<template> <a-drawer :title="title" :maskClosable="true" width=600 placement="right" :closable="true" @close="close" :visible="visible" style="overflow: auto;padding-bottom: 53px;"> <a-spin :spinning="confirmLoading"> <a-form :form="form" v-if="designNameOption.length>0"> <a-form-item label=''> <a-col :xl="24" :lg="24" :md="24" :sm="24" :xs="24"> <a-card :style="{ marginTop: '12px',height:'auto' }"> <a-checkbox-group @change="designNameChange" v-model="designNameValue" style="width: 100%"> <a-row> <template v-for="(des) in designNameOption"> <a-col :span="6"> <a-checkbox :value="des.value">{{ des.text }}</a-checkbox> </a-col> </template> </a-row> </a-checkbox-group> </a-card> </a-col> </a-form-item> </a-form> <div v-else><h3>无可配置角色!</h3></div> </a-spin> <div class="drawer-bootom-button"> <a-dropdown style="float: left" :trigger="['click']" placement="topCenter"> <a-menu slot="overlay"> <a-menu-item key="1" @click="checkALL">全部勾选</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item key="2" @click="cancelCheckALL">取消全选</a-menu-item> </a-menu> <a-button> 操作 <a-icon type="up" /> </a-button> </a-dropdown> <a-popconfirm title="确定放弃编辑?" @confirm="close" okText="确定" cancelText="取消"> <a-button style="margin-right: .8rem">取消</a-button> </a-popconfirm> <a-button @click="handleSubmit(true)" type="primary">保存</a-button> </div> </a-drawer> </template> <script> import {httpAction, getAction} from '@/api/manage' import JEllipsis from '@/components/jeecg/JEllipsis' import {initDictOptions} from '@/components/dict/JDictSelectUtil' export default { name: 'DeptRoleUserModal', components: { JEllipsis }, data() { return { currentDeptId:"", title: "部门角色分配", visible: false, model: {}, labelCol: { xs: {span: 24}, sm: {span: 5}, }, wrapperCol: { xs: {span: 24}, sm: {span: 16}, }, confirmLoading: false, form: this.$form.createForm(this), validatorRules: {}, url: { add: "/sys/sysDepartRole/deptRoleUserAdd", getDeptRoleList:"/sys/sysDepartRole/getDeptRoleList", getDeptRoleByUserId:"/sys/sysDepartRole/getDeptRoleByUserId" }, designNameOption: [], userId: "", newRoleId:"", oldRoleId:"", designNameValue:[], desformList: [], } }, created() { }, methods: { add(record,departId) { this.userId = record.id; this.currentDeptId = departId; this.loadDesformList(); this.edit({}); }, edit(record) { this.form.resetFields(); this.model = Object.assign({}, record); this.visible = true; getAction(this.url.getDeptRoleByUserId,{userId:this.userId,departId:this.currentDeptId}).then((res) => { if (res.success) { var designName = []; for (let value of res.result) { designName.push(value.droleId) } this.oldRoleId=designName.join(","); this.designNameValue = designName; this.newRoleId = designName.join(","); } }); }, close() { this.$emit('close'); this.visible = false; }, handleSubmit() { const that = this; // 触发表单验证 that.confirmLoading = true; let httpurl = this.url.add; let method = 'post'; let formData = Object.assign(this.model, {}); //时间格式化 formData.userId = this.userId; formData.newRoleId=this.newRoleId; formData.oldRoleId=this.oldRoleId; httpAction(httpurl, formData, method).then((res) => { if (res.success) { that.$message.success(res.message); that.$emit('reload'); that.$emit('ok'); } else { that.$message.warning(res.message); } }).finally(() => { that.confirmLoading = false; that.close(); }) }, handleCancel() { this.designNameOption=[]; this.designNameValue=[]; this.close() }, designNameChange(selectedValue) { this.newRoleId=selectedValue.join(","); }, checkALL(){ var designName = []; for (let value of this.desformList) { designName.push( value.id ) } this.designNameValue = designName; this.newRoleId=designName.join(","); }, cancelCheckALL(){ this.designNameValue=[]; this.newRoleId=""; }, /** 加载desform */ loadDesformList() { getAction(this.url.getDeptRoleList, { departId: this.currentDeptId, userId:this.userId }).then((res) => { if (res.success) { this.desformList = res.result var designName = []; for (let value of this.desformList) { designName.push({ value: value.id, text: value.roleName, }) } this.designNameOption = designName; } }); }, } } </script> <style scoped> .drawer-bootom-button { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8; padding: 10px 16px; text-align: right; left: 0; background: #fff; border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; } </style>