/** * 字典 util * author: scott * date: 20190109 */ import {ajaxGetDictItems,getDictItemsFromCache} from '@/api/api' import {getAction} from '@/api/manage' /** * 获取字典数组 * @param dictCode 字典Code * @return List<Map> */ export async function initDictOptions(dictCode) { if (!dictCode) { return '字典Code不能为空!'; } //优先从缓存中读取字典配置 if(getDictItemsFromCache(dictCode)){ let res = {} res.result = getDictItemsFromCache(dictCode); res.success = true; return res; } //获取字典数组 let res = await ajaxGetDictItems(dictCode); return res; } /** * 字典值替换文本通用方法 * @param dictOptions 字典数组 * @param text 字典值 * @return String */ export function filterDictText(dictOptions, text) { // --update-begin----author:sunjianlei---date:20200323------for: 字典翻译 text 允许逗号分隔 --- if (text != null && Array.isArray(dictOptions)) { let result = [] // 允许多个逗号分隔,允许传数组对象 let splitText if (Array.isArray(text)) { splitText = text } else { splitText = text.toString().trim().split(',') } for (let txt of splitText) { let dictText = txt for (let dictItem of dictOptions) { if (txt.toString() === dictItem.value.toString()) { dictText = (dictItem.text || dictItem.title || dictItem.label) break } } result.push(dictText) } return result.join(',') } return text // --update-end----author:sunjianlei---date:20200323------for: 字典翻译 text 允许逗号分隔 --- } /** * 字典值替换文本通用方法(多选) * @param dictOptions 字典数组 * @param text 字典值 * @return String */ export function filterMultiDictText(dictOptions, text) { //js “!text” 认为0为空,所以做提前处理 if(text === 0 || text === '0'){ if(dictOptions){ for (let dictItem of dictOptions) { if (text == dictItem.value) { return dictItem.text } } } } if(!text || text=='null' || !dictOptions || dictOptions.length==0){ return "" } let re = ""; text = text.toString() let arr = text.split(",") dictOptions.forEach(function (option) { if(option){ for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ if (arr[i] === option.value) { re += option.text+","; break; } } } }); if(re==""){ return text; } return re.substring(0,re.length-1); } /** * 翻译字段值对应的文本 * @param children * @returns string */ export function filterDictTextByCache(dictCode, key) { if(key==null ||key.length==0){ return; } if (!dictCode) { return '字典Code不能为空!'; } //优先从缓存中读取字典配置 if(getDictItemsFromCache(dictCode)){ let item = getDictItemsFromCache(dictCode).filter(t => t["value"] == key) if(item && item.length>0){ return item[0]["text"] } } } /** 通过code获取字典数组 */ export async function getDictItems(dictCode, params) { //优先从缓存中读取字典配置 if(getDictItemsFromCache(dictCode)){ let desformDictItems = getDictItemsFromCache(dictCode).map(item => ({...item, label: item.text})) return desformDictItems; } //缓存中没有,就请求后台 return await ajaxGetDictItems(dictCode, params).then(({success, result}) => { if (success) { let res = result.map(item => ({...item, label: item.text})) console.log('------- 从DB中获取到了字典-------dictCode : ', dictCode, res) return Promise.resolve(res) } else { console.error('getDictItems error: : ', res) return Promise.resolve([]) } }).catch((res) => { console.error('getDictItems error: ', res) return Promise.resolve([]) }) }