L 1 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_Debug.c" N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * RL-ARM - TCPnet N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Name: NET_DEBUG.C N * Purpose: Debug Module N * Rev.: V4.71 N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * This code is part of the RealView Run-Time Library. N * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 KEIL - An ARM Company. All rights reserved. N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#include <Net_Config.h> L 1 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_Config.h" 1 N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * RL-ARM - TCPnet N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Name: NET_CONFIG.H N * Purpose: Common TCPnet Definitions N * Rev.: V4.73 N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * This code is part of the RealView Run-Time Library. N * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 KEIL - An ARM Company. All rights reserved. N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#ifndef __NET_CONFIG_H__ N#define __NET_CONFIG_H__ N N#include <RTL.h> L 1 "..\..\RL-ARM\RL-RTX\inc\RTL.h" 1 N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * RL-ARM - A P I N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Name: RTL.H N * Purpose: Application Programming Interface N * Rev.: V4.73 N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * This code is part of the RealView Run-Time Library. N * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 KEIL - An ARM Company. All rights reserved. N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#ifndef __RTL_H__ N#define __RTL_H__ N//#include "port.h" N/* RL-ARM version number. */ N#define __RL_ARM_VER 473 N N#define __task __declspec(noreturn) N#define __used __attribute__((used)) N N#ifndef NULL N #ifdef __cplusplus S #define NULL 0 N #else N #define NULL ((void *) 0) N #endif N#endif N N#ifndef EOF N #define EOF (-1) N#endif N N#ifndef __size_t N #define __size_t 1 N typedef unsigned int size_t; N#endif N Ntypedef signed char S8; Ntypedef unsigned char U8; Ntypedef short S16; Ntypedef unsigned short U16; Ntypedef int S32; Ntypedef unsigned int U32; Ntypedef long long S64; Ntypedef unsigned long long U64; Ntypedef unsigned char BIT; Ntypedef unsigned int BOOL; N N#ifndef __TRUE N #define __TRUE 1 N#endif N#ifndef __FALSE N #define __FALSE 0 N#endif N N#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN S #define U32_LE(v) (U32)(__rev(v)) S #define U16_LE(v) (U16)(__rev(v) >> 16) S #define U32_BE(v) (U32)(v) S #define U16_BE(v) (U16)(v) N#else N #define U32_BE(v) (U32)(__rev(v)) N #define U16_BE(v) (U16)(__rev(v) >> 16) N #define U32_LE(v) (U32)(v) N #define U16_LE(v) (U16)(v) N#endif N#define ntohs(v) U16_BE(v) N#define ntohl(v) U32_BE(v) N#define htons(v) ntohs(v) N#define htonl(v) ntohl(v) N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * RTX Kernel API N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#ifdef __cplusplus Sextern "C" { N#endif N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Flash File System API N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N/* File System Type */ Ntypedef enum _FS_TYPE { N FS_TYPE_NONE = 0, /* No file system (volume unformatted)*/ N FS_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* File system type is unknown */ N FS_TYPE_FAT12, /* File system type is FAT12 */ N FS_TYPE_FAT16, /* File system type is FAT16 */ N FS_TYPE_FAT32, /* File system type is FAT32 */ N FS_TYPE_EFS /* File system type is EFS */ N} FS_TYPE; N Ntypedef struct { /* RL Time format (FFS, TCPnet) */ N U8 hr; /* Hours [0..23] */ N U8 min; /* Minutes [0..59] */ N U8 sec; /* Seconds [0..59] */ N U8 day; /* Day [1..31] */ N U8 mon; /* Month [1..12] */ N U16 year; /* Year [1980..2107] */ N} RL_TIME; N Ntypedef struct { /* Search info record */ N S8 name[256]; /* Name */ N U32 size; /* File size in bytes */ N U16 fileID; /* System Identification */ N U8 attrib; /* Attributes */ N RL_TIME time; /* Create/Modify Time */ N} FINFO; N N/* Drive information */ Ntypedef struct { N FS_TYPE fs_type; /* Drives file system type */ N U64 capacity; /* Drives capacity in bytes */ N} Drive_INFO; N Nextern int finit (const char *drive); Nextern int funinit (const char *drive); Nextern int fdelete (const char *filename); Nextern int frename (const char *oldname, const char *newname); Nextern int ffind (const char *pattern, FINFO *info); Nextern U64 ffree (const char *drive); Nextern int fformat (const char *drive); Nextern int fanalyse (const char *drive); Nextern int fcheck (const char *drive); Nextern int fdefrag (const char *drive); Nextern int fattrib (const char *par, const char *path); Nextern int fvol (const char *drive, char *buf); Nextern int finfo (const char *drive, Drive_INFO *info); N N/* The following macros provide for common functions */ N#define unlink(fn) fdelete(fn); N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * TCPnet API N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N/* UDP Options */ N#define UDP_OPT_SEND_CS 0x01 /* Calculate Checksum for UDP send frames */ N#define UDP_OPT_CHK_CS 0x02 /* Verify Checksum for received UDP frames */ N N/* TCP Socket Types */ N#define TCP_TYPE_SERVER 0x01 /* Socket Type Server (open for listening) */ N#define TCP_TYPE_CLIENT 0x02 /* Socket Type Client (initiate connect) */ N#define TCP_TYPE_DELAY_ACK 0x04 /* Socket Type Delayed Acknowledge */ N#define TCP_TYPE_FLOW_CTRL 0x08 /* Socket Type Flow Control */ N#define TCP_TYPE_KEEP_ALIVE 0x10 /* Socket Type Keep Alive */ N#define TCP_TYPE_CLIENT_SERVER (TCP_TYPE_SERVER | TCP_TYPE_CLIENT) N N/* TCP Callback Events */ N#define TCP_EVT_CONREQ 0 /* Connect request received event */ N#define TCP_EVT_CONNECT 1 /* Connection established event */ N#define TCP_EVT_CLOSE 2 /* Connection was properly closed */ N#define TCP_EVT_ABORT 3 /* Connection is for some reason aborted */ N#define TCP_EVT_ACK 4 /* Previously send data acknowledged */ N#define TCP_EVT_DATA 5 /* Data received event */ N N/* TCP States */ N#define TCP_STATE_FREE 0 /* Entry is free and unused */ N#define TCP_STATE_CLOSED 1 /* Entry allocated, socket still closed */ N#define TCP_STATE_LISTEN 2 /* Socket waiting for incoming connection */ N#define TCP_STATE_SYN_REC 3 /* SYN frame received */ N#define TCP_STATE_SYN_SENT 4 /* SYN packet sent to establish a connect. */ N#define TCP_STATE_FINW1 5 /* Tcp_close started FIN packet was sent */ N#define TCP_STATE_FINW2 6 /* Our FIN ack-ed, waiting for remote FIN */ N#define TCP_STATE_CLOSING 7 /* Received FIN independently of our FIN */ N#define TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK 8 /* Waiting for last ACK for our FIN */ N#define TCP_STATE_TWAIT 9 /* Timed waiting for 2MSL */ N#define TCP_STATE_CONNECT 10 /* TCP Connection established */ N N/* BSD Socket Address Family */ N#define AF_UNSPEC 0 /* Unspecified */ N#define AF_INET 1 /* Internet Address Family (UDP, TCP) */ N#define AF_NETBIOS 2 /* NetBios-style addresses */ N N/* BSD Protocol families, same as address families */ N#define PF_UNSPEC AF_UNSPEC N#define PF_INET AF_INET N#define PF_NETBIOS AF_NETBIOS N N/* BSD Socket Type */ N#define SOCK_STREAM 1 /* Stream Socket (Connection oriented) */ N#define SOCK_DGRAM 2 /* Datagram Socket (Connectionless) */ N N/* BSD Socket Protocol */ N#define IPPROTO_TCP 1 /* TCP Protocol */ N#define IPPROTO_UDP 2 /* UDP Protocol */ N N/* BSD Internet Addresses */ N#define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000 /* All IP addresses accepted */ N#define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff /* No IP address accepted */ N N/* BSD Socket Return values */ N#define SCK_SUCCESS 0 /* Success */ N#define SCK_ERROR (-1) /* General Error */ N#define SCK_EINVALID (-2) /* Invalid socket descriptor */ N#define SCK_EINVALIDPARA (-3) /* Invalid parameter */ N#define SCK_EWOULDBLOCK (-4) /* It would have blocked. */ N#define SCK_EMEMNOTAVAIL (-5) /* Not enough memory in memory pool */ N#define SCK_ECLOSED (-6) /* Connection is closed or aborted */ N#define SCK_ELOCKED (-7) /* Socket is locked in RTX environment */ N#define SCK_ETIMEOUT (-8) /* Socket, Host Resolver timeout */ N#define SCK_EINPROGRESS (-9) /* Host Name resolving in progress */ N#define SCK_ENONAME (-10) /* Host Name not existing */ N N/* BSD Socket flags parameter */ N#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0x01 /* Enables non-blocking operation */ N#define MSG_PEEK 0x02 /* Peeks at the incoming data */ N N/* BSD Socket ioctl commands */ N#define FIONBIO 1 /* Set mode (blocking/non-blocking) */ N#define FIO_DELAY_ACK 2 /* Set DELAY_ACK mode for stream socket */ N#define FIO_KEEP_ALIVE 3 /* Set KEEP_ALIVE mode for stream socket */ N#define FIO_FLOW_CTRL 4 /* Set FLOW_CTRL mode for stream socket */ N N/* ICMP (ping) Callback Events */ N#define ICMP_EVT_SUCCESS 0 /* Pinged Host responded */ N#define ICMP_EVT_TIMEOUT 1 /* Timeout, no ping response received */ N N/* DNS Client Callback Events */ N#define DNS_EVT_SUCCESS 0 /* Host name successfully resolved */ N#define DNS_EVT_NONAME 1 /* DNS Error, no such name */ N#define DNS_EVT_TIMEOUT 2 /* Timeout resolving host */ N#define DNS_EVT_ERROR 3 /* Erroneous response packet */ N N/* DNS 'get_host_by_name()' result codes */ N#define DNS_RES_OK 0 /* Resolver successfully started */ N#define DNS_ERROR_BUSY 1 /* Resolver busy, can't process request */ N#define DNS_ERROR_LABEL 2 /* Label in Hostname not valid */ N#define DNS_ERROR_NAME 3 /* Entire Hostname not valid */ N#define DNS_ERROR_NOSRV 4 /* Prim. DNS server not specified (*/ N#define DNS_ERROR_PARAM 5 /* Invalid parameter */ N N/* SMTP Client Callback Events */ N#define SMTP_EVT_SUCCESS 0 /* Email successfully sent */ N#define SMTP_EVT_TIMEOUT 1 /* Timeout sending email */ N#define SMTP_EVT_ERROR 2 /* Error when sending email */ N N/* FTP Client Commands */ N#define FTPC_CMD_PUT 0 /* Puts a file on FTP server */ N#define FTPC_CMD_GET 1 /* Retrieves a file from FTP server */ N#define FTPC_CMD_APPEND 2 /* Append file on FTP server (with create) */ N#define FTPC_CMD_DELETE 3 /* Deletes a file on FTP server */ N#define FTPC_CMD_LIST 4 /* Lists files stored on FTP server */ N#define FTPC_CMD_RENAME 5 /* Renames a file on FTP server */ N#define FTPC_CMD_MKDIR 6 /* Makes a directory on FTP server */ N#define FTPC_CMD_RMDIR 7 /* Removes an empty directory on FTP server*/ N#define FTPC_CMD_NLIST 8 /* Lists file names only (short format) */ N N/* FTP Client Callback Events */ N#define FTPC_EVT_SUCCESS 0 /* File operation successful */ N#define FTPC_EVT_TIMEOUT 1 /* Timeout on file operation */ N#define FTPC_EVT_LOGINFAIL 2 /* Login error, username/passw invalid */ N#define FTPC_EVT_NOACCESS 3 /* File access not allowed */ N#define FTPC_EVT_NOTFOUND 4 /* File not found */ N#define FTPC_EVT_NOPATH 5 /* Working directory path not found */ N#define FTPC_EVT_ERRLOCAL 6 /* Local file open error */ N#define FTPC_EVT_ERROR 7 /* Generic FTP client error */ N N/* TFTP Client Callback Events */ N#define TFTPC_EVT_SUCCESS 0 /* File operation successful */ N#define TFTPC_EVT_TIMEOUT 1 /* Timeout on file operation */ N#define TFTPC_EVT_NOACCESS 2 /* File access not allowed */ N#define TFTPC_EVT_NOTFOUND 3 /* File not found */ N#define TFTPC_EVT_DISKFULL 4 /* Disk full (local or remote) */ N#define TFTPC_EVT_ERROR 5 /* Generic TFTP client error */ N N/* FTP Server Notification events */ N#define FTP_EVT_LOGIN 0 /* User logged in, session is busy */ N#define FTP_EVT_LOGOUT 1 /* User logged out, session is idle */ N#define FTP_EVT_LOGFAIL 2 /* User login failed (invalid credentials) */ N#define FTP_EVT_DOWNLOAD 3 /* File download ended */ N#define FTP_EVT_UPLOAD 4 /* File upload ended */ N#define FTP_EVT_DELETE 5 /* File deleted */ N#define FTP_EVT_RENAME 6 /* File or directory renamed */ N#define FTP_EVT_MKDIR 7 /* Directory created */ N#define FTP_EVT_RMDIR 8 /* Directory removed */ N#define FTP_EVT_ERRLOCAL 9 /* Local file operation error */ N#define FTP_EVT_DENIED 10 /* Requested file operation denied */ N#define FTP_EVT_ERROR 11 /* Generic file operation error */ N N/* ARP Cache Entry types */ N#define ARP_FIXED_IP 0 /* Fixed IP adrs is refreshed after tout */ N#define ARP_TEMP_IP 1 /* Temp adrs is removed after timeout */ N N/* BSD Socket typedef's */ Ntypedef struct sockaddr { /* << Generic Socket Address structure >> */ N U16 sa_family; /* Address family */ N char sa_data[14]; /* Direct address (up to 14 bytes) */ N} SOCKADDR; N N#pragma push N#pragma anon_unions N Ntypedef struct in_addr { /* << Generic IPv4 Address structure >> */ N union { N struct { N U8 s_b1,s_b2,s_b3,s_b4; /* IP address, byte access */ N }; N struct { N U16 s_w1,s_w2; /* IP address, short int access */ N }; N U32 s_addr; /* IP address in network byte order */ N }; N} IN_ADDR; N#pragma pop N Ntypedef struct sockaddr_in { /* << IPv4 Socket Address structure >> */ N S16 sin_family; /* Socket domain */ N U16 sin_port; /* Port */ N IN_ADDR sin_addr; /* IP address */ N S8 sin_zero[8]; /* reserved */ N} SOCKADDR_IN; N Ntypedef struct hostent { /* << BSD Host Entry structure >> */ N char *h_name; /* Official name of host */ N char **h_aliases; /* Pointer to an array of alias names */ N S16 h_addrtype; /* Address Type: AF_INET, AF_NETBIOS */ N S16 h_length; /* Length of address in bytes */ N char **h_addr_list; /* Pointer to an array of IPv4 addresses */ N} HOSTENT; N Nextern void init_TcpNet (void); Nextern BOOL main_TcpNet (void); Nextern void timer_tick (void); Nextern U8 udp_get_socket (U8 tos, U8 opt, N U16 (*listener)(U8 socket, U8 *remip, U16 port, U8 *buf, U16 len)); Nextern BOOL udp_release_socket (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL udp_open (U8 socket, U16 locport); Nextern BOOL udp_close (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL udp_mcast_ttl (U8 socket, U8 ttl); Nextern U8 *udp_get_buf (U16 size); Nextern BOOL udp_send (U8 socket, U8 *remip, U16 remport, U8 *buf, U16 dlen); Nextern U8 tcp_get_socket (U8 type, U8 tos, U16 tout, N U16 (*listener)(U8 socket, U8 event, U8 *buf, U16 len)); Nextern BOOL tcp_release_socket (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL tcp_listen (U8 socket, U16 locport); Nextern BOOL tcp_connect (U8 socket, U8 *remip, U16 remport, U16 locport); Nextern U8 *tcp_get_buf (U16 size); Nextern U16 tcp_max_dsize (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL tcp_check_send (U8 socket); Nextern U8 tcp_get_state (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL tcp_send (U8 socket, U8 *buf, U16 dlen); Nextern BOOL tcp_close (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL tcp_abort (U8 socket); Nextern void tcp_reset_window (U8 socket); Nextern BOOL arp_cache_ip (U8 *ipadr, U8 type); Nextern BOOL arp_cache_mac (U8 *hwadr); Nextern void ppp_listen (const char *user, const char *passw); Nextern void ppp_connect (const char *dialnum, const char *user, const char *passw); Nextern void ppp_close (void); Nextern BOOL ppp_is_up (void); Nextern void slip_listen (void); Nextern void slip_connect (const char *dialnum); Nextern void slip_close (void); Nextern BOOL slip_is_up (void); Nextern U8 get_host_by_name (U8 *hostn, void (*cbfunc)(U8 event, U8 *host_ip)); Nextern BOOL smtp_connect (U8 *ipadr, U16 port, void (*cbfunc)(U8 event)); Nextern void dhcp_disable (void); Nextern BOOL igmp_join (U8 *group_ip); Nextern BOOL igmp_leave (U8 *group_ip); Nextern BOOL snmp_trap (U8 *manager_ip, U8 gen_trap, U8 spec_trap, U16 *obj_list); Nextern BOOL snmp_set_community (const char *community); Nextern BOOL icmp_ping (U8 *remip, void (*cbfunc)(U8 event)); Nextern BOOL ftpc_connect (U8 *ipadr, U16 port, U8 command, void (*cbfunc)(U8 event)); Nextern BOOL tftpc_put (U8 *ipadr, U16 port, N const char *src, const char *dst, void (*cbfunc)(U8 event)); Nextern BOOL tftpc_get (U8 *ipadr, U16 port, N const char *src, const char *dst, void (*cbfunc)(U8 event)); Nextern BOOL sntp_get_time (U8 *ipadr, void (*cbfunc)(U32 utc_time)); Nextern void ftp_evt_notify (U8 evt); N N/* BSD Socket API */ Nextern int socket (int family, int type, int protocol); Nextern int bind (int sock, const SOCKADDR *addr, int addrlen); Nextern int listen (int sock, int backlog); Nextern int accept (int sock, SOCKADDR *addr, int *addrlen); Nextern int connect (int sock, SOCKADDR *addr, int addrlen); Nextern int send (int sock, const char *buf, int len, int flags); Nextern int sendto (int sock, const char *buf, int len, int flags, SOCKADDR *to, int tolen); Nextern int recv (int sock, char *buf, int len, int flags); Nextern int recvfrom (int sock, char *buf, int len, int flags, SOCKADDR *from, int *fromlen); Nextern int closesocket (int sock); Nextern int getpeername (int sock, SOCKADDR *name, int *namelen); Nextern int getsockname (int sock, SOCKADDR *name, int *namelen); Nextern int ioctlsocket (int sock, long cmd, unsigned long *argp); Nextern HOSTENT *gethostbyname (const char *name, int *err); N N#ifdef __cplusplus S} N#endif N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * end of file N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#endif N L 16 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_Config.h" 2 N N/* Definitions */ N#define ETH_ADRLEN 6 /* Ethernet Address Length in bytes */ N#define IP_ADRLEN 4 /* IP Address Length in bytes */ N#define OS_HEADER_LEN 4 /* TCPnet 'os_frame' header size */ N /* Frame Header length common for all */ N#define PHY_HEADER_LEN (2*ETH_ADRLEN + 2) /* network interfaces. */ N#define ETH_MTU 1514 /* Ethernet Frame Max Transfer Unit */ N#define PPP_PROT_IP 0x0021 /* PPP Protocol type: IP */ N#define TCP_DEF_WINSIZE 4380 /* TCP default window size */ N#define PASSW_SZ 20 /* Authentication Password Buffer size */ N N/* Network Interfaces */ N#define NETIF_ETH 0 /* Network interface: Ethernet */ N#define NETIF_PPP 1 /* Network interface: PPP */ N#define NETIF_SLIP 2 /* Network interface: Slip */ N#define NETIF_LOCAL 3 /* Network interface: Localhost (loopback) */ N#define NETIF_NULL 4 /* Network interface: Null (none) */ N N/* Telnet Definitions */ N#define TNET_LBUFSZ 96 /* Command Line buffer size (bytes) */ N#define TNET_HISTSZ 128 /* Command History buffer size (bytes) */ N#define TNET_FIFOSZ 128 /* Input character Fifo buffer (bytes) */ N N/* SNMP-MIB Definitions */ N#define MIB_INTEGER 0x02 /* MIB entry type INTEGER */ N#define MIB_OCTET_STR 0x04 /* MIB entry type OCTET_STRING */ N#define MIB_OBJECT_ID 0x06 /* MIB entry type OBJECT_IDENTIFIER */ N#define MIB_IP_ADDR 0x40 /* MIB entry type IP ADDRESS (U8[4]) */ N#define MIB_COUNTER 0x41 /* MIB entry type COUNTER (U32) */ N#define MIB_GAUGE 0x42 /* MIB entry type GAUGE (U32) */ N#define MIB_TIME_TICKS 0x43 /* MIB entry type TIME_TICKS */ N#define MIB_ATR_RO 0x80 /* MIB entry attribute READ_ONLY */ N#define MIB_OIDSZ 17 /* Max.size of Object ID value */ N#define MIB_STRSZ 110 /* Max.size of Octet String variable */ N#define MIB_READ 0 /* MIB entry Read access */ N#define MIB_WRITE 1 /* MIB entry Write access */ N N/* SNMP-MIB Macros */ N#define MIB_STR(s) sizeof(s)-1, s N#define MIB_INT(o) sizeof(o), (void *)&o N#define MIB_IP(ip) 4, (void *)&ip N#define OID0(f,s) (f*40 + s) N N/* Debug Module Definitions */ N#define MODULE_MEM 0 /* Dynamic Memory Module ID */ N#define MODULE_ETH 1 /* Ethernet Module ID */ N#define MODULE_PPP 2 /* PPP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_SLIP 3 /* SLIP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_ARP 4 /* ARP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_IP 5 /* IP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_ICMP 6 /* ICMP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_IGMP 7 /* IGMP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_UDP 8 /* UDP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_TCP 9 /* TCP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_NBNS 10 /* NBNS Module ID */ N#define MODULE_DHCP 11 /* DHCP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_DNS 12 /* DNS Module ID */ N#define MODULE_SNMP 13 /* SNMP Module ID */ N#define MODULE_BSD 14 /* BSD Socket Module ID */ N#define MODULE_HTTP 15 /* HTTP Server Module ID */ N#define MODULE_FTP 16 /* FTP Server Module ID */ N#define MODULE_FTPC 17 /* FTP Client Module ID */ N#define MODULE_TNET 18 /* Telnet Server Module ID */ N#define MODULE_TFTP 19 /* TFTP Server Module ID */ N#define MODULE_TFTPC 20 /* TFTP Client Module ID */ N#define MODULE_SMTP 21 /* SMTP Client Module ID */ N#define MODULE_SNTP 22 /* SNTP Client Module ID */ N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#ifdef __cplusplus Sextern "C" { N#endif N Ntypedef struct os_frame { /* << System frame buffer structure >> */ N U16 length; /* Total Length of data in frame */ N U16 index; /* Buffer Position Index */ N U8 data[1]; /* Buffer data (protocol headers + data) */ N} OS_FRAME; N Ntypedef struct arp_info { /* << ARP Cache Entry info >> */ N U8 State; /* ARP Cache entry current state */ N U8 Type; /* Cache Entry type */ N U8 Retries; /* Number of Retries left */ N U8 Tout; /* Cache Entry Timeout */ N U8 HwAdr[ETH_ADRLEN]; /* Ethernet Hardware Address */ X U8 HwAdr[6]; N U8 IpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Ethernet IP Address */ X U8 IpAdr[4]; N} ARP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct igmp_info { /* << IGMP Group info >> */ N U8 State; /* Group membership current state */ N U8 Tout; /* Timeout Timer for sending reports */ N U8 Flags; /* State machine flags */ N U8 GrpIpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Group IP address */ X U8 GrpIpAdr[4]; N} IGMP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct udp_info { /* << UDP Socket info >> */ N U8 State; /* UDP Socket entry current state */ N U8 Opt; /* UDP Socket Options */ N U8 Flags; /* State machine flags */ N U8 Tos; /* UDP Type of Service */ N U16 LocPort; /* Local UDP port of Socket */ N U8 McastTtl; /* MultiCast Time To Live */ N /* Application Event CallBack function */ N U16 (*cb_func)(U8 socket, U8 *rem_ip, U16 port, U8 *buf, U16 len); N} UDP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct tcp_info { /* << TCP Socket info >> */ N U8 State; /* Socket entry current state */ N U8 Type; /* Socket type */ N U8 Flags; /* State machine flags */ N U8 Tos; /* Type of service allocated */ N U8 RemIpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Remote IP address */ X U8 RemIpAdr[4]; N U16 RemPort; /* Remote TCP port */ N U16 LocPort; /* Local TCP port */ N U16 MaxSegSize; /* Transmit Max. Segment Size */ N U16 Tout; /* Socket idle timeout (in seconds) */ N U16 AliveTimer; /* Keep Alive timer */ N U16 RetryTimer; /* Retransmission timer */ N U8 AckTimer; /* Receive Delay-ack timer */ N U8 Id; /* Socket identification number */ N U8 Retries; /* Number of retries left before aborting */ N U8 DupAcks; /* Number of duplicate acks (fast recovery)*/ N U32 SendUna; /* Send Sequence Number unacknowledged */ N U32 SendNext; /* Next Send Sequence Number */ N U32 SendChk; /* Check Sequence Number for dupacks */ N U32 SendWl1; /* Sequence Number of last Window update */ N U32 SendWl2; /* Acknowledge Number of last Window update*/ N U16 SendWin; /* Current Send Window */ N S16 RttSa; /* Scaled Average for RTT estimator */ N S16 RttSv; /* Scaled deViation for RTT estimator */ N U16 CWnd; /* Congestion Window */ N U16 SsThresh; /* Slow Start Treshold */ N U16 RecWin; /* Current Receive Window */ N U32 RecNext; /* Next Receive Sequence Number */ N OS_FRAME *unack_list; /* Unacked queue list */ N /* Application Event-CallBack function */ N U16 (*cb_func)(U8 socket, U8 event, U8 *p1, U16 p2); N} TCP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct bsd_info { /* << BSD Socket info >> */ N U8 State; /* BSD Socket current state */ N U8 Socket; /* Binded TCP/UDP Socket */ N U8 Flags; /* Flags for Socket Option */ N U8 Type; /* Type of Socket (SOCK_DGRAM/SOCK_STREAM) */ N U16 LocPort; /* Bind local Port */ N U16 RemPort; /* Remote TCP/UDP Port */ N U32 LocIP; /* Bind local IP address (net byte order) */ N U32 RemIP; /* Remote IP address (net byte order) */ N U8 AcceptSock; /* Accept Socket list */ N U8 ParentSock; /* Parent (server) socket */ N U8 Event; /* Wait Event flags in RTX environment */ N U8 Task; /* Socket Owner Task */ N U16 Tout; /* Receive timer value */ N void *buf_list; /* Rx Data buffer chain */ N} BSD_INFO; N Ntypedef struct http_info { /* << HTTP Session info >> */ N U8 State; /* HTTP Session current state */ N U8 Socket; /* binded TCP Socket */ N U16 Flags; /* State machine Flags */ N U8 FType; /* File Type: html, jpeg, gif,... */ N U8 PostSt; /* POST method Processing Status */ N U16 DelimSz; /* Boundary delimiter size */ N U8 UserId; /* User Id (authentication enabled) */ N U32 CGIvar; /* CGI session private variable (cgi_func) */ N U32 DLen; /* Data length (number of bytes to send) */ N U32 Count; /* Total number of bytes sent */ N U16 BCnt; /* Number of bytes sent in last packet */ N U8 Lang[6]; /* Selected Web Language: en-us, de, fr .. */ N U32 LMDate; /* Last Modified Date (UTC format) */ N U8 *Script; /* Script Buffer pointer */ N U8 *pDelim; /* Multipart Boundary delimiter value */ N void *sFile; /* Script Interpreter File pointer */ N void *dFile; /* Data File pointer */ N} HTTP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct http_file { /* << HTTP Internal File info >> */ N U32 Id; /* File Name Id (CRC32 value of file name) */ N const U8 *Start; /* File Start Address in ROM */ N} const HTTP_FILE; N Ntypedef struct tnet_info { /* << Telnet Session info >> */ N U8 State; /* Telnet Session current state */ N U8 Socket; /* binded TCP Socket */ N U8 Flags; /* State machine Flags */ N U8 BCnt; /* Received Data byte count */ N U16 Tout; /* Timeout delay counter */ N U8 UserId; /* User Id (authentication enabled) */ N U8 Widx; /* Fifo buffer Write index */ N U8 Ridx; /* Fifo buffer Read index */ N U8 hNext; /* History command next position */ N U8 hCurr; /* History command current position */ N U32 SVar; /* Session private var. (tnet_process_cmd) */ N U8 LBuf[TNET_LBUFSZ]; /* Data Line Buffer */ X U8 LBuf[96]; N U8 Fifo[TNET_FIFOSZ]; /* Fifo Buffer for received line/keycodes */ X U8 Fifo[128]; N U8 Hist[TNET_HISTSZ]; /* Command History buffer */ X U8 Hist[128]; N} TNET_INFO; N Ntypedef struct tftp_info { /* << TFTP Session info >> */ N U8 State; /* TFTP Session current state */ N U8 Socket; /* binded UDP Data Socket */ N U8 Flags; /* State machine Flags */ N U8 Retries; /* Retry counter */ N U8 RemIpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Remote IP address */ X U8 RemIpAdr[4]; N U16 RemPort; /* Remote UDP port (TID) */ N U16 BlockSz; /* Transfer Block size */ N U16 BlockNr; /* Block Number */ N U8 Timer; /* Timeout Timer value */ N U16 BufLen; /* Length of retransmit buffer */ N U8 *Buf; /* Transmit/Retransmit buffer */ N void *File; /* File Handle pointer */ N} TFTP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct ftp_info { /* << FTP Session info >> */ N U8 State; /* FTP Session current state */ N U8 Socket; /* binded TCP Control Socket */ N U16 Flags; /* State machine Flags */ N U8 RemIpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Client IP address */ X U8 RemIpAdr[4]; N U16 DPort; /* TCP Data port (Server or Client) */ N U8 DSocket; /* TCP Data Socket */ N U8 UserId; /* User Id (authentication enabled) */ N U8 Resp; /* FTP Server Response Code */ N U8 PathLen; /* Size of the Path string */ N U8 *Path; /* Current Working Directory */ N U8 *Name; /* Absolute File/Folder Path Name */ N void *File; /* File Handle pointer */ N} FTP_INFO; N Ntypedef struct dns_cache { /* << DNS Cache Entry info >> */ N U32 HostId; /* Host Id (CRC32 value of host name) */ N U32 Ttl; /* Cache Entry Time To Live */ N U8 IpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Ethernet IP Address */ X U8 IpAdr[4]; N} DNS_CACHE; N Ntypedef struct localm { /* << Local Machine info >> */ N U8 IpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Local IP Address */ X U8 IpAdr[4]; N U8 DefGW[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Default GateWay */ X U8 DefGW[4]; N U8 NetMask[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Net Mask */ X U8 NetMask[4]; N U8 PriDNS[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Primary DNS Server */ X U8 PriDNS[4]; N U8 SecDNS[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Secondary DNS Server */ X U8 SecDNS[4]; N} LOCALM; N Ntypedef struct remotem { /* << Remote Machine Info >> */ N U8 IpAdr[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Remote IP address */ X U8 IpAdr[4]; N U8 HwAdr[ETH_ADRLEN]; /* Remote Hardware Address */ X U8 HwAdr[6]; N} REMOTEM; N Ntypedef struct mib_entry { /* << SNMP-MIB Entry Info >> */ N U8 Type; /* Object Type */ N U8 OidLen; /* Object ID length */ N U8 Oid[MIB_OIDSZ]; /* Object ID value */ X U8 Oid[17]; N U8 ValSz; /* Size of a Variable */ N void *Val; /* Pointer to a variable */ N void (*cb_func)(int mode); /* Write/Read event callback function */ N} MIB_ENTRY; N Ntypedef struct sys_cfg { /* << SYS Configuration info >> */ N U32 *MemPool; /* Dynamic Memory Pool buffer */ N U32 MemSize; /* Memory Pool size in bytes */ N U8 TickRate; /* Tick Rate in ticks per second */ N U8 TickItv; /* Tick Interval in ms */ N U8 T200ms; /* Delay 200 ms in ticks */ N U8 NetCfg; /* Network Interface Configuration flags */ N U8 *HostName; /* Local Host Name */ N} const SYS_CFG; N Ntypedef struct arp_cfg { /* << ARP Configuration info >> */ N ARP_INFO *Table; /* Cache Table array */ N U8 TabSize; /* Cache Table size */ N U8 TimeOut; /* Table Entry expiration time in seconds */ N U8 MaxRetry; /* Number of Retries to resolve MAC addr. */ N U8 Resend; /* Resend Timeout in seconds */ N U8 Notify; /* Notify on IP address changes */ N} const ARP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct igmp_cfg { /* << IGMP Configuration info >> */ N IGMP_INFO *Table; /* Group Table array */ N U16 TabSize; /* Group Table size */ N} const IGMP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct dhcp_cfg { /* << DHCP Configuration info >> */ N U8 *Vcid; /* Vendor Class Identifier */ N U8 Opt; /* Extra DHCP option flags */ N} const DHCP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct ppp_cfg { /* << PPP Configuration info >> */ N U32 ACCmap; /* Async Control Character map */ N U16 SerTout; /* Serial Frame Receive Timeout */ N U16 RetryTout; /* Retry Timeout in ticks */ N U16 EchoTout; /* LCP Echo Timeout in seconds */ N U8 MaxRetry; /* Number of Retries */ N U8 EnAuth; /* Enabled Authentication protocols */ N} const PPP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct udp_cfg { /* << UDP Configuration info >> */ N UDP_INFO *Scb; /* Socket Control Block array */ N U8 NumSocks; /* Number of UDP Sockets */ N} const UDP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct tcp_cfg { /* << TCP Configuration info >> */ N TCP_INFO *Scb; /* Socket Control Block array */ N U8 NumSocks; /* Number of TCP Sockets */ N U8 MaxRetry; /* Number of Retries */ N U16 RetryTout; /* Retry Timeout in ticks */ N U16 T2MSLTout; /* Maximum Segment Life Time */ N U16 SynRetryTout; /* SYN Retry Timeout in ticks */ N U16 InitRetryTout; /* Initial Retransmit timeout in ticks */ N U16 DefTout; /* Default Connect Timeout in seconds */ N U16 MaxSegSize; /* Maximum Segment Size value */ N U16 RecWinSize; /* Receiving Window Size in bytes */ N U8 ConRetry; /* Number of Retries to Connect */ N} const TCP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct http_cfg { /* << HTTP Configuration info >> */ N HTTP_INFO *Scb; /* Session Control Block array */ N U8 NumSess; /* Max. Number of Active Sessions */ N U8 EnAuth; /* Enable User Authentication */ N U16 PortNum; /* Listening Port number */ N U8 const *SrvId; /* Server-Id http header */ N U8 const *Realm; /* Authentication Realm */ N U8 const *User; /* Authentication User name */ N U8 *Passw; /* Authentication Password */ N} const HTTP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct tnet_cfg { /* << TNET Configuration info >> */ N TNET_INFO *Scb; /* Session Control Block array */ N U8 NumSess; /* Max. Number of Active Sessions */ N U8 EnAuth; /* Enable User Authentication */ N U8 NoEcho; /* Disable Server Echo mode */ N U16 PortNum; /* Listening Port number */ N U16 IdleTout; /* Idle Connection timeout in ticks */ N U8 const *User; /* Authentication User Name */ N U8 *Passw; /* Authentication Password */ N} const TNET_CFG; N Ntypedef struct tftp_cfg { /* << TFTP Configuration info >> */ N TFTP_INFO *Scb; /* Session Control Block array */ N U8 NumSess; /* Max. Number of Active Sessions */ N U8 MaxRetry; /* Number of Retries */ N U16 PortNum; /* Listening Port number */ N U8 DefTout; /* Inactive Session Timeout in seconds */ N U8 EnFwall; /* Enable Firewall Support */ N} const TFTP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct tftpc_cfg { /* << TFTPC Configuration info >> */ N U16 BlockSize; /* Transfer Block size */ N U16 RetryTout; /* Retry Timeout in ticks */ N U8 MaxRetry; /* Number of Retries */ N} const TFTPC_CFG; N Ntypedef struct ftp_cfg { /* << FTP Configuration info >> */ N FTP_INFO *Scb; /* Session Control Block array */ N U8 NumSess; /* Max. Number of Active Sessions */ N U8 EnAuth; /* Enable User Authentication */ N U16 PortNum; /* Listening Port number */ N U16 IdleTout; /* Idle Connection timeout in ticks */ N U8 MsgLen; /* Length of welcome message */ N U8 const *Msg; /* Server Welcome message */ N U8 const *User; /* Authentication User Name */ N U8 *Passw; /* Authentication Password */ N} const FTP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct ftpc_cfg { /* << FTPC Configuration info >> */ N U8 DefTout; /* Default inactivity timeout */ N U8 PasvMode; /* FTP Passive Mode used */ N} const FTPC_CFG; N Ntypedef struct dns_cfg { /* << DNS Configuration info >> */ N DNS_CACHE *Table; /* Cache Table array */ N U8 TabSize; /* Cache Table size */ N} const DNS_CFG; N Ntypedef struct snmp_cfg { /* << SNMP Configuration info >> */ N U16 PortNum; /* Listening Port number */ N U16 TrapPort; /* Trap Port number */ N U8 TrapIp[IP_ADRLEN]; /* Trap Server IP Address */ X U8 TrapIp[4]; N U8 const *Community; /* Community Name */ N U8 TickItv; /* Tick Interval in ticks */ N} const SNMP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct sntp_cfg { /* << SNTP Configuration info >> */ N U8 SrvIp[IP_ADRLEN]; /* NTP/SNTP Server IP Address */ X U8 SrvIp[4]; N U8 Bcast; /* Broadcast client mode (for LAN only) */ N} const SNTP_CFG; N Ntypedef struct bsd_cfg { /* << BSD Configuration info >> */ N BSD_INFO *Scb; /* Socket Control Block array */ N U8 NumSocks; /* Number of BSD Sockets */ N U8 InRtx; /* Running in RTX environment */ N U16 RcvTout; /* Blocking recv timeout in ticks */ N} const BSD_CFG; N Ntypedef enum { /* << Fatal System Error Codes >> */ N ERR_MEM_ALLOC, /* Alloc memory failed, out of memory */ N ERR_MEM_FREE, /* Free memory failed, memory slot invalid */ N ERR_MEM_CORRUPT, /* Memory corruption detected */ N ERR_MEM_LOCK, /* Locked memory function re-entered error */ N ERR_UDP_ALLOC, /* No free UDP sockets available */ N ERR_TCP_ALLOC, /* No free TCP sockets available */ N ERR_TCP_STATE /* TCP socket in undefined state */ N} ERROR_CODE; N N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Functions N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N/* Net_Config.c */ Nextern void init_system (void); Nextern void run_system (void); Nextern void sys_error (ERROR_CODE code); N N/* at_Mem.c */ Nextern OS_FRAME *alloc_mem (U32 byte_size); Nextern void free_mem (OS_FRAME *mem_ptr); N N/* at_Ethernet.c */ Nextern void eth_init_link (void); Nextern void eth_run_link (void); Nextern void put_in_queue (OS_FRAME *frame); Nextern BOOL eth_send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame); Nextern BOOL eth_chk_adr (OS_FRAME *frame); Nextern U8 *eth_get_adr (U8 *ipadr); N N/* at_Ppp.c */ Nextern void ppp_init_link (void); Nextern void ppp_run_link (void); Nextern BOOL ppp_send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame, U16 prot); N N/* at_Ppp_Pap.c */ Nextern void pap_init (void); Nextern void pap_process (OS_FRAME *frame); Nextern void pap_run (void); N N/* at_Ppp_Chap.c */ Nextern void chap_init (void); Nextern void chap_process (OS_FRAME *frame); Nextern void chap_run (void); N N/* at_Slip.c */ Nextern void slip_init_link (void); Nextern void slip_run_link (void); Nextern BOOL slip_send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame); N N/* at_Lib.c */ Nextern int mem_copy (void *dp, void *sp, int len); Nextern void mem_rcopy (void *dp, void *sp, int len); Nextern BOOL mem_comp (void *sp1, void *sp2, int len); Nextern void mem_set (void *dp, U8 val, int len); Nextern BOOL mem_test (void *sp, U8 val, int len); Nextern BOOL str_scomp (U8 *sp, U8 const *cp); Nextern int str_copy (U8 *dp, U8 *sp); Nextern void str_up_case (U8 *dp, U8 *sp); N N/* at_Arp.c */ Nextern void arp_notify (void); Nextern BOOL arp_get_info (REMOTEM *info); N N/* at_Ip.c */ Nextern void ip_init (void); Nextern void ip_run_local (void); N N/* at_Dhcp.c */ Nextern void dhcp_cbfunc (U8 opt, U8 *val, U16 len); N N/* at_Icmp.c */ Nextern void icmp_init (void); Nextern void icmp_run_engine (void); N N/* at_Igmp.c */ Nextern void igmp_init (void); Nextern void igmp_run_host (void); Nextern void igmp_process (OS_FRAME *frame); N N/* at_Udp.c */ Nextern void udp_init (void); Nextern void udp_process (OS_FRAME *frame); N N/* at_Tcp.c */ Nextern void tcp_init (void); Nextern void tcp_poll_sockets (void); Nextern void tcp_process (OS_FRAME *frame); N N/* at_Bsd.c */ Nextern void bsd_init (void); Nextern void bsd_poll_sockets (void); Nextern U8 bsd_wait (BSD_INFO *bsd_s, U8 evt); Nextern void bsd_enable (BSD_INFO *bsd_s, U8 evt); N N/* at_Bsd_Host.c */ Nextern void bsd_init_host (void); N N/* at_Http.c */ Nextern void http_init (void); Nextern void http_run_server (void); Nextern void *http_fopen (U8 *name); Nextern void http_fclose (void *file); Nextern U16 http_fread (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern BOOL http_fgets (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 size); Nextern U32 http_finfo (U8 *name); Nextern void cgi_process_var (U8 *qstr); Nextern void cgi_process_data (U8 code, U8 *dat, U16 len); Nextern U16 cgi_func (U8 *env, U8 *buf, U16 buflen, U32 *pcgi); Nextern U8 *cgx_content_type (void); Nextern U8 *http_encoding (void); Nextern BOOL http_accept_host (U8 *rem_ip, U16 rem_port); Nextern BOOL http_file_access (U8 *fname, U8 user_id); Nextern U8 http_check_account (U8 *user, U8 *passw); Nextern U8 *http_get_var (U8 *env, void *ansi, U16 maxlen); Nextern U8 *http_get_lang (void); Nextern void http_get_info (REMOTEM *info); Nextern U8 http_get_session (void); Nextern U8 http_get_user_id (void); Nextern U8 *http_get_content_type (void); Nextern U32 http_date (RL_TIME *time); N N/* at_Telnet.c */ Nextern void tnet_init (void); Nextern void tnet_run_server (void); Nextern U16 tnet_cbfunc (U8 code, U8 *buf, U16 buflen); Nextern U16 tnet_process_cmd (U8 *cmd, U8 *buf, U16 buflen, U32 *pvar); Nextern BOOL tnet_ccmp (U8 *buf, U8 *cmd); Nextern void tnet_set_delay (U16 dly); Nextern void tnet_get_info (REMOTEM *info); Nextern U8 tnet_get_session (void); Nextern U8 tnet_get_user_id (void); Nextern BOOL tnet_msg_poll (U8 session); Nextern BOOL tnet_accept_host (U8 *rem_ip, U16 rem_port); Nextern U8 tnet_check_account (U8 code, U8 *id); N N/* at_Tftp.c */ Nextern void tftp_init (void); Nextern void tftp_run_server (void); Nextern void *tftp_fopen (U8 *fname, U8 *mode); Nextern void tftp_fclose (void *file); Nextern U16 tftp_fread (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern U16 tftp_fwrite (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern BOOL tftp_accept_host (U8 *rem_ip, U16 rem_port); N N/* at_Tftpc.c */ Nextern void tftpc_init (void); Nextern void tftpc_run_client (void); Nextern void *tftpc_fopen (U8 *fname, U8 *mode); Nextern void tftpc_fclose (void *file); Nextern U16 tftpc_fread (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern U16 tftpc_fwrite (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); N N/* at_Ftp.c */ Nextern void ftp_init (void); Nextern void ftp_run_server (void); Nextern void *ftp_fopen (U8 *fname, U8 *mode); Nextern void ftp_fclose (void *file); Nextern U16 ftp_fread (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern U16 ftp_fwrite (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern BOOL ftp_fdelete (U8 *fname); Nextern BOOL ftp_frename (U8 *fname, U8 *newn); Nextern U16 ftp_ffind (U8 code, U8 *buf, U8 *mask, U16 len); Nextern BOOL ftp_accept_host (U8 *rem_ip, U16 rem_port); Nextern U8 ftp_check_account (U8 code, U8 *id); Nextern U8 ftp_get_user_id (void); Nextern BOOL ftp_file_access (U8 *fname, U8 mode, U8 user_id); Nextern void ftp_evt_notify (U8 evt); N N/* at_Ftpc.c */ Nextern void ftpc_init (void); Nextern void ftpc_run_client (void); Nextern void *ftpc_fopen (U8 *mode); Nextern void ftpc_fclose (void *file); Nextern U16 ftpc_fread (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern U16 ftpc_fwrite (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len); Nextern U16 ftpc_cbfunc (U8 code, U8 *buf, U16 buflen); N N/* at_Dhcp.c */ Nextern void dhcp_init (void); Nextern void dhcp_run_client (void); N#define init_dhcp dhcp_init N N/* at_Nbns.c */ Nextern void nbns_init (void); N N/* at_Dns.c */ Nextern void dns_init (void); Nextern void dns_run_client (void); Nextern U8 get_host_by_name (U8 *hostn, void (*cbfunc)(U8, U8 *)); N N/* at_Smtp.c */ Nextern void smtp_init (void); Nextern void smtp_run_client (void); Nextern U16 smtp_cbfunc (U8 code, U8 *buf, U16 buflen, U32 *pvar); Nextern BOOL smtp_accept_auth (U8 *srv_ip); N N/* at_Snmp.c */ Nextern void snmp_init (void); Nextern void snmp_run_agent (void); N N/* at_Sntp.c */ Nextern void sntp_init (void); Nextern void sntp_run_client (void); N N/* Ethernet Device Driver */ Nextern void init_ethernet (void); Nextern void send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame); N__weak void poll_ethernet (void); Nextern void int_enable_eth (void); Nextern void int_disable_eth (void); N N/* Serial Device Driver */ Nextern void init_serial (void); Nextern int com_getchar (void); Nextern BOOL com_putchar (U8 c); Nextern BOOL com_tx_active (void); N N/* Modem Device Driver */ Nextern void modem_init (void); Nextern void modem_dial (U8 *dialnum); Nextern void modem_hangup (void); Nextern void modem_listen (void); Nextern BOOL modem_online (void); Nextern BOOL modem_process (U8 ch); Nextern void modem_run (void); N N#ifdef __cplusplus S} N#endif N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * end of file N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#endif N L 13 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_Debug.c" 2 N N//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ----------------- N N// <q>Print Time Stamp N// =================== N// <i> Enable printing the time-info in debug messages N#define DBG_TIME 1 N N// <h>TCPnet Debug Definitions N// =========================== N// <o>Memory Management Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Dynamic Memory debug messages N#define DBG_MEM 0 N N// <o>Ethernet Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Ethernet debug messages N#define DBG_ETH 0 N N// <o>PPP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off PPP debug messages N#define DBG_PPP 0 N N// <o>SLIP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off SLIP debug messages N#define DBG_SLIP 0 N N// <o>ARP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off ARP debug messages N#define DBG_ARP 0 N N// <o>IP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off IP debug messages N#define DBG_IP 0 N N// <o>ICMP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off ICMP debug messages N#define DBG_ICMP 0 N N// <o>IGMP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off IGMP debug messages N#define DBG_IGMP 0 N N// <o>UDP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off UDP debug messages N#define DBG_UDP 0 N N// <o>TCP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off TCP debug messages N#define DBG_TCP 0 N N// <o>NBNS Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off NetBIOS Name Service debug messages N#define DBG_NBNS 0 N N// <o>DHCP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Dynamic Host Configuration debug messages N#define DBG_DHCP 0 N N// <o>DNS Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Domain Name Service debug messages N#define DBG_DNS 0 N N// <o>SNMP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Simple Network Management debug messages N#define DBG_SNMP 0 N N// <o>SNTP Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Simple Network Time debug messages N#define DBG_SNTP 0 N N// <o>BSD Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off BSD Interface debug messages N#define DBG_BSD 0 N N// </h> N// <h>Application Debug Definitions N// ================================ N// <o>HTTP Server Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Web Server debug messages N#define DBG_HTTP 0 N N// <o>FTP Server Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off FTP Server debug messages N#define DBG_FTP 0 N N// <o>FTP Client Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off FTP Client debug messages N#define DBG_FTPC 0 N N// <o>Telnet Server Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off Telnet Server debug messages N#define DBG_TNET 0 N N// <o>TFTP Server Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off TFTP Server debug messages N#define DBG_TFTP 0 N N// <o>TFTP Client Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off TFTP Client debug messages N#define DBG_TFTPC 0 N N// <o>SMTP Client Debug <0=> Off <1=> Errors only <2=> Full debug N// <i> Turn On/Off SMTP Client debug messages N#define DBG_SMTP 0 N N// </h> N N//------------- <<< end of configuration section >>> ----------------------- N N N/*--------------------------- init_debug ------------------------------------*/ N Nvoid init_debug (void) { N /* Add your code to initialize the Debug output. This is usually the */ N /* serial interface. The function is called at TCPnet system startup. */ N /* You may need to customize also the 'putchar()' function. */ N N} N N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * TCPnet Debug Functions N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#define __NET_DEBUG__ N N#include <Net_lib.c> L 1 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_lib.c" 1 N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * RL-ARM - TCPnet N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Name: NET_LIB.C N * Purpose: TCPnet System Configuration N * Rev.: V4.72 N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * This code is part of the RealView Run-Time Library. N * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 KEIL - An ARM Company. All rights reserved. N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#pragma thumb N#pragma O3 N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Library for Net_Config.c N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#ifdef __NET_CONFIG__ S S#if (__RTX) S #include "os.h" S#endif S S/* Non-Critical Net_Config.c upgrade */ S#ifndef HTTP_SRVID S #define HTTP_SRVID "" S#endif S#ifndef FTP_WELMSG S #define FTP_WELMSG "" S#endif S#ifndef DHCP_VCID S #define DHCP_VCID "" S#endif S#ifndef DHCP_BOOTF S #define DHCP_BOOTF 0 S#endif S#ifndef DHCP_NTPSRV S #define DHCP_NTPSRV 0 S#endif S#ifndef TNET_NOECHO S #define TNET_NOECHO 0 S#endif S#ifndef TFTP_ENFWALL S #define TFTP_ENFWALL 0 S#endif S#ifndef TCP_MAXSEGSZ S #define TCP_MAXSEGSZ 1460 S#endif S#ifndef TCP_RECWINSZ S #define TCP_RECWINSZ TCP_DEF_WINSIZE S#endif S S#define TICK_RATE (1000 / TICK_INTERVAL) S S/* Some configuration error checking. */ S#if !(SLIP_ENABLE || PPP_ENABLE || ETH_ENABLE) S #error All network interfaces disabled in configuration S#endif S S#if (SLIP_ENABLE && PPP_ENABLE) S #error Both SLIP and PPP interfaces enabled S#endif S S/* Check TCP Socket enable. */ S#if (!TCP_ENABLE & (BSD_ENABLE | HTTP_ENABLE | TNET_ENABLE | FTP_ENABLE | \ S FTPC_ENABLE | SMTP_ENABLE)) X#if (!TCP_ENABLE & (BSD_ENABLE | HTTP_ENABLE | TNET_ENABLE | FTP_ENABLE | FTPC_ENABLE | SMTP_ENABLE)) S #error Application needs TCP Sockets enabled S#endif S S/* Check UDP Socket enable */ S#if (!UDP_ENABLE & (BSD_ENABLE | TFTP_ENABLE | DNS_ENABLE | SNMP_ENABLE | \ S SNTP_ENABLE | ((DHCP_ENABLE | NBNS_ENABLE) & ETH_ENABLE))) X#if (!UDP_ENABLE & (BSD_ENABLE | TFTP_ENABLE | DNS_ENABLE | SNMP_ENABLE | SNTP_ENABLE | ((DHCP_ENABLE | NBNS_ENABLE) & ETH_ENABLE))) S #error Application needs UDP Sockets enabled S#endif S S/* Check number of TCP sockets available. */ S#define __TCPNS ((BSD_ENABLE * BSD_NUMSOCKS) + \ S (HTTP_ENABLE * HTTP_NUMSESS) + \ S (TNET_ENABLE * TNET_NUMSESS) + \ S (FTP_ENABLE * FTP_NUMSESS*2) + \ S (FTPC_ENABLE * 2) + \ S (SMTP_ENABLE * 1)) X#define __TCPNS ((BSD_ENABLE * BSD_NUMSOCKS) + (HTTP_ENABLE * HTTP_NUMSESS) + (TNET_ENABLE * TNET_NUMSESS) + (FTP_ENABLE * FTP_NUMSESS*2) + (FTPC_ENABLE * 2) + (SMTP_ENABLE * 1)) S S#if (__TCPNS > TCP_NUMSOCKS) S #error Number of TCP Sockets too small S#endif S S/* Calculate number of UDP sockets needed for TFTP server. */ S#if (TFTP_ENFWALL) S #define __TFTP_NSOCKS 1 S#else S #define __TFTP_NSOCKS (1 + TFTP_NUMSESS) S#endif S S/* Check number of UDP sockets available. */ S#define __UDPNS ((BSD_ENABLE * BSD_NUMSOCKS) + \ S (TFTP_ENABLE * __TFTP_NSOCKS) + \ S (TFTPC_ENABLE* 1) + \ S (DNS_ENABLE * 1) + \ S (SNMP_ENABLE * 1) + \ S (SNTP_ENABLE * 1) + \ S (DHCP_ENABLE * ETH_ENABLE) + \ S (NBNS_ENABLE * ETH_ENABLE)) X#define __UDPNS ((BSD_ENABLE * BSD_NUMSOCKS) + (TFTP_ENABLE * __TFTP_NSOCKS) + (TFTPC_ENABLE* 1) + (DNS_ENABLE * 1) + (SNMP_ENABLE * 1) + (SNTP_ENABLE * 1) + (DHCP_ENABLE * ETH_ENABLE) + (NBNS_ENABLE * ETH_ENABLE)) S S#if (__UDPNS > UDP_NUMSOCKS) S #error Number of UDP Sockets too small S#endif S S/* Check BSD Server sockets */ S#if (BSD_ENABLE && (BSD_SRVSOCKS > BSD_NUMSOCKS)) S #error Number of BSD Server sockets too large S#endif S S/* Check BSD Hostname resolver */ S#if (BSD_ENABLE && BSD_GETHOSTEN && !DNS_ENABLE) S #error BSD Hostname resolver needs DNS enabled S#endif S S/* Check PPP Authentication protocols */ S#if (PPP_ENABLE && PPP_AUTHEN && !(PPP_PAPEN | PPP_CHAPEN)) S #error PPP Authentication needs PAP or/and CHAP enabled S#endif S S/* Check Net_Config.c version */ S#if (TNET_ENABLE && !defined(TNET_IDLETOUT)) || \ S (FTP_ENABLE && !defined(FTP_IDLETOUT)) || \ S (PPP_ENABLE && (defined(_ACCM1) || defined(LCP_MAXRETRY))) X#if (TNET_ENABLE && !defined(TNET_IDLETOUT)) || (FTP_ENABLE && !defined(FTP_IDLETOUT)) || (PPP_ENABLE && (defined(_ACCM1) || defined(LCP_MAXRETRY))) S #error Net_Config.c too old, needs update S#endif S S/* Check Maximum Segment Size of TCP Socket */ S#if (TCP_ENABLE && ((TCP_MAXSEGSZ < 536) || (TCP_MAXSEGSZ > 1460))) S #error TCP Maximum Segment Size out of range S#endif S S/* Check Receive Window Size of TCP Socket */ S#if (TCP_ENABLE && (TCP_RECWINSZ < TCP_MAXSEGSZ)) S #error TCP Receive Window Size too small S#endif S S/* Check Block Size of TFTP Server */ S#if (TFTPC_ENABLE && ((TFTPC_BLOCKSZ < 128) || (TFTPC_BLOCKSZ > 1428))) S #error TFTP Client Block Size out of range S#endif S S/* Local Machine info */ SLOCALM const nlocalm[3] = { S /* Ethernet: Local IP address */ S#if (ETH_ENABLE) S {{_IP1,_IP2,_IP3,_IP4}, S /* Default Gateway IP address */ S {_GW1,_GW2,_GW3,_GW4}, S /* Subnet IP Mask */ S {_MSK1,_MSK2,_MSK3,_MSK4}, S /* Primary DNS Server IP */ S {_pDNS1,_pDNS2,_pDNS3,_pDNS4}, S /* Secondary DNS Server IP */ S {_sDNS1,_sDNS2,_sDNS3,_sDNS4}}, S#else S {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0}}, S#endif S /* PPP: Local IP address */ S#if (PPP_ENABLE) S {{_IP1P,_IP2P,_IP3P,_IP4P}, S /* Default Gateway IP address */ S {0,0,0,0}, S /* Subnet IP Mask */ S {_MSK1P,_MSK2P,_MSK3P,_MSK4P}, S /* Primary DNS Server IP */ S {_pDNS1P,_pDNS2P,_pDNS3P,_pDNS4P}, S /* Secondary DNS Server IP */ S {_sDNS1P,_sDNS2P,_sDNS3P,_sDNS4P}}, S#else S {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0}}, S#endif S /* SLIP: Local IP address */ S#if (SLIP_ENABLE) S {{_IP1S,_IP2S,_IP3S,_IP4S}, S /* Default Gateway IP address */ S {0,0,0,0}, S /* Subnet IP Mask */ S {_MSK1S,_MSK2S,_MSK3S,_MSK4S}, S /* Primary DNS Server IP */ S {_pDNS1S,_pDNS2S,_pDNS3S,_pDNS4S}, S /* Secondary DNS Server IP */ S {_sDNS1S,_sDNS2S,_sDNS3S,_sDNS4S}} S#else S {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0}}, S#endif S}; S/* System configuration */ Sstatic U32 mem_pool[MEM_SIZE]; S U8 lhost_name[16] = LHOST_NAME; SSYS_CFG sys_config = { S mem_pool, S sizeof (mem_pool), S TICK_RATE, S TICK_INTERVAL, S TICK_RATE / 5, S (PPP_GETIP<<5 | SLIP_DEFGW<<4 | PPP_DEFGW<<3 | S SLIP_ENABLE<<2 | PPP_ENABLE<<1 | ETH_ENABLE), S lhost_name S}; S/* Ethernet network interface */ S#if (ETH_ENABLE) S static ARP_INFO arp_table[ARP_TABSIZE]; S U8 own_hw_adr[ETH_ADRLEN] = {_MAC1,_MAC2,_MAC3,_MAC4,_MAC5,_MAC6}; S ARP_CFG arp_config = { S arp_table, S ARP_TABSIZE, S ARP_TIMEOUT, S ARP_MAXRETRY, S ARP_RESEND, S ARP_NOTIFY S }; S#endif S#if (PPP_ENABLE) S PPP_CFG ppp_config = { S PPP_ACCM, S 5 * TICK_RATE, S PPP_RETRYTOUT * TICK_RATE, S PPP_ECHOTOUT, S PPP_MAXRETRY, S ((PPP_CHAPEN << 1) | PPP_PAPEN) * PPP_AUTHEN S }; S#endif S#if (SLIP_ENABLE) S U16 const slip_SerTout = 5 * TICK_RATE; S#endif S#if (ETH_ENABLE && IGMP_ENABLE) S static IGMP_INFO igmp_table[IGMP_TABSIZE]; S IGMP_CFG igmp_config = { S igmp_table, S IGMP_TABSIZE, S }; S#endif S#if (ETH_ENABLE && DHCP_ENABLE) S DHCP_CFG dhcp_config = { S DHCP_VCID, S (DHCP_NTPSRV << 1) | DHCP_BOOTF S }; S#endif S#if (UDP_ENABLE) S static UDP_INFO udp_scb[UDP_NUMSOCKS]; S UDP_CFG udp_config = { S udp_scb, S UDP_NUMSOCKS, S }; S#endif S#if (TCP_ENABLE) S static TCP_INFO tcp_scb[TCP_NUMSOCKS]; S TCP_CFG tcp_config = { S tcp_scb, S TCP_NUMSOCKS, S TCP_MAXRETRY, S TCP_RETRYTOUT * TICK_RATE, S (200 + TICK_INTERVAL - 1) / TICK_INTERVAL, S TCP_SYN_RETRY_TOUT * TICK_RATE, S TCP_INIT_RETRY_TOUT * TICK_RATE, S TCP_DEFTOUT, S TCP_MAXSEGSZ, S TCP_RECWINSZ, S TCP_CONRETRY S }; S#endif S#if (HTTP_ENABLE) S static HTTP_INFO http_scb[HTTP_NUMSESS]; S static U8 http_passw[PASSW_SZ] = HTTP_AUTHPASSW; S HTTP_CFG http_config = { S http_scb, S HTTP_NUMSESS, S HTTP_ENAUTH, S HTTP_PORTNUM, S HTTP_SRVID, S #if (HTTP_ENAUTH) S HTTP_AUTHREALM, S HTTP_AUTHUSER, S http_passw S #else S "","","" S #endif S }; S#endif S#if (TNET_ENABLE) S static TNET_INFO tnet_scb[TNET_NUMSESS]; S static U8 tnet_passw[PASSW_SZ] = TNET_AUTHPASSW; S TNET_CFG tnet_config = { S tnet_scb, S TNET_NUMSESS, S TNET_ENAUTH, S TNET_NOECHO, S TNET_PORTNUM, S TNET_IDLETOUT, S #if (TNET_ENAUTH) S TNET_AUTHUSER, S tnet_passw S #else S "","" S #endif S }; S#endif S#if (TFTP_ENABLE) S static TFTP_INFO tftp_scb[TFTP_NUMSESS]; S TFTP_CFG tftp_config = { S &tftp_scb[0], S TFTP_NUMSESS, S TFTP_MAXRETRY, S TFTP_PORTNUM, S TFTP_DEFTOUT, S TFTP_ENFWALL S }; S#endif S#if (TFTPC_ENABLE) S TFTPC_CFG tftpc_config = { S TFTPC_BLOCKSZ, S (TFTPC_RETRYTO * TICK_RATE + 5) / 10, S TFTPC_MAXRETRY S }; S#endif S#if (FTP_ENABLE) S static FTP_INFO ftp_scb[FTP_NUMSESS]; S static U8 ftp_passw[PASSW_SZ] = FTP_AUTHPASSW; S #define _LS(s) sizeof(s)-1,s S FTP_CFG ftp_config = { S ftp_scb, S FTP_NUMSESS, S FTP_ENAUTH, S FTP_PORTNUM, S FTP_IDLETOUT, S _LS(FTP_WELMSG), S #if (FTP_ENAUTH) S FTP_AUTHUSER, S ftp_passw S #else S "","" S #endif S }; S#endif S#if (FTPC_ENABLE) S FTPC_CFG ftpc_config = { S FTPC_DEFTOUT, S FTPC_PASVMODE S }; S#endif S#if (DNS_ENABLE) S static DNS_CACHE dns_table[DNS_TABSIZE]; SDNS_CFG dns_config = { S dns_table, S DNS_TABSIZE S }; S#endif S#if (SMTP_ENABLE) S U8 const smtp_DefTout = SMTP_DEFTOUT; S#endif S#if (SNMP_ENABLE) S SNMP_CFG snmp_config = { S SNMP_PORTNUM, S SNMP_TRAPPORT, S { SNMP_TRAPIP1, SNMP_TRAPIP2, SNMP_TRAPIP3, SNMP_TRAPIP4 }, S SNMP_COMMUNITY, S TICK_INTERVAL / 5 S }; S#endif S#if (SNTP_ENABLE) S SNTP_CFG sntp_config = { S { SNTP_SRVIP1, SNTP_SRVIP2, SNTP_SRVIP3, SNTP_SRVIP4 }, S SNTP_BCMODE S }; S#endif S#if (BSD_ENABLE) S static BSD_INFO bsd_scb[BSD_NUMSOCKS + BSD_SRVSOCKS]; S #ifdef __RTX S OS_MUTEX bsd_mutex; S OS_SEM bsd_sem; S #define BSD_INRTX __TRUE S #else S #define BSD_INRTX __FALSE S #endif S BSD_CFG bsd_config = { S bsd_scb, S BSD_NUMSOCKS + BSD_SRVSOCKS, S BSD_INRTX, S BSD_RCVTOUT * TICK_RATE S }; S#endif S S/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- S * Library Interface S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ S S S/*--------------------------- init_system -----------------------------------*/ S Svoid init_system (void) { S /* Initialize configured interfaces and applications. */ S S#if (ETH_ENABLE) S eth_init_link (); S#endif S#if (PPP_ENABLE) S ppp_init_link (); S#endif S#if (SLIP_ENABLE) S slip_init_link (); S#endif S ip_init (); S icmp_init (); S#if (ETH_ENABLE && IGMP_ENABLE) S igmp_init (); S#endif S#if (UDP_ENABLE) S udp_init (); S#endif S#if (TCP_ENABLE) S tcp_init (); S#endif S#if (BSD_ENABLE) S bsd_init (); S #if (BSD_GETHOSTEN) S bsd_init_host (); S #endif S#endif S#if (HTTP_ENABLE) S http_init (); S#endif S#if (TNET_ENABLE) S tnet_init (); S#endif S#if (TFTP_ENABLE) S tftp_init (); S#endif S#if (TFTPC_ENABLE) S tftpc_init (); S#endif S#if (FTP_ENABLE) S ftp_init (); S#endif S#if (FTPC_ENABLE) S ftpc_init (); S#endif S#if (ETH_ENABLE && NBNS_ENABLE) S nbns_init (); S#endif S#if (ETH_ENABLE && DHCP_ENABLE) S dhcp_init (); S#elif (ETH_ENABLE) S arp_notify (); S#endif S#if (DNS_ENABLE) S dns_init (); S#endif S#if (SMTP_ENABLE) S smtp_init (); S#endif S#if (SNMP_ENABLE) S snmp_init (); S#endif S#if (SNTP_ENABLE) S sntp_init (); S#endif S S#if (BSD_ENABLE && __RTX) S { S OS_ERR err; S OSMutexCreate(&bsd_mutex, S "BSD Mutex", S &err); S S OSSemCreate((OS_SEM *)&bsd_sem, S (CPU_CHAR *)"BSD Sem", S (OS_SEM_CTR )0, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S } S#endif S} S S S/*--------------------------- run_system ------------------------------------*/ S Svoid run_system (void) { S /* Run configured interfaces and applications. */ S S#if (BSD_ENABLE && __RTX) S OS_ERR err; S OSMutexPend((OS_MUTEX *)&bsd_mutex, S (OS_TICK )0, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING, S (CPU_TS )0, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S#endif S S#if (ETH_ENABLE) S eth_run_link (); S#endif S#if (PPP_ENABLE) S ppp_run_link (); S#endif S#if (SLIP_ENABLE) S slip_run_link (); S#endif S ip_run_local (); S icmp_run_engine (); S#if (ETH_ENABLE && IGMP_ENABLE) S igmp_run_host (); S#endif S#if (TCP_ENABLE) S tcp_poll_sockets (); S#endif S#if (BSD_ENABLE) S bsd_poll_sockets (); S#endif S#if (HTTP_ENABLE) S http_run_server (); S#endif S#if (TNET_ENABLE) S tnet_run_server (); S#endif S#if (TFTP_ENABLE) S tftp_run_server (); S#endif S#if (TFTPC_ENABLE) S tftpc_run_client (); S#endif S#if (FTP_ENABLE) S ftp_run_server (); S#endif S#if (FTPC_ENABLE) S ftpc_run_client (); S#endif S#if (ETH_ENABLE && DHCP_ENABLE) S dhcp_run_client (); S#endif S#if (DNS_ENABLE) S dns_run_client (); S#endif S#if (SMTP_ENABLE) S smtp_run_client (); S#endif S#if (SNMP_ENABLE) S snmp_run_agent (); S#endif S#if (SNTP_ENABLE) S sntp_run_client (); S#endif S S#if (BSD_ENABLE && __RTX) S OSMutexPost((OS_MUTEX *)&bsd_mutex, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_POST_1, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S#endif S} S S S/*--------------------------- bsd_suspend/resume ----------------------------*/ S S#if (BSD_ENABLE && __RTX) S__used void bsd_suspend (U8 *tsk_id) { S OS_ERR err; S S /* Suspend a socket owner task. */ S OSMutexPost((OS_MUTEX *)&bsd_mutex, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_POST_1, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S S OSSemPend((OS_SEM *)&bsd_sem, S (OS_TICK )0, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING, S (CPU_TS )0, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S S OSMutexPend((OS_MUTEX *)&bsd_mutex, S (OS_TICK )0, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING, S (CPU_TS )0, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S} S S__used void bsd_resume (U8 tsk_id) { S /* Resume a task waiting for a socket event. */ S OS_ERR err; S S OSSemPost((OS_SEM *)&bsd_sem, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_POST_1, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S} S#endif S S S/*--------------------------- bsd_lock/unlock -------------------------------*/ S S#if (BSD_ENABLE && __RTX) S__used void bsd_lock (void) { S /* Acquire mutex - Lock TCPnet functions. */ S OS_ERR err; S S OSMutexPend((OS_MUTEX *)&bsd_mutex, S (OS_TICK )0, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING, S (CPU_TS )0, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S} S S__used void bsd_unlock (void) { S /* Release mutex - Unlock TCPnet functions. */ S OS_ERR err; S S OSMutexPost((OS_MUTEX *)&bsd_mutex, S (OS_OPT )OS_OPT_POST_1, S (OS_ERR *)&err); S} S#endif S S S/*--------------------------- size optimization -----------------------------*/ S S#if !(ETH_ENABLE) S/* Empty functions when Ethernet Interface is disabled. */ SBOOL eth_chk_adr (OS_FRAME *frame) { return (__FALSE); } SU8 *eth_get_adr (U8 *ipadr) { return (NULL); } SBOOL eth_send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame){ return (__FALSE); } S#endif S S#if !(ETH_ENABLE && IGMP_ENABLE) S/* Empty functions when IP Multicasting is not enabled. */ SBOOL igmp_is_member (U8 *ipadr) { return (__FALSE); } Svoid igmp_process (OS_FRAME *frame) { ; } S#endif S S#if (ETH_ENABLE && !DHCP_ENABLE) S/* Empty function when DHCP not enabled. */ Svoid dhcp_disable (void) { ; } S#endif S S#if !(PPP_ENABLE) S/* Empty function when PPP Interface is disabled. */ SBOOL ppp_send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame, U16 prot) { return (__FALSE); } S#endif S S#if (PPP_ENABLE && !(PPP_AUTHEN && PPP_PAPEN)) S/* Empty functions when PAP authentication not enabled. */ Svoid pap_init (void) { ; } Svoid pap_run (void) { ; } Svoid pap_process (OS_FRAME *frame) { ; } S#endif S S#if (PPP_ENABLE && !(PPP_AUTHEN && PPP_CHAPEN)) S/* Empty functions when CHAP authentication not enabled. */ Svoid chap_init (void) { ; } Svoid chap_run (void) { ; } Svoid chap_process (OS_FRAME *frame) { ; } S#endif S S#if !(SLIP_ENABLE) S/* Empty function when SLIP Interface is disabled. */ SBOOL slip_send_frame (OS_FRAME *frame) { return (__FALSE); } S#endif S S#if !(UDP_ENABLE) S/* Empty function when UDP socket not enabled. */ Svoid udp_process (OS_FRAME *frame) { ; } S#endif S S#if !(TCP_ENABLE) S/* Empty function when TCP socket not enabled. */ Svoid tcp_process (OS_FRAME *frame) { ; } S#endif S S#if !(SNTP_ENABLE) S/* Empty function when SNTP not enabled. */ SBOOL sntp_get_time (U8 *ipadr, void (*cbfunc)(U32)) { return(__FALSE); } S#endif S S#if (BSD_ENABLE && !__RTX) S/* Empty functions for non RTX environment. */ S__used U8 bsd_wait (BSD_INFO *bsd_s, U8 evt) { return (0);} S__used void bsd_enable (BSD_INFO *bsd_s, U8 evt) { ; } S#endif S N#endif /* __NET_CONFIG__ */ N N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * Library for Net_Debug.c N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ N N#ifdef __NET_DEBUG__ N N/* Non-Critical Net_Debug.c upgrade */ N#ifndef DBG_TIME S #define DBG_TIME 1 N#endif N#ifdef DBG_APP S #define DBG_HTTP DBG_APP S #define DBG_FTP DBG_APP S #define DBG_FTPC DBG_APP S #define DBG_TNET DBG_APP S #define DBG_TFTP DBG_APP S #define DBG_TFTPC DBG_APP S #define DBG_SMTP DBG_APP N#endif N N#include <stdarg.h> L 1 "C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin\..\include\stdarg.h" 1 N/* stdarg.h: ANSI 'C' (X3J11 Oct 88) library header, section 4.8 */ N/* Copyright (C) Codemist Ltd., 1988 */ N/* Copyright (C) ARM Ltd., 1991-1999. All rights reserved */ N N/* N * RCS $Revision$ N * Checkin $Date$ N * Revising $Author: agrant $ N */ N N#ifndef __stdarg_h N#define __stdarg_h N#define __ARMCLIB_VERSION 5060037 N N #ifndef __STDARG_DECLS N #define __STDARG_DECLS N N #undef __CLIBNS N N #ifdef __cplusplus S namespace std { S #define __CLIBNS ::std:: S extern "C" { N #else N #define __CLIBNS N #endif /* __cplusplus */ N N/* N * stdarg.h declares a type and defines macros for advancing through a N * list of arguments whose number and types are not known to the called N * function when it is translated. A function may be called with a variable N * number of arguments of differing types. Its parameter list contains one or N * more parameters. The rightmost parameter plays a special role in the access N * mechanism, and will be called parmN in this description. N */ N N/* N.B. <stdio.h> is required to declare vfprintf() without defining */ N/* va_list. Clearly the type __va_list there must keep in step. */ N#ifdef __clang__ S typedef __builtin_va_list va_list; S #define va_start(ap, param) __builtin_va_start(ap, param) S #define va_end(ap) __builtin_va_end(ap) S #define va_arg(ap, type) __builtin_va_arg(ap, type) S #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199900L || __cplusplus >= 201103L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) S #define va_copy(dest, src) __builtin_va_copy(dest, src) S #endif N#else N #ifdef __TARGET_ARCH_AARCH64 S typedef struct __va_list { S void *__stack; S void *__gr_top; S void *__vr_top; S int __gr_offs; S int __vr_offs; S } va_list; N #else N typedef struct __va_list { void *__ap; } va_list; N #endif N /* N * an array type suitable for holding information needed by the macro va_arg N * and the function va_end. The called function shall declare a variable N * (referred to as ap) having type va_list. The variable ap may be passed as N * an argument to another function. N * Note: va_list is an array type so that when an object of that type N * is passed as an argument it gets passed by reference. N */ N #define va_start(ap, parmN) __va_start(ap, parmN) N N /* N * The va_start macro shall be executed before any access to the unnamed N * arguments. The parameter ap points to an object that has type va_list. N * The va_start macro initialises ap for subsequent use by va_arg and N * va_end. The parameter parmN is the identifier of the rightmost parameter N * in the variable parameter list in the function definition (the one just N * before the '...'). If the parameter parmN is declared with the register N * storage class an error is given. N * If parmN is a narrow type (char, short, float) an error is given in N * strict ANSI mode, or a warning otherwise. N * Returns: no value. N */ N #define va_arg(ap, type) __va_arg(ap, type) N N /* N * The va_arg macro expands to an expression that has the type and value of N * the next argument in the call. The parameter ap shall be the same as the N * va_list ap initialised by va_start. Each invocation of va_arg modifies N * ap so that successive arguments are returned in turn. The parameter N * 'type' is a type name such that the type of a pointer to an object that N * has the specified type can be obtained simply by postfixing a * to N * 'type'. If type is a narrow type, an error is given in strict ANSI N * mode, or a warning otherwise. If the type is an array or function type, N * an error is given. N * In non-strict ANSI mode, 'type' is allowed to be any expression. N * Returns: The first invocation of the va_arg macro after that of the N * va_start macro returns the value of the argument after that N * specified by parmN. Successive invocations return the values of N * the remaining arguments in succession. N * The result is cast to 'type', even if 'type' is narrow. N */ N N#define __va_copy(dest, src) ((void)((dest) = (src))) N N#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && 199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__) || (defined(__cplusplus) && 201103L <= __cplusplus) X#if !0L || (1L && 199901L <= 199901L) || (0L && 201103L <= __cplusplus) N /* va_copy is in C99 and non-strict C90 and non-strict C++ N * __va_copy is always present. N */ N #define va_copy(dest, src) ((void)((dest) = (src))) N N /* The va_copy macro makes the va_list dest be a copy of N * the va_list src, as if the va_start macro had been applied N * to it followed by the same sequence of uses of the va_arg N * macro as had previously been used to reach the present state N * of src. N */ N#endif N N#define va_end(ap) __va_end(ap) N /* N * The va_end macro facilitates a normal return from the function whose N * variable argument list was referenced by the expansion of va_start that N * initialised the va_list ap. If the va_end macro is not invoked before N * the return, the behaviour is undefined. N * Returns: no value. N */ N#endif /* __clang__ */ N N #ifdef __cplusplus S } /* extern "C" */ S } /* namespace std */ N #endif /* __cplusplus */ N N #ifdef __GNUC__ S /* be cooperative with glibc */ S typedef __CLIBNS va_list __gnuc_va_list; S #define __GNUC_VA_LIST S #undef __need___va_list N #endif N N #endif /* __STDARG_DECLS */ N N #ifdef __cplusplus S #ifndef __STDARG_NO_EXPORTS S using ::std::va_list; S #endif N #endif /* __cplusplus */ N#endif N N/* end of stdarg.h */ N L 704 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_lib.c" 2 N#include <stdio.h> L 1 "C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin\..\include\stdio.h" 1 N/* stdio.h: ANSI 'C' (X3J11 Oct 88) library header, section 4.9 */ N/* Copyright (C) Codemist Ltd., 1988-1993 */ N/* Copyright 1991-1998 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. */ N N/* N * RCS $Revision$ N * Checkin $Date$ N * Revising $Author: sdouglas $ N */ N N/* N * stdio.h declares two types, several macros, and many functions for N * performing input and output. For a discussion on Streams and Files N * refer to sections 4.9.2 and 4.9.3 in the above ANSI draft, or to a N * modern textbook on C. N */ N N#ifndef __stdio_h N#define __stdio_h N#define __ARMCLIB_VERSION 5060037 N N/* N * Depending on compiler version __int64 or __INT64_TYPE__ should be defined. N */ N#ifndef __int64 N #ifdef __INT64_TYPE__ S #define __int64 __INT64_TYPE__ N #endif N /* On some architectures neither of these may be defined - if so, fall N through and error out if used. */ N#endif N N N#define _ARMABI __declspec(__nothrow) N N #ifndef __STDIO_DECLS N #define __STDIO_DECLS N N #undef __CLIBNS N #ifdef __cplusplus S namespace std { S #define __CLIBNS ::std:: S extern "C" { N #else /* ndef __cplusplus */ N #define __CLIBNS N #endif /* ndef __cplusplus */ N N#if defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || !defined(__size_t) X#if 0L || !0L || !1L N /* always defined in C++ and non-strict C for consistency of debug info */ N #if __sizeof_ptr == 8 X #if 4 == 8 S typedef unsigned long size_t; /* see <stddef.h> */ N #else N typedef unsigned int size_t; /* see <stddef.h> */ N #endif N #if !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) X #if !0L && 0L S #define __size_t 1 N #endif N#endif N N#undef NULL N#define NULL 0 /* see <stddef.h> */ N N/* ANSI forbids va_list to be defined here */ N/* keep in step with <stdarg.h> and <wchar.h> */ N#if !defined(__va_list) && (defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || !defined(__va_list_defined)) X#if !0L && (0L || !0L || !0L) N/* always defined in C++ and non-strict C for consistency of debug info */ N #ifdef __clang__ S typedef __builtin_va_list __va_list; N #else N typedef struct __va_list __va_list; N #endif N #if !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) X #if !0L && 0L S #define __va_list_defined 1 N #endif N#endif N N /* N * If the compiler supports signalling nans as per N965 then it N * will define __SUPPORT_SNAN__, in which case a user may define N * _WANT_SNAN in order to obtain compliant versions of the printf N * and scanf families of functions N */ N#if defined(__SUPPORT_SNAN__) && defined(_WANT_SNAN) X#if 0L && 0L S#pragma import(__use_snan) N#endif N Ntypedef struct __fpos_t_struct { N unsigned __int64 __pos; N /* N * this structure is equivalent to an mbstate_t, but we're not N * allowed to actually define the type name `mbstate_t' within N * stdio.h N */ N struct { N unsigned int __state1, __state2; N } __mbstate; N} fpos_t; N /* N * fpos_t is an object capable of recording all information needed to N * specify uniquely every position within a file. N */ N N#define _SYS_OPEN 16 N /* _SYS_OPEN defines a limit on the number of open files that is imposed N * by this C library N */ N Ntypedef struct __FILE FILE; N /* N * FILE is an object capable of recording all information needed to control N * a stream, such as its file position indicator, a pointer to its N * associated buffer, an error indicator that records whether a read/write N * error has occurred and an end-of-file indicator that records whether the N * end-of-file has been reached. N * Its structure is not made known to library clients. N */ N N#if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && !__FILE_INCOMPLETE X#if 0L && !__FILE_INCOMPLETE Sstruct __FILE { S union { S long __FILE_alignment; S#ifdef __TARGET_ARCH_AARCH64 S char __FILE_size[136]; S#else /* __TARGET_ARCH_AARCH64 */ S char __FILE_size[84]; S#endif /* __TARGET_ARCH_AARCH64 */ S } __FILE_opaque; S}; S /* S * FILE must be an object type (C99 - 7.19.1) and an object type fully S * describes an object [including its static size] (C99 - 6.2.5). S * This definition is a placeholder which matches the struct __FILE in S * size and alignment as used internally by libc. S */ N#endif N N Nextern FILE __stdin, __stdout, __stderr; Nextern FILE *__aeabi_stdin, *__aeabi_stdout, *__aeabi_stderr; N N#if _AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL != 0 || (!defined _AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL && __DEFAULT_AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL != 0) X#if _AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL != 0 || (!0L && __DEFAULT_AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL != 0) S#define stdin (__CLIBNS __aeabi_stdin) S /* pointer to a FILE object associated with standard input stream */ S#define stdout (__CLIBNS __aeabi_stdout) S /* pointer to a FILE object associated with standard output stream */ S#define stderr (__CLIBNS __aeabi_stderr) S /* pointer to a FILE object associated with standard error stream */ Sextern const int __aeabi_IOFBF; S#define _IOFBF (__CLIBNS __aeabi_IOFBF) Sextern const int __aeabi_IONBF; S#define _IONBF (__CLIBNS __aeabi_IONBF) Sextern const int __aeabi_IOLBF; S#define _IOLBF (__CLIBNS __aeabi_IOLBF) Sextern const int __aeabi_BUFSIZ; S#define BUFSIZ (__CLIBNS __aeabi_BUFSIZ) Sextern const int __aeabi_FOPEN_MAX; S#define FOPEN_MAX (__CLIBNS __aeabi_FOPEN_MAX) Sextern const int __aeabi_TMP_MAX; S#define TMP_MAX (__CLIBNS __aeabi_TMP_MAX) Sextern const int __aeabi_FILENAME_MAX; S#define FILENAME_MAX (__CLIBNS __aeabi_FILENAME_MAX) Sextern const int __aeabi_L_tmpnam; S#define L_tmpnam (__CLIBNS __aeabi_L_tmpnam) N#else N#define stdin (&__CLIBNS __stdin) N /* pointer to a FILE object associated with standard input stream */ N#define stdout (&__CLIBNS __stdout) N /* pointer to a FILE object associated with standard output stream */ N#define stderr (&__CLIBNS __stderr) N /* pointer to a FILE object associated with standard error stream */ N N#define _IOFBF 0x100 /* fully buffered IO */ N#define _IOLBF 0x200 /* line buffered IO */ N#define _IONBF 0x400 /* unbuffered IO */ N N /* Various default file IO buffer sizes */ N#define BUFSIZ (512) /* system buffer size (as used by setbuf) */ N N#define FOPEN_MAX _SYS_OPEN N /* N * an integral constant expression that is the minimum number of files that N * this implementation guarantees can be open simultaneously. N */ N N#define FILENAME_MAX 256 N /* N * an integral constant expression that is the size of an array of char N * large enough to hold the longest filename string N */ N#define L_tmpnam FILENAME_MAX N /* N * an integral constant expression that is the size of an array of char N * large enough to hold a temporary file name string generated by the N * tmpnam function. N */ N#define TMP_MAX 256 N /* N * an integral constant expression that is the minimum number of unique N * file names that shall be generated by the tmpnam function. N */ N N#endif N N#define EOF (-1) N /* N * negative integral constant, indicates end-of-file, that is, no more input N * from a stream. N */ N N#define SEEK_SET 0 /* start of stream (see fseek) */ N#define SEEK_CUR 1 /* current position in stream (see fseek) */ N#define SEEK_END 2 /* end of stream (see fseek) */ N N /* N * _IOBIN is the flag passed to _sys_write to denote a binary N * file. N */ N#define _IOBIN 0x04 /* binary stream */ N N#define __STDIN_BUFSIZ (64) /* default stdin buffer size */ N#define __STDOUT_BUFSIZ (64) /* default stdout buffer size */ N#define __STDERR_BUFSIZ (16) /* default stderr buffer size */ N Nextern _ARMABI int remove(const char * /*filename*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int remove(const char * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * causes the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename to be N * removed. Subsequent attempts to open the file will fail, unless it is N * created anew. If the file is open, the behaviour of the remove function N * is implementation-defined. N * Returns: zero if the operation succeeds, nonzero if it fails. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int rename(const char * /*old*/, const char * /*new*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int rename(const char * , const char * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * causes the file whose name is the string pointed to by old to be N * henceforth known by the name given by the string pointed to by new. The N * file named old is effectively removed. If a file named by the string N * pointed to by new exists prior to the call of the rename function, the N * behaviour is implementation-defined. N * Returns: zero if the operation succeeds, nonzero if it fails, in which N * case if the file existed previously it is still known by its N * original name. N */ Nextern _ARMABI FILE *tmpfile(void); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) FILE *tmpfile(void); N /* N * creates a temporary binary file that will be automatically removed when N * it is closed or at program termination. The file is opened for update. N * Returns: a pointer to the stream of the file that it created. If the file N * cannot be created, a null pointer is returned. N */ Nextern _ARMABI char *tmpnam(char * /*s*/); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) char *tmpnam(char * ); N /* N * generates a string that is not the same as the name of an existing file. N * The tmpnam function generates a different string each time it is called, N * up to TMP_MAX times. If it is called more than TMP_MAX times, the N * behaviour is implementation-defined. N * Returns: If the argument is a null pointer, the tmpnam function leaves N * its result in an internal static object and returns a pointer to N * that object. Subsequent calls to the tmpnam function may modify N * the same object. if the argument is not a null pointer, it is N * assumed to point to an array of at least L_tmpnam characters; N * the tmpnam function writes its result in that array and returns N * the argument as its value. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI int fclose(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fclose(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * causes the stream pointed to by stream to be flushed and the associated N * file to be closed. Any unwritten buffered data for the stream are N * delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; any unread N * buffered data are discarded. The stream is disassociated from the file. N * If the associated buffer was automatically allocated, it is deallocated. N * Returns: zero if the stream was succesfully closed, or nonzero if any N * errors were detected or if the stream was already closed. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int fflush(FILE * /*stream*/); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fflush(FILE * ); N /* N * If the stream points to an output or update stream in which the most N * recent operation was output, the fflush function causes any unwritten N * data for that stream to be delivered to the host environment to be N * written to the file. If the stream points to an input or update stream, N * the fflush function undoes the effect of any preceding ungetc operation N * on the stream. N * Returns: nonzero if a write error occurs. N */ Nextern _ARMABI FILE *fopen(const char * __restrict /*filename*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) FILE *fopen(const char * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*mode*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * opens the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename, and N * associates a stream with it. N * The argument mode points to a string beginning with one of the following N * sequences: N * "r" open text file for reading N * "w" create text file for writing, or truncate to zero length N * "a" append; open text file or create for writing at eof N * "rb" open binary file for reading N * "wb" create binary file for writing, or truncate to zero length N * "ab" append; open binary file or create for writing at eof N * "r+" open text file for update (reading and writing) N * "w+" create text file for update, or truncate to zero length N * "a+" append; open text file or create for update, writing at eof N * "r+b"/"rb+" open binary file for update (reading and writing) N * "w+b"/"wb+" create binary file for update, or truncate to zero length N * "a+b"/"ab+" append; open binary file or create for update, writing at eof N * N * Opening a file with read mode ('r' as the first character in the mode N * argument) fails if the file does not exist or cannot be read. N * Opening a file with append mode ('a' as the first character in the mode N * argument) causes all subsequent writes to be forced to the current end of N * file, regardless of intervening calls to the fseek function. In some N * implementations, opening a binary file with append mode ('b' as the N * second or third character in the mode argument) may initially position N * the file position indicator beyond the last data written, because of the N * NUL padding. N * When a file is opened with update mode ('+' as the second or third N * character in the mode argument), both input and output may be performed N * on the associated stream. However, output may not be directly followed N * by input without an intervening call to the fflush fuction or to a file N * positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or rewind), and input be not be N * directly followed by output without an intervening call to the fflush N * fuction or to a file positioning function, unless the input operation N * encounters end-of-file. Opening a file with update mode may open or N * create a binary stream in some implementations. When opened, a stream N * is fully buffered if and only if it does not refer to an interactive N * device. The error and end-of-file indicators for the stream are N * cleared. N * Returns: a pointer to the object controlling the stream. If the open N * operation fails, fopen returns a null pointer. N */ Nextern _ARMABI FILE *freopen(const char * __restrict /*filename*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) FILE *freopen(const char * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*mode*/, N FILE * __restrict /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2,3))); N /* N * opens the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename and N * associates the stream pointed to by stream with it. The mode argument is N * used just as in the fopen function. N * The freopen function first attempts to close any file that is associated N * with the specified stream. Failure to close the file successfully is N * ignored. The error and end-of-file indicators for the stream are cleared. N * Returns: a null pointer if the operation fails. Otherwise, freopen N * returns the value of the stream. N */ Nextern _ARMABI void setbuf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) void setbuf(FILE * __restrict , N char * __restrict /*buf*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * Except that it returns no value, the setbuf function is equivalent to the N * setvbuf function invoked with the values _IOFBF for mode and BUFSIZ for N * size, or (if buf is a null pointer), with the value _IONBF for mode. N * Returns: no value. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int setvbuf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int setvbuf(FILE * __restrict , N char * __restrict /*buf*/, N int /*mode*/, size_t /*size*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * may be used after the stream pointed to by stream has been associated N * with an open file but before it is read or written. The argument mode N * determines how stream will be buffered, as follows: _IOFBF causes N * input/output to be fully buffered; _IOLBF causes output to be line N * buffered (the buffer will be flushed when a new-line character is N * written, when the buffer is full, or when input is requested); _IONBF N * causes input/output to be completely unbuffered. If buf is not the null N * pointer, the array it points to may be used instead of an automatically N * allocated buffer (the buffer must have a lifetime at least as great as N * the open stream, so the stream should be closed before a buffer that has N * automatic storage duration is deallocated upon block exit). The argument N * size specifies the size of the array. The contents of the array at any N * time are indeterminate. N * Returns: zero on success, or nonzero if an invalid value is given for N * mode or size, or if the request cannot be honoured. N */ N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int fprintf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fprintf(FILE * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * writes output to the stream pointed to by stream, under control of the N * string pointed to by format that specifies how subsequent arguments are N * converted for output. If there are insufficient arguments for the format, N * the behaviour is undefined. If the format is exhausted while arguments N * remain, the excess arguments are evaluated but otherwise ignored. The N * fprintf function returns when the end of the format string is reached. N * The format shall be a multibyte character sequence, beginning and ending N * in its initial shift state. The format is composed of zero or more N * directives: ordinary multibyte characters (not %), which are copied N * unchanged to the output stream; and conversion specifiers, each of which N * results in fetching zero or more subsequent arguments. Each conversion N * specification is introduced by the character %. For a description of the N * available conversion specifiers refer to section in the ANSI N * draft mentioned at the start of this file or to any modern textbook on C. N * The minimum value for the maximum number of characters producable by any N * single conversion is at least 509. N * Returns: the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an N * output error occurred. N */ N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _fprintf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _fprintf(FILE * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to fprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of fprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as fprintf. N */ N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int printf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int printf(const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to fprintf with the argument stdout interposed before the N * arguments to printf. N * Returns: the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an N * output error occurred. N */ N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _printf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _printf(const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to printf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of printf to improve code size. N * Returns: as printf. N */ N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int sprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int sprintf(char * __restrict , const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to fprintf, except that the argument s specifies an array N * into which the generated output is to be written, rather than to a N * stream. A null character is written at the end of the characters written; N * it is not counted as part of the returned sum. N * Returns: the number of characters written to the array, not counting the N * terminating null character. N */ N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _sprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _sprintf(char * __restrict , const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to sprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of sprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as sprintf. N */ N N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int __ARM_snprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int __ARM_snprintf(char * __restrict , size_t , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))); N N#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && 199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__) || (defined(__cplusplus) && 201103L <= __cplusplus) X#if !0L || (1L && 199901L <= 199901L) || (0L && 201103L <= __cplusplus) N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int snprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int snprintf(char * __restrict , size_t , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))); N /* N * is equivalent to fprintf, except that the argument s specifies an array N * into which the generated output is to be written, rather than to a N * stream. The argument n specifies the size of the output array, so as to N * avoid overflowing the buffer. N * A null character is written at the end of the characters written, even N * if the formatting was not completed; it is not counted as part of the N * returned sum. At most n characters of the output buffer are used, N * _including_ the null character. N * Returns: the number of characters that would have been written to the N * array, not counting the terminating null character, if the N * array had been big enough. So if the return is >=0 and <n, then N * the entire string was successfully formatted; if the return is N * >=n, the string was truncated (but there is still a null char N * at the end of what was written); if the return is <0, there was N * an error. N */ N#endif N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _snprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _snprintf(char * __restrict , size_t , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))); N /* N * is equivalent to snprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of snprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as snprintf. N */ N#pragma __scanf_args Nextern _ARMABI int fscanf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fscanf(FILE * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * reads input from the stream pointed to by stream, under control of the N * string pointed to by format that specifies the admissible input sequences N * and how thay are to be converted for assignment, using subsequent N * arguments as pointers to the objects to receive the converted input. If N * there are insufficient arguments for the format, the behaviour is N * undefined. If the format is exhausted while arguments remain, the excess N * arguments are evaluated but otherwise ignored. N * The format is composed of zero or more directives: one or more N * white-space characters; an ordinary character (not %); or a conversion N * specification. Each conversion specification is introduced by the N * character %. For a description of the available conversion specifiers N * refer to section in the ANSI draft mentioned at the start of this N * file, or to any modern textbook on C. N * If end-of-file is encountered during input, conversion is terminated. If N * end-of-file occurs before any characters matching the current directive N * have been read (other than leading white space, where permitted), N * execution of the current directive terminates with an input failure; N * otherwise, unless execution of the current directive is terminated with a N * matching failure, execution of the following directive (if any) is N * terminated with an input failure. N * If conversions terminates on a conflicting input character, the offending N * input character is left unread in the input strem. Trailing white space N * (including new-line characters) is left unread unless matched by a N * directive. The success of literal matches and suppressed asignments is N * not directly determinable other than via the %n directive. N * Returns: the value of the macro EOF if an input failure occurs before any N * conversion. Otherwise, the fscanf function returns the number of N * input items assigned, which can be fewer than provided for, or N * even zero, in the event of an early conflict between an input N * character and the format. N */ N#pragma __scanf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _fscanf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _fscanf(FILE * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to fscanf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of fscanf to improve code size. N * Returns: as fscanf. N */ N#pragma __scanf_args Nextern _ARMABI int scanf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int scanf(const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to fscanf with the argument stdin interposed before the N * arguments to scanf. N * Returns: the value of the macro EOF if an input failure occurs before any N * conversion. Otherwise, the scanf function returns the number of N * input items assigned, which can be fewer than provided for, or N * even zero, in the event of an early matching failure. N */ N#pragma __scanf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _scanf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _scanf(const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to scanf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of scanf to improve code size. N * Returns: as scanf. N */ N#pragma __scanf_args Nextern _ARMABI int sscanf(const char * __restrict /*s*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int sscanf(const char * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to fscanf except that the argument s specifies a string N * from which the input is to be obtained, rather than from a stream. N * Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to encountering end-of-file N * for the fscanf function. N * Returns: the value of the macro EOF if an input failure occurs before any N * conversion. Otherwise, the scanf function returns the number of N * input items assigned, which can be fewer than provided for, or N * even zero, in the event of an early matching failure. N */ N#pragma __scanf_args Nextern _ARMABI int _sscanf(const char * __restrict /*s*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _sscanf(const char * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to sscanf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of sscanf to improve code size. N * Returns: as sscanf. N */ N#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && 199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__) || (defined(__cplusplus) && 201103L <= __cplusplus) X#if !0L || (1L && 199901L <= 199901L) || (0L && 201103L <= __cplusplus) N/* C99 additions */ Nextern _ARMABI int vfscanf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vfscanf(FILE * __restrict , const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Nextern _ARMABI int vscanf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vscanf(const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Nextern _ARMABI int vsscanf(const char * __restrict /*s*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vsscanf(const char * __restrict , const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N#endif Nextern _ARMABI int _vfscanf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vfscanf(FILE * __restrict , const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Nextern _ARMABI int _vscanf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vscanf(const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Nextern _ARMABI int _vsscanf(const char * __restrict /*s*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vsscanf(const char * __restrict , const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Nextern _ARMABI int __ARM_vsscanf(const char * __restrict /*s*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int __ARM_vsscanf(const char * __restrict , const char * __restrict , __va_list) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N Nextern _ARMABI int vprintf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vprintf(const char * __restrict , __va_list ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to printf, with the variable argument list replaced by arg, N * which has been initialised by the va_start macro (and possibly subsequent N * va_arg calls). The vprintf function does not invoke the va_end function. N * Returns: the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an N * output error occurred. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int _vprintf(const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vprintf(const char * __restrict , __va_list ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to vprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of vprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as vprintf. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int vfprintf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vfprintf(FILE * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to fprintf, with the variable argument list replaced by N * arg, which has been initialised by the va_start macro (and possibly N * subsequent va_arg calls). The vfprintf function does not invoke the N * va_end function. N * Returns: the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an N * output error occurred. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int vsprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vsprintf(char * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to sprintf, with the variable argument list replaced by N * arg, which has been initialised by the va_start macro (and possibly N * subsequent va_arg calls). The vsprintf function does not invoke the N * va_end function. N * Returns: the number of characters written in the array, not counting the N * terminating null character. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int __ARM_vsnprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int __ARM_vsnprintf(char * __restrict , size_t , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))); N#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && 199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__) || (defined(__cplusplus) && 201103L <= __cplusplus) X#if !0L || (1L && 199901L <= 199901L) || (0L && 201103L <= __cplusplus) Nextern _ARMABI int vsnprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vsnprintf(char * __restrict , size_t , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))); N /* N * is equivalent to snprintf, with the variable argument list replaced by N * arg, which has been initialised by the va_start macro (and possibly N * subsequent va_arg calls). The vsprintf function does not invoke the N * va_end function. N * Returns: the number of characters that would have been written in the N * array, not counting the terminating null character. As N * snprintf. N */ N#endif Nextern _ARMABI int _vsprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vsprintf(char * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to vsprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of vsprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as vsprintf. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int _vfprintf(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vfprintf(FILE * __restrict , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * is equivalent to vfprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of vfprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as vfprintf. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int _vsnprintf(char * __restrict /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _vsnprintf(char * __restrict , size_t , N const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))); N /* N * is equivalent to vsnprintf, but does not support floating-point formats. N * You can use instead of vsnprintf to improve code size. N * Returns: as vsnprintf. N */ N#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) X#if !0L N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int asprintf(char ** /*strp*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int asprintf(char ** , const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Nextern _ARMABI int vasprintf(char ** /*strp*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int vasprintf(char ** , const char * __restrict , __va_list ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); N#endif N#pragma __printf_args Nextern _ARMABI int __ARM_asprintf(char ** /*strp*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int __ARM_asprintf(char ** , const char * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Nextern _ARMABI int __ARM_vasprintf(char ** /*strp*/, const char * __restrict /*format*/, __va_list /*arg*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int __ARM_vasprintf(char ** , const char * __restrict , __va_list ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); N /* N * dynamically allocates a buffer of the right size for the N * formatted string, and returns it in (*strp). Formal return value N * is the same as any other printf variant, except that it returns N * -1 if the buffer could not be allocated. N * N * (The functions with __ARM_ prefixed names are identical to the N * ones without, but are available in all compilation modes without N * violating user namespace.) N */ N Nextern _ARMABI int fgetc(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fgetc(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * obtains the next character (if present) as an unsigned char converted to N * an int, from the input stream pointed to by stream, and advances the N * associated file position indicator (if defined). N * Returns: the next character from the input stream pointed to by stream. N * If the stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator is N * set and fgetc returns EOF. If a read error occurs, the error N * indicator is set and fgetc returns EOF. N */ Nextern _ARMABI char *fgets(char * __restrict /*s*/, int /*n*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) char *fgets(char * __restrict , int , N FILE * __restrict /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,3))); N /* N * reads at most one less than the number of characters specified by n from N * the stream pointed to by stream into the array pointed to by s. No N * additional characters are read after a new-line character (which is N * retained) or after end-of-file. A null character is written immediately N * after the last character read into the array. N * Returns: s if successful. If end-of-file is encountered and no characters N * have been read into the array, the contents of the array remain N * unchanged and a null pointer is returned. If a read error occurs N * during the operation, the array contents are indeterminate and a N * null pointer is returned. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int fputc(int /*c*/, FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fputc(int , FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); N /* N * writes the character specified by c (converted to an unsigned char) to N * the output stream pointed to by stream, at the position indicated by the N * asociated file position indicator (if defined), and advances the N * indicator appropriately. If the file position indicator is not defined, N * the character is appended to the output stream. N * Returns: the character written. If a write error occurs, the error N * indicator is set and fputc returns EOF. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int fputs(const char * __restrict /*s*/, FILE * __restrict /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fputs(const char * __restrict , FILE * __restrict ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * writes the string pointed to by s to the stream pointed to by stream. N * The terminating null character is not written. N * Returns: EOF if a write error occurs; otherwise it returns a nonnegative N * value. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int getc(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int getc(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * is equivalent to fgetc except that it may be implemented as an unsafe N * macro (stream may be evaluated more than once, so the argument should N * never be an expression with side-effects). N * Returns: the next character from the input stream pointed to by stream. N * If the stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator is N * set and getc returns EOF. If a read error occurs, the error N * indicator is set and getc returns EOF. N */ N#ifdef __cplusplus S inline int getchar() { return getc(stdin); } N#else N #define getchar() getc(stdin) N extern _ARMABI int (getchar)(void); X extern __declspec(__nothrow) int (getchar)(void); N#endif N /* N * is equivalent to getc with the argument stdin. N * Returns: the next character from the input stream pointed to by stdin. N * If the stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator is N * set and getchar returns EOF. If a read error occurs, the error N * indicator is set and getchar returns EOF. N */ Nextern _ARMABI char *gets(char * /*s*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) char *gets(char * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * reads characters from the input stream pointed to by stdin into the array N * pointed to by s, until end-of-file is encountered or a new-line character N * is read. Any new-line character is discarded, and a null character is N * written immediately after the last character read into the array. N * Returns: s if successful. If end-of-file is encountered and no characters N * have been read into the array, the contents of the array remain N * unchanged and a null pointer is returned. If a read error occurs N * during the operation, the array contents are indeterminate and a N * null pointer is returned. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int putc(int /*c*/, FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int putc(int , FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); N /* N * is equivalent to fputc except that it may be implemented as aan unsafe N * macro (stream may be evaluated more than once, so the argument should N * never be an expression with side-effects). N * Returns: the character written. If a write error occurs, the error N * indicator is set and putc returns EOF. N */ N#ifdef __cplusplus S inline int putchar(int __c) { return putc(__c, stdout); } N#else N #define putchar(c) putc(c, stdout) N extern _ARMABI int (putchar)(int /*c*/); X extern __declspec(__nothrow) int (putchar)(int ); N#endif N /* N * is equivalent to putc with the second argument stdout. N * Returns: the character written. If a write error occurs, the error N * indicator is set and putc returns EOF. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int puts(const char * /*s*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int puts(const char * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * writes the string pointed to by s to the stream pointed to by stdout, and N * appends a new-line character to the output. The terminating null N * character is not written. N * Returns: EOF if a write error occurs; otherwise it returns a nonnegative N * value. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int ungetc(int /*c*/, FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int ungetc(int , FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))); N /* N * pushes the character specified by c (converted to an unsigned char) back N * onto the input stream pointed to by stream. The character will be N * returned by the next read on that stream. An intervening call to the N * fflush function or to a file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, N * rewind) discards any pushed-back characters. The extern _ARMABIal storage N * corresponding to the stream is unchanged. N * One character pushback is guaranteed. If the unget function is called too N * many times on the same stream without an intervening read or file N * positioning operation on that stream, the operation may fail. N * If the value of c equals that of the macro EOF, the operation fails and N * the input stream is unchanged. N * A successful call to the ungetc function clears the end-of-file N * indicator. The value of the file position indicator after reading or N * discarding all pushed-back characters shall be the same as it was before N * the characters were pushed back. For a text stream, the value of the file N * position indicator after a successful call to the ungetc function is N * unspecified until all pushed-back characters are read or discarded. For a N * binary stream, the file position indicator is decremented by each N * successful call to the ungetc function; if its value was zero before a N * call, it is indeterminate after the call. N * Returns: the character pushed back after conversion, or EOF if the N * operation fails. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI size_t fread(void * __restrict /*ptr*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) size_t fread(void * __restrict , N size_t /*size*/, size_t /*nmemb*/, FILE * __restrict /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,4))); N /* N * reads into the array pointed to by ptr, up to nmemb members whose size is N * specified by size, from the stream pointed to by stream. The file N * position indicator (if defined) is advanced by the number of characters N * successfully read. If an error occurs, the resulting value of the file N * position indicator is indeterminate. If a partial member is read, its N * value is indeterminate. The ferror or feof function shall be used to N * distinguish between a read error and end-of-file. N * Returns: the number of members successfully read, which may be less than N * nmemb if a read error or end-of-file is encountered. If size or N * nmemb is zero, fread returns zero and the contents of the array N * and the state of the stream remain unchanged. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI size_t __fread_bytes_avail(void * __restrict /*ptr*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) size_t __fread_bytes_avail(void * __restrict , N size_t /*count*/, FILE * __restrict /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,3))); N /* N * reads into the array pointed to by ptr, up to count characters from the N * stream pointed to by stream. The file position indicator (if defined) N * is advanced by the number of characters successfully read. If an error N * occurs, the resulting value of the file position indicator is N * indeterminate. The ferror or feof function shall be used to N * distinguish between a read error and end-of-file. The call will block N * only if no characters are available. N * Returns: the number of characters successfully read, which may be less than N * count. If count is zero, __fread_bytes_avail returns zero and N * the contents of the array and the state of the stream remain N * unchanged. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI size_t fwrite(const void * __restrict /*ptr*/, Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) size_t fwrite(const void * __restrict , N size_t /*size*/, size_t /*nmemb*/, FILE * __restrict /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,4))); N /* N * writes, from the array pointed to by ptr up to nmemb members whose size N * is specified by size, to the stream pointed to by stream. The file N * position indicator (if defined) is advanced by the number of characters N * successfully written. If an error occurs, the resulting value of the file N * position indicator is indeterminate. N * Returns: the number of members successfully written, which will be less N * than nmemb only if a write error is encountered. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI int fgetpos(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, fpos_t * __restrict /*pos*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fgetpos(FILE * __restrict , fpos_t * __restrict ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * stores the current value of the file position indicator for the stream N * pointed to by stream in the object pointed to by pos. The value stored N * contains unspecified information usable by the fsetpos function for N * repositioning the stream to its position at the time of the call to the N * fgetpos function. N * Returns: zero, if successful. Otherwise nonzero is returned and the N * integer expression errno is set to an implementation-defined N * nonzero value. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int fseek(FILE * /*stream*/, long int /*offset*/, int /*whence*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fseek(FILE * , long int , int ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by stream. N * For a binary stream, the new position is at the signed number of N * characters specified by offset away from the point specified by whence. N * The specified point is the beginning of the file for SEEK_SET, the N * current position in the file for SEEK_CUR, or end-of-file for SEEK_END. N * A binary stream need not meaningfully support fseek calls with a whence N * value of SEEK_END. N * For a text stream, either offset shall be zero, or offset shall be a N * value returned by an earlier call to the ftell function on the same N * stream and whence shall be SEEK_SET. N * The fseek function clears the end-of-file indicator and undoes any N * effects of the ungetc function on the same stream. After an fseek call, N * the next operation on an update stream may be either input or output. N * Returns: nonzero only for a request that cannot be satisfied. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int fsetpos(FILE * __restrict /*stream*/, const fpos_t * __restrict /*pos*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int fsetpos(FILE * __restrict , const fpos_t * __restrict ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))); N /* N * sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by stream N * according to the value of the object pointed to by pos, which shall be a N * value returned by an earlier call to the fgetpos function on the same N * stream. N * The fsetpos function clears the end-of-file indicator and undoes any N * effects of the ungetc function on the same stream. After an fsetpos call, N * the next operation on an update stream may be either input or output. N * Returns: zero, if successful. Otherwise nonzero is returned and the N * integer expression errno is set to an implementation-defined N * nonzero value. N */ Nextern _ARMABI long int ftell(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) long int ftell(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * obtains the current value of the file position indicator for the stream N * pointed to by stream. For a binary stream, the value is the number of N * characters from the beginning of the file. For a text stream, the file N * position indicator contains unspecified information, usable by the fseek N * function for returning the file position indicator to its position at the N * time of the ftell call; the difference between two such return values is N * not necessarily a meaningful measure of the number of characters written N * or read. N * Returns: if successful, the current value of the file position indicator. N * On failure, the ftell function returns -1L and sets the integer N * expression errno to an implementation-defined nonzero value. N */ Nextern _ARMABI void rewind(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) void rewind(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by stream to N * the beginning of the file. It is equivalent to N * (void)fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET) N * except that the error indicator for the stream is also cleared. N * Returns: no value. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI void clearerr(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) void clearerr(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * clears the end-of-file and error indicators for the stream pointed to by N * stream. These indicators are cleared only when the file is opened or by N * an explicit call to the clearerr function or to the rewind function. N * Returns: no value. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI int feof(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int feof(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * tests the end-of-file indicator for the stream pointed to by stream. N * Returns: nonzero iff the end-of-file indicator is set for stream. N */ Nextern _ARMABI int ferror(FILE * /*stream*/) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int ferror(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* N * tests the error indicator for the stream pointed to by stream. N * Returns: nonzero iff the error indicator is set for stream. N */ Nextern _ARMABI void perror(const char * /*s*/); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) void perror(const char * ); N /* N * maps the error number in the integer expression errno to an error N * message. It writes a sequence of characters to the standard error stream N * thus: first (if s is not a null pointer and the character pointed to by N * s is not the null character), the string pointed to by s followed by a N * colon and a space; then an appropriate error message string followed by N * a new-line character. The contents of the error message strings are the N * same as those returned by the strerror function with argument errno, N * which are implementation-defined. N * Returns: no value. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI int _fisatty(FILE * /*stream*/ ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) int _fisatty(FILE * ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))); N /* Returns 1 if the stream is tty (stdin), 0 otherwise. Not ANSI compliant. N */ N Nextern _ARMABI void __use_no_semihosting_swi(void); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) void __use_no_semihosting_swi(void); Nextern _ARMABI void __use_no_semihosting(void); Xextern __declspec(__nothrow) void __use_no_semihosting(void); N /* N * Referencing either of these symbols will cause a link-time N * error if any library functions that use semihosting SWI N * calls are also present in the link, i.e. you define it if N * you want to make sure you haven't accidentally used any such N * SWIs. N */ N N #ifdef __cplusplus S } /* extern "C" */ S } /* namespace std */ N #endif N #endif /* __STDIO_DECLS */ N N #if _AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL != 0 && !defined _AEABI_PORTABLE X #if _AEABI_PORTABILITY_LEVEL != 0 && !0L S #define _AEABI_PORTABLE N #endif N N #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__STDIO_NO_EXPORTS) X #if 0L && !0L S using ::std::size_t; S using ::std::fpos_t; S using ::std::FILE; S using ::std::remove; S using ::std::rename; S using ::std::tmpfile; S using ::std::tmpnam; S using ::std::fclose; S using ::std::fflush; S using ::std::fopen; S using ::std::freopen; S using ::std::setbuf; S using ::std::setvbuf; S using ::std::fprintf; S using ::std::_fprintf; S using ::std::printf; S using ::std::_printf; S using ::std::sprintf; S using ::std::_sprintf; S #if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && 199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__) || (defined(__cplusplus) && 201103L <= __cplusplus) S using ::std::snprintf; S using ::std::vsnprintf; S using ::std::vfscanf; S using ::std::vscanf; S using ::std::vsscanf; S #endif S using ::std::_snprintf; S using ::std::_vsnprintf; S#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) S using ::std::asprintf; S using ::std::vasprintf; S#endif S using ::std::__ARM_asprintf; S using ::std::__ARM_vasprintf; S using ::std::__ARM_vsnprintf; S using ::std::__ARM_snprintf; S using ::std::__ARM_vsscanf; S using ::std::fscanf; S using ::std::_fscanf; S using ::std::scanf; S using ::std::_scanf; S using ::std::sscanf; S using ::std::_sscanf; S using ::std::_vfscanf; S using ::std::_vscanf; S using ::std::_vsscanf; S using ::std::vprintf; S using ::std::_vprintf; S using ::std::vfprintf; S using ::std::_vfprintf; S using ::std::vsprintf; S using ::std::_vsprintf; S using ::std::fgetc; S using ::std::fgets; S using ::std::fputc; S using ::std::fputs; S using ::std::getc; S using ::std::getchar; S using ::std::gets; S using ::std::putc; S using ::std::putchar; S using ::std::puts; S using ::std::ungetc; S using ::std::fread; S using ::std::__fread_bytes_avail; S using ::std::fwrite; S using ::std::fgetpos; S using ::std::fseek; S using ::std::fsetpos; S using ::std::ftell; S using ::std::rewind; S using ::std::clearerr; S using ::std::feof; S using ::std::ferror; S using ::std::perror; S using ::std::_fisatty; S using ::std::__use_no_semihosting_swi; S using ::std::__use_no_semihosting; N #endif N N#endif /* ndef __stdio_h */ N N/* end of stdio.h */ N L 705 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_lib.c" 2 N N#pragma diag_suppress 111 N Nextern char *dbg_time (void); Nextern char *dbg_proc (U32 proc); N N/*--------------------------- __debug__ -------------------------------------*/ N Nvoid __debug__ (U32 proc, const char *fmt, ...) { N /* Print TCPnet Debug messages. */ N va_list args; N N switch (proc) { N#if (DBG_MEM > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_MEM: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_ETH > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_ETH: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_PPP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_PPP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SLIP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_SLIP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_ARP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_ARP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_IP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_IP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_ICMP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_ICMP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_IGMP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_IGMP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_UDP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_UDP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TCP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_TCP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_NBNS > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_NBNS: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_DHCP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_DHCP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_DNS > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_DNS: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SNMP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_SNMP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_BSD > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_BSD: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_HTTP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_HTTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_FTP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_FTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_FTPC > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_FTPC: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TNET > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_TNET: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TFTP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_TFTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TFTPC > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_TFTPC:break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SMTP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_SMTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SNTP > 1) X#if (0 > 1) S case MODULE_SNTP: break; N#endif N default: return; N } N#if (DBG_TIME) X#if (1) N printf (dbg_time()); N#endif N printf ("%s:",dbg_proc(proc)); N N va_start (args,fmt); X __va_start(args, fmt); N vprintf (fmt,args); N va_end (args); X __va_end(args); N} N N N/*--------------------------- __error__ -------------------------------------*/ N Nvoid __error__ (U32 proc, const char *fmt, ...) { N /* Print TCPnet Error messages. */ N va_list args; N N switch (proc) { N#if (DBG_MEM > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_MEM: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_ETH > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_ETH: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_PPP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_PPP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SLIP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_SLIP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_ARP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_ARP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_IP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_IP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_ICMP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_ICMP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_IGMP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_IGMP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_UDP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_UDP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TCP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_TCP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_NBNS > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_NBNS: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_DHCP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_DHCP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_DNS > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_DNS: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SNMP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_SNMP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_BSD > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_BSD: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_HTTP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_HTTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_FTP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_FTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_FTPC > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_FTPC: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TNET > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_TNET: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TFTP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_TFTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_TFTPC > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_TFTPC:break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SMTP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_SMTP: break; N#endif N#if (DBG_SNTP > 0) X#if (0 > 0) S case MODULE_SNTP: break; N#endif N default: return; N } N#if (DBG_TIME) X#if (1) N printf (dbg_time()); N#endif N printf ("%s-ERR:",dbg_proc(proc)); N N va_start (args,fmt); X __va_start(args, fmt); N vprintf (fmt,args); N va_end (args); X __va_end(args); N} N N#endif /* __NET_DEBUG__ */ N N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * end of file N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ L 140 "..\..\RL-ARM\Config\Net_Debug.c" 2 N N/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N * end of file N *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/