdown> </template> </a-col> </div> </a-card> <!---- author:os_chengtgen -- date:20190827 -- for:切换父子勾选模式 =======------> <div class="drawer-bootom-button"> <a-dropdown :trigger="['click']" placement="topCenter"> <a-menu slot="overlay"> <a-menu-item key="1" @click="switchCheckStrictly(1)">父子关联</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="2" @click="switchCheckStrictly(2)">取消关联</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="3" @click="checkALL">全部勾选</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="4" @click="cancelCheckALL">取消全选</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="5" @click="expandAll">展开所有</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="6" @click="closeAll">合并所有</a-menu-item> </a-menu> <a-button> 树操作 <a-icon type="up"/> </a-button> </a-dropdown> </div> <!---- author:os_chengtgen -- date:20190827 -- for:切换父子勾选模式 =======------> </a-col> <a-col :md="12" :sm="24"> <a-tabs defaultActiveKey="1"> <a-tab-pane tab="基本信息" key="1"> <a-card :bordered="false" v-if="selectedKeys.length>0"> <a-form-model ref="form" :model="model" :rules="validatorRules"> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" prop="departName" label="机构名称"> <a-input placeholder="请输入机构/部门名称" v-model="model.departName"/> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" label="上级部门"> <a-tree-select style="width:100%" :dropdownStyle="{maxHeight:'200px',overflow:'auto'}" :treeData="treeData" :disabled="disable" v-model="model.parentId" placeholder="无"> </a-tree-select> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" prop="orgCode" label="机构编码"> <a-input disabled placeholder="请输入机构编码" v-model="model.orgCode"/> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" prop="orgCategory" label="机构类型"> <template v-if="orgCategoryDisabled"> <a-radio-group v-model="model.orgCategory" placeholder="请选择机构类型"> <a-radio value="1"> 公司 </a-radio> </a-radio-group> </template> <template v-else> <a-radio-group v-model="model.orgCategory" placeholder="请选择机构类型"> <a-radio value="2"> 部门 </a-radio> <a-radio value="3"> 岗位 </a-radio> </a-radio-group> </template> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" label="排序"> <a-input-number v-model="model.departOrder"/> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" label="手机号"> <a-input placeholder="请输入手机号" v-model="model.mobile"/> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" label="地址"> <a-input placeholder="请输入地址" v-model="model.address"/> </a-form-model-item> <a-form-model-item :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" label="备注"> <a-textarea placeholder="请输入备注" v-model="model.memo"/> </a-form-model-item> </a-form-model> <div class="anty-form-btn"> <a-button @click="emptyCurrForm" type="default" htmlType="button" icon="sync">重置</a-button> <a-button @click="submitCurrForm" type="primary" htmlType="button" icon="form">保存</a-button> </div> </a-card> <a-card v-else> <a-empty> <span slot="description"> 请先选择一个部门! </span> </a-empty> </a-card> </a-tab-pane> <a-tab-pane tab="部门权限" key="2" forceRender> <depart-auth-modal ref="departAuth"/> </a-tab-pane> </a-tabs> </a-col> <depart-modal ref="departModal" @ok="loadTree"></depart-modal> </a-row> </template> <script> import DepartModal from './modules/DepartModal' import {queryDepartTreeList, searchByKeywords, deleteByDepartId} from '@/api/api' import {httpAction, deleteAction} from '@/api/manage' import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin' import DepartAuthModal from './modules/DepartAuthModal' // 表头 const columns = [ { title: '机构名称', dataIndex: 'departName' }, { title: '机构类型', align: 'center', dataIndex: 'orgType' }, { title: '机构编码', dataIndex: 'orgCode', }, { title: '手机号', dataIndex: 'mobile' }, { title: '传真', dataIndex: 'fax' }, { title: '地址', dataIndex: 'address' }, { title: '排序', align: 'center', dataIndex: 'departOrder' }, { title: '操作', align: 'center', dataIndex: 'action', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'action'} } ] export default { name: 'DepartList', mixins: [JeecgListMixin], components: { DepartAuthModal, DepartModal }, data() { return { iExpandedKeys: [], loading: false, autoExpandParent: true, currFlowId: '', currFlowName: '', disable: true, treeData: [], visible: false, departTree: [], rightClickSelectedKey: '', rightClickSelectedOrgCode: '', hiding: true, model: {}, dropTrigger: '', depart: {}, columns: columns, disableSubmit: false, checkedKeys: [], selectedKeys: [], autoIncr: 1, currSelected: {}, allTreeKeys: [], checkStrictly: true, labelCol: { xs: {span: 24}, sm: {span: 5} }, wrapperCol: { xs: {span: 24}, sm: {span: 16} }, graphDatasource: { nodes: [], edges: [] }, validatorRules: { departName: [{required: true, message: '请输入机构/部门名称!'}], orgCode: [{required: true, message: '请输入机构编码!'}], orgCategory: [{required: true, message: '请输入机构类型!'}], mobile: [{validator: this.validateMobile}] }, url: { delete: '/sys/sysDepart/delete', edit: '/sys/sysDepart/edit', deleteBatch: '/sys/sysDepart/deleteBatch', exportXlsUrl: "sys/sysDepart/exportXls", importExcelUrl: "sys/sysDepart/importExcel", }, orgCategoryDisabled: false, } }, computed: { importExcelUrl: function () { return `${window._CONFIG['domianURL']}/${this.url.importExcelUrl}`; } }, methods: { loadData() { this.refresh(); }, loadTree() { var that = this that.treeData = [] that.departTree = [] queryDepartTreeList().then((res) => { if (res.success) { //部门全选后,再添加部门,选中数量增多 this.allTreeKeys = []; for (let i = 0; i < res.result.length; i++) { let temp = res.result[i] that.treeData.push(temp) that.departTree.push(temp) that.setThisExpandedKeys(temp) that.getAllKeys(temp); // console.log(temp.id) } this.loading = false } }) }, setThisExpandedKeys(node) { if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) { this.iExpandedKeys.push(node.key) for (let a = 0; a < node.children.length; a++) { this.setThisExpandedKeys(node.children[a]) } } }, refresh() { this.loading = true this.loadTree() }, // 右键操作方法 rightHandle(node) { this.dropTrigger = 'contextmenu' console.log(node.node.eventKey) this.rightClickSelectedKey = node.node.eventKey this.rightClickSelectedOrgCode = node.node.dataRef.orgCode }, onExpand(expandedKeys) { console.log('onExpand', expandedKeys) this.iExpandedKeys = expandedKeys this.autoExpandParent = false }, backFlowList() { this.$router.back(-1) }, // 右键点击下拉框改变事件 dropStatus(visible) { if (visible == false) { this.dropTrigger = '' } }, // 右键下拉关闭下拉框 closeDrop() { this.dropTrigger = '' }, addRootNode() { this.$refs.nodeModal.add(this.currFlowId, '') }, batchDel: function () { console.log(this.checkedKeys) if (this.checkedKeys.length <= 0) { this.$message.warning('请选择一条记录!') } else { var ids = '' for (var a = 0; a < this.checkedKeys.length; a++) { ids += this.checkedKeys[a] + ',' } var that = this this.$confirm({ title: '确认删除', content: '确定要删除所选中的 ' + this.checkedKeys.length + ' 条数据,以及子节点数据吗?', onOk: function () { deleteAction(that.url.deleteBatch, {ids: ids}).then((res) => { if (res.success) { that.$message.success(res.message) that.loadTree() that.onClearSelected() } else { that.$message.warning(res.message) } }) } }) } }, onSearch(value) { let that = this if (value) { searchByKeywords({keyWord: value}).then((res) => { if (res.success) { that.departTree = [] for (let i = 0; i < res.result.length; i++) { let temp = res.result[i] that.departTree.push(temp) } } else { that.$message.warning(res.message) } }) } else { that.loadTree() } }, nodeModalOk() { this.loadTree() }, nodeModalClose() { }, hide() { console.log(111) this.visible = false }, onCheck(checkedKeys, info) { console.log('onCheck', checkedKeys, info) this.hiding = false //---- author:os_chengtgen -- date:20190827 -- for:切换父子勾选模式 =======------ if (this.checkStrictly) { this.checkedKeys = checkedKeys.checked; } else { this.checkedKeys = checkedKeys } //---- author:os_chengtgen -- date:20190827 -- for:切换父子勾选模式 =======------ }, onSelect(selectedKeys, e) { console.log('selected', selectedKeys, e) this.hiding = false let record = e.node.dataRef console.log('onSelect-record', record) this.currSelected = Object.assign({}, record) this.model = this.currSelected this.selectedKeys = [record.key] this.model.parentId = record.parentId this.setValuesToForm(record) this.$refs.departAuth.show(record.id); }, // 触发onSelect事件时,为部门树右侧的form表单赋值 setValuesToForm(record) { if (record.orgCategory == '1') { this.orgCategoryDisabled = true; } else { this.orgCategoryDisabled = false; } }, getCurrSelectedTitle() { return !this.currSelected.title ? '' : this.currSelected.title }, onClearSelected() { this.hiding = true this.checkedKeys = [] this.currSelected = {} this.selectedKeys = [] this.$refs.departAuth.departId = '' }, handleNodeTypeChange(val) { this.currSelected.nodeType = val }, notifyTriggerTypeChange(value) { this.currSelected.notifyTriggerType = value }, receiptTriggerTypeChange(value) { this.currSelected.receiptTriggerType = value }, submitCurrForm() { this.$refs.form.validate(valid => { if (valid) { if (!this.currSelected.id) { this.$message.warning('请点击选择要修改部门!') return } httpAction(this.url.edit, this.currSelected, 'put').then((res) => { if (res.success) { this.$message.success('保存成功!') this.loadTree() } else { this.$message.error(res.message) } }) } }) }, emptyCurrForm() { this.$refs.form.resetFields(); this.model = {} }, nodeSettingFormSubmit() { this.$refs.form.validate(valid => { if (valid) { console.log('Received values of form: ', this.model) } }) }, openSelect() { this.$refs.sysDirectiveModal.show() }, handleAdd(num) { if (num == 1) { this.$refs.departModal.add() this.$refs.departModal.title = '新增' } else if (num == 2) { let key = this.currSelected.key if (!key) { this.$message.warning('请先点击选中上级部门!') return false } this.$refs.departModal.add(this.selectedKeys) this.$refs.departModal.title = '新增' } else { this.$refs.departModal.add(this.rightClickSelectedKey) this.$refs.departModal.title = '新增' } }, handleDelete() { var that = this this.$confirm({ title: '确认删除', content: '确定要删除此部门以及子节点数据吗?', onOk: function () { deleteByDepartId({id: that.rightClickSelectedKey}).then((resp) => { if (resp.success) { //删除成功后,去除已选中中的数据 that.checkedKeys.splice(that.checkedKeys.findIndex(key => key === that.rightClickSelectedKey), 1); that.$message.success('删除成功!') that.loadTree() //删除后同步清空右侧基本信息内容 let orgCode = that.model.orgCode; if (orgCode && orgCode === that.rightClickSelectedOrgCode) { that.onClearSelected() } } else { that.$message.warning('删除失败!') } }) } }) }, selectDirectiveOk(record) { console.log('选中指令数据', record) this.nodeSettingForm.setFieldsValue({directiveCode: record.directiveCode}) this.currSelected.sysCode = record.sysCode }, getFlowGraphData(node) { this.graphDatasource.nodes.push({ id: node.id, text: node.flowNodeName }) if (node.children.length > 0) { for (let a = 0; a < node.children.length; a++) { let temp = node.children[a] this.graphDatasource.edges.push({ source: node.id, target: temp.id }) this.getFlowGraphData(temp) } } }, //---- author:os_chengtgen -- date:20190827 -- for:切换父子勾选模式 =======------ expandAll() { this.iExpandedKeys = this.allTreeKeys }, closeAll() { this.iExpandedKeys = [] }, checkALL() { this.checkStriccheckStrictlytly = false this.checkedKeys = this.allTreeKeys }, cancelCheckALL() { //this.checkedKeys = this.defaultCheckedKeys this.checkedKeys = [] }, switchCheckStrictly(v) { if (v == 1) { this.checkStrictly = false } else if (v == 2) { this.checkStrictly = true } }, getAllKeys(node) { // console.log('node',node); this.allTreeKeys.push(node.key) if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) { for (let a = 0; a < node.children.length; a++) { this.getAllKeys(node.children[a]) } } } //---- author:os_chengtgen -- date:20190827 -- for:切换父子勾选模式 =======------ }, created() { this.currFlowId = this.$route.params.id this.currFlowName = this.$route.params.name // this.loadTree() }, } </script> <style scoped> .ant-card-body .table-operator { margin: 15px; } .anty-form-btn { width: 100%; text-align: center; } .anty-form-btn button { margin: 0 5px; } .anty-node-layout .ant-layout-header { padding-right: 0 } .header { padding: 0 8px; } .header button { margin: 0 3px } .ant-modal-cust-warp { height: 100% } .ant-modal-cust-warp .ant-modal-body { height: calc(100% - 110px) !important; overflow-y: auto } .ant-modal-cust-warp .ant-modal-content { height: 90% !important; overflow-y: hidden } #app .desktop { height: auto !important; } /** Button按钮间距 */ .ant-btn { margin-left: 3px } .drawer-bootom-button { /*position: absolute;*/ bottom: 0; width: 100%; border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8; padding: 10px 16px; text-align: left; left: 0; background: #fff; border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; } </style>