<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.huaheng.pc.shipment.shipmentDetail.mapper.ShipmentDetailMapper">
    <select id="SelectFirstStatus" resultType="java.util.Map">
        SELECT h.id, h.firstStatus
        FROM shipment_header h
        INNER JOIN shipment_detail d ON h.id = d.shipmentId AND d.id IN (#{ids})
        GROUP BY h.id,firstStatus

    <delete id="batchDelete">
        DELETE FROM shipment_detail WHERE id IN
        <foreach item="idItem" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">

    <select id="countUnCompleted" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
         SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shipment_detail WHERE shipmentId=#{shipmentId} AND qty>qtyCompleted

    <select id="getShipmentDetailListByLike" resultType="com.huaheng.pc.shipment.shipmentDetail.domain.ShipmentDetail">
        SELECT d.id,d.warehouseId,d.warehouseCode,d.companyId,d.companyCode,d.sourceCode,d.sourceLine,d.shipmentId,d.shipmentCode,
        m.name as materialName, m.specification
        FROM shipment_detail d
        INNER JOIN material m
        ON d.materialCode = m.code  AND d.warehouseId = m.warehouseId AND d.deleted = FALSE AND m.deleted = FALSE
        <if test="id != null ">
            AND d.id = #{id}
        <if test="warehouseId != null ">
            AND d.warehouseId = #{warehouseId}
        <if test="warehouseCode != null and warehouseCode != ''">
            <bind name="warehouseCodePattern" value="'%' + warehouseCode + '%'" />
            AND d.warehouseCode like #{warehouseCodePattern}
        <if test="sourceLine != null and sourceLine != ''">
            <bind name="sourceLinePattern" value="'%' + sourceLine + '%'" />
            AND d.sourceLine like #{sourceLinePattern}
        <if test="shipmentId != null ">
            AND d.shipmentId = #{shipmentId}
        <if test="shipmentCode != null and shipmentCode != ''">
            <bind name="shipmentCodePattern" value="'%' + shipmentCode + '%'" />
            AND d.shipmentCode like #{shipmentCodePattern}
        <if test="materialId != null ">
            AND d.materialId = #{materialId}
        <if test="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''">
            <bind name="materialCodePattern" value="'%' + materialCode + '%'" />
            AND d.materialCode like #{materialCodePattern}
        <if test="batch != null and batch != ''">
            <bind name="batchPattern" value="'%' + batch + '%'" />
            AND d.batch like #{batchPattern}
        <if test="lot != null and lot != ''">
            <bind name="lotPattern" value="'%' + lot + '%'" />
            AND d.lot like #{lotPattern}
        <if test="project != null and project != ''">
            <bind name="projectPattern" value="'%' + project + '%'" />
            AND d.project like #{projectPattern}
        <if test="params != null and params.manufactureDateBegin != null and params.manufactureDateBegin != ''">
            AND d.manufactureDate &gt;= #{params.manufactureDateBegin}
        <if test="params != null and params.manufactureDateEnd != null and params.manufactureDateEnd != ''">
            AND d.manufactureDate &lt;= #{params.manufactureDateEnd}
        <if test="params != null and params.expirationDateBegin != null and params.expirationDateBegin != ''">
            AND d.expirationDate &gt;= #{params.expirationDateBegin}
        <if test="params != null and params.expirationDateEnd != null and params.expirationDateEnd != ''">
            AND d.expirationDate &lt;= #{params.expirationDateEnd}
        <if test="inventoryStatus != null and inventoryStatus != ''">
            <bind name="inventoryStatusPattern" value="'%' + inventoryStatus + '%'" />
            AND d.inventoryStatus like #{inventoryStatusPattern}
        <if test="qty != null ">
            AND d.qty = #{qty}
        <if test="qtyCompleted != null ">
            AND d.qtyCompleted = #{qtyCompleted}
        <if test="price != null ">
            AND d.price = #{price}
        <if test="status != null ">
            AND d.status = #{status}
        <if test="params != null and params.createdBegin != null and params.createdBegin != ''">
            AND d.created &gt;= #{params.createdBegin}
        <if test="params != null and params.createdEnd != null and params.createdEnd != ''">
            AND d.created &lt;= #{params.createdEnd}
        <if test="createdBy != null and createdBy != ''">
            <bind name="createdByPattern" value="'%' + createdBy + '%'" />
            AND d.createdBy like #{createdByPattern}
        <if test="params != null and params.lastUpdatedBegin != null and params.lastUpdatedBegin != ''">
            AND d.lastUpdated &gt;= #{params.lastUpdatedBegin}
        <if test="params != null and params.lastUpdatedEnd != null and params.lastUpdatedEnd != ''">
            AND d.lastUpdated &lt;= #{params.lastUpdatedEnd}
        <if test="lastUpdatedBy != null and lastUpdatedBy != ''">
            <bind name="lastUpdatedByPattern" value="'%' + lastUpdatedBy + '%'" />
            AND d.lastUpdatedBy like #{lastUpdatedByPattern}
        <if test="deleted != null ">
            AND d.deleted = #{deleted}
        <if test="userDef1 != null and userDef1 != ''">
            <bind name="userDef1Pattern" value="'%' + userDef1 + '%'" />
            AND d.userDef1 like #{userDef1Pattern}
        <if test="userDef2 != null and userDef2 != ''">
            <bind name="userDef2Pattern" value="'%' + userDef2 + '%'" />
            AND d.userDef2 like #{userDef2Pattern}
        <if test="userDef3 != null and userDef3 != ''">
            <bind name="userDef3Pattern" value="'%' + userDef3 + '%'" />
            AND d.userDef3 like #{userDef3Pattern}

    <select id="StatisticalByReceiptId" resultType="java.util.Map">
       SELECT count(*) as 'totalLines',sum(qty) as 'totalQty'
       FROM shipment_detail
       WHERE shipmentId=#{receiptId} and deleted=FALSE
