/** * @license jCanvas v20.1.3 * Copyright 2017 Caleb Evans * Released under the MIT license */ (function (jQuery, global, base_factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { module.exports = function (jQuery, w) { return base_factory(jQuery, w); }; } else { base_factory(jQuery, global); } // Pass this if window is not defined yet }(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.jQuery : {}, typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function ($, window) { 'use strict'; var document = window.document, Image = window.Image, Array = window.Array, getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle, Math = window.Math, Number = window.Number, parseFloat = window.parseFloat; // Define local aliases to frequently used properties var defaults, // Aliases to jQuery methods extendObject = $.extend, inArray = $.inArray, typeOf = function (operand) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(operand) .slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); }, isFunction = $.isFunction, isPlainObject = $.isPlainObject, // Math constants and functions PI = Math.PI, round = Math.round, abs = Math.abs, sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, atan2 = Math.atan2, // The Array slice() method arraySlice = Array.prototype.slice, // jQuery's internal event normalization function jQueryEventFix = $.event.fix, // Object for storing a number of internal property maps maps = {}, // jQuery internal caches caches = { dataCache: {}, propCache: {}, imageCache: {} }, // Base transformations baseTransforms = { rotate: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 0, translateY: 0, // Store all previous masks masks: [] }, // Object for storing CSS-related properties css = {}, tangibleEvents = [ 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend' ]; // Constructor for creating objects that inherit from jCanvas preferences and defaults function jCanvasObject(args) { var params = this, propName; // Copy the given parameters into new object for (propName in args) { // Do not merge defaults into parameters if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(args, propName)) { params[propName] = args[propName]; } } return params; } // jCanvas object in which global settings are other data are stored var jCanvas = { // Events object for storing jCanvas event initiation functions events: {}, // Object containing all jCanvas event hooks eventHooks: {}, // Settings for enabling future jCanvas features future: {} }; // jCanvas default property values function jCanvasDefaults() { extendObject(this, jCanvasDefaults.baseDefaults); } jCanvasDefaults.baseDefaults = { align: 'center', arrowAngle: 90, arrowRadius: 0, autosave: true, baseline: 'middle', bringToFront: false, ccw: false, closed: false, compositing: 'source-over', concavity: 0, cornerRadius: 0, count: 1, cropFromCenter: true, crossOrigin: null, cursors: null, disableEvents: false, draggable: false, dragGroups: null, groups: null, data: null, dx: null, dy: null, end: 360, eventX: null, eventY: null, fillStyle: 'transparent', fontStyle: 'normal', fontSize: '12pt', fontFamily: 'sans-serif', fromCenter: true, height: null, imageSmoothing: true, inDegrees: true, intangible: false, index: null, letterSpacing: null, lineHeight: 1, layer: false, mask: false, maxWidth: null, miterLimit: 10, name: null, opacity: 1, r1: null, r2: null, radius: 0, repeat: 'repeat', respectAlign: false, restrictDragToAxis: null, rotate: 0, rounded: false, scale: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: 'transparent', shadowStroke: false, shadowX: 0, shadowY: 0, sHeight: null, sides: 0, source: '', spread: 0, start: 0, strokeCap: 'butt', strokeDash: null, strokeDashOffset: 0, strokeJoin: 'miter', strokeStyle: 'transparent', strokeWidth: 1, sWidth: null, sx: null, sy: null, text: '', translate: 0, translateX: 0, translateY: 0, type: null, visible: true, width: null, x: 0, y: 0 }; defaults = new jCanvasDefaults(); jCanvasObject.prototype = defaults; /* Internal helper methods */ // Determines if the given operand is a string function isString(operand) { return (typeOf(operand) === 'string'); } // Determines if the given operand is numeric function isNumeric(operand) { return !isNaN(Number(operand)) && !isNaN(parseFloat(operand)); } // Get 2D context for the given canvas function _getContext(canvas) { return (canvas && canvas.getContext ? canvas.getContext('2d') : null); } // Coerce designated number properties from strings to numbers function _coerceNumericProps(props) { var propName, propType, propValue; // Loop through all properties in given property map for (propName in props) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(props, propName)) { propValue = props[propName]; propType = typeOf(propValue); // If property is non-empty string and value is numeric if (propType === 'string' && isNumeric(propValue) && propName !== 'text') { // Convert value to number props[propName] = parseFloat(propValue); } } } // Ensure value of text property is always a string if (props.text !== undefined) { props.text = String(props.text); } } // Clone the given transformations object function _cloneTransforms(transforms) { // Clone the object itself transforms = extendObject({}, transforms); // Clone the object's masks array transforms.masks = transforms.masks.slice(0); return transforms; } // Save canvas context and update transformation stack function _saveCanvas(ctx, data) { var transforms; ctx.save(); transforms = _cloneTransforms(data.transforms); data.savedTransforms.push(transforms); } // Restore canvas context update transformation stack function _restoreCanvas(ctx, data) { if (data.savedTransforms.length === 0) { // Reset transformation state if it can't be restored any more data.transforms = _cloneTransforms(baseTransforms); } else { // Restore canvas context ctx.restore(); // Restore current transform state to the last saved state data.transforms = data.savedTransforms.pop(); } } // Set the style with the given name function _setStyle(canvas, ctx, params, styleName) { if (params[styleName]) { if (isFunction(params[styleName])) { // Handle functions ctx[styleName] = params[styleName].call(canvas, params); } else { // Handle string values ctx[styleName] = params[styleName]; } } } // Set canvas context properties function _setGlobalProps(canvas, ctx, params) { _setStyle(canvas, ctx, params, 'fillStyle'); _setStyle(canvas, ctx, params, 'strokeStyle'); ctx.lineWidth = params.strokeWidth; // Optionally round corners for paths if (params.rounded) { ctx.lineCap = ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; } else { ctx.lineCap = params.strokeCap; ctx.lineJoin = params.strokeJoin; ctx.miterLimit = params.miterLimit; } // Reset strokeDash if null if (!params.strokeDash) { params.strokeDash = []; } // Dashed lines if (ctx.setLineDash) { ctx.setLineDash(params.strokeDash); } ctx.webkitLineDash = params.strokeDash; ctx.lineDashOffset = ctx.webkitLineDashOffset = ctx.mozDashOffset = params.strokeDashOffset; // Drop shadow ctx.shadowOffsetX = params.shadowX; ctx.shadowOffsetY = params.shadowY; ctx.shadowBlur = params.shadowBlur; ctx.shadowColor = params.shadowColor; // Opacity and composite operation ctx.globalAlpha = params.opacity; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = params.compositing; // Support cross-browser toggling of image smoothing if (params.imageSmoothing) { ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = params.imageSmoothing; } } // Optionally enable masking support for this path function _enableMasking(ctx, data, params) { if (params.mask) { // If jCanvas autosave is enabled if (params.autosave) { // Automatically save transformation state by default _saveCanvas(ctx, data); } // Clip the current path ctx.clip(); // Keep track of current masks data.transforms.masks.push(params._args); } } // Restore individual shape transformation function _restoreTransform(ctx, params) { // If shape has been transformed by jCanvas if (params._transformed) { // Restore canvas context ctx.restore(); } } // Close current canvas path function _closePath(canvas, ctx, params) { var data; // Optionally close path if (params.closed) { ctx.closePath(); } if (params.shadowStroke && params.strokeWidth !== 0) { // Extend the shadow to include the stroke of a drawing // Add a stroke shadow by stroking before filling ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); // Ensure the below stroking does not inherit a shadow ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; ctx.shadowBlur = 0; // Stroke over fill as usual ctx.stroke(); } else { // If shadowStroke is not enabled, stroke & fill as usual ctx.fill(); // Prevent extra shadow created by stroke (but only when fill is present) if (params.fillStyle !== 'transparent') { ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; } if (params.strokeWidth !== 0) { // Only stroke if the stroke is not 0 ctx.stroke(); } } // Optionally close path if (!params.closed) { ctx.closePath(); } // Restore individual shape transformation _restoreTransform(ctx, params); // Mask shape if chosen if (params.mask) { // Retrieve canvas data data = _getCanvasData(canvas); _enableMasking(ctx, data, params); } } // Transform (translate, scale, or rotate) shape function _transformShape(canvas, ctx, params, width, height) { // Get conversion factor for radians params._toRad = (params.inDegrees ? (PI / 180) : 1); params._transformed = true; ctx.save(); // Optionally measure (x, y) position from top-left corner if (!params.fromCenter && !params._centered && width !== undefined) { // Always draw from center unless otherwise specified if (height === undefined) { height = width; } params.x += width / 2; params.y += height / 2; params._centered = true; } // Optionally rotate shape if (params.rotate) { _rotateCanvas(ctx, params, null); } // Optionally scale shape if (params.scale !== 1 || params.scaleX !== 1 || params.scaleY !== 1) { _scaleCanvas(ctx, params, null); } // Optionally translate shape if (params.translate || params.translateX || params.translateY) { _translateCanvas(ctx, params, null); } } /* Plugin API */ // Extend jCanvas with a user-defined method jCanvas.extend = function extend(plugin) { // Create plugin if (plugin.name) { // Merge properties with defaults if (plugin.props) { extendObject(defaults, plugin.props); } // Define plugin method $.fn[plugin.name] = function self(args) { var $canvases = this, canvas, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { canvas = $canvases[e]; ctx = _getContext(canvas); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer(canvas, params, args, self); _setGlobalProps(canvas, ctx, params); plugin.fn.call(canvas, ctx, params); } } return $canvases; }; // Add drawing type to drawing map if (plugin.type) { maps.drawings[plugin.type] = plugin.name; } } return $.fn[plugin.name]; }; /* Layer API */ // Retrieved the stored jCanvas data for a canvas element function _getCanvasData(canvas) { var dataCache = caches.dataCache, data; if (dataCache._canvas === canvas && dataCache._data) { // Retrieve canvas data from cache if possible data = dataCache._data; } else { // Retrieve canvas data from jQuery's internal data storage data = $.data(canvas, 'jCanvas'); if (!data) { // Create canvas data object if it does not already exist data = { // The associated canvas element canvas: canvas, // Layers array layers: [], // Layer maps layer: { names: {}, groups: {} }, eventHooks: {}, // All layers that intersect with the event coordinates (regardless of visibility) intersecting: [], // The topmost layer whose area contains the event coordinates lastIntersected: null, cursor: $(canvas).css('cursor'), // Properties for the current drag event drag: { layer: null, dragging: false }, // Data for the current event event: { type: null, x: null, y: null }, // Events which already have been bound to the canvas events: {}, // The canvas's current transformation state transforms: _cloneTransforms(baseTransforms), savedTransforms: [], // Whether a layer is being animated or not animating: false, // The layer currently being animated animated: null, // The device pixel ratio pixelRatio: 1, // Whether pixel ratio transformations have been applied scaled: false, // Whether the canvas should be redrawn when a layer mousemove // event triggers (either directly, or indirectly via dragging) redrawOnMousemove: false }; // Use jQuery to store canvas data $.data(canvas, 'jCanvas', data); } // Cache canvas data for faster retrieval dataCache._canvas = canvas; dataCache._data = data; } return data; } // Initialize all of a layer's associated jCanvas events function _addLayerEvents($canvas, data, layer) { var eventName; // Determine which jCanvas events need to be bound to this layer for (eventName in jCanvas.events) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(jCanvas.events, eventName)) { // If layer has callback function to complement it if (layer[eventName] || (layer.cursors && layer.cursors[eventName])) { // Bind event to layer _addExplicitLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventName); } } } if (!data.events.mouseout) { $canvas.bind('mouseout.jCanvas', function () { // Retrieve the layer whose drag event was canceled var layer = data.drag.layer, l; // If cursor mouses out of canvas while dragging if (layer) { // Cancel drag data.drag = {}; _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'dragcancel'); } // Loop through all layers for (l = 0; l < data.layers.length; l += 1) { layer = data.layers[l]; // If layer thinks it's still being moused over if (layer._hovered) { // Trigger mouseout on layer $canvas.triggerLayerEvent(data.layers[l], 'mouseout'); } } // Redraw layers $canvas.drawLayers(); }); // Indicate that an event handler has been bound data.events.mouseout = true; } } // Initialize the given event on the given layer function _addLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventName) { // Use touch events if appropriate // eventName = _getMouseEventName(eventName); // Bind event to layer jCanvas.events[eventName]($canvas, data); layer._event = true; } // Add a layer event that was explicitly declared in the layer's parameter map, // excluding events added implicitly (e.g. mousemove event required by draggable // layers) function _addExplicitLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventName) { _addLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventName); if (eventName === 'mouseover' || eventName === 'mouseout' || eventName === 'mousemove') { data.redrawOnMousemove = true; } } // Enable drag support for this layer function _enableDrag($canvas, data, layer) { var dragHelperEvents, eventName, i; // Only make layer draggable if necessary if (layer.draggable || layer.cursors) { // Organize helper events which enable drag support dragHelperEvents = ['mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup']; // Bind each helper event to the canvas for (i = 0; i < dragHelperEvents.length; i += 1) { // Use touch events if appropriate eventName = dragHelperEvents[i]; // Bind event _addLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventName); } // Indicate that this layer has events bound to it layer._event = true; } } // Update a layer property map if property is changed function _updateLayerName($canvas, data, layer, props) { var nameMap = data.layer.names; // If layer name is being added, not changed if (!props) { props = layer; } else { // Remove old layer name entry because layer name has changed if (props.name !== undefined && isString(layer.name) && layer.name !== props.name) { delete nameMap[layer.name]; } } // Add new entry to layer name map with new name if (isString(props.name)) { nameMap[props.name] = layer; } } // Create or update the data map for the given layer and group type function _updateLayerGroups($canvas, data, layer, props) { var groupMap = data.layer.groups, group, groupName, g, index, l; // If group name is not changing if (!props) { props = layer; } else { // Remove layer from all of its associated groups if (props.groups !== undefined && layer.groups !== null) { for (g = 0; g < layer.groups.length; g += 1) { groupName = layer.groups[g]; group = groupMap[groupName]; if (group) { // Remove layer from its old layer group entry for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { if (group[l] === layer) { // Keep track of the layer's initial index index = l; // Remove layer once found group.splice(l, 1); break; } } // Remove layer group entry if group is empty if (group.length === 0) { delete groupMap[groupName]; } } } } } // Add layer to new group if a new group name is given if (props.groups !== undefined && props.groups !== null) { for (g = 0; g < props.groups.length; g += 1) { groupName = props.groups[g]; group = groupMap[groupName]; if (!group) { // Create new group entry if it doesn't exist group = groupMap[groupName] = []; group.name = groupName; } if (index === undefined) { // Add layer to end of group unless otherwise stated index = group.length; } // Add layer to its new layer group group.splice(index, 0, layer); } } } // Get event hooks object for the first selected canvas $.fn.getEventHooks = function getEventHooks() { var $canvases = this, canvas, data, eventHooks = {}; if ($canvases.length !== 0) { canvas = $canvases[0]; data = _getCanvasData(canvas); eventHooks = data.eventHooks; } return eventHooks; }; // Set event hooks for the selected canvases $.fn.setEventHooks = function setEventHooks(eventHooks) { var $canvases = this, e, data; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); extendObject(data.eventHooks, eventHooks); } return $canvases; }; // Get jCanvas layers array $.fn.getLayers = function getLayers(callback) { var $canvases = this, canvas, data, layers, layer, l, matching = []; if ($canvases.length !== 0) { canvas = $canvases[0]; data = _getCanvasData(canvas); // Retrieve layers array for this canvas layers = data.layers; // If a callback function is given if (isFunction(callback)) { // Filter the layers array using the callback for (l = 0; l < layers.length; l += 1) { layer = layers[l]; if (callback.call(canvas, layer)) { // Add layer to array of matching layers if test passes matching.push(layer); } } } else { // Otherwise, get all layers matching = layers; } } return matching; }; // Get a single jCanvas layer object $.fn.getLayer = function getLayer(layerId) { var $canvases = this, canvas, data, layers, layer, l, idType; if ($canvases.length !== 0) { canvas = $canvases[0]; data = _getCanvasData(canvas); layers = data.layers; idType = typeOf(layerId); if (layerId && layerId.layer) { // Return the actual layer object if given layer = layerId; } else if (idType === 'number') { // Retrieve the layer using the given index // Allow for negative indices if (layerId < 0) { layerId = layers.length + layerId; } // Get layer with the given index layer = layers[layerId]; } else if (idType === 'regexp') { // Get layer with the name that matches the given regex for (l = 0; l < layers.length; l += 1) { // Check if layer matches name if (isString(layers[l].name) && layers[l].name.match(layerId)) { layer = layers[l]; break; } } } else { // Get layer with the given name layer = data.layer.names[layerId]; } } return layer; }; // Get all layers in the given group $.fn.getLayerGroup = function getLayerGroup(groupId) { var $canvases = this, canvas, data, groups, groupName, group, idType = typeOf(groupId); if ($canvases.length !== 0) { canvas = $canvases[0]; if (idType === 'array') { // Return layer group if given group = groupId; } else if (idType === 'regexp') { // Get canvas data data = _getCanvasData(canvas); groups = data.layer.groups; // Loop through all layers groups for this canvas for (groupName in groups) { // Find a group whose name matches the given regex if (groupName.match(groupId)) { group = groups[groupName]; // Stop after finding the first matching group break; } } } else { // Find layer group with the given group name data = _getCanvasData(canvas); group = data.layer.groups[groupId]; } } return group; }; // Get index of layer in layers array $.fn.getLayerIndex = function getLayerIndex(layerId) { var $canvases = this, layers = $canvases.getLayers(), layer = $canvases.getLayer(layerId); return inArray(layer, layers); }; // Set properties of a layer $.fn.setLayer = function setLayer(layerId, props) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data, layer, propName, propValue, propType; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); layer = $($canvases[e]).getLayer(layerId); if (layer) { // Update layer property maps _updateLayerName($canvas, data, layer, props); _updateLayerGroups($canvas, data, layer, props); _coerceNumericProps(props); // Merge properties with layer for (propName in props) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(props, propName)) { propValue = props[propName]; propType = typeOf(propValue); if (propType === 'object' && isPlainObject(propValue)) { // Clone objects layer[propName] = extendObject({}, propValue); _coerceNumericProps(layer[propName]); } else if (propType === 'array') { // Clone arrays layer[propName] = propValue.slice(0); } else if (propType === 'string') { if (propValue.indexOf('+=') === 0) { // Increment numbers prefixed with += layer[propName] += parseFloat(propValue.substr(2)); } else if (propValue.indexOf('-=') === 0) { // Decrement numbers prefixed with -= layer[propName] -= parseFloat(propValue.substr(2)); } else if (!isNaN(propValue) && isNumeric(propValue) && propName !== 'text') { // Convert numeric values as strings to numbers layer[propName] = parseFloat(propValue); } else { // Otherwise, set given string value layer[propName] = propValue; } } else { // Otherwise, set given value layer[propName] = propValue; } } } // Update layer events _addLayerEvents($canvas, data, layer); _enableDrag($canvas, data, layer); // If layer's properties were changed if ($.isEmptyObject(props) === false) { _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'change', props); } } } return $canvases; }; // Set properties of all layers (optionally filtered by a callback) $.fn.setLayers = function setLayers(props, callback) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, layers, l; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); layers = $canvas.getLayers(callback); // Loop through all layers for (l = 0; l < layers.length; l += 1) { // Set properties of each layer $canvas.setLayer(layers[l], props); } } return $canvases; }; // Set properties of all layers in the given group $.fn.setLayerGroup = function setLayerGroup(groupId, props) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, group, l; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { // Get layer group $canvas = $($canvases[e]); group = $canvas.getLayerGroup(groupId); // If group exists if (group) { // Loop through layers in group for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { // Merge given properties with layer $canvas.setLayer(group[l], props); } } } return $canvases; }; // Move a layer to the given index in the layers array $.fn.moveLayer = function moveLayer(layerId, index) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data, layers, layer; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); // Retrieve layers array and desired layer layers = data.layers; layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); if (layer) { // Ensure layer index is accurate layer.index = inArray(layer, layers); // Remove layer from its current placement layers.splice(layer.index, 1); // Add layer in its new placement layers.splice(index, 0, layer); // Handle negative indices if (index < 0) { index = layers.length + index; } // Update layer's stored index layer.index = index; _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'move'); } } return $canvases; }; // Remove a jCanvas layer $.fn.removeLayer = function removeLayer(layerId) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data, layers, layer; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); // Retrieve layers array and desired layer layers = $canvas.getLayers(); layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); // Remove layer if found if (layer) { // Ensure layer index is accurate layer.index = inArray(layer, layers); // Remove layer and allow it to be re-added later layers.splice(layer.index, 1); delete layer._layer; // Update layer name map _updateLayerName($canvas, data, layer, { name: null }); // Update layer group map _updateLayerGroups($canvas, data, layer, { groups: null }); // Trigger 'remove' event _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'remove'); } } return $canvases; }; // Remove all layers $.fn.removeLayers = function removeLayers(callback) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data, layers, layer, l; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); layers = $canvas.getLayers(callback); // Remove all layers individually for (l = 0; l < layers.length; l += 1) { layer = layers[l]; $canvas.removeLayer(layer); // Ensure no layer is skipped over l -= 1; } // Update layer maps data.layer.names = {}; data.layer.groups = {}; } return $canvases; }; // Remove all layers in the group with the given ID $.fn.removeLayerGroup = function removeLayerGroup(groupId) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, group, l; if (groupId !== undefined) { for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); group = $canvas.getLayerGroup(groupId); // Remove layer group using given group name if (group) { // Clone groups array group = group.slice(0); // Loop through layers in group for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { $canvas.removeLayer(group[l]); } } } } return $canvases; }; // Add an existing layer to a layer group $.fn.addLayerToGroup = function addLayerToGroup(layerId, groupName) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, layer, groups = [groupName]; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); // If layer is not already in group if (layer.groups) { // Clone groups list groups = layer.groups.slice(0); // If layer is not already in group if (inArray(groupName, layer.groups) === -1) { // Add layer to group groups.push(groupName); } } // Update layer group maps $canvas.setLayer(layer, { groups: groups }); } return $canvases; }; // Remove an existing layer from a layer group $.fn.removeLayerFromGroup = function removeLayerFromGroup(layerId, groupName) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, layer, groups = [], index; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); if (layer.groups) { // Find index of layer in group index = inArray(groupName, layer.groups); // If layer is in group if (index !== -1) { // Clone groups list groups = layer.groups.slice(0); // Remove layer from group groups.splice(index, 1); // Update layer group maps $canvas.setLayer(layer, { groups: groups }); } } } return $canvases; }; // Get topmost layer that intersects with event coordinates function _getIntersectingLayer(data) { var layer, i, mask, m; // Store the topmost layer layer = null; // Get the topmost layer whose visible area intersects event coordinates for (i = data.intersecting.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { // Get current layer layer = data.intersecting[i]; // If layer has previous masks if (layer._masks) { // Search previous masks to ensure // layer is visible at event coordinates for (m = layer._masks.length - 1; m >= 0; m -= 1) { mask = layer._masks[m]; // If mask does not intersect event coordinates if (!mask.intersects) { // Indicate that the mask does not // intersect event coordinates layer.intersects = false; // Stop searching previous masks break; } } // If event coordinates intersect all previous masks // and layer is not intangible if (layer.intersects && !layer.intangible) { // Stop searching for topmost layer break; } } } // If resulting layer is intangible if (layer && layer.intangible) { // Cursor does not intersect this layer layer = null; } return layer; } // Draw individual layer (internal) function _drawLayer($canvas, ctx, layer, nextLayerIndex) { if (layer && layer.visible && layer._method) { if (nextLayerIndex) { layer._next = nextLayerIndex; } else { layer._next = null; } // If layer is an object, call its respective method if (layer._method) { layer._method.call($canvas, layer); } } } // Handle dragging of the currently-dragged layer function _handleLayerDrag($canvas, data, eventType) { var layers, layer, l, drag, dragGroups, group, groupName, g, newX, newY; drag = data.drag; layer = drag.layer; dragGroups = (layer && layer.dragGroups) || []; layers = data.layers; if (eventType === 'mousemove' || eventType === 'touchmove') { // Detect when user is currently dragging layer if (!drag.dragging) { // Detect when user starts dragging layer // Signify that a layer on the canvas is being dragged drag.dragging = true; layer.dragging = true; // Optionally bring layer to front when drag starts if (layer.bringToFront) { // Remove layer from its original position layers.splice(layer.index, 1); // Bring layer to front // push() returns the new array length layer.index = layers.push(layer); } // Set drag properties for this layer layer._startX = layer.x; layer._startY = layer.y; layer._endX = layer._eventX; layer._endY = layer._eventY; // Trigger dragstart event _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'dragstart'); } if (drag.dragging) { // Calculate position after drag newX = layer._eventX - (layer._endX - layer._startX); newY = layer._eventY - (layer._endY - layer._startY); if (layer.updateDragX) { newX = layer.updateDragX.call($canvas[0], layer, newX); } if (layer.updateDragY) { newY = layer.updateDragY.call($canvas[0], layer, newY); } layer.dx = newX - layer.x; layer.dy = newY - layer.y; if (layer.restrictDragToAxis !== 'y') { layer.x = newX; } if (layer.restrictDragToAxis !== 'x') { layer.y = newY; } // Trigger drag event _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'drag'); // Move groups with layer on drag for (g = 0; g < dragGroups.length; g += 1) { groupName = dragGroups[g]; group = data.layer.groups[groupName]; if (layer.groups && group) { for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { if (group[l] !== layer) { if (layer.restrictDragToAxis !== 'y' && group[l].restrictDragToAxis !== 'y') { group[l].x += layer.dx; } if (layer.restrictDragToAxis !== 'x' && group[l].restrictDragToAxis !== 'x') { group[l].y += layer.dy; } } } } } } } else if (eventType === 'mouseup' || eventType === 'touchend') { // Detect when user stops dragging layer if (drag.dragging) { layer.dragging = false; drag.dragging = false; data.redrawOnMousemove = data.originalRedrawOnMousemove; // Trigger dragstop event _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'dragstop'); } // Cancel dragging data.drag = {}; } } // List of CSS3 cursors that need to be prefixed css.cursors = ['grab', 'grabbing', 'zoom-in', 'zoom-out']; // Function to detect vendor prefix // Modified version of David Walsh's implementation // https://davidwalsh.name/vendor-prefix css.prefix = (function () { var styles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, ''), pre = (arraySlice .call(styles) .join('') .match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) || (styles.OLink === '' && ['', 'o']) )[1]; return '-' + pre + '-'; })(); // Set cursor on canvas function _setCursor($canvas, layer, eventType) { var cursor; if (layer.cursors) { // Retrieve cursor from cursors object if it exists cursor = layer.cursors[eventType]; } // Prefix any CSS3 cursor if ($.inArray(cursor, css.cursors) !== -1) { cursor = css.prefix + cursor; } // If cursor is defined if (cursor) { // Set canvas cursor $canvas.css({ cursor: cursor }); } } // Reset cursor on canvas function _resetCursor($canvas, data) { $canvas.css({ cursor: data.cursor }); } // Run the given event callback with the given arguments function _runEventCallback($canvas, layer, eventType, callbacks, arg) { // Prevent callback from firing recursively if (callbacks[eventType] && layer._running && !layer._running[eventType]) { // Signify the start of callback execution for this event layer._running[eventType] = true; // Run event callback with the given arguments callbacks[eventType].call($canvas[0], layer, arg); // Signify the end of callback execution for this event layer._running[eventType] = false; } } // Determine if the given layer can "legally" fire the given event function _layerCanFireEvent(layer, eventType) { // If events are disable and if // layer is tangible or event is not tangible return (!layer.disableEvents && (!layer.intangible || $.inArray(eventType, tangibleEvents) === -1)); } // Trigger the given event on the given layer function _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventType, arg) { // If layer can legally fire this event type if (_layerCanFireEvent(layer, eventType)) { // Do not set a custom cursor on layer mouseout if (eventType !== 'mouseout') { // Update cursor if one is defined for this event _setCursor($canvas, layer, eventType); } // Trigger the user-defined event callback _runEventCallback($canvas, layer, eventType, layer, arg); // Trigger the canvas-bound event hook _runEventCallback($canvas, layer, eventType, data.eventHooks, arg); // Trigger the global event hook _runEventCallback($canvas, layer, eventType, jCanvas.eventHooks, arg); } } // Manually trigger a layer event $.fn.triggerLayerEvent = function (layer, eventType) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); layer = $canvas.getLayer(layer); if (layer) { _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventType); } } return $canvases; }; // Draw layer with the given ID $.fn.drawLayer = function drawLayer(layerId) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, $canvas, layer; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); _drawLayer($canvas, ctx, layer); } } return $canvases; }; // Draw all layers (or, if given, only layers starting at an index) $.fn.drawLayers = function drawLayers(args) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, ctx, // Internal parameters for redrawing the canvas params = args || {}, // Other variables layers, layer, lastLayer, l, index, lastIndex, data, eventCache, eventType, isImageLayer; // The layer index from which to start redrawing the canvas index = params.index; if (!index) { index = 0; } for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); // Clear canvas first unless otherwise directed if (params.clear !== false) { $canvas.clearCanvas(); } // Cache the layers array layers = data.layers; // Draw layers from first to last (bottom to top) for (l = index; l < layers.length; l += 1) { layer = layers[l]; // Ensure layer index is up-to-date layer.index = l; // Prevent any one event from firing excessively if (params.resetFire) { layer._fired = false; } // Draw layer _drawLayer($canvas, ctx, layer, l + 1); // Store list of previous masks for each layer layer._masks = data.transforms.masks.slice(0); // Allow image layers to load before drawing successive layers if (layer._method === $.fn.drawImage && layer.visible) { isImageLayer = true; break; } } // If layer is an image layer if (isImageLayer) { // Stop and wait for drawImage() to resume drawLayers() break; } // Store the latest lastIndex = l; // Get first layer that intersects with event coordinates layer = _getIntersectingLayer(data); eventCache = data.event; eventType = eventCache.type; // If jCanvas has detected a dragstart if (data.drag.layer) { // Handle dragging of layer _handleLayerDrag($canvas, data, eventType); } // Manage mouseout event lastLayer = data.lastIntersected; if (lastLayer !== null && layer !== lastLayer && lastLayer._hovered && !lastLayer._fired && !data.drag.dragging) { data.lastIntersected = null; lastLayer._fired = true; lastLayer._hovered = false; _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, lastLayer, 'mouseout'); _resetCursor($canvas, data); } if (layer) { // Use mouse event callbacks if no touch event callbacks are given if (!layer[eventType]) { eventType = _getMouseEventName(eventType); } // Check events for intersecting layer if (layer._event && layer.intersects) { data.lastIntersected = layer; // Detect mouseover events if ((layer.mouseover || layer.mouseout || layer.cursors) && !data.drag.dragging) { if (!layer._hovered && !layer._fired) { // Prevent events from firing excessively layer._fired = true; layer._hovered = true; _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'mouseover'); } } // Detect any other mouse event if (!layer._fired) { // Prevent event from firing twice unintentionally layer._fired = true; eventCache.type = null; _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, eventType); } // Use the mousedown event to start drag if (layer.draggable && !layer.disableEvents && (eventType === 'mousedown' || eventType === 'touchstart')) { // Keep track of drag state data.drag.layer = layer; data.originalRedrawOnMousemove = data.redrawOnMousemove; data.redrawOnMousemove = true; } } } // If cursor is not intersecting with any layer if (layer === null && !data.drag.dragging) { // Reset cursor to previous state _resetCursor($canvas, data); } // If the last layer has been drawn if (lastIndex === layers.length) { // Reset list of intersecting layers data.intersecting.length = 0; // Reset transformation stack data.transforms = _cloneTransforms(baseTransforms); data.savedTransforms.length = 0; } } } return $canvases; }; // Add a jCanvas layer (internal) function _addLayer(canvas, params, args, method) { var $canvas, data, layers, layer = (params._layer ? args : params); // Store arguments object for later use params._args = args; // Convert all draggable drawings into jCanvas layers if (params.draggable || params.dragGroups) { params.layer = true; params.draggable = true; } // Determine the layer's type using the available information if (!params._method) { if (method) { params._method = method; } else if (params.method) { params._method = $.fn[params.method]; } else if (params.type) { params._method = $.fn[maps.drawings[params.type]]; } } // If layer hasn't been added yet if (params.layer && !params._layer) { // Add layer to canvas $canvas = $(canvas); data = _getCanvasData(canvas); layers = data.layers; // Do not add duplicate layers of same name if (layer.name === null || (isString(layer.name) && data.layer.names[layer.name] === undefined)) { // Convert number properties to numbers _coerceNumericProps(params); // Ensure layers are unique across canvases by cloning them layer = new jCanvasObject(params); layer.canvas = canvas; // Indicate that this is a layer for future checks layer.layer = true; layer._layer = true; layer._running = {}; // If layer stores user-defined data if (layer.data !== null) { // Clone object layer.data = extendObject({}, layer.data); } else { // Otherwise, create data object layer.data = {}; } // If layer stores a list of associated groups if (layer.groups !== null) { // Clone list layer.groups = layer.groups.slice(0); } else { // Otherwise, create empty list layer.groups = []; } // Update layer group maps _updateLayerName($canvas, data, layer); _updateLayerGroups($canvas, data, layer); // Check for any associated jCanvas events and enable them _addLayerEvents($canvas, data, layer); // Optionally enable drag-and-drop support and cursor support _enableDrag($canvas, data, layer); // Copy _event property to parameters object params._event = layer._event; // Calculate width/height for text layers if (layer._method === $.fn.drawText) { $canvas.measureText(layer); } // Add layer to end of array if no index is specified if (layer.index === null) { layer.index = layers.length; } // Add layer to layers array at specified index layers.splice(layer.index, 0, layer); // Store layer on parameters object params._args = layer; // Trigger an 'add' event _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'add'); } } else if (!params.layer) { _coerceNumericProps(params); } return layer; } // Add a jCanvas layer $.fn.addLayer = function addLayer(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); params.layer = true; _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args); } } return $canvases; }; /* Animation API */ // Define properties used in both CSS and jCanvas css.props = [ 'width', 'height', 'opacity', 'lineHeight' ]; css.propsObj = {}; // Hide/show jCanvas/CSS properties so they can be animated using jQuery function _showProps(obj) { var cssProp, p; for (p = 0; p < css.props.length; p += 1) { cssProp = css.props[p]; obj[cssProp] = obj['_' + cssProp]; } } function _hideProps(obj, reset) { var cssProp, p; for (p = 0; p < css.props.length; p += 1) { cssProp = css.props[p]; // Hide property using same name with leading underscore if (obj[cssProp] !== undefined) { obj['_' + cssProp] = obj[cssProp]; css.propsObj[cssProp] = true; if (reset) { delete obj[cssProp]; } } } } // Evaluate property values that are functions function _parseEndValues(canvas, layer, endValues) { var propName, propValue, subPropName, subPropValue; // Loop through all properties in map of end values for (propName in endValues) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(endValues, propName)) { propValue = endValues[propName]; // If end value is function if (isFunction(propValue)) { // Call function and use its value as the end value endValues[propName] = propValue.call(canvas, layer, propName); } // If end value is an object if (typeOf(propValue) === 'object' && isPlainObject(propValue)) { // Prepare to animate properties in object for (subPropName in propValue) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(propValue, subPropName)) { subPropValue = propValue[subPropName]; // Store property's start value at top-level of layer if (layer[propName] !== undefined) { layer[propName + '.' + subPropName] = layer[propName][subPropName]; // Store property's end value at top-level of end values map endValues[propName + '.' + subPropName] = subPropValue; } } } // Delete sub-property of object as it's no longer needed delete endValues[propName]; } } } return endValues; } // Remove sub-property aliases from layer object function _removeSubPropAliases(layer) { var propName; for (propName in layer) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(layer, propName)) { if (propName.indexOf('.') !== -1) { delete layer[propName]; } } } } // Convert a color value to an array of RGB values function _colorToRgbArray(color) { var originalColor, elem, rgb = [], multiple = 1; // Deal with complete transparency if (color === 'transparent') { color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'; } else if (color.match(/^([a-z]+|#[0-9a-f]+)$/gi)) { // Deal with hexadecimal colors and color names elem = document.head; originalColor = elem.style.color; elem.style.color = color; color = $.css(elem, 'color'); elem.style.color = originalColor; } // Parse RGB string if (color.match(/^rgb/gi)) { rgb = color.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/gi); // Deal with RGB percentages if (color.match(/%/gi)) { multiple = 2.55; } rgb[0] *= multiple; rgb[1] *= multiple; rgb[2] *= multiple; // Ad alpha channel if given if (rgb[3] !== undefined) { rgb[3] = parseFloat(rgb[3]); } else { rgb[3] = 1; } } return rgb; } // Animate a hex or RGB color function _animateColor(fx) { var n = 3, i; // Only parse start and end colors once if (typeOf(fx.start) !== 'array') { fx.start = _colorToRgbArray(fx.start); fx.end = _colorToRgbArray(fx.end); } fx.now = []; // If colors are RGBA, animate transparency if (fx.start[3] !== 1 || fx.end[3] !== 1) { n = 4; } // Calculate current frame for red, green, blue, and alpha for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) { fx.now[i] = fx.start[i] + ((fx.end[i] - fx.start[i]) * fx.pos); // Only the red, green, and blue values must be integers if (i < 3) { fx.now[i] = round(fx.now[i]); } } if (fx.start[3] !== 1 || fx.end[3] !== 1) { // Only use RGBA if RGBA colors are given fx.now = 'rgba(' + fx.now.join(',') + ')'; } else { // Otherwise, animate as solid colors fx.now.slice(0, 3); fx.now = 'rgb(' + fx.now.join(',') + ')'; } // Animate colors for both canvas layers and DOM elements if (fx.elem.nodeName) { fx.elem.style[fx.prop] = fx.now; } else { fx.elem[fx.prop] = fx.now; } } // Animate jCanvas layer $.fn.animateLayer = function animateLayer() { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, ctx, args = arraySlice.call(arguments, 0), data, layer, props; // Deal with all cases of argument placement /* 0. layer name/index 1. properties 2. duration/options 3. easing 4. complete function 5. step function */ if (typeOf(args[2]) === 'object') { // Accept an options object for animation args.splice(2, 0, args[2].duration || null); args.splice(3, 0, args[3].easing || null); args.splice(4, 0, args[4].complete || null); args.splice(5, 0, args[5].step || null); } else { if (args[2] === undefined) { // If object is the last argument args.splice(2, 0, null); args.splice(3, 0, null); args.splice(4, 0, null); } else if (isFunction(args[2])) { // If callback comes after object args.splice(2, 0, null); args.splice(3, 0, null); } if (args[3] === undefined) { // If duration is the last argument args[3] = null; args.splice(4, 0, null); } else if (isFunction(args[3])) { // If callback comes after duration args.splice(3, 0, null); } } // Run callback function when animation completes function complete($canvas, data, layer) { return function () { _showProps(layer); _removeSubPropAliases(layer); // Prevent multiple redraw loops if (!data.animating || data.animated === layer) { // Redraw layers on last frame $canvas.drawLayers(); } // Signify the end of an animation loop layer._animating = false; data.animating = false; data.animated = null; // If callback is defined if (args[4]) { // Run callback at the end of the animation args[4].call($canvas[0], layer); } _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'animateend'); }; } // Redraw layers on every frame of the animation function step($canvas, data, layer) { return function (now, fx) { var parts, propName, subPropName, hidden = false; // If animated property has been hidden if (fx.prop[0] === '_') { hidden = true; // Unhide property temporarily fx.prop = fx.prop.replace('_', ''); layer[fx.prop] = layer['_' + fx.prop]; } // If animating property of sub-object if (fx.prop.indexOf('.') !== -1) { parts = fx.prop.split('.'); propName = parts[0]; subPropName = parts[1]; if (layer[propName]) { layer[propName][subPropName] = fx.now; } } // Throttle animation to improve efficiency if (layer._pos !== fx.pos) { layer._pos = fx.pos; // Signify the start of an animation loop if (!layer._animating && !data.animating) { layer._animating = true; data.animating = true; data.animated = layer; } // Prevent multiple redraw loops if (!data.animating || data.animated === layer) { // Redraw layers for every frame $canvas.drawLayers(); } } // If callback is defined if (args[5]) { // Run callback for each step of animation args[5].call($canvas[0], now, fx, layer); } _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'animate', fx); // If property should be hidden during animation if (hidden) { // Hide property again fx.prop = '_' + fx.prop; } }; } for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); // If a layer object was passed, use it the layer to be animated layer = $canvas.getLayer(args[0]); // Ignore layers that are functions if (layer && layer._method !== $.fn.draw) { // Do not modify original object props = extendObject({}, args[1]); props = _parseEndValues($canvases[e], layer, props); // Bypass jQuery CSS Hooks for CSS properties (width, opacity, etc.) _hideProps(props, true); _hideProps(layer); // Fix for jQuery's vendor prefixing support, which affects how width/height/opacity are animated layer.style = css.propsObj; // Animate layer $(layer).animate(props, { duration: args[2], easing: ($.easing[args[3]] ? args[3] : null), // When animation completes complete: complete($canvas, data, layer), // Redraw canvas for every animation frame step: step($canvas, data, layer) }); _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'animatestart'); } } } return $canvases; }; // Animate all layers in a layer group $.fn.animateLayerGroup = function animateLayerGroup(groupId) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, args = arraySlice.call(arguments, 0), group, l; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); group = $canvas.getLayerGroup(groupId); if (group) { // Animate all layers in the group for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { // Replace first argument with layer args[0] = group[l]; $canvas.animateLayer.apply($canvas, args); } } } return $canvases; }; // Delay layer animation by a given number of milliseconds $.fn.delayLayer = function delayLayer(layerId, duration) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data, layer; duration = duration || 0; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); // If layer exists if (layer) { // Delay animation $(layer).delay(duration); _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'delay'); } } return $canvases; }; // Delay animation all layers in a layer group $.fn.delayLayerGroup = function delayLayerGroup(groupId, duration) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, group, layer, l; duration = duration || 0; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); group = $canvas.getLayerGroup(groupId); // Delay all layers in the group if (group) { for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { // Delay each layer in the group layer = group[l]; $canvas.delayLayer(layer, duration); } } } return $canvases; }; // Stop layer animation $.fn.stopLayer = function stopLayer(layerId, clearQueue) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, data, layer; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); layer = $canvas.getLayer(layerId); // If layer exists if (layer) { // Stop animation $(layer).stop(clearQueue); _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'stop'); } } return $canvases; }; // Stop animation of all layers in a layer group $.fn.stopLayerGroup = function stopLayerGroup(groupId, clearQueue) { var $canvases = this, $canvas, e, group, layer, l; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { $canvas = $($canvases[e]); group = $canvas.getLayerGroup(groupId); // Stop all layers in the group if (group) { for (l = 0; l < group.length; l += 1) { // Stop each layer in the group layer = group[l]; $canvas.stopLayer(layer, clearQueue); } } } return $canvases; }; // Enable animation for color properties function _supportColorProps(props) { var p; for (p = 0; p < props.length; p += 1) { $.fx.step[props[p]] = _animateColor; } } // Enable animation for color properties _supportColorProps([ 'color', 'backgroundColor', 'borderColor', 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'fillStyle', 'outlineColor', 'strokeStyle', 'shadowColor' ]); /* Event API */ // Map standard mouse events to touch events maps.touchEvents = { 'mousedown': 'touchstart', 'mouseup': 'touchend', 'mousemove': 'touchmove' }; // Map standard touch events to mouse events maps.mouseEvents = { 'touchstart': 'mousedown', 'touchend': 'mouseup', 'touchmove': 'mousemove' }; // Convert mouse event name to a corresponding touch event name (if possible) function _getTouchEventName(eventName) { // Detect touch event support if (maps.touchEvents[eventName]) { eventName = maps.touchEvents[eventName]; } return eventName; } // Convert touch event name to a corresponding mouse event name function _getMouseEventName(eventName) { if (maps.mouseEvents[eventName]) { eventName = maps.mouseEvents[eventName]; } return eventName; } // Bind event to jCanvas layer using standard jQuery events function _createEvent(eventName) { jCanvas.events[eventName] = function ($canvas, data) { var helperEventName, touchEventName, eventCache; // Retrieve canvas's event cache eventCache = data.event; // Both mouseover/mouseout events will be managed by a single mousemove event helperEventName = (eventName === 'mouseover' || eventName === 'mouseout') ? 'mousemove' : eventName; touchEventName = _getTouchEventName(helperEventName); function eventCallback(event) { // Cache current mouse position and redraw layers eventCache.x = event.offsetX; eventCache.y = event.offsetY; eventCache.type = helperEventName; eventCache.event = event; // Redraw layers on every trigger of the event; don't redraw if at // least one layer is draggable and there are no layers with // explicit mouseover/mouseout/mousemove events if (event.type !== 'mousemove' || data.redrawOnMousemove || data.drag.dragging) { $canvas.drawLayers({ resetFire: true }); } // Prevent default event behavior event.preventDefault(); } // Ensure the event is not bound more than once if (!data.events[helperEventName]) { // Bind one canvas event which handles all layer events of that type if (touchEventName !== helperEventName) { $canvas.bind(helperEventName + '.jCanvas ' + touchEventName + '.jCanvas', eventCallback); } else { $canvas.bind(helperEventName + '.jCanvas', eventCallback); } // Prevent this event from being bound twice data.events[helperEventName] = true; } }; } function _createEvents(eventNames) { var n; for (n = 0; n < eventNames.length; n += 1) { _createEvent(eventNames[n]); } } // Populate jCanvas events object with some standard events _createEvents([ 'click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'pointerdown', 'pointermove', 'pointerup', 'contextmenu' ]); // Check if event fires when a drawing is drawn function _detectEvents(canvas, ctx, params) { var layer, data, eventCache, intersects, transforms, x, y, angle; // Use the layer object stored by the given parameters object layer = params._args; // Canvas must have event bindings if (layer) { data = _getCanvasData(canvas); eventCache = data.event; if (eventCache.x !== null && eventCache.y !== null) { // Respect user-defined pixel ratio x = eventCache.x * data.pixelRatio; y = eventCache.y * data.pixelRatio; // Determine if the given coordinates are in the current path intersects = ctx.isPointInPath(x, y) || (ctx.isPointInStroke && ctx.isPointInStroke(x, y)); } transforms = data.transforms; // Allow callback functions to retrieve the mouse coordinates layer.eventX = eventCache.x; layer.eventY = eventCache.y; layer.event = eventCache.event; // Adjust coordinates to match current canvas transformation // Keep track of some transformation values angle = data.transforms.rotate; x = layer.eventX; y = layer.eventY; if (angle !== 0) { // Rotate coordinates if coordinate space has been rotated layer._eventX = (x * cos(-angle)) - (y * sin(-angle)); layer._eventY = (y * cos(-angle)) + (x * sin(-angle)); } else { // Otherwise, no calculations need to be made layer._eventX = x; layer._eventY = y; } // Scale coordinates layer._eventX /= transforms.scaleX; layer._eventY /= transforms.scaleY; // If layer intersects with cursor if (intersects) { // Add it to a list of layers that intersect with cursor data.intersecting.push(layer); } layer.intersects = Boolean(intersects); } } // Normalize offsetX and offsetY for all browsers $.event.fix = function (event) { var offset, originalEvent, touches; event = jQueryEventFix.call($.event, event); originalEvent = event.originalEvent; // originalEvent does not exist for manually-triggered events if (originalEvent) { touches = originalEvent.changedTouches; // If offsetX and offsetY are not supported, define them if (event.pageX !== undefined && event.offsetX === undefined) { try { offset = $(event.currentTarget).offset(); if (offset) { event.offsetX = event.pageX - offset.left; event.offsetY = event.pageY - offset.top; } } catch (error) { // Fail silently } } else if (touches) { try { // Enable offsetX and offsetY for mobile devices offset = $(event.currentTarget).offset(); if (offset) { event.offsetX = touches[0].pageX - offset.left; event.offsetY = touches[0].pageY - offset.top; } } catch (error) { // Fail silently } } } return event; }; /* Drawing API */ // Map drawing names with their respective method names maps.drawings = { 'arc': 'drawArc', 'bezier': 'drawBezier', 'ellipse': 'drawEllipse', 'function': 'draw', 'image': 'drawImage', 'line': 'drawLine', 'path': 'drawPath', 'polygon': 'drawPolygon', 'slice': 'drawSlice', 'quadratic': 'drawQuadratic', 'rectangle': 'drawRect', 'text': 'drawText', 'vector': 'drawVector', 'save': 'saveCanvas', 'restore': 'restoreCanvas', 'rotate': 'rotateCanvas', 'scale': 'scaleCanvas', 'translate': 'translateCanvas' }; // Draws on canvas using a function $.fn.draw = function draw(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params = new jCanvasObject(args); // Draw using any other method if (maps.drawings[params.type] && params.type !== 'function') { $canvases[maps.drawings[params.type]](args); } else { for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, draw); if (params.visible) { if (params.fn) { // Call the given user-defined function params.fn.call($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } } } return $canvases; }; // Clears canvas $.fn.clearCanvas = function clearCanvas(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params = new jCanvasObject(args); for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { if (params.width === null || params.height === null) { // Clear entire canvas if width/height is not given // Reset current transformation temporarily to ensure that the entire canvas is cleared ctx.save(); ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, $canvases[e].width, $canvases[e].height); ctx.restore(); } else { // Otherwise, clear the defined section of the canvas // Transform clear rectangle _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, clearCanvas); _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.width, params.height); ctx.clearRect(params.x - (params.width / 2), params.y - (params.height / 2), params.width, params.height); // Restore previous transformation _restoreTransform(ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; /* Transformation API */ // Restores canvas $.fn.saveCanvas = function saveCanvas(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, data, i; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, saveCanvas); // Restore a number of times using the given count for (i = 0; i < params.count; i += 1) { _saveCanvas(ctx, data); } } } return $canvases; }; // Restores canvas $.fn.restoreCanvas = function restoreCanvas(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, data, i; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, restoreCanvas); // Restore a number of times using the given count for (i = 0; i < params.count; i += 1) { _restoreCanvas(ctx, data); } } } return $canvases; }; // Rotates canvas (internal) function _rotateCanvas(ctx, params, transforms) { // Get conversion factor for radians params._toRad = (params.inDegrees ? (PI / 180) : 1); // Rotate canvas using shape as center of rotation ctx.translate(params.x, params.y); ctx.rotate(params.rotate * params._toRad); ctx.translate(-params.x, -params.y); // If transformation data was given if (transforms) { // Update transformation data transforms.rotate += (params.rotate * params._toRad); } } // Scales canvas (internal) function _scaleCanvas(ctx, params, transforms) { // Scale both the x- and y- axis using the 'scale' property if (params.scale !== 1) { params.scaleX = params.scaleY = params.scale; } // Scale canvas using shape as center of rotation ctx.translate(params.x, params.y); ctx.scale(params.scaleX, params.scaleY); ctx.translate(-params.x, -params.y); // If transformation data was given if (transforms) { // Update transformation data transforms.scaleX *= params.scaleX; transforms.scaleY *= params.scaleY; } } // Translates canvas (internal) function _translateCanvas(ctx, params, transforms) { // Translate both the x- and y-axis using the 'translate' property if (params.translate) { params.translateX = params.translateY = params.translate; } // Translate canvas ctx.translate(params.translateX, params.translateY); // If transformation data was given if (transforms) { // Update transformation data transforms.translateX += params.translateX; transforms.translateY += params.translateY; } } // Rotates canvas $.fn.rotateCanvas = function rotateCanvas(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, data; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, rotateCanvas); // Autosave transformation state by default if (params.autosave) { // Automatically save transformation state by default _saveCanvas(ctx, data); } _rotateCanvas(ctx, params, data.transforms); } } return $canvases; }; // Scales canvas $.fn.scaleCanvas = function scaleCanvas(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, data; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, scaleCanvas); // Autosave transformation state by default if (params.autosave) { // Automatically save transformation state by default _saveCanvas(ctx, data); } _scaleCanvas(ctx, params, data.transforms); } } return $canvases; }; // Translates canvas $.fn.translateCanvas = function translateCanvas(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, data; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, translateCanvas); // Autosave transformation state by default if (params.autosave) { // Automatically save transformation state by default _saveCanvas(ctx, data); } _translateCanvas(ctx, params, data.transforms); } } return $canvases; }; /* Shape API */ // Draws rectangle $.fn.drawRect = function drawRect(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, temp; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawRect); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.width, params.height); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); ctx.beginPath(); if (params.width && params.height) { x1 = params.x - (params.width / 2); y1 = params.y - (params.height / 2); r = abs(params.cornerRadius); // If corner radius is defined and is not zero if (r) { // Draw rectangle with rounded corners if cornerRadius is defined x2 = params.x + (params.width / 2); y2 = params.y + (params.height / 2); // Handle negative width if (params.width < 0) { temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp; } // Handle negative height if (params.height < 0) { temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp; } // Prevent over-rounded corners if ((x2 - x1) - (2 * r) < 0) { r = (x2 - x1) / 2; } if ((y2 - y1) - (2 * r) < 0) { r = (y2 - y1) / 2; } // Draw rectangle ctx.moveTo(x1 + r, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2 - r, y1); ctx.arc(x2 - r, y1 + r, r, 3 * PI / 2, PI * 2, false); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2 - r); ctx.arc(x2 - r, y2 - r, r, 0, PI / 2, false); ctx.lineTo(x1 + r, y2); ctx.arc(x1 + r, y2 - r, r, PI / 2, PI, false); ctx.lineTo(x1, y1 + r); ctx.arc(x1 + r, y1 + r, r, PI, 3 * PI / 2, false); // Always close path params.closed = true; } else { // Otherwise, draw rectangle with square corners ctx.rect(x1, y1, params.width, params.height); } } // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Close rectangle path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Retrieves a coterminal angle between 0 and 2pi for the given angle function _getCoterminal(angle) { while (angle < 0) { angle += (2 * PI); } return angle; } // Retrieves the x-coordinate for the given angle in a circle function _getArcX(params, angle) { return params.x + (params.radius * cos(angle)); } // Retrieves the y-coordinate for the given angle in a circle function _getArcY(params, angle) { return params.y + (params.radius * sin(angle)); } // Draws arc (internal) function _drawArc(canvas, ctx, params, path) { var x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, offsetX, offsetY, diff; // Determine offset from dragging if (params === path) { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; } else { offsetX = params.x; offsetY = params.y; } // Convert default end angle to radians if (!path.inDegrees && path.end === 360) { path.end = PI * 2; } // Convert angles to radians path.start *= params._toRad; path.end *= params._toRad; // Consider 0deg due north of arc path.start -= (PI / 2); path.end -= (PI / 2); // Ensure arrows are pointed correctly for CCW arcs diff = PI / 180; if (path.ccw) { diff *= -1; } // Calculate coordinates for start arrow x1 = _getArcX(path, path.start + diff); y1 = _getArcY(path, path.start + diff); x2 = _getArcX(path, path.start); y2 = _getArcY(path, path.start); _addStartArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, x1, y1, x2, y2 ); // Draw arc ctx.arc(path.x + offsetX, path.y + offsetY, path.radius, path.start, path.end, path.ccw); // Calculate coordinates for end arrow x3 = _getArcX(path, path.end + diff); y3 = _getArcY(path, path.end + diff); x4 = _getArcX(path, path.end); y4 = _getArcY(path, path.end); _addEndArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, x4, y4, x3, y3 ); } // Draws arc or circle $.fn.drawArc = function drawArc(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawArc); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.radius * 2); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); ctx.beginPath(); _drawArc($canvases[e], ctx, params, params); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Optionally close path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Draws ellipse $.fn.drawEllipse = function drawEllipse(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, controlW, controlH; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawEllipse); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.width, params.height); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Calculate control width and height controlW = params.width * (4 / 3); controlH = params.height; // Create ellipse using curves ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(params.x, params.y - (controlH / 2)); // Left side ctx.bezierCurveTo(params.x - (controlW / 2), params.y - (controlH / 2), params.x - (controlW / 2), params.y + (controlH / 2), params.x, params.y + (controlH / 2)); // Right side ctx.bezierCurveTo(params.x + (controlW / 2), params.y + (controlH / 2), params.x + (controlW / 2), params.y - (controlH / 2), params.x, params.y - (controlH / 2)); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Always close path params.closed = true; _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Draws a regular (equal-angled) polygon $.fn.drawPolygon = function drawPolygon(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, theta, dtheta, hdtheta, apothem, x, y, i; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawPolygon); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.radius * 2); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Polygon's central angle dtheta = (2 * PI) / params.sides; // Half of dtheta hdtheta = dtheta / 2; // Polygon's starting angle theta = hdtheta + (PI / 2); // Distance from polygon's center to the middle of its side apothem = params.radius * cos(hdtheta); // Calculate path and draw ctx.beginPath(); for (i = 0; i < params.sides; i += 1) { // Draw side of polygon x = params.x + (params.radius * cos(theta)); y = params.y + (params.radius * sin(theta)); // Plot point on polygon ctx.lineTo(x, y); // Project side if chosen if (params.concavity) { // Sides are projected from the polygon's apothem x = params.x + ((apothem + (-apothem * params.concavity)) * cos(theta + hdtheta)); y = params.y + ((apothem + (-apothem * params.concavity)) * sin(theta + hdtheta)); ctx.lineTo(x, y); } // Increment theta by delta theta theta += dtheta; } // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Always close path params.closed = true; _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Draws pie-shaped slice $.fn.drawSlice = function drawSlice(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, angle, dx, dy; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawSlice); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.radius * 2); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Perform extra calculations // Convert angles to radians params.start *= params._toRad; params.end *= params._toRad; // Consider 0deg at north of arc params.start -= (PI / 2); params.end -= (PI / 2); // Find positive equivalents of angles params.start = _getCoterminal(params.start); params.end = _getCoterminal(params.end); // Ensure start angle is less than end angle if (params.end < params.start) { params.end += (2 * PI); } // Calculate angular position of slice angle = ((params.start + params.end) / 2); // Calculate ratios for slice's angle dx = (params.radius * params.spread * cos(angle)); dy = (params.radius * params.spread * sin(angle)); // Adjust position of slice params.x += dx; params.y += dy; // Draw slice ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(params.x, params.y, params.radius, params.start, params.end, params.ccw); ctx.lineTo(params.x, params.y); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Always close path params.closed = true; _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; /* Path API */ // Adds arrow to path using the given properties function _addArrow(canvas, ctx, params, path, x1, y1, x2, y2) { var leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY, offsetX, offsetY, angle; // If arrow radius is given and path is not closed if (path.arrowRadius && !params.closed) { // Calculate angle angle = atan2((y2 - y1), (x2 - x1)); // Adjust angle correctly angle -= PI; // Calculate offset to place arrow at edge of path offsetX = (params.strokeWidth * cos(angle)); offsetY = (params.strokeWidth * sin(angle)); // Calculate coordinates for left half of arrow leftX = x2 + (path.arrowRadius * cos(angle + (path.arrowAngle / 2))); leftY = y2 + (path.arrowRadius * sin(angle + (path.arrowAngle / 2))); // Calculate coordinates for right half of arrow rightX = x2 + (path.arrowRadius * cos(angle - (path.arrowAngle / 2))); rightY = y2 + (path.arrowRadius * sin(angle - (path.arrowAngle / 2))); // Draw left half of arrow ctx.moveTo(leftX - offsetX, leftY - offsetY); ctx.lineTo(x2 - offsetX, y2 - offsetY); // Draw right half of arrow ctx.lineTo(rightX - offsetX, rightY - offsetY); // Visually connect arrow to path ctx.moveTo(x2 - offsetX, y2 - offsetY); ctx.lineTo(x2 + offsetX, y2 + offsetY); // Move back to end of path ctx.moveTo(x2, y2); } } // Optionally adds arrow to start of path function _addStartArrow(canvas, ctx, params, path, x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (!path._arrowAngleConverted) { path.arrowAngle *= params._toRad; path._arrowAngleConverted = true; } if (path.startArrow) { _addArrow(canvas, ctx, params, path, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } // Optionally adds arrow to end of path function _addEndArrow(canvas, ctx, params, path, x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (!path._arrowAngleConverted) { path.arrowAngle *= params._toRad; path._arrowAngleConverted = true; } if (path.endArrow) { _addArrow(canvas, ctx, params, path, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } // Draws line (internal) function _drawLine(canvas, ctx, params, path) { var l, lx, ly; l = 2; _addStartArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, path.x2 + params.x, path.y2 + params.y, path.x1 + params.x, path.y1 + params.y ); if (path.x1 !== undefined && path.y1 !== undefined) { ctx.moveTo(path.x1 + params.x, path.y1 + params.y); } while (true) { // Calculate next coordinates lx = path['x' + l]; ly = path['y' + l]; // If coordinates are given if (lx !== undefined && ly !== undefined) { // Draw next line ctx.lineTo(lx + params.x, ly + params.y); l += 1; } else { // Otherwise, stop drawing break; } } l -= 1; // Optionally add arrows to path _addEndArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, path['x' + (l - 1)] + params.x, path['y' + (l - 1)] + params.y, path['x' + l] + params.x, path['y' + l] + params.y ); } // Draws line $.fn.drawLine = function drawLine(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawLine); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Draw each point ctx.beginPath(); _drawLine($canvases[e], ctx, params, params); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Optionally close path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Draws quadratic curve (internal) function _drawQuadratic(canvas, ctx, params, path) { var l, lx, ly, lcx, lcy; l = 2; _addStartArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, path.cx1 + params.x, path.cy1 + params.y, path.x1 + params.x, path.y1 + params.y ); if (path.x1 !== undefined && path.y1 !== undefined) { ctx.moveTo(path.x1 + params.x, path.y1 + params.y); } while (true) { // Calculate next coordinates lx = path['x' + l]; ly = path['y' + l]; lcx = path['cx' + (l - 1)]; lcy = path['cy' + (l - 1)]; // If coordinates are given if (lx !== undefined && ly !== undefined && lcx !== undefined && lcy !== undefined) { // Draw next curve ctx.quadraticCurveTo(lcx + params.x, lcy + params.y, lx + params.x, ly + params.y); l += 1; } else { // Otherwise, stop drawing break; } } l -= 1; _addEndArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, path['cx' + (l - 1)] + params.x, path['cy' + (l - 1)] + params.y, path['x' + l] + params.x, path['y' + l] + params.y ); } // Draws quadratic curve $.fn.drawQuadratic = function drawQuadratic(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawQuadratic); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Draw each point ctx.beginPath(); _drawQuadratic($canvases[e], ctx, params, params); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Optionally close path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Draws Bezier curve (internal) function _drawBezier(canvas, ctx, params, path) { var l, lc, lx, ly, lcx1, lcy1, lcx2, lcy2; l = 2; lc = 1; _addStartArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, path.cx1 + params.x, path.cy1 + params.y, path.x1 + params.x, path.y1 + params.y ); if (path.x1 !== undefined && path.y1 !== undefined) { ctx.moveTo(path.x1 + params.x, path.y1 + params.y); } while (true) { // Calculate next coordinates lx = path['x' + l]; ly = path['y' + l]; lcx1 = path['cx' + lc]; lcy1 = path['cy' + lc]; lcx2 = path['cx' + (lc + 1)]; lcy2 = path['cy' + (lc + 1)]; // If next coordinates are given if (lx !== undefined && ly !== undefined && lcx1 !== undefined && lcy1 !== undefined && lcx2 !== undefined && lcy2 !== undefined) { // Draw next curve ctx.bezierCurveTo(lcx1 + params.x, lcy1 + params.y, lcx2 + params.x, lcy2 + params.y, lx + params.x, ly + params.y); l += 1; lc += 2; } else { // Otherwise, stop drawing break; } } l -= 1; lc -= 2; _addEndArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, path['cx' + (lc + 1)] + params.x, path['cy' + (lc + 1)] + params.y, path['x' + l] + params.x, path['y' + l] + params.y ); } // Draws Bezier curve $.fn.drawBezier = function drawBezier(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawBezier); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Draw each point ctx.beginPath(); _drawBezier($canvases[e], ctx, params, params); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Optionally close path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Retrieves the x-coordinate for the given vector angle and length function _getVectorX(params, angle, length) { angle *= params._toRad; angle -= (PI / 2); return (length * cos(angle)); } // Retrieves the y-coordinate for the given vector angle and length function _getVectorY(params, angle, length) { angle *= params._toRad; angle -= (PI / 2); return (length * sin(angle)); } // Draws vector (internal) #2 function _drawVector(canvas, ctx, params, path) { var l, angle, length, offsetX, offsetY, x, y, x3, y3, x4, y4; // Determine offset from dragging if (params === path) { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; } else { offsetX = params.x; offsetY = params.y; } l = 1; x = x3 = x4 = path.x + offsetX; y = y3 = y4 = path.y + offsetY; _addStartArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, x + _getVectorX(params, path.a1, path.l1), y + _getVectorY(params, path.a1, path.l1), x, y ); // The vector starts at the given (x, y) coordinates if (path.x !== undefined && path.y !== undefined) { ctx.moveTo(x, y); } while (true) { angle = path['a' + l]; length = path['l' + l]; if (angle !== undefined && length !== undefined) { // Convert the angle to radians with 0 degrees starting at north // Keep track of last two coordinates x3 = x4; y3 = y4; // Compute (x, y) coordinates from angle and length x4 += _getVectorX(params, angle, length); y4 += _getVectorY(params, angle, length); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); l += 1; } else { // Otherwise, stop drawing break; } } _addEndArrow( canvas, ctx, params, path, x3, y3, x4, y4 ); } // Draws vector $.fn.drawVector = function drawVector(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawVector); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Draw each point ctx.beginPath(); _drawVector($canvases[e], ctx, params, params); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Optionally close path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; // Draws a path consisting of one or more subpaths $.fn.drawPath = function drawPath(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, l, lp; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawPath); if (params.visible) { _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); ctx.beginPath(); l = 1; while (true) { lp = params['p' + l]; if (lp !== undefined) { lp = new jCanvasObject(lp); if (lp.type === 'line') { _drawLine($canvases[e], ctx, params, lp); } else if (lp.type === 'quadratic') { _drawQuadratic($canvases[e], ctx, params, lp); } else if (lp.type === 'bezier') { _drawBezier($canvases[e], ctx, params, lp); } else if (lp.type === 'vector') { _drawVector($canvases[e], ctx, params, lp); } else if (lp.type === 'arc') { _drawArc($canvases[e], ctx, params, lp); } l += 1; } else { break; } } // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Optionally close path _closePath($canvases[e], ctx, params); } } } return $canvases; }; /* Text API */ // Calculates font string and set it as the canvas font function _setCanvasFont(canvas, ctx, params) { // Otherwise, use the given font attributes if (!isNaN(Number(params.fontSize))) { // Give font size units if it doesn't have any params.fontSize += 'px'; } // Set font using given font properties ctx.font = params.fontStyle + ' ' + params.fontSize + ' ' + params.fontFamily; } // Measures canvas text function _measureText(canvas, ctx, params, lines) { var originalSize, curWidth, l, propCache = caches.propCache; // Used cached width/height if possible if (propCache.text === params.text && propCache.fontStyle === params.fontStyle && propCache.fontSize === params.fontSize && propCache.fontFamily === params.fontFamily && propCache.maxWidth === params.maxWidth && propCache.lineHeight === params.lineHeight) { params.width = propCache.width; params.height = propCache.height; } else { // Calculate text dimensions only once // Calculate width of first line (for comparison) params.width = ctx.measureText(lines[0]).width; // Get width of longest line for (l = 1; l < lines.length; l += 1) { curWidth = ctx.measureText(lines[l]).width; // Ensure text's width is the width of its longest line if (curWidth > params.width) { params.width = curWidth; } } // Save original font size originalSize = canvas.style.fontSize; // Temporarily set canvas font size to retrieve size in pixels canvas.style.fontSize = params.fontSize; // Save text width and height in parameters object params.height = parseFloat($.css(canvas, 'fontSize')) * lines.length * params.lineHeight; // Reset font size to original size canvas.style.fontSize = originalSize; } } // Wraps a string of text within a defined width function _wrapText(ctx, params) { var allText = String(params.text), // Maximum line width (optional) maxWidth = params.maxWidth, // Lines created by manual line breaks (\n) manualLines = allText.split('\n'), // All lines created manually and by wrapping allLines = [], // Other variables lines, line, l, text, words, w; // Loop through manually-broken lines for (l = 0; l < manualLines.length; l += 1) { text = manualLines[l]; // Split line into list of words words = text.split(' '); lines = []; line = ''; // If text is short enough initially // Or, if the text consists of only one word if (words.length === 1 || ctx.measureText(text).width < maxWidth) { // No need to wrap text lines = [text]; } else { // Wrap lines for (w = 0; w < words.length; w += 1) { // Once line gets too wide, push word to next line if (ctx.measureText(line + words[w]).width > maxWidth) { // This check prevents empty lines from being created if (line !== '') { lines.push(line); } // Start new line and repeat process line = ''; } // Add words to line until the line is too wide line += words[w]; // Do not add a space after the last word if (w !== (words.length - 1)) { line += ' '; } } // The last word should always be pushed lines.push(line); } // Remove extra space at the end of each line allLines = allLines.concat( lines .join('\n') .replace(/((\n))|($)/gi, '$2') .split('\n') ); } return allLines; } // Draws text on canvas $.fn.drawText = function drawText(args) { var $canvases = this, e, ctx, params, layer, lines, line, l, fontSize, constantCloseness = 500, nchars, chars, ch, c, x, y; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawText); if (params.visible) { // Set text-specific properties ctx.textBaseline = params.baseline; ctx.textAlign = params.align; // Set canvas font using given properties _setCanvasFont($canvases[e], ctx, params); if (params.maxWidth !== null) { // Wrap text using an internal function lines = _wrapText(ctx, params); } else { // Convert string of text to list of lines lines = params.text .toString() .split('\n'); } // Calculate text's width and height _measureText($canvases[e], ctx, params, lines); // If text is a layer if (layer) { // Copy calculated width/height to layer object layer.width = params.width; layer.height = params.height; } _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.width, params.height); _setGlobalProps($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Adjust text position to accomodate different horizontal alignments x = params.x; if (params.align === 'left') { if (params.respectAlign) { // Realign text to the left if chosen params.x += params.width / 2; } else { // Center text block by default x -= params.width / 2; } } else if (params.align === 'right') { if (params.respectAlign) { // Realign text to the right if chosen params.x -= params.width / 2; } else { // Center text block by default x += params.width / 2; } } if (params.radius) { fontSize = parseFloat(params.fontSize); // Greater values move clockwise if (params.letterSpacing === null) { params.letterSpacing = fontSize / constantCloseness; } // Loop through each line of text for (l = 0; l < lines.length; l += 1) { ctx.save(); ctx.translate(params.x, params.y); line = lines[l]; if (params.flipArcText) { chars = line.split(''); chars.reverse(); line = chars.join(''); } nchars = line.length; ctx.rotate(-(PI * params.letterSpacing * (nchars - 1)) / 2); // Loop through characters on each line for (c = 0; c < nchars; c += 1) { ch = line[c]; // If character is not the first character if (c !== 0) { // Rotate character onto arc ctx.rotate(PI * params.letterSpacing); } ctx.save(); ctx.translate(0, -params.radius); if (params.flipArcText) { ctx.scale(-1, -1); } ctx.fillText(ch, 0, 0); // Prevent extra shadow created by stroke (but only when fill is present) if (params.fillStyle !== 'transparent') { ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; } if (params.strokeWidth !== 0) { // Only stroke if the stroke is not 0 ctx.strokeText(ch, 0, 0); } ctx.restore(); } params.radius -= fontSize; params.letterSpacing += fontSize / (constantCloseness * 2 * PI); ctx.restore(); } } else { // Draw each line of text separately for (l = 0; l < lines.length; l += 1) { line = lines[l]; // Add line offset to center point, but subtract some to center everything y = params.y + (l * params.height / lines.length) - (((lines.length - 1) * params.height / lines.length) / 2); ctx.shadowColor = params.shadowColor; // Fill & stroke text ctx.fillText(line, x, y); // Prevent extra shadow created by stroke (but only when fill is present) if (params.fillStyle !== 'transparent') { ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; } if (params.strokeWidth !== 0) { // Only stroke if the stroke is not 0 ctx.strokeText(line, x, y); } } } // Adjust bounding box according to text baseline y = 0; if (params.baseline === 'top') { y += params.height / 2; } else if (params.baseline === 'bottom') { y -= params.height / 2; } // Detect jCanvas events if (params._event) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect( params.x - (params.width / 2), params.y - (params.height / 2) + y, params.width, params.height ); _detectEvents($canvases[e], ctx, params); // Close path and configure masking ctx.closePath(); } _restoreTransform(ctx, params); } } } // Cache jCanvas parameters object for efficiency caches.propCache = params; return $canvases; }; // Measures text width/height using the given parameters $.fn.measureText = function measureText(args) { var $canvases = this, ctx, params, lines; // Attempt to retrieve layer params = $canvases.getLayer(args); // If layer does not exist or if returned object is not a jCanvas layer if (!params || (params && !params._layer)) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); } ctx = _getContext($canvases[0]); if (ctx) { // Set canvas font using given properties _setCanvasFont($canvases[0], ctx, params); // Calculate width and height of text if (params.maxWidth !== null) { lines = _wrapText(ctx, params); } else { lines = params.text.split('\n'); } _measureText($canvases[0], ctx, params, lines); } return params; }; /* Image API */ // Draws image on canvas $.fn.drawImage = function drawImage(args) { var $canvases = this, canvas, e, ctx, data, params, layer, img, imgCtx, source, imageCache = caches.imageCache; // Draw image function function draw(canvas, ctx, data, params, layer) { // If width and sWidth are not defined, use image width if (params.width === null && params.sWidth === null) { params.width = params.sWidth = img.width; } // If width and sHeight are not defined, use image height if (params.height === null && params.sHeight === null) { params.height = params.sHeight = img.height; } // Ensure image layer's width and height are accurate if (layer) { layer.width = params.width; layer.height = params.height; } // Only crop image if all cropping properties are given if (params.sWidth !== null && params.sHeight !== null && params.sx !== null && params.sy !== null) { // If width is not defined, use the given sWidth if (params.width === null) { params.width = params.sWidth; } // If height is not defined, use the given sHeight if (params.height === null) { params.height = params.sHeight; } // Optionally crop from top-left corner of region if (params.cropFromCenter) { params.sx += params.sWidth / 2; params.sy += params.sHeight / 2; } // Ensure cropped region does not escape image boundaries // Top if ((params.sy - (params.sHeight / 2)) < 0) { params.sy = (params.sHeight / 2); } // Bottom if ((params.sy + (params.sHeight / 2)) > img.height) { params.sy = img.height - (params.sHeight / 2); } // Left if ((params.sx - (params.sWidth / 2)) < 0) { params.sx = (params.sWidth / 2); } // Right if ((params.sx + (params.sWidth / 2)) > img.width) { params.sx = img.width - (params.sWidth / 2); } _transformShape(canvas, ctx, params, params.width, params.height); _setGlobalProps(canvas, ctx, params); // Draw image ctx.drawImage( img, params.sx - (params.sWidth / 2), params.sy - (params.sHeight / 2), params.sWidth, params.sHeight, params.x - (params.width / 2), params.y - (params.height / 2), params.width, params.height ); } else { // Show entire image if no crop region is defined _transformShape(canvas, ctx, params, params.width, params.height); _setGlobalProps(canvas, ctx, params); // Draw image on canvas ctx.drawImage( img, params.x - (params.width / 2), params.y - (params.height / 2), params.width, params.height ); } // Draw invisible rectangle to allow for events and masking ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect( params.x - (params.width / 2), params.y - (params.height / 2), params.width, params.height ); // Check for jCanvas events _detectEvents(canvas, ctx, params); // Close path and configure masking ctx.closePath(); _restoreTransform(ctx, params); _enableMasking(ctx, data, params); } // On load function function onload(canvas, ctx, data, params, layer) { return function () { var $canvas = $(canvas); draw(canvas, ctx, data, params, layer); if (params.layer) { // Trigger 'load' event for layers _triggerLayerEvent($canvas, data, layer, 'load'); } else if (params.load) { // Run 'load' callback for non-layers params.load.call($canvas[0], layer); } // Continue drawing successive layers after this image layer has loaded if (params.layer) { // Store list of previous masks for each layer layer._masks = data.transforms.masks.slice(0); if (params._next) { // Draw successive layers $canvas.drawLayers({ clear: false, resetFire: true, index: params._next }); } } }; } for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { canvas = $canvases[e]; ctx = _getContext($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); params = new jCanvasObject(args); layer = _addLayer($canvases[e], params, args, drawImage); if (params.visible) { // Cache the given source source = params.source; imgCtx = source.getContext; if (source.src || imgCtx) { // Use image or canvas element if given img = source; } else if (source) { if (imageCache[source] && imageCache[source].complete) { // Get the image element from the cache if possible img = imageCache[source]; } else { // Otherwise, get the image from the given source URL img = new Image(); // If source URL is not a data URL if (!source.match(/^data:/i)) { // Set crossOrigin for this image img.crossOrigin = params.crossOrigin; } img.src = source; // Save image in cache for improved performance imageCache[source] = img; } } if (img) { if (img.complete || imgCtx) { // Draw image if already loaded onload(canvas, ctx, data, params, layer)(); } else { // Otherwise, draw image when it loads img.onload = onload(canvas, ctx, data, params, layer); // Fix onload() bug in IE9 img.src = img.src; } } } } } return $canvases; }; // Creates a canvas pattern object $.fn.createPattern = function createPattern(args) { var $canvases = this, ctx, params, img, imgCtx, pattern, source; // Function to be called when pattern loads function onload() { // Create pattern pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, params.repeat); // Run callback function if defined if (params.load) { params.load.call($canvases[0], pattern); } } ctx = _getContext($canvases[0]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); // Cache the given source source = params.source; // Draw when image is loaded (if load() callback function is defined) if (isFunction(source)) { // Draw pattern using function if given img = $('<canvas />')[0]; img.width = params.width; img.height = params.height; imgCtx = _getContext(img); source.call(img, imgCtx); onload(); } else { // Otherwise, draw pattern using source image imgCtx = source.getContext; if (source.src || imgCtx) { // Use image element if given img = source; } else { // Use URL if given to get the image img = new Image(); // If source URL is not a data URL if (!source.match(/^data:/i)) { // Set crossOrigin for this image img.crossOrigin = params.crossOrigin; } img.src = source; } // Create pattern if already loaded if (img.complete || imgCtx) { onload(); } else { img.onload = onload; // Fix onload() bug in IE9 img.src = img.src; } } } else { pattern = null; } return pattern; }; // Creates a canvas gradient object $.fn.createGradient = function createGradient(args) { var $canvases = this, ctx, params, gradient, stops = [], nstops, start, end, i, a, n, p; params = new jCanvasObject(args); ctx = _getContext($canvases[0]); if (ctx) { // Gradient coordinates must be defined params.x1 = params.x1 || 0; params.y1 = params.y1 || 0; params.x2 = params.x2 || 0; params.y2 = params.y2 || 0; if (params.r1 !== null && params.r2 !== null) { // Create radial gradient if chosen gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(params.x1, params.y1, params.r1, params.x2, params.y2, params.r2); } else { // Otherwise, create a linear gradient by default gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(params.x1, params.y1, params.x2, params.y2); } // Count number of color stops for (i = 1; params['c' + i] !== undefined; i += 1) { if (params['s' + i] !== undefined) { stops.push(params['s' + i]); } else { stops.push(null); } } nstops = stops.length; // Define start stop if not already defined if (stops[0] === null) { stops[0] = 0; } // Define end stop if not already defined if (stops[nstops - 1] === null) { stops[nstops - 1] = 1; } // Loop through color stops to fill in the blanks for (i = 0; i < nstops; i += 1) { // A progression, in this context, is defined as all of the color stops between and including two known color stops if (stops[i] !== null) { // Start a new progression if stop is a number // Number of stops in current progression n = 1; // Current iteration in current progression p = 0; start = stops[i]; // Look ahead to find end stop for (a = (i + 1); a < nstops; a += 1) { if (stops[a] !== null) { // If this future stop is a number, make it the end stop for this progression end = stops[a]; break; } else { // Otherwise, keep looking ahead n += 1; } } // Ensure start stop is not greater than end stop if (start > end) { stops[a] = stops[i]; } } else if (stops[i] === null) { // Calculate stop if not initially given p += 1; stops[i] = start + (p * ((end - start) / n)); } // Add color stop to gradient object gradient.addColorStop(stops[i], params['c' + (i + 1)]); } } else { gradient = null; } return gradient; }; // Manipulates pixels on the canvas $.fn.setPixels = function setPixels(args) { var $canvases = this, canvas, e, ctx, canvasData, params, px, imgData, pixelData, i, len; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { canvas = $canvases[e]; ctx = _getContext(canvas); canvasData = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); if (ctx) { params = new jCanvasObject(args); _addLayer(canvas, params, args, setPixels); _transformShape($canvases[e], ctx, params, params.width, params.height); // Use entire canvas of x, y, width, or height is not defined if (params.width === null || params.height === null) { params.width = canvas.width; params.height = canvas.height; params.x = params.width / 2; params.y = params.height / 2; } if (params.width !== 0 && params.height !== 0) { // Only set pixels if width and height are not zero imgData = ctx.getImageData( (params.x - (params.width / 2)) * canvasData.pixelRatio, (params.y - (params.height / 2)) * canvasData.pixelRatio, params.width * canvasData.pixelRatio, params.height * canvasData.pixelRatio ); pixelData = imgData.data; len = pixelData.length; // Loop through pixels with the "each" callback function if (params.each) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { px = { r: pixelData[i], g: pixelData[i + 1], b: pixelData[i + 2], a: pixelData[i + 3] }; params.each.call(canvas, px, params); pixelData[i] = px.r; pixelData[i + 1] = px.g; pixelData[i + 2] = px.b; pixelData[i + 3] = px.a; } } // Put pixels on canvas ctx.putImageData( imgData, (params.x - (params.width / 2)) * canvasData.pixelRatio, (params.y - (params.height / 2)) * canvasData.pixelRatio ); // Restore transformation ctx.restore(); } } } return $canvases; }; // Retrieves canvas image as data URL $.fn.getCanvasImage = function getCanvasImage(type, quality) { var $canvases = this, canvas, dataURL = null; if ($canvases.length !== 0) { canvas = $canvases[0]; if (canvas.toDataURL) { // JPEG quality defaults to 1 if (quality === undefined) { quality = 1; } dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/' + type, quality); } } return dataURL; }; // Scales canvas based on the device's pixel ratio $.fn.detectPixelRatio = function detectPixelRatio(callback) { var $canvases = this, canvas, e, ctx, devicePixelRatio, backingStoreRatio, ratio, oldWidth, oldHeight, data; for (e = 0; e < $canvases.length; e += 1) { // Get canvas and its associated data canvas = $canvases[e]; ctx = _getContext(canvas); data = _getCanvasData($canvases[e]); // If canvas has not already been scaled with this method if (!data.scaled) { // Determine device pixel ratios devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; backingStoreRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; // Calculate general ratio based on the two given ratios ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio; if (ratio !== 1) { // Scale canvas relative to ratio // Get the current canvas dimensions for future use oldWidth = canvas.width; oldHeight = canvas.height; // Resize canvas relative to the determined ratio canvas.width = oldWidth * ratio; canvas.height = oldHeight * ratio; // Scale canvas back to original dimensions via CSS canvas.style.width = oldWidth + 'px'; canvas.style.height = oldHeight + 'px'; // Scale context to counter the manual scaling of canvas ctx.scale(ratio, ratio); } // Set pixel ratio on canvas data object data.pixelRatio = ratio; // Ensure that this method can only be called once for any given canvas data.scaled = true; // Call the given callback function with the ratio as its only argument if (callback) { callback.call(canvas, ratio); } } } return $canvases; }; // Clears the jCanvas cache jCanvas.clearCache = function clearCache() { var cacheName; for (cacheName in caches) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(caches, cacheName)) { caches[cacheName] = {}; } } }; // Enable canvas feature detection with $.support $.support.canvas = ($('<canvas />')[0].getContext !== undefined); // Export jCanvas functions extendObject(jCanvas, { defaults: defaults, setGlobalProps: _setGlobalProps, transformShape: _transformShape, detectEvents: _detectEvents, closePath: _closePath, setCanvasFont: _setCanvasFont, measureText: _measureText }); $.jCanvas = jCanvas; $.jCanvasObject = jCanvasObject; }));