// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <auto-generated> // 此代码由工具生成。 // 运行时版本: // // 对此文件的更改可能导致不正确的行为,如果 // 重新生成代码,这些更改将会丢失。 // </auto-generated> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Hh.Mes.T4 { using System.Linq; using System; /// <summary> /// Class to produce the template output /// </summary> #line 1 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating", "")] public partial class JavaScriptTemplate : JavaScriptTemplateBase { #line hidden /// <summary> /// Create the template output /// </summary> public virtual string TransformText() { this.Write(@"let action = null; layui.config({ base: ""/js/"", version: 1 }).use(['system'], function () { var form = layui.form, $ = layui.jquery, element = layui.element, table = layui.table, system = layui.system, sysU = new system.u(), sendDataWhere = null, sendDataDescWhere = null, areaName = """); #line 15 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" this.Write(this.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(AreaName)); #line default #line hidden this.Write("\",\r\n controllerName = \""); #line 16 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" this.Write(this.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(ControllerName)); #line default #line hidden this.Write("\",\r\n app = null;\r\n\r\n action = {\r\n addOptions: function () {\r\n " + " var options = {\r\n fromId: \"#modifyForm form\",\r\n " + " url: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Ins`,\r\n //sendDataWhe" + "re: null,\r\n //isAddWhereExtend: \"arbitrarily\",\r\n /" + "/mainTable: app.data.tableIns,\r\n submit: \"submit(fromAdd)\"\r\n " + " }\r\n return options;\r\n },\r\n\r\n editOptions: functi" + "on () {\r\n var options = {\r\n fromId: \"#modifyForm form\"" + ",\r\n url: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Upd`,\r\n s" + "ubmit: \"submit(fromUpdate)\"\r\n }\r\n return options;\r\n " + " },\r\n\r\n deleteOptions: function () {\r\n var options = {\r\n " + " url: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/DelByIds`,\r\n keyId" + ": \"id\"\r\n }\r\n return options;\r\n },\r\n\r\n export" + "Options: function () {\r\n var options = {\r\n fromId: \"li" + "stForm\",\r\n url: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Export`,\r\n " + " isDefault: false,\r\n sendDataWhere:{},\r\n e" + "xcelCols: {\r\n head: app.data.cols,\r\n body:" + " app.data.colsDesc\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return options" + ";\r\n },\r\n\r\n queryOptions: function () {\r\n var options = " + "{\r\n resetFrom: \"form[lay-filter=listForm]\",\r\n from" + "Id: \"listForm\",\r\n urlExport: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Expo" + "rt`,\r\n urlQuery: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Load`,\r\n " + " sendDataWhere:{},\r\n mainTable: app.data.tableIns\r\n " + " }\r\n return options;\r\n },\r\n /*rowClickOptions: func" + "tion () {\r\n var options = {\r\n //是否主子表\r\n " + " isDefault: true,\r\n targetTableId: app.data.tableElem,\r\n " + " tabfilter: \"tableTabBody\",\r\n tabId: 2,\r\n cu" + "stomFn: app.methods.initTableDesc\r\n }\r\n return options;\r\n " + " },*/\r\n\r\n uploadOptions: function () {\r\n var options = {" + "\r\n url: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Import`,\r\n " + " fromFile: \"#excelfile\",\r\n content: $(\"#ImportData\")\r\n " + " }\r\n return options;\r\n },\r\n addBefore: function (callBa" + "ck) {\r\n //callBack是回调函数,如果editBefore有ajax 放在成功之后\r\n if (cal" + "lBack != null) callBack();\r\n },\r\n\r\n addSaveBefore: function (data," + " callBack) {\r\n if (callBack != null) callBack();\r\n },\r\n " + " editBefore: function (data, callBack) {\r\n data.enable = data.enable." + "toString();\r\n form.val(\"modifyForm\", data);\r\n if (callBack" + " != null) callBack();\r\n },\r\n editSaveBefore: function (data, callB" + "ack) {\r\n if (callBack != null) callBack();\r\n },\r\n\r\n che" + "ckboxMethod: function (obj) {\r\n var page = \"\".GetUrlParam(\"page\"),\r\n " + " xxx = \"\".GetUrlParam(\"xxx\");\r\n if (page == \"xxx\") {\r\n " + " var sendData = {\r\n \r\n };\r\n " + " var ajaxConfig = {\r\n data: sendData,\r\n " + " url: `${areaName}/${controllerName}/xxx`,\r\n success: " + "function (result) {\r\n if (sysU.successBefore(result)) ret" + "urn false;\r\n layer.msg(result.Message);\r\n " + " }\r\n };\r\n sysU.ajax(ajaxConfig);\r\n }" + "\r\n },\r\n //所有动作成功之后\r\n actionSuccess: (falg) => {\r\n " + " debugger\r\n sysU.refreshTable(app, sysU, null, falg);\r\n },\r\n " + " closeAfter: function (callBack) {\r\n if (callBack != null) callBa" + "ck();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n app = {\r\n data: {\r\n cols: [[\r\n " + " { checkbox: true, fixed: true },\r\n"); #line 143 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" if(Data.Any(x => x.Key.Equals("id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) #line default #line hidden #line 144 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" { #line default #line hidden this.Write(" { field: \"id\", width: 80, hide: true, title: \"Id\" },\r\n"); #line 146 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" } #line default #line hidden #line 147 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" if(Data.Any(x => x.Key.Equals("keys", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) #line default #line hidden #line 148 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" { #line default #line hidden this.Write(" { field: \"keys\", width: 80, hide: true, title: \"Keys\" },\r\n"); #line 150 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" } #line default #line hidden #line 151 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" foreach(var item in Data) #line default #line hidden #line 152 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" { #line default #line hidden #line 153 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" if (item.Key.Equals("Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || item.Key.Equals("Keys", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) #line default #line hidden #line 154 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" { continue; } #line default #line hidden #line 155 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Value)) #line default #line hidden #line 156 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" { #line default #line hidden this.Write(" { field: \""); #line 157 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" this.Write(this.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(item.Key)); #line default #line hidden this.Write("\", width: 150, title: \""); #line 157 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" this.Write(this.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(item.Value)); #line default #line hidden this.Write("\" },\r\n"); #line 158 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" }else{ #line default #line hidden this.Write(" { field: \""); #line 159 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" this.Write(this.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(item.Key)); #line default #line hidden this.Write("\", width: 150, title: \""); #line 159 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" this.Write(this.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(item.Key)); #line default #line hidden this.Write("\" },\r\n"); #line 160 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" } #line default #line hidden #line 161 "E:\project\mes\海能\haiNeng\Hh.Mes.T4\JavaScriptTemplate.tt" } #line default #line hidden this.Write(" ]],\r\n colsDesc:null,\r\n tableIns: null,\r\n " + " tableElem: \"mainList\",\r\n tableInsDesc: null,\r\n tableE" + "lemDesc: \"mainListDesc\",\r\n\r\n //下拉框配置\r\n selectOption: {\r\n " + " //station: {\r\n // SelType: \"FromUrl\",\r\n " + " // SelFrom: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/StationLineSelect`,\r\n " + " // SelLabel: \"workStationName\",\r\n // SelValue: \"" + "workStationCode\",\r\n // OptGroup: true,\r\n // " + "Dom: [$(\"[name=\'stationCode\']\")]\r\n //},\r\n //返回的数据 " + "用于后续操作\r\n selectData: {\r\n\r\n }\r\n }\r\n " + " },\r\n methods: {\r\n initTable: function (opt) {\r\n " + " var config = {};\r\n if (opt != undefined) $.extend(config, opt" + ");\r\n let options = {\r\n elem: \"#\" + app.data.ta" + "bleElem,\r\n url: `/${areaName}/${controllerName}/Load`,\r\n " + " cols: sysU.columnRecord(app.data.tableElem, app.data.cols),\r\n " + " toolbar: \'#toolbarTable\',\r\n where: config, \r\n" + " //height: \"full-56\",//如果是主明细页签,列表主体高度要设置,否则分页导航不直观展示\r\n " + " doneExtend: function (res, obj) {\r\n \r\n " + " }\r\n }\r\n app.data.tableIns = sysU.initTa" + "ble(options);\r\n },\r\n\r\n initSelectTable: function () {\r\n " + " var opt1 = {\r\n elem: \".productCode\",\r\n " + " checkedKey: \"productCode\",\r\n doneKey: {\r\n " + " key: \"productCode\",\r\n lableValue: \"productNam" + "e\"\r\n },\r\n searchKey: \"productCode\",\r\n " + " searchName: \"产品编码\"\r\n };\r\n sysU.initS" + "electProduct(opt1);\r\n },\r\n\r\n initFrom() {\r\n " + " sysU.initSelect(app.data.selectOption);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reg" + "isterEvent: function () {\r\n\r\n },\r\n init: function () {\r\n " + " //var sendDataWhere = form.val(\"listForm\")\r\n app.methods.initTable(" + ");\r\n app.methods.initFrom();\r\n app.registerEvent();\r\n " + " }\r\n };\r\n app.init();\r\n});"); return this.GenerationEnvironment.ToString(); } } #line default #line hidden #region Base class /// <summary> /// Base class for this transformation /// </summary> [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating", "")] public class JavaScriptTemplateBase { #region Fields private global::System.Text.StringBuilder generationEnvironmentField; private global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection errorsField; private global::System.Collections.Generic.List<int> indentLengthsField; private string currentIndentField = ""; private bool endsWithNewline; private global::System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> sessionField; #endregion #region Properties /// <summary> /// The string builder that generation-time code is using to assemble generated output /// </summary> protected System.Text.StringBuilder GenerationEnvironment { get { if ((this.generationEnvironmentField == null)) { this.generationEnvironmentField = new global::System.Text.StringBuilder(); } return this.generationEnvironmentField; } set { this.generationEnvironmentField = value; } } /// <summary> /// The error collection for the generation process /// </summary> public System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection Errors { get { if ((this.errorsField == null)) { this.errorsField = new global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection(); } return this.errorsField; } } /// <summary> /// A list of the lengths of each indent that was added with PushIndent /// </summary> private System.Collections.Generic.List<int> indentLengths { get { if ((this.indentLengthsField == null)) { this.indentLengthsField = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List<int>(); } return this.indentLengthsField; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the current indent we use when adding lines to the output /// </summary> public string CurrentIndent { get { return this.currentIndentField; } } /// <summary> /// Current transformation session /// </summary> public virtual global::System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> Session { get { return this.sessionField; } set { this.sessionField = value; } } #endregion #region Transform-time helpers /// <summary> /// Write text directly into the generated output /// </summary> public void Write(string textToAppend) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToAppend)) { return; } // If we're starting off, or if the previous text ended with a newline, // we have to append the current indent first. if (((this.GenerationEnvironment.Length == 0) || this.endsWithNewline)) { this.GenerationEnvironment.Append(this.currentIndentField); this.endsWithNewline = false; } // Check if the current text ends with a newline if (textToAppend.EndsWith(global::System.Environment.NewLine, global::System.StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { this.endsWithNewline = true; } // This is an optimization. If the current indent is "", then we don't have to do any // of the more complex stuff further down. if ((this.currentIndentField.Length == 0)) { this.GenerationEnvironment.Append(textToAppend); return; } // Everywhere there is a newline in the text, add an indent after it textToAppend = textToAppend.Replace(global::System.Environment.NewLine, (global::System.Environment.NewLine + this.currentIndentField)); // If the text ends with a newline, then we should strip off the indent added at the very end // because the appropriate indent will be added when the next time Write() is called if (this.endsWithNewline) { this.GenerationEnvironment.Append(textToAppend, 0, (textToAppend.Length - this.currentIndentField.Length)); } else { this.GenerationEnvironment.Append(textToAppend); } } /// <summary> /// Write text directly into the generated output /// </summary> public void WriteLine(string textToAppend) { this.Write(textToAppend); this.GenerationEnvironment.AppendLine(); this.endsWithNewline = true; } /// <summary> /// Write formatted text directly into the generated output /// </summary> public void Write(string format, params object[] args) { this.Write(string.Format(global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, format, args)); } /// <summary> /// Write formatted text directly into the generated output /// </summary> public void WriteLine(string format, params object[] args) { this.WriteLine(string.Format(global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, format, args)); } /// <summary> /// Raise an error /// </summary> public void Error(string message) { System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error = new global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError(); error.ErrorText = message; this.Errors.Add(error); } /// <summary> /// Raise a warning /// </summary> public void Warning(string message) { System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error = new global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError(); error.ErrorText = message; error.IsWarning = true; this.Errors.Add(error); } /// <summary> /// Increase the indent /// </summary> public void PushIndent(string indent) { if ((indent == null)) { throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("indent"); } this.currentIndentField = (this.currentIndentField + indent); this.indentLengths.Add(indent.Length); } /// <summary> /// Remove the last indent that was added with PushIndent /// </summary> public string PopIndent() { string returnValue = ""; if ((this.indentLengths.Count > 0)) { int indentLength = this.indentLengths[(this.indentLengths.Count - 1)]; this.indentLengths.RemoveAt((this.indentLengths.Count - 1)); if ((indentLength > 0)) { returnValue = this.currentIndentField.Substring((this.currentIndentField.Length - indentLength)); this.currentIndentField = this.currentIndentField.Remove((this.currentIndentField.Length - indentLength)); } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// Remove any indentation /// </summary> public void ClearIndent() { this.indentLengths.Clear(); this.currentIndentField = ""; } #endregion #region ToString Helpers /// <summary> /// Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string. /// </summary> public class ToStringInstanceHelper { private System.IFormatProvider formatProviderField = global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; /// <summary> /// Gets or sets format provider to be used by ToStringWithCulture method. /// </summary> public System.IFormatProvider FormatProvider { get { return this.formatProviderField ; } set { if ((value != null)) { this.formatProviderField = value; } } } /// <summary> /// This is called from the compile/run appdomain to convert objects within an expression block to a string /// </summary> public string ToStringWithCulture(object objectToConvert) { if ((objectToConvert == null)) { throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("objectToConvert"); } System.Type t = objectToConvert.GetType(); System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod("ToString", new System.Type[] { typeof(System.IFormatProvider)}); if ((method == null)) { return objectToConvert.ToString(); } else { return ((string)(method.Invoke(objectToConvert, new object[] { this.formatProviderField }))); } } } private ToStringInstanceHelper toStringHelperField = new ToStringInstanceHelper(); /// <summary> /// Helper to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string /// </summary> public ToStringInstanceHelper ToStringHelper { get { return this.toStringHelperField; } } #endregion } #endregion }