package; import com.huaheng.common.utils.StringUtils; /** * 字符串格式化 * * @author huaheng */ public class StrFormatter { public static final String EMPTY_JSON = "{}"; public static final char C_BACKSLASH = '\\'; public static final char C_DELIM_START = '{'; public static final char C_DELIM_END = '}'; /** * 格式化字符串<br> * 此方法只是简单将占位符 {} 按照顺序替换为参数<br> * 如果想输出 {} 使用 \\转义 { 即可,如果想输出 {} 之前的 \ 使用双转义符 \\\\ 即可<br> * 例:<br> * 通常使用:format("this is {} for {}", "a", "b") -> this is a for b<br> * 转义{}: format("this is \\{} for {}", "a", "b") -> this is \{} for a<br> * 转义\: format("this is \\\\{} for {}", "a", "b") -> this is \a for b<br> * * @param strPattern 字符串模板 * @param argArray 参数列表 * @return 结果 */ public static String format(final String strPattern, final Object... argArray) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(strPattern) || StringUtils.isEmpty(argArray)) { return strPattern; } final int strPatternLength = strPattern.length(); // 初始化定义好的长度以获得更好的性能 StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(strPatternLength + 50); int handledPosition = 0; int delimIndex;// 占位符所在位置 for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < argArray.length; argIndex++) { delimIndex = strPattern.indexOf(EMPTY_JSON, handledPosition); if (delimIndex == -1) { if (handledPosition == 0) { return strPattern; } else { // 字符串模板剩余部分不再包含占位符,加入剩余部分后返回结果 sbuf.append(strPattern, handledPosition, strPatternLength); return sbuf.toString(); } } else { if (delimIndex > 0 && strPattern.charAt(delimIndex - 1) == C_BACKSLASH) { if (delimIndex > 1 && strPattern.charAt(delimIndex - 2) == C_BACKSLASH) { // 转义符之前还有一个转义符,占位符依旧有效 sbuf.append(strPattern, handledPosition, delimIndex - 1); sbuf.append(Convert.utf8Str(argArray[argIndex])); handledPosition = delimIndex + 2; } else { // 占位符被转义 argIndex--; sbuf.append(strPattern, handledPosition, delimIndex - 1); sbuf.append(C_DELIM_START); handledPosition = delimIndex + 1; } } else { // 正常占位符 sbuf.append(strPattern, handledPosition, delimIndex); sbuf.append(Convert.utf8Str(argArray[argIndex])); handledPosition = delimIndex + 2; } } } // append the characters following the last {} pair. // 加入最后一个占位符后所有的字符 sbuf.append(strPattern, handledPosition, strPattern.length()); return sbuf.toString(); } }