<!-- JEditableTable -->
<!-- @version 1.4.2 -->
<!-- @author sjlei -->
  <a-spin :spinning="loading">

    <!-- 操作按钮 -->
    <div v-if="actionButton" class="action-button">
      <a-button type="primary" icon="plus" @click="handleClickAdd">新增</a-button>
      <span class="gap"></span>
      <template v-if="selectedRowIds.length>0">
          :title="`确定要删除这 ${selectedRowIds.length} 项吗?`"
          <a-button type="primary" icon="minus">删除</a-button>
        <template v-if="showClearSelectButton">
          <span class="gap"></span>
          <a-button icon="delete" @click="handleClickClearSelect">清空选择</a-button>

    <div :id="`${caseId}inputTable`" class="input-table">
      <!-- 渲染表头 -->
      <div class="thead" ref="thead">
        <div class="tr" :style="{width: this.realTrWidth}">
          <!-- 左侧固定td  -->
          <div v-if="rowSelection" class="td td-cb" :style="style.tdLeft">
          <div v-if="rowNumber" class="td td-num" :style="style.tdLeft">
          <!-- 右侧动态生成td -->
          <template v-for="col in columns">
              v-show="col.type !== formTypes.hidden"

              <span>{{ col.title }}</span>

      <div class="scroll-view" ref="scrollView" :style="{'max-height':maxHeight+'px'}">

        <!-- 渲染主体 body -->
        <div :id="`${caseId}tbody`" class="tbody" :style="tbodyStyle">
          <!-- 扩展高度 -->
          <div class="tr-expand" :style="`height:${getExpandHeight}px; z-index:${loading?'11':'9'};`"></div>
          <!-- 无数据时显示 -->
          <div v-if="rows.length===0" class="tr-nodata">
          <!-- 动态生成tr -->
          <template v-for="(row,rowIndex) in rows">
            <!-- tr 只加载可见的和预加载的总共十条数据 -->
                rowIndex >= parseInt(`${(scrollTop-rowHeight) / rowHeight}`) &&
                  (parseInt(`${scrollTop / rowHeight}`) + 9) > rowIndex
              :class="selectedRowIds.indexOf(row.id) !== -1 ? 'tr-checked' : ''"
              <!-- 左侧固定td  -->
              <div v-if="rowSelection" class="td td-cb" :style="style.tdLeft">
                <!-- 此 v-for 只是为了拼接 id 字符串 -->
                <template v-for="(id,i) in [`${row.id}`]">
                    :checked="selectedRowIds.indexOf(id) !== -1"
              <div v-if="rowNumber" class="td td-num" :style="style.tdLeft">
                <span>{{ rowIndex+1 }}</span>
              <!-- 右侧动态生成td -->
                v-for="col in columns"
                v-show="col.type !== formTypes.hidden"

                <!-- 此 v-for 只是为了拼接 id 字符串 -->
                <template v-for="(id,i) in [`${col.key}${row.id}`]">

                  <!-- native input -->
                  <label :key="i" v-if="col.type === formTypes.input || col.type === formTypes.inputNumber">
                      :title="(tooltips[id] || {}).title"
                      :visible="(tooltips[id] || {}).visible || false"

                        :data-input-number="col.type === formTypes.inputNumber"
                        :placeholder="replaceProps(col, col.placeholder)"


                  <!-- checkbox -->
                  <template v-else-if="col.type === formTypes.checkbox">
                  <!-- select -->
                  <template v-else-if="col.type === formTypes.select">
                      :title="(tooltips[id] || {}).title"
                      :visible="(tooltips[id] || {}).visible || false"


                          style="width: 100%;"
                          :placeholder="replaceProps(col, col.placeholder)"

                          <!--<template v-for="(opt,optKey) in col.options">-->
                          <!--<a-select-option :value="opt.value" :key="optKey">{{ opt.title }}</a-select-option>-->
                  <!-- date -->
                  <template v-else-if="col.type === formTypes.date || col.type === formTypes.datetime">
                      :title="(tooltips[id] || {}).title"
                      :visible="(tooltips[id] || {}).visible || false"


                          style="width: 100%;"
                          :placeholder="replaceProps(col, col.placeholder)"
                          :showTime="col.type === formTypes.datetime"
                          :dateFormat="col.type === formTypes.date? 'YYYY-MM-DD':'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'"
                          @change="(v)=>handleChangeJDateCommon(v,id,row,col,col.type === formTypes.datetime)"/>


                  <div v-else-if="col.type === formTypes.upload" :key="i">
                    <template v-if="uploadValues[id] != null" v-for="(file,fileKey) of [(uploadValues[id]||{})]">

                        <template slot="addonBefore" style="width: 30px">
                          <a-tooltip v-if="file.status==='uploading'" :title="`上传中(${Math.floor(file.percent)}%)`">
                            <a-icon type="loading"/>
                          <a-tooltip v-else-if="file.status==='done'" title="上传完成">
                            <a-icon type="check-circle" style="color:#00DB00;"/>
                          <a-tooltip v-else title="上传失败">
                            <a-icon type="exclamation-circle" style="color:red;"/>

                        <template slot="addonAfter" style="width: 30px">
                          <a-tooltip title="删除并重新上传">
                              style="cursor: pointer;"


                    <div :hidden="uploadValues[id] != null">

                        <a-button icon="upload">{{ col.placeholder }}</a-button>


                  <div v-else-if="col.type === formTypes.slot" :key="i">
                      :name="(col.slot || col.slotName) || col.key"

                  <!-- else (normal) -->
                  <span v-else :key="i">{{ inputValues[rowIndex][col.key] }}</span>
            <!-- -- tr end -- -->



  import Vue from 'vue'
  import { ACCESS_TOKEN } from '@/store/mutation-types'
  import { FormTypes, VALIDATE_NO_PASSED } from '@/utils/JEditableTableUtil'
  import { cloneObject, randomString } from '@/utils/util'
  import JDate from '@/components/jeecg/JDate'
  import { initDictOptions } from '@/components/dict/JDictSelectUtil'

  // 行高,需要在实例加载完成前用到
  let rowHeight = 61

  export default {
    name: 'JEditableTable',
    components: { JDate },
    props: {
      // 列信息
      columns: {
        type: Array,
        required: true
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
        type: Array,
        required: true,
        default: () => []
      // 是否显示操作按钮
      actionButton: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
      // 是否显示行号
      rowNumber: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
      // 是否可选择行
      rowSelection: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
      // 页面是否在加载中
      loading: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
      // 页面是否在加载中
      maxHeight: {
        type: Number,
        default: 400
      // 要禁用的行
      disabledRows: {
        type: Object,
        default() {
          return {}
      // 是否禁用全部组件
      disabled: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
    data() {
      return {
        // caseId,用于防止有多个实例的时候会冲突
        caseId: `_jet-${randomString(6)}-`,
        // 存储document element 对象
        el: {
          inputTable: null,
          tbody: null
        // 存储各个div的style
        style: {
          // 'max-height': '400px'
          tbody: { left: '0px' },
          // 左侧固定td的style
          tdLeft: { 'min-width': '4%', 'max-width': '45px' }
        // 表单的类型
        formTypes: FormTypes,
        // 行数据
        rows: [],
        // 行高,height + padding + border
        // 滚动条顶部距离
        scrollTop: 0,
        // 绑定 select 的值
        selectValues: {},
        // 绑定 checkbox 的值
        checkboxValues: {},
        // 绑定 jdate 的值
        jdateValues: {},
        // file 信息
        uploadValues: {},
        // 绑定左侧选择框已选择的id
        selectedRowIds: [],
        // 存储被删除行的id
        deleteIds: [],
        // 存储显示tooltip的信息
        tooltips: {},
        // 存储没有通过验证的inputId
        notPassedIds: []
    created() {
      // 当前显示的tr
      this.visibleTrEls = []
      // 用来存储input表单的值
      // 数组里的每项都是一个对象,对象里每个key都是input的rowKey,值就是input的值,其中有个id的字段来区分
      // 示例:
      // [{
      //    id: "_jet-4sp0iu-15541771111770"
      //    dbDefaultVal: "aaa",
      //    dbFieldName: "bbb",
      //    dbFieldTxt: "ccc",
      //    dbLength: 32
      // }]
      this.inputValues = []
      this.disabledRowIds = (this.disabledRowIds || [])
    // 计算属性
    computed: {
      // expandHeight = rows.length * rowHeight
      getExpandHeight() {
        return this.rows.length * this.rowHeight
      // 获取是否选择了部分
      getSelectIndeterminate() {
        return (this.selectedRowIds.length > 0 &&
          this.selectedRowIds.length < this.rows.length)
      // 获取是否选择了全部
      getSelectAll() {
        return (this.selectedRowIds.length === this.rows.length) && this.rows.length > 0
      tbodyStyle() {
        let style = Object.assign({}, this.style.tbody)
        // style['max-height'] = `${this.maxHeight}px`
        style['width'] = this.realTrWidth
        return style
      showClearSelectButton() {
        let count = 0
        for (let key in this.disabledRows) {
          if (this.disabledRows.hasOwnProperty(key)) count++
        return count > 0
      accessToken() {
        return Vue.ls.get(ACCESS_TOKEN)
      realTrWidth() {
        let calcWidth = 'calc('
        this.columns.forEach((column, i) => {
          let { type, width } = column
          // 隐藏字段不参与计算
          if (type !== FormTypes.hidden) {
            if (typeof width === 'number') {
              calcWidth += width + 'px'
            } else if (typeof width === 'string') {
              calcWidth += width
            } else {
              calcWidth += '120px'

            if (i < this.columns.length - 1) {
              calcWidth += ' + '
        calcWidth += ')'
        // console.log('calcWidth: ', calcWidth)
        return calcWidth
    // 侦听器
    watch: {
      dataSource: function (newValue) {

        let rows = []
        let checkboxValues = {}
        let selectValues = {}
        let jdateValues = {}
        // 禁用行的id
        let disabledRowIds = (this.disabledRowIds || [])
        newValue.forEach((data, newValueIndex) => {
          // 判断源数据是否带有id
          if (data.id == null || data.id === '') {
            data.id = this.removeCaseId(this.generateId() + newValueIndex)

          let value = { id: this.caseId + data.id }
          let row = { id: value.id }
          let disabled = false
          this.columns.forEach(column => {
            let inputId = column.key + value.id
            let sourceValue = (data[column.key] == null ? '' : data[column.key]).toString()
            if (column.type === FormTypes.checkbox) {

              // 判断是否设定了customValue(自定义值)
              if (column.customValue instanceof Array) {
                let customValue = (column.customValue[0] || '').toString()
                checkboxValues[inputId] = (sourceValue === customValue)
              } else {
                checkboxValues[inputId] = sourceValue

            } else if (column.type === FormTypes.select) {
              if (sourceValue) {
                // 判断是否是多选
                selectValues[inputId] = (column.props || {})['mode'] === 'multiple' ? sourceValue.split(',') : sourceValue
              } else {
                selectValues[inputId] = undefined

            } else if (column.type === FormTypes.date || column.type === FormTypes.datetime) {
              jdateValues[inputId] = sourceValue

            } else if (column.type === FormTypes.slot) {
              if (sourceValue !== 0 && !sourceValue) {
                value[column.key] = column.defaultValue
              } else {
                value[column.key] = sourceValue

            } else {
              value[column.key] = sourceValue

            // 解析disabledRows
            for (let columnKey in this.disabledRows) {
              // 判断是否有该属性
              if (this.disabledRows.hasOwnProperty(columnKey) && data.hasOwnProperty(columnKey)) {
                // row[columnKey] =

                if (disabled !== true) {
                  disabled = this.disabledRows[columnKey] === data[columnKey]
                  if (disabled) {

        this.disabledRowIds = disabledRowIds
        this.checkboxValues = checkboxValues
        this.selectValues = selectValues
        this.jdateValues = jdateValues
        this.rows = rows

        // 更新form表单的值
        this.$nextTick(() => {

      columns: {
        immediate: true,
        handler(columns) {
          columns.forEach(column => {
            if (column.type === FormTypes.select) {
              // 兼容 旧版本 options
              if (column.options instanceof Array) {
                column.options = column.options.map(item => {
                  if (item) {
                    return {
                      text: item.text || item.title,
                      title: item.text || item.title,
                      value: item.value
                  return {}
              if (column.dictCode) {
      // 当selectRowIds改变时触发事件
      selectedRowIds(newValue) {
        this.$emit('selectRowChange', cloneObject(newValue))
    mounted() {
      // 获取document element对象
      let elements = {};
      ['inputTable', 'tbody'].forEach(id => {
        elements[id] = document.getElementById(this.caseId + id)
      this.el = elements

      let vm = this
      /** 监听滚动条事件 */
      this.el.inputTable.onscroll = function (event) {
      this.el.tbody.onscroll = function (event) {
        // vm.recalcTrHiddenItem(event.target.scrollTop)

      let { thead, scrollView } = this.$refs
      scrollView.onscroll = function (event) {

        // console.log(event.target.scrollTop, ' - ', event.target.scrollLeft)

        thead.scrollLeft = event.target.scrollLeft

        // vm.recalcTrHiddenItem(event.target.scrollTop)



    methods: {

      /** 初始化列表 */
      initialize() {
        this.visibleTrEls = []
        this.rows = []
        this.deleteIds = []
        this.inputValues = []
        this.selectValues = {}
        this.checkboxValues = {}
        this.jdateValues = {}
        this.selectedRowIds = []
        this.tooltips = {}
        this.notPassedIds = []
        this.scrollTop = 0
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          this.el.tbody.scrollTop = 0

      /** 同步滚动条状态 */
      syncScrollBar(scrollLeft) {
        // this.style.tbody.left = `${scrollLeft}px`
        // this.el.tbody.scrollLeft = scrollLeft
      /** 重置滚动条位置,参数留空则滚动到上次记录的位置 */
      resetScrollTop(top) {
        let { scrollView } = this.$refs
        if (top != null && typeof top === 'number') {
          scrollView.scrollTop = top
        } else {
          scrollView.scrollTop = this.scrollTop
      /** 重新计算需要隐藏或显示的tr */
      recalcTrHiddenItem(top) {
        let diff = top - this.scrollTop
        if (diff < 0) {
          diff = this.scrollTop - top
        // 只有在滚动了百分之三十的行高的距离时才进行更新
        if (diff >= this.rowHeight * 0.3) {
          this.scrollTop = top
          // 更新form表单的值
          this.$nextTick(() => {
      /** 生成id */
      generateId(rows) {
        if (!(rows instanceof Array)) {
          rows = this.rows || []
        let timestamp = new Date().getTime()
        return `${this.caseId}${timestamp}${rows.length}`
      /** push 一条数据 */
      push(record, update = true, rows) {
        if (!(rows instanceof Array)) {
          rows = cloneObject(this.rows) || []

        if (record.id == null) {
          record.id = this.generateId(rows)
          // let timestamp = new Date().getTime()
          // record.id = `${this.caseId}${timestamp}${rows.length}`
        if (record.id.indexOf(this.caseId) === -1) {
          record.id = this.caseId + record.id
        let row = { id: record.id }
        let value = { id: row.id }
        let checkboxValues = Object.assign({}, this.checkboxValues)
        let selectValues = Object.assign({}, this.selectValues)
        let jdateValues = Object.assign({}, this.jdateValues)
        this.columns.forEach(column => {
          let key = column.key
          let inputId = key + row.id
          // record中是否有该列的值
          let recordHasValue = record[key] != null
          if (column.type === FormTypes.input) {
            value[key] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : (column.defaultValue || (column.defaultValue === 0 ? 0 : ''))

          } else if (column.type === FormTypes.inputNumber) {
            // 判断是否是排序字段,如果是就赋最大值
            if (column.isOrder === true) {
              value[key] = this.getInputNumberMaxValue(column) + 1
            } else {
              value[key] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : (column.defaultValue || (column.defaultValue === 0 ? 0 : ''))

          } else if (column.type === FormTypes.checkbox) {
            checkboxValues[inputId] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : column.defaultChecked

          } else if (column.type === FormTypes.select) {
            let selected = column.defaultValue
            if (selected !== 0 && !selected) {
              selected = undefined
            // 判断多选
            if (typeof selected === 'string' && (column.props || {})['mode'] === 'multiple') {
              selected = selected.split(',')
            selectValues[inputId] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : selected

          } else if (column.type === FormTypes.date || column.type === FormTypes.datetime) {
            jdateValues[inputId] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : column.defaultValue

          } else if (column.type === FormTypes.slot) {
            value[key] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : (column.defaultValue || '')

          } else {
            value[key] = recordHasValue ? record[key] : ''
        this.checkboxValues = checkboxValues
        this.selectValues = selectValues
        this.jdateValues = jdateValues

        if (update) {
          this.rows = rows
          this.$nextTick(() => {
        return rows
      /** 获取某一数字输入框列中的最大的值 */
      getInputNumberMaxValue(column) {
        let maxNum = 0
        this.inputValues.forEach((item, index) => {
          let val = item[column.key], num
          try {
            num = parseInt(val)
          } catch {
            num = 0
          // 把首次循环的结果当成最大值
          if (index === 0) {
            maxNum = num
          } else {
            maxNum = (num > maxNum) ? num : maxNum
        return maxNum
      /** 添加一行 */
      add(num = 1, forceScrollToBottom = false) {
        // let timestamp = new Date().getTime()
        let rows = this.rows
        let row
        for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
          // row = { id: `${this.caseId}${timestamp}${rows.length}` }
          row = { id: this.generateId(rows) }
          rows = this.push(row, false, rows)
        this.rows = rows

        this.$nextTick(() => {
        // 触发add事件
        this.$emit('added', {
          row: (() => {
            let r = Object.assign({}, row)
            r.id = this.removeCaseId(r.id)
            return r
          target: this
        // 设置滚动条位置
        let tbody = this.el.tbody
        let offsetHeight = tbody.offsetHeight
        let realScrollTop = tbody.scrollTop + offsetHeight
        if (forceScrollToBottom === false) {
          // 只有滚动条在底部的时候才自动滚动
          if (!((tbody.scrollHeight - realScrollTop) <= 10)) {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          tbody.scrollTop = tbody.scrollHeight
      /** 删除被选中的行 */
      removeSelectedRows() {
        this.selectedRowIds = []
      /** 删除一行或多行 */
      removeRows(id) {
        let ids = id
        if (!(id instanceof Array)) {
          if (typeof id === 'string') {
            ids = [id]
          } else {
            throw  `JEditableTable.removeRows() 函数需要的参数可以是string或Array类型,但提供的却是${typeof id}`

        let rows = cloneObject(this.rows)
        ids.forEach(removeId => {
          // 找到每个id对应的真实index并删除
          const findAndDelete = (arr) => {
            for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
              if (arr[i].id === removeId || arr[i].id === this.caseId + removeId) {
                arr.splice(i, 1)
                return true
          // 找到rows对应的index,并删除
          if (findAndDelete(rows)) {
            // 找到values对应的index,并删除
            // 将caseId去除
            let id = this.removeCaseId(removeId)
        this.rows = rows
        this.$emit('deleted', this.getDeleteIds())
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          // 更新formValues
        return true

      /** 获取表格表单里的值(同步版) */
      getValuesSync(options = {}) {
        let { validate, rowIds } = options
        if (typeof validate !== 'boolean') validate = true
        if (!(rowIds instanceof Array)) rowIds = null
        // console.log('options:', { validate, rowIds })

        let error = 0
        let inputValues = cloneObject(this.inputValues)
        let tooltips = Object.assign({}, this.tooltips)
        let notPassedIds = cloneObject(this.notPassedIds)
        // 用于存储合并后的值
        let values = []
        // 遍历inputValues来获取每行的值
        for (let value of inputValues) {
          let rowIdsFlag = false
          // 如果带有rowIds,那么就只存这几行的数据
          if (rowIds == null) {
            rowIdsFlag = true
          } else {
            for (let rowId of rowIds) {
              if (rowId === value.id || `${this.caseId}${rowId}` === value.id) {
                rowIdsFlag = true

          if (!rowIdsFlag) continue

          this.columns.forEach(column => {
            let inputId = column.key + value.id
            if (column.type === FormTypes.checkbox) {
              let checked = this.checkboxValues[inputId]
              if (column.customValue instanceof Array) {
                value[column.key] = checked ? column.customValue[0] : column.customValue[1]
              } else {
                value[column.key] = checked

            } else if (column.type === FormTypes.select) {
              let selected = this.selectValues[inputId]
              if (selected instanceof Array) {
                value[column.key] = cloneObject(selected)
              } else {
                value[column.key] = selected

            } else if (column.type === FormTypes.date || column.type === FormTypes.datetime) {
              value[column.key] = this.jdateValues[inputId]

            } else if (column.type === FormTypes.upload) {
              value[column.key] = cloneObject(this.uploadValues[inputId] || null)

            // 检查表单验证
            if (validate === true) {
              let results = this.validateOneInput(value[column.key], value, column, notPassedIds, false)
              tooltips[inputId] = results[0]
              if (tooltips[inputId].visible) {
                // if (error++ === 0) {
                // let element = document.getElementById(inputId)
                // while (element.className !== 'tr') {
                //   element = element.parentElement
                // }
                // this.jumpToId(inputId, element)
                // }
              tooltips[inputId].visible = false
              notPassedIds = results[1]
          // 将caseId去除
          value.id = this.removeCaseId(value.id)


        this.tooltips = tooltips
        this.notPassedIds = notPassedIds
        return { error, values }

      /** 获取表格表单里的值 */
      getValues(callback, validate = true, rowIds) {
        let result = this.getValuesSync({ validate, rowIds })
        if (typeof callback === 'function') {
          callback(result.error, result.values)
      /** getValues的Promise版 */
      getValuesPromise(validate = true, rowIds) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          let { error, values } = this.getValuesSync({ validate, rowIds })
          if (error === 0) {
          } else {
      /** 获取被删除项的id */
      getDeleteIds() {
        return cloneObject(this.deleteIds)
      /** 获取所有的数据,包括values、deleteIds */
      getAll(validate) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          let deleteIds = this.getDeleteIds()
          this.getValuesPromise(validate).then((values) => {
            resolve({ values, deleteIds })
          }).catch(error => {
      /** Sync 获取所有的数据,包括values、deleteIds */
      getAllSync(validate, rowIds) {
        let result = this.getValuesSync({ validate, rowIds })
        result.deleteIds = this.getDeleteIds()
        return result
      // slot 获取值
      _getValueForSlot(rowId) {
        return this.getValuesSync({ rowIds: [rowId] }).values[0]
      /** 设置某行某列的值 */
      setValues(values) {

        values.forEach(item => {
          let { rowKey, values: newValues } = item
          for (let newValueKey in newValues) {
            if (newValues.hasOwnProperty(newValueKey)) {
              let newValue = newValues[newValueKey]
              let edited = false // 已被修改
              this.inputValues.forEach(value => {
                // 在inputValues中找到了该字段
                if (`${this.caseId}${rowKey}` === value.id) {
                  if (value.hasOwnProperty(newValueKey)) {
                    edited = true
                    value[newValueKey] = newValue
              let modelKey = `${newValueKey}${this.caseId}${rowKey}`
              // 在 selectValues 中寻找值
              if (!edited && this.selectValues.hasOwnProperty(modelKey)) {
                if (newValue !== 0 && !newValue) {
                  this.selectValues[modelKey] = undefined
                } else {
                  this.selectValues[modelKey] = newValue
                edited = true
              // 在 checkboxValues 中寻找值
              if (!edited && this.checkboxValues.hasOwnProperty(modelKey)) {
                this.checkboxValues[modelKey] = newValue
                edited = true
              // 在 jdateValues 中寻找值
              if (!edited && this.jdateValues.hasOwnProperty(modelKey)) {
                this.jdateValues[modelKey] = newValue
                edited = true
        // 强制更新formValues

      /** 跳转到指定位置 */
      // jumpToId(id, element) {
      //   if (element == null) {
      //     element = document.getElementById(id)
      //   }
      //   if (element != null) {
      //     console.log(this.el.tbody.scrollTop, element.offsetTop)
      //     this.el.tbody.scrollTop = element.offsetTop
      //     console.log(this.el.tbody.scrollTop, element.offsetTop)
      //   }
      // },

      /** 验证单个表单 */
      validateOneInput(value, row, column, notPassedIds, update = false) {
        let tooltips = Object.assign({}, this.tooltips)
        // let notPassedIds = cloneObject(this.notPassedIds)
        let inputId = column.key + row.id
        let [passed, message] = this.validateValue(column.validateRules, value)
        tooltips[inputId] = tooltips[inputId] ? tooltips[inputId] : {}
        tooltips[inputId].visible = !passed
        let index = notPassedIds.indexOf(inputId)
        let borderColor = null, boxShadow = null
        if (!passed) {
          tooltips[inputId].title = this.replaceProps(column, message)
          borderColor = 'red'
          boxShadow = `0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)`
          if (index === -1) notPassedIds.push(inputId)
        } else {
          if (index !== -1) notPassedIds.splice(index, 1)

        let element = document.getElementById(inputId)
        if (element != null) {
          // select 在 .ant-select-selection 上设置 border-color
          if (column.type === FormTypes.select) {
            element = element.getElementsByClassName('ant-select-selection')[0]
          // jdate 在 input 上设置 border-color
          if (column.type === FormTypes.date || column.type === FormTypes.datetime) {
            element = element.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
          element.style.borderColor = borderColor
          element.style.boxShadow = boxShadow
        // 是否更新到data
        if (update) {
          this.tooltips = tooltips
          this.notPassedIds = notPassedIds
        return [tooltips[inputId], notPassedIds]
      /** 通过规则验证值是否正确 */
      validateValue(rules, value) {
        let passed = true, message = ''
        // 判断有没有验证规则或验证规则格式正不正确,若条件不符合则默认通过
        if (rules instanceof Array) {
          for (let rule of rules) {
            // 当前值是否为空
            let isNull = (value == null || value === '')
            // 验证规则:非空
            if (rule.required === true && isNull) {
              passed = false
            } else // 使用 else-if 是为了防止一个 rule 中出现两个规则
            // 验证规则:正则表达式
            if (!!rule.pattern && !isNull) {

              // 兼容 online 的规则
              let foo = [
                { title: '唯一校验', value: 'only', pattern: null },
                { title: '6到16位数字', value: 'n6-16', pattern: /\d{6,18}/ },
                { title: '6到16位任意字符', value: '*6-16', pattern: /^.{6,16}$/ },
                { title: '网址', value: 'url', pattern: /^(?:([A-Za-z]+):)?(\/{0,3})([0-9.\-A-Za-z]+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\/([^?#]*))?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/ },
                { title: '电子邮件', value: 'e', pattern: /^([\w]+\.*)([\w]+)@[\w]+\.\w{3}(\.\w{2}|)$/ },
                { title: '手机号码', value: 'm', pattern: /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/ },
                { title: '邮政编码', value: 'p', pattern: /^[1-9]\d{5}$/ },
                { title: '字母', value: 's', pattern: /^[A-Z|a-z]+$/ },
                { title: '数字', value: 'n', pattern: /^-?\d+\.?\d*$/ },
                { title: '整数', value: 'z', pattern: /^[1-9]\d*$/ },
                { title: '非空', value: '*', pattern: /^.+$/ },
                { title: '6到18位字符串', value: 's6-18', pattern: /^.{6,18}$/ },
                { title: '金额', value: 'money', pattern: /^(([1-9][0-9]*)|([0]\.\d{0,2}|[1-9][0-9]*\.\d{0,2}))$/ },
              let flag = false
              for (let item of foo) {
                if (rule.pattern === item.value && item.pattern) {
                  passed = new RegExp(item.pattern).test(value)
                  flag = true
              if (!flag) passed = new RegExp(rule.pattern).test(value)
            // 如果没有通过验证,则跳出循环。如果通过了验证,则继续验证下一条规则
            if (!passed) {
              message = rule.message
        return [passed, message]

      /** 动态更新表单的值 */
      updateFormValues() {
        let trs = this.el.tbody.getElementsByClassName('tr')
        let trEls = []
        for (let tr of trs) {
        // 获取新增的 tr
        let newTrEls = trEls
        if (this.visibleTrEls.length > 0) {
          newTrEls = []
          for (let tr of trEls) {
            let isNewest = true
            for (let vtr of this.visibleTrEls) {
              if (vtr.id === tr.id) {
                isNewest = false
            if (isNewest) {
        this.visibleTrEls = trEls
        // 向新增的tr中赋值
        newTrEls.forEach(tr => {
          let { idx } = tr.dataset
          let value = this.inputValues[idx]
          for (let key in value) {
            if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
              let elid = `${key}${value.id}`
              let el = document.getElementById(elid)
              if (el) {
                el.value = value[key]
      /** 强制更新FormValues */
      forceUpdateFormValues() {
        this.visibleTrEls = []

      /** 全选或取消全选 */
      handleChangeCheckedAll() {
        let selectedRowIds = []
        if (!this.getSelectAll) {
          this.rows.forEach(row => {
            if ((this.disabledRowIds || []).indexOf(row.id) === -1) {
        this.selectedRowIds = selectedRowIds
      /** 左侧行选择框change事件 */
      handleChangeLeftCheckbox(event) {
        let { id } = event.target

        if ((this.disabledRowIds || []).indexOf(id) !== -1) {

        let index = this.selectedRowIds.indexOf(id)
        if (index !== -1) {
          this.selectedRowIds.splice(index, 1)
        } else {

      handleClickAdd() {
      handleConfirmDelete() {
      handleClickClearSelect() {
        this.selectedRowIds = []
      /** select 搜索时的事件,用于动态添加options */
      handleSearchSelect(value, id, row, col) {
        if (col.allowInput === true) {
          // 是否找到了对应的项,找不到则添加这一项
          let flag = false
          for (let option of col.options) {
            if (option.value.toLocaleString() === value.toLocaleString()) {
              flag = true
          // !!value :不添加空值
          if (!flag && !!value) {
            // searchAdd 是否是通过搜索添加的
            col.options.push({ title: value, value: value, searchAdd: true })

      // blur 失去焦点
      handleBlurSearch(value, id, row, col) {
        if (col.allowInput === true) {
          // 删除无用的因搜索(用户输入)而创建的项
          if (typeof value === 'string') {
            let indexs = []
            col.options.forEach((option, index) => {
              if (option.value.toLocaleString() === value.toLocaleString()) {
                delete option.searchAdd
              } else if (option.searchAdd === true) {
            // 翻转删除数组中的项
            for (let index of indexs.reverse()) {
              col.options.splice(index, 1)


      /* --- common function begin --- */

      /** 鼠标移入 */
      handleMouseoverCommono(row, column) {
        let inputId = column.key + row.id
        if (this.notPassedIds.indexOf(inputId) !== -1) {
          this.showOrHideTooltip(inputId, true)
      /** 鼠标移出 */
      handleMouseoutCommono(row, column) {
        let inputId = column.key + row.id
        this.showOrHideTooltip(inputId, false)
      /** input事件 */
      handleInputCommono(target, index, row, column) {
        let { value, dataset, selectionStart } = target
        let type = FormTypes.input
        let change = true
        if (`${dataset.inputNumber}` === 'true') {
          type = FormTypes.inputNumber
          let replace = value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')
          if (value !== replace) {
            change = false
            value = replace
            target.value = replace
            if (typeof selectionStart === 'number') {
              target.selectionStart = selectionStart - 1
              target.selectionEnd = selectionStart - 1
        // 存储输入的值
        this.inputValues[index][column.key] = value
        // 做单个表单验证
        this.validateOneInput(value, row, column, this.notPassedIds, true)

        // 触发valueChange 事件
        if (change) {
          this.elemValueChange(type, row, column, value)
      handleChangeCheckboxCommon(event, row, column) {
        let { id, checked } = event.target
        this.checkboxValues = this.bindValuesChange(checked, id, 'checkboxValues')

        // 触发valueChange 事件
        this.elemValueChange(FormTypes.checkbox, row, column, checked)
      handleChangeSelectCommon(value, id, row, column) {
        this.selectValues = this.bindValuesChange(value, id, 'selectValues')
        // 做单个表单验证
        this.validateOneInput(value, row, column, this.notPassedIds, true)

        // 触发valueChange 事件
        this.elemValueChange(FormTypes.select, row, column, value)
      handleChangeJDateCommon(value, id, row, column, showTime) {
        this.jdateValues = this.bindValuesChange(value, id, 'jdateValues')
        this.validateOneInput(value, row, column, this.notPassedIds, true)

        // 触发valueChange 事件
        if (showTime) {
          this.elemValueChange(FormTypes.datetime, row, column, value)
        } else {
          this.elemValueChange(FormTypes.date, row, column, value)
      handleChangeUpload(info, id, row, column) {
        let { file } = info
        let value = {
          name: file.name,
          type: file.type,
          size: file.size,
          status: file.status,
          percent: file.percent
        if (column.responseName && file.response) {
          value['responseName'] = file.response[column.responseName]
        this.uploadValues = this.bindValuesChange(value, id, 'uploadValues')
      /** 记录用到数据绑定的组件的值 */
      bindValuesChange(value, id, key) {
        let values = Object.assign({}, this[key])
        values[id] = value
        return values

      /** 显示或隐藏tooltip */
      showOrHideTooltip(inputId, show) {
        let tooltips = Object.assign({}, this.tooltips)
        tooltips[inputId] = tooltips[inputId] ? tooltips[inputId] : {}
        tooltips[inputId].visible = show
        this.tooltips = tooltips

      /** value 触发valueChange事件 */
      elemValueChange(type, rowSource, columnSource, value) {
        let column = Object.assign({}, columnSource)
        // 将caseId去除
        let row = Object.assign({}, rowSource)
        row.id = this.removeCaseId(row.id)
        // 获取整行的数据
        let { values } = this.getValuesSync({ validate: false, rowIds: [row.id] })
        if (values.length > 0) {
          Object.assign(row, values[0])
        this.$emit('valueChange', { type, row, column, value, target: this })

      /** 将caseId去除 */
      removeCaseId(id) {
        let remove = id.split(this.caseId)[1]
        return remove ? remove : id

      handleClickDelFile(id) {
        this.uploadValues[id] = null

      /** 加载数据字典并合并到 options */
      _loadDictConcatToOptions(column) {
        initDictOptions(column.dictCode).then((res) => {
          if (res.success) {
            column.options = (column.options || []).concat(res.result)
          } else {
            console.group(`JEditableTable 查询字典(${column.dictCode})发生异常`)

      /* --- common function end --- */

      /* --- 以下是辅助方法,多用于动态构造页面中的数据 --- */

      /** 辅助方法:打印日志 */
      log: console.log,

      getVM() {
        return this

      /** 辅助方法:指定a-select 和 j-data 的父容器 */
      getParentContainer(node) {
        if (this.$el && this.$el.nodeType !== 8) {
          return this.$el
        let doc = document.getElementById(this.caseId + 'inputTable')
        if (doc != null) {
          return doc
        return node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode

      /** 辅助方法:替换${...}变量 */
      replaceProps(col, value) {
        if (value && typeof value === 'string') {
          value = value.replace(/\${title}/g, col.title)
          value = value.replace(/\${key}/g, col.key)
          value = value.replace(/\${defaultValue}/g, col.defaultValue)
        return value

      /** view辅助方法:构建 tr style */
      buildTrStyle(index) {
        return {
          'top': `${rowHeight * index}px`
      /** view辅助方法:构建 td style */
      buildTdStyle(col) {
        let style = {}
        // 计算宽度
        if (col.width) {
          style['width'] = col.width
        } else if (this.columns) {
          style['width'] = `${(100 - 4 * 2) / this.columns.length}%`
        } else {
          style['width'] = '120px'
        // checkbox 居中显示
        let isCheckbox = col.type === FormTypes.checkbox
        if (isCheckbox) {
          style['align-items'] = 'center'
          style['text-align'] = 'center'
          style['padding-left'] = '0'
          style['padding-right'] = '0'
        return style
      /** view辅助方法:构造props */
      buildProps(row, col) {
        let props = {}
        // 解析props
        if (typeof col.props === 'object') {
          for (let prop in col.props) {
            if (col.props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
              props[prop] = this.replaceProps(col, col.props[prop])
        // 判断select是否允许输入
        if (col.type === FormTypes.select && col.allowInput === true) {
          props['showSearch'] = true

        // 判断是否为禁用的行
        if (props['disabled'] !== true) {
          props['disabled'] = ((this.disabledRowIds || []).indexOf(row.id) !== -1)

        // 判断是否禁用全部组件
        if (this.disabled === true) {
          props['disabled'] = true

        return props
      /** upload 辅助方法:获取 headers */
      uploadGetHeaders(row, column) {
        let headers = {}
        if (column.token === true) {
          headers['X-Access-Token'] = this.accessToken
        return headers


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