<template> <a-card :bordered="false"> <!--导航区域--> <div> <a-tabs defaultActiveKey="1" @change="callback"> <a-tab-pane tab="登录日志" key="1"></a-tab-pane> <a-tab-pane tab="操作日志" key="2"></a-tab-pane> </a-tabs> </div> <!-- 查询区域 --> <div class="table-page-search-wrapper"> <a-form layout="inline" @keyup.enter.native="searchQuery"> <a-row :gutter="24"> <a-col :md="6" :sm="8"> <a-form-item label="搜索日志"> <a-input placeholder="请输入搜索关键词" v-model="queryParam.keyWord"></a-input> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :md="6" :sm="10"> <a-form-item label="创建时间" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol"> <a-range-picker style="width: 210px" v-model="queryParam.createTimeRange" format="YYYY-MM-DD" :placeholder="['开始时间', '结束时间']" @change="onDateChange" @ok="onDateOk" /> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :md="5" :sm="8" v-if="tabKey === '2'"> <a-form-item label="操作类型" style="left: 10px"> <j-dict-select-tag v-model="queryParam.operateType" placeholder="请选择操作类型" dictCode="operate_type"/> </a-form-item> </a-col> <a-col :xl="6" :lg="7" :md="8" :sm="24"> <a-form-item label="响应耗时(毫秒)"> <a-input placeholder="请输入响应耗时(大于)" v-model="queryParam.costTime_begin"></a-input> </a-form-item> </a-col> <span style="float: left;overflow: hidden;" class="table-page-search-submitButtons"> <a-col :md="6" :sm="24"> <a-button type="primary" style="left: 10px" @click="searchQuery" icon="search">查询</a-button> <a-button type="primary" @click="searchReset" icon="reload" style="margin-left: 8px;left: 10px">重置</a-button> </a-col> </span> </a-row> </a-form> </div> <!-- table区域-begin --> <a-table ref="table" size="middle" rowKey="id" :columns="columns" :dataSource="dataSource" :pagination="ipagination" :loading="loading" @change="handleTableChange"> <template v-if="queryParam.logType==='2'" #expandedRowRender="record"> <div style="margin: 0"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <a-badge status="success" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> <span style="vertical-align: middle;">请求方法: {{ record.method }}</span></div> <div> <a-badge status="processing" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> <span style="vertical-align: middle;">请求参数:{{ record.requestParam }}</span></div> </div> </template> <!-- 字符串超长截取省略号显示--> <span slot="logContent" slot-scope="text"> <j-ellipsis :value="text" :length="40"/> </span> </a-table> <!-- table区域-end --> </a-card> </template> <script> import {filterObj} from '@/utils/util'; import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin' import JEllipsis from '@/components/jeecg/JEllipsis' export default { name: "LogList", mixins: [JeecgListMixin], components: { JEllipsis }, data() { return { description: '这是日志管理页面', // 查询条件 queryParam: { ipInfo: '', createTimeRange: [], logType: '1', keyWord: '', }, tabKey: "1", // 表头 columns: [ { title: '#', dataIndex: '', key: 'rowIndex', align: "center", customRender: function (t, r, index) { return parseInt(index) + 1; } }, { title: '日志内容', align: "left", dataIndex: 'logContent', scopedSlots: {customRender: 'logContent'}, sorter: true }, { title: '操作人ID', dataIndex: 'userid', align: "center", sorter: true }, { title: '操作人名称', dataIndex: 'username', align: "center", sorter: true }, { title: 'IP', dataIndex: 'ip', align: "center", sorter: true }, { title: '耗时(毫秒)', dataIndex: 'costTime', align: "center", sorter: true }, { title: '日志类型', dataIndex: 'logType_dictText', /*customRender:function (text) { if(text==1){ return "登录日志"; }else if(text==2){ return "操作日志"; }else{ return text; } },*/ align: "center", }, { title: '创建时间', dataIndex: 'createTime', align: "center", sorter: true } ], operateColumn: { title: '操作类型', dataIndex: 'operateType_dictText', align: "center", }, labelCol: { xs: {span: 1}, sm: {span: 2}, }, wrapperCol: { xs: {span: 10}, sm: {span: 16}, }, url: { list: "/sys/log/list", }, } }, methods: { getQueryParams() { var param = Object.assign({}, this.queryParam, this.isorter); param.field = this.getQueryField(); param.pageNo = this.ipagination.current; param.pageSize = this.ipagination.pageSize; delete param.createTimeRange; // 时间参数不传递后台 if (this.superQueryParams) { param['superQueryParams'] = encodeURI(this.superQueryParams) param['superQueryMatchType'] = this.superQueryMatchType } //登录日志没有操作类型 if (this.tabKey === '1') { param.operateType = '' } return filterObj(param); }, // 重置 searchReset() { var that = this; var logType = that.queryParam.logType; that.queryParam = {}; //清空查询区域参数 that.queryParam.logType = logType; that.loadData(this.ipagination.current); }, // 日志类型 callback(key) { // 动态添加操作类型列 if (key == 2) { this.tabKey = '2'; this.columns.splice(7, 0, this.operateColumn); } else if (this.columns.length == 9) { this.tabKey = '1'; this.columns.splice(7, 1); } let that = this; that.queryParam.logType = key; that.loadData(1); }, onDateChange: function (value, dateString) { console.log(dateString[0], dateString[1]); this.queryParam.createTime_begin = dateString[0]; this.queryParam.createTime_end = dateString[1]; }, onDateOk(value) { console.log(value); }, } } </script> <style scoped> @import '~@assets/less/common.less' </style>